Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Slaw (Page 5 of 9)

Is Midoriyama a Running AO?

No one had signed up for the Q at Midoriyama, so YHC picked it up (he is the site Q). YHC plants the flag and PAX start showing up. Pockets had previously told the Q he would be running so he could train for the SMR. As we circle up to begin, 2 more PAX (both of whom were previous Nantans) said they were running as well. All of the sudden, Midoriyama has seemed to have devolved into a running AO! Not on YHC’s watch! Whatever, you pansies. The men are going to get work done while you “run”.


The Whoopee special = 1 SSH IC. Screw it. Let’s get going!


The men (a.k.a. the ones determined to get better) head to one of the large soccer field for The Longest Mile. It consists of:

  • 10 Burpees
  • 100 Meter Run
  • 10 Big Boys
  • 100 Meter Run
  • 10 Merkins
  • 100 Meter Run
  • 10 Squats
  • 100 Meter Run

Rinse & Repeat X 4. This was performed on the sidewalk around the first large soccer field. The men were getting winded after the 2nd round but every one pushed through. Shout out to Mayor for busting his tail on this one – he was rolling. YHC discovered he posted at Folsom that morning!

Next, we headed to a small hill at the end of the large parking lot for triple nickel. 5 Tiger Squats at the bottom, Nur to top of hill, 5 SSH IC, run back down. Rinse and Repeat  X 5.

On to the small practice field for 11’s. Exercises were Hand Release Merkins and LBC’s IC. It was during this exercise that the 2 former Nantans (who were supposed to be “running”) decided to stop and become the form police. It reminded YHC of two high school JV boys harassing the varsity squad because they didn’t make the team. Hate to see it! It really didn’t matter. The men were pushing hard and didn’t have time for middle school B.S.

We then headed back toward the flag for a few minutes of Mary.

  • 15 Michael Phelps IC
  • 15 American Hammers IC
  • 15 In – and – Outs IC



  • Smoky Mountain Relay 4/29 (Contact Purple Haze if interested)
  • Jump Off Rock 1/2 Marathon 5/13
  • Men’s retreat 2/18 – 2/20 (Sargento has the Q on this one)
  • Whetstone program ramping up
  • Q School on 2/5 at 0820 @ Gashouse

Prayer Requests:

  • Gumby’s back
  • Blart’s foot
  • Montross’ foot
  • Def Leppard’s wrist
  • James Goudelock
  • Huckleberry’s dad
  • PAX and their families traveling to Biloxi for the 1/2 marathon

YHC took us out in prayer.


All jokes aside, it’s great to see the guys out in the gloom trying to get better. No matter what it is, they are getting work done. It’s great to see Wojo back out. Fresh off of maternity leave, he was ready to get back at it. After a couple of his trademark “Good work, Leppard” statements, he was right back on track! Keep pushing the rock through the winter, men. We’ll be back to 94 degree afternoons before you know it!

Thank you guys for allowing me to lead.




A Non- F3 Sanctioned Cooper

It’s getting colder and darker at Midoriyama, so YHC planned to keep the PAX close together and moving. It’s also easier to keep tabs on our more “Senior” PAX in attendance. They have a tendency to wander off from time to time. With that in mind, we began.

Warmup consisted of SSH, Don Q’s, Grass Pickers, and some stretches.


YHC gave each PAX their own piece of chalk then we went to the parking lot on the other side of the turd shack. YHC announced we would be performing the “Cooper” workout. It’s more like the Sheldon Cooper, but no big deal. It goes like this:

10 Rounds of-

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Big Boys
  • 10 Squats
  • Run a lap around the parking lot

The PAX immediately informed the Q that this wasn’t the Cooper but some other stupid B.S. that the Q had dreamed up. YHC assured them this was the Cooper. The chalk was provided for the guys to keep up with how many rounds were completed (or to write slanderous remarks about other PAX’s favorite football team). Mumblechatter was rather lively due to PAX of the year Freight offering his constructive sarcasm to some, or most, or all of the guys. The guys were also discussing whose fantasy football team sucked the most, and one PAX who insisted that this was NOT the Cooper reminded YHC a few times during the workout. This took most of our time, so we finished out with 5 minutes of Mary.


  • Convergence on 1/1/22 at Midoriyama @0700
  • Biloxi half marathon last weekend in January

Prayer Requests:

  • Broke’s Mom
  • Big Pappy and his Family
  • Purple Haze and his family
  • Sargento’s friend diagnosed with breast cancer
  • Foster children during the Christmas season

Praise Report:

Wojo is the proud dad of a baby girl! Congrats, brother!

YHC took us out in prayer.


The guys grinded the Cooper out tonight. It was a tough one, but that’s why we’re out here. YHC was corrected after the workout about the Cooper workout. Per the F3 Exicon, each round is supposed to descend by 1 rep (10,9,8….all the way down to 1). YHC stands corrected. He had found his version of the Cooper on a crossfit WOD website! Oh well. No one died, and we all got a little bit better for it!

