Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Spiderman_Gashouse (Page 8 of 14)

Bernie Bros Smashing Some Rows

What better way to kick of Super Tuesday than with a few jacked Bernie Bros slinging the kettles. Little did the poll workers know how terrifying their morning would be as theY peeked through blinds and door cracks to gaze upon a raucous PAX with twerky crunchy frogs, high slinging kettle swings and derkin-merkin-dip-switches. Sling, scribble, scan, check, fold drop. Submitted.

Warm up.

25 IC – Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies
25 IC – Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies

10 Squats IC
15 LBCs IC


Mosey around the parking lot x 2

20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Squat, Curl, Press
20 Moutain Climbers
10 Merkins

50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies
50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies

20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Squat, Curl, Press
20 Moutain Climbers
10 Merkins

50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies
50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies

Mosey around the parking lot x 2

1 minute – 2 armed Swings
1 minute – Tricep Extensions
1 minute – Goble Squats
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute – Curls

1 minute – Shoulder Press squat
1 minute – Dead Lift
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute – Tricep Extensions
1 minute – Curls

Mosey around the parking lot 1X

1 minute – Goble Squats
1 minute – 2 armed Swings
1 minute – Tricep Extensions
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute – Curls

20 Crunchy Frogs,  20 LBCs, 20 Pullovers,  20 Mountain Climbers, 20 Peter Parker’s

Timeframe’s M – Her grandpa passed.
Linus recovering from shoulder cyst.

Into the Wetlands

That’s a misnomer to be honest.  The Pax did have a wee bit of non-saturated pavement to hit some burpies and LBCs.  Realistically it should be titled, Into the Damplands, but that has a sexual undertone, and we’re keeping this PG, like .06% of the movies on Netflix.

Warm up.

25 LBCs IC
25 Flutterkicks IC
10 Squats IC
Imperial Walkers 20 IC

50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies
50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies


Instead of Moseying around the parking lot x 2, we hit High Knees for awhile.

20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Squat, Curl, Press
20 Mountain Climbers IC
10 Merkins IC
20 Mountain Climbers IC
10 Merkins IC

50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies
50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies

20 Kettlebell Swings
20 Squat, Curl, Press

1 minute – 2 armed Swings
1 minute – Tricep Extensions
1 minute – Goble Squats
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute – Curls

50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies
50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies

25 High Knees IC
20 Imperial Walkers IC

1 minute – Shoulder Press squat
1 minute – Dead Lift
1 minute – Tricep Extensions
1 minute – Curls

50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies
50 Side Straddle Hops
5 burpies

1 minute –  Squat, Curl, Press


Announcements: Convergence March 21

Prayers for Oompa & Gastone.

1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

Colossians 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

No Voodoo in This Q

I’m starting to think Voodoo is avoiding my Q’s at the Bulldog.  This marks the 3rd time he’s conveniently missed/opted out/succumbed to a scheduling/health related/oversleeping situation.  Might this be his way of convincing me to Q more? Nope.  Read below and see if there are calls for additional workout similar to this.   I think not!

Warm up.

Side Strddle Hops


5 burpies
10 Goblet Squats
15 BB sit ups

6 burpies
15 Goblet Squats
25 LBCs

7 burpies
20 Goblet Squats
35 American Hammers

8 burpies
25 Goblet Squats
50 Dying Cockroaches

9 burpies
20 Goblet Squats
65 Flutterkicks

Mosey around the parking lot

1 minute – 2 armed Swings
1 minute – Triceps Extensions
1 minute – Goblet Squats
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute – Curls

Squat/Curl/Press – 1 minute

Mosey around the parking lot

1 minute – Shoulder Press squat
1 minute – Dead Lift
1 minute – Triceps Extensions
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute –

Squat/Curl/Press – 1 minute

1 minute – 1 armed Shoulder Press squat
1 minute – Dead Lift
1 minute – Triceps Extensions
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute –

Squat/Curl/Press – 1 minute

Mosey around the parking lot

4 minutes of Mary.

Xmas Party Vote,  Go Ruck 2.0,  New Shirts available for order,  F3 dads disk golf sometime in Nov., Mayor’s Chili cooking tips,

COT: Voodoo & What’s Up 2.0

Spidey Hustle

It begins like this, a week or so out, planning & plotting & tinkering with a winkie that pushes the PAX to muscle failure, delirium and swole. Day in day out, pondering which order to put the merkins and bear crawls. Then, the night before arrives in the blink of an eye, and your left with a rough outline and past experience to pull off a glorious beatdown. And thus was the Spidey Hustle.

