Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sledge

I am a Beliver in Jesus Christ, I am the Husband to my M, Charmaine and we have 2 children, Jordan & Caroline. I am employed by Wells Fargo by day and at night I am a Gastonia City Councilman.

Military Happy Hour

1. Mosey down to the Schiele lake in the rain.

  1. Assort workouts for kettlebell and Calisthenics while one pax would ruck around the lake with 20 pounds of kitty litter. When pax returns we moved to other kettlebells activity and different calisthenics.
  2. Music was played.

  3. Military trivia was presented all pax’s present need to do some military homework on quotes from famous battles.

  4.  It ended by pax’s returning to Schiele parking lot waiting for the other  F3 group.

  5. All and all it was a good Happy Hour on Veterans Day.



Tap Out Workout

Tap Out Workout we started off from our A/O Diablo Sammich and headed North up Union Road. Our first stop was at the Bank where we did Shoulder Taps and toe taps. We head up to Grace  Veterinarian place where we did incline merkins, Dips and Imperial Walkers.  We head North did the pledge at the Senior facility and headed North. We made it up to Wafflehouse and headed back. Finished up with Squats.


Rucking in the Park

we hiked down the road and cut in on the old city street, headlamps were needed. We did 25 Squats. When we first entered the park we did 25 Merkin Inclines on park benches. We continued rucking stopping at the cross roads to do 25 Monkey Humpers. The hiked up hill toward the playground and went to the shelter nearby and with our packs off did 25 American Hammers, then 15 Oblique Crunches both sides and 25 Dips.  Suited up and hiked to the Concession Stand where we did 25 incline merkins. Mo-zee up and around to 4th soccer field and at the cross roads did 25 heel raises. We hiked quickly around and headed back to the A/O.

Quick Ruck


We did several exercises to begin and then Rucked going North on Union Road, stopping at a Bank and doing 25 Merkins in the Drive Thru where it was dry.  Then continued on our journey, stopping at the Grace Animal Hospital to do 25 Dips, 25 Squats and 25 incline Merkins. Then we pushed the Ruck to a quick pace up Union Road to Waffle House and returned back to the Diablo Sammich A/O to finish off with 25 Squats.





Diablo Sammich Squish Squash

I showed in the pouring down rain and rucked 1.6 miles up Union Road and turned around at Governor Square Sub-Division.  While on the hike up stopped at Banks, Grace Veterinarian, and the Gas Station doing 50 Squats, 50 Side Straddle Hops, 50 Monkey Humpers, 30 Merkins. This was a squish squash workout.

Diablo Sammich

We did the salute at the Diablo Sammich AO.  We left and head to the furthest enterance of Martha Rivers and ou Ruck went for 1 1/2 at the crossroads we did 25 Imperial Walkers, 25 Squats, 25 Heel Raises, 25 Merkins, 25 Dips and 25 Step Ups.

Diablo Sammich

We meet at 5:30 at the Diablo Samwhich AO, did the Salute to our Flag, read a short item on « Leadership ». …. Then we Rucked 1 1/2 miles doing stops at Street Lights doing  25 Merkins, 25 Squats, 25 Heal Raises & 25Imperial Walkers.  When we reach the Top of the Hill we did 25 Curls, 25 Swings, 25 LBC, 25 Oblique Crunches. We finished up doing overhead presses.

Martha Rivers Ruck Workout

We rucked 1 1/2 miles through Martha Rivers Park today stopping at crossroads and doing different exercises of 25 each Squats, SSH, Incline Merkins, Don Quixote, Imperial Walkers and Bench Dips.  The great thing about Rucking with the PAX is the camaraderie we enjoy with each other, it gives you time to mess around with the Q and the other men rucking.  It gives you time to begin new friendships with men you may otherwise not be able to interact with due to your career or your social circles or Churches you attend.  So next Thursday C’mon out and enjoy. Rudolph will be Q-ing, see y’a there.

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