L8R SK8Rs,




Crossroads 11/21/2021

Everyone ran different distances and different routes. Blart posted for Q source (way to go, brother). Discussion was led by YHC on Team Development.


  • Christmastown 5K on 11/27
  • Christmas party on 12/11 (sign up on Slack)
  • Thanksgiving trifecta (Folsom @0530, The Goat @0700, 5K at the Pub @0830)
  • Possible Rice and Beans event Thanksgiving week

Prayer Requests:

  • Broke’s Mom
  • Family of F3 Chicken Little
  • PAX Traveling for the Holidays (or a marathon)

YHC took us out in prayer



Convergence Part Deux

Our 1st F Q had orchestrated an awesome convergence a few weeks back. He utilized the Downtown parking deck and had the PAX partner up. He then had the PAX choose from different pre-printed workouts he had in  envelopes. After the workout was finished, Short Sale took the remaining workouts and put them in the back of his wife’s ultra-clean ForeRunner. A few of the PAX (YHC included) pillaged his ForeRunner for some future weinke ideas! Full disclosure upfront – YHC gives all credit to Short Sale for this workout. Thank you, sir!


  • SSH X 10
  • 1 Burpee
  • Don Q’s X 10
  • 2 Burpees
  • Merkins X 10
  • 3 Burpees
  • Flutter Kicks X 10 (count right leg)
  • 4 Burpees
  • Big Boys X 10
  • 5 Burpees


Mosey to the parking deck where “Convergence Part Deux” was performed. YHC called on one of the PAX to pick “A, B, orC”. “C” was picked first.

“C” workout:

  • 10 Shoulder Taps
  • 10 Plank Jacks
  • 10 Nolan Ryans
  • Mosey to next level, but Joe Hendricks up the ramps

Rinse and repeat until all floors are covered.

Mosey back down to bottom level. PAX then chose workout “B”.

“B” workout:

  • 5 Merkins
  • 10 Squats
  • 20 LBC’s
  • Mosey up two levels, then back down 1 level.
  • RInse and repeat to the top level

This was the part of the workout where Sister Act and Purple Haze were gassing the PAX with some awful flatulence. YHC should’ve named this BB “dueling buttholes”. It was pretty bad.

Anyway, mosey down to the 2nd level for workout “A”.

“A” workout:

DORA 1-2-3. Partner 1 runs to top then takes stairs back down. Partner 2 does the work.

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 Flutter Kicks (count right leg)

Back to the pavillion for a round of Deep Sea Divers, 30 Turtle Crunches (with feet on the steps of the pavillion), and 10 Burpees for the 2 trains that passed by while we were at the parking deck.

That’s all folks.



  • Stanley Massacre 10/30
  • Extinction Run 11/6
  • Blood Drive 11/10
  • Christmas Party 12/11

Prayer Requests:

  • Sister Act’s Daughter
  • James Goudelock’s Family
  • Big Pappy and his Family
  • Rockabilly and his Family
  • David and Audrey Rhinehart (their son passed away)

Later Sk8ters,



Tiger’s Going Commando

YHC picked up the Q at Midoriyama because he knew most of the regulars would be en route to the Bourbon Chase. 4 rock pushers posted on a fine afternoon at the premier afternoon AO in the region. No disclaimer needed, so we got to it.


  • 10 Seal Jacks IC
  • 1 Burpee
  • 10 Squats
  • 2 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins
  • 3 Burpees
  • 10 Don Q’s
  • 4 Burpees
  • 10 Big Boys
  • 5 Burpees


Partner up for B.O.M.B.S.

B – 50 Burpees

O – 100 Overhead Claps

M – 150 Merkins

B – 200 Big Boys

S – 250 Squats

Partner 1 does exercise, partner 2 runs across field and back. YHC had forgotten how simple but effective this routine is.

Next, we did 4 corner escalator with:

  • Corner 1 – 10 Diamond Merkins
  • Corner 2 – 10 Diamonds, 20 CDD’s
  • Corner 3 – 10 Diamonds, 20 CDD’s, 30 Flutter Kicks (count right leg)
  • Corner 4 – 10 Diamonds, 20 CDD’s, 30 Flutter KIcks, 40 SSH

After a slow fellowship mosey to the bleachers, we attempted deep sea divers. Everything started out ok until we reached the top step and Hokie almost flipped the bleachers over. We completed the divers but rather cautiously.

Mosey back to the flag for a few minutes of Mary by the PAX. YHC can’t remember which exercises were called except for Tiger. He called “Protractors”. It’s an exercise where you perform leg lifts at 15 – 45 degrees. Tiger also called for the PAX to spread their legs at the 15 and 45 degree positions. This is when Blart (who was directly across from Tiger