Side Strddle Hops 15 IC
Squats 15 IC
Moraccan Nightclubs 20 IC
Don Quixote 10 IC
Monkey Humpers 15 IC
Imperial Walkers 15 IC


Bear crawls 2 lines, reverse bear crawl 2 lines
30 sec – Goble Squats
30 sec – 2 armed Swings
30 sec – Tricep Externsions
30 sec – American Hammers
30 sec – Curls

Bear crawls 2 lines, reverse bear crawl 2 lines
30 sec – Goble Squats
30 sec – 2 armed Swings
30 sec – Tricep Externsions
30 sec – American Hammers
30 sec – Curls

Bear crawls 2 lines, reverse bear crawl 2 lines

1 minute – Shoulder Prees squat
1 minute – Dead Lift
1 minute – Tricep Externsions
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute –

Bear crawls 2 lines, reverse bear crawl 2 lines

1 minute – Shoulder Prees squat
1 minute – Dead Lift
1 minute – Tricep Externsions
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute –

Bear crawls 2 lines, reverse bear crawl 2 lines

1 minute Squat/Curl/Press

Ab work: Freddie Mercury 20 IC, Flutterkicks 20 IC, American Hammer 20 IC
Peter Parker 15 IC, Parker Peter 20 IC.

1 minute Squat/Curl/Press

Announcements: JJ 5K, Tuna Run,
COT: Watt’s Up, Lift up Clavin for 25 years of bliss.

1 minute times 5

Warm up.

Side Strddle Hops

1 minute – Goble Squats
1 minute – 2 armed Swings
1 minute – Tricep Externsions
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute – Curls


1 minute – Shoulder Prees squat
1 minute – Dead Lift
1 minute – Tricep Externsions
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute –


1 minute – Shoulder Prees squat
1 minute – Dead Lift
1 minute – Tricep Externsions
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute –


Mosey around the parking lot


1 minute – Goble Squats
1 minute – 2 armed Swings
1 minute – Tricep Externsions
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute – Curls


1 minute – Shoulder Prees squat
1 minute – Dead Lift
1 minute – Tricep Externsions
1 minute – American Hammers
1 minute –

4 minutes of Mary.


PLEDGE Should’ve been here!

Probably the Best Workout

of the morning, said someone not associated with this whatsoever.  This was pretty solid though.  See for yourself down below.


Warm up.

Moraccan Nightclubs 20 IC
Don Quixote 10 IC
Monkey Humpers 15 IC
Imperial Walkers 15 IC
Merkins 10 IC

Mosey to Teeter Lot

Bear crawls 2 lines, reverse bear crawl 2 lines and repeate until the end of the row – Hit 12 American Hammers

Bearpie broad jumps: 2 lines 2 burpies.

Repeat with 1 burpie every other line.

Pair up:
Zombie walk 2 lines, 5 booyah merkins reapeat to end of row

Wall Sits
Wall sits with shoulder press 20 IC
Wall sits with shoulder press & march
Wall site with speed bag 20 count
Wall site with reverse speed bag 20 count
Wall sits with shoulder press 20 IC

partner does Merkins, other partner runs a lap around 4 light poles > SWITCH
2 rounds

partner does flutterkicks, other partner runs a lap around 4 light poles > SWITCH
2 rounds

What, wall sits again!

Wall Sits
Wall sits with shoulder press 20 IC
Wall site with speed bag 20 count
Wall site with reverse speed bag 20 count

Mosey to the dangeous block wall in front of the bank.

Dips 15 IC
Monkey Humpers 15 IC
Dips 15 IC
Monkey Humpers 15 IC


5 minutes of Mary.


Tomorrow Morning’s Side Hustle

Warm up.
SSH 20 IC, Squats 10 IC
Merkins 10 IC, LBCs 10 IC
Mosey towards park playground
Stop at front parking lot
– LBCs 10 IC, Merkins 10 IC
– Squats 10 IC, SSH 20 IC

Stop at mid parking lot
SSH 20 IC, Squats 10 IC
Merkins 10 IC, LBCs 10 IC

5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 lbcs < Do SSH when finished.
5 pull ups, 15 merkins, 20 squats, 25 lbcs < Do SSH when finished.
5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 lbcs < Do SSH when finished.

10 count

5 pull ups, 10 werkins, 15 staggered squats, 20 Freddy Mercuries < Do SSH when finished.
5 pull ups, 15 werkins, 20 staggered squats, 25 Freddy Mercuries < Do SSH when finished.
5 pull ups, 10 werkins, 15 staggered squats, 20 Freddy Mercuries < Do SSH when finished.

10 count
Mosey around something / End up in parking lot
100 Merkins, 200 squats (5 booyah merkins when switching), 300 LBCs


If time permits: (Time did not permit)
5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 lbcs < Do SSH when finished.
5 pull ups, 15 merkins, 20 squats, 25 lbcs < Do SSH when finished.
5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 lbcs < Do SSH when finished.

(Though time did permit this)
10 moutain climbers IC
Bear Crawl to next line – hold it
10 moutain climbers IC
Bear Crawl to next line – hold it
10 moutain climbers IC
Bear Crawl to next line – hold it

The meadow is as far as you let it be

Signed, The Goat.

“From sunrise to sunset, I was in the forest, sometimes far from the house, with my goat who watched me as a mother does a child. All the animals in the forest became my friends, even dangerous and poisonous ones. Thanks to my goat-mother and my Indian nurse, I have always enjoyed the trust of animals–a precious gift. I still love animals infinitely more than human beings.”
― Diego Rivera

Warm up.
SSH 20 IC, Squats 10 IC
Merkins 10 IC, LBCs 10 IC
SSH 20 IC, Imperial Walkers 10 IC
Merkins 10 IC, Dying Cockroaches 10 IC


Mosey the long way to the small parking lo in fron of yoga studio.
Pair up.
1 burpie into 5 plank jacks & repeat while partner
lunge walks to end of parking lot, runs back – SWITCH –
3 rounds.

Mosey to big parking lot
Partner runs the big loop,
other PAX hits
20 side straddle hops, 20 LBCs, 10 Merkins, 10
3 Rounds.

5 Pull ups
20 Montain Climbers
10 Merkins
3 Rounds

Mosey around to parking lot for 4 minutes of Mary.

Convergence June 29th
Belmont core w/ Def Leppard
Tuna Run 200

Leigh Ham, Tesla’s grandmother passed & pray for her son who’s wife is battling cancer.


Into the Spider-Verse

From another dimension 4 months earlier, Spiderman was spotted leading the dedicated PAX through a Downtown beat down.  On April 3rd,  the ripple some may have felt , besides overused back muscles and popping knees, may have been a time portal expansion allowing said Spiderman to drop in for another delightful Q.  In order to swing by web, hours on end, one must have the upper body dexterity similar to a Marvel Super Hero or chemically enhance orangutan.  We went for that.

Warm up.
SSH 20 IC, Squats 10 IC
SSH 20 IC, Squats 10 IC
Merkins 10 IC, LBCs 10 IC
Merkins 10 IC, LBCs 10 IC


Mosey to ye ole harris o teeter – line up

10 moutain climbers IC
Bear Crawl to next line – hold it
10 moutain climbers IC
Bear Crawl to next line – hold it
10 moutain climbers IC
Bear Crawl to next line – hold it

Mosey around parking lot

10 Dying Cockraoches IC
Zombie walk to next line
10 Dying Cockraoches IC
Zombie walk to next line
10 Dying Cockraoches IC
Zombie walk to next line

Mosey around parking lot end at the last ending line

10 moutain climbers IC
Bear Crawl backwards to next line – hold it
10 moutain climbers IC
Bear Crawl backwards to next line – hold it
10 moutain climbers IC
Bear Crawl backwards to next line – hold it

Mosey around parking lot

LBCs 15 IC
Dying Cockraoches 15 IC
Plankjacks 15 IC

LBCs 15 IC
Dying Cockraoches 15 IC
Plankjacks 15 IC

Mosey around parking lot

Burpie Broad Jumps 5 lines  AND BACK

LBCs 15 IC
Dying Cockraoches 15 IC
Plankjacks 15 IC

Mosey around parking lot to the dipping wall

Dips 15 IC
Dips 10 IC
Dips 8 IC

Mosey to snowballs for 45 seconds of SSH

Announcements + COT

When it Rains, We Don’t Care

Am I right?

I’ve chatted enough, now let’s get to it.

WARM UP: Side Straddle Hops 20 IC, Monkey Humpers 10 IC, Mountain Climbers 10 IC , PlankJacks 10 IC,



Mosey on over to the Parking Deck to get out of the rain.

Level 1: 20 Merkins, run to ramp and bear crawl up and over to the end of the next level.
Level 2: 20 Squats, run to ramp and bear crawl up and over to the end of the next level.
Level 3 20 Dying Cockroaches, run down to the starting point.

Level 1: 15 Merkins, run to ramp and bear crawl up and over to the end of the next level.
Level 2: 15 Squats, run to ramp and bear crawl up and over to the end of the next level.
Level 3 15 Dying Cockroaches, run down to the starting point.

Level 1: 20 Merkins, run to ramp and bear crawl up and over to the end of the next level.
Level 2: 20 Squats, run to ramp and bear crawl up and over to the end of the next level.
Level 3 20 Dying Cockroaches, run down to the starting point.

5 Burpies.

Level 1: 20 Mountain Climbers, run to ramp and bear crawl up and over to the end of the next level.
Level 2: 20 Monkey Humpers, run to ramp and bear crawl up and over to the end of the next level.
Level 3 20 Michael Phelps, run down to the starting point.

Level 1: 15 Mountain Climbers, run to ramp and bear crawl up and over to the end of the next level.
Level 2: 15 Monkey Humpers, run to ramp and bear crawl up and over to the end of the next level.
Level 3 15 Michael Phelps, run down to the starting point.

Level 1: 20 Mountain Climbers, run to ramp and bear crawl up and over to the end of the next level.
Level 2: 20 Monkey Humpers, run to ramp and bear crawl up and over to the end of the next level.
Level 3 Michael Phelps, run down to the starting point.

5 Burpies.

Carolina Dry Dock 10 IC, Mountain Climbers 10, Crunchy Frog 10

Mosey back to the Pavilion

Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Sumo Squats, Freddie Mercuries, Flutterkicks, American Hammers,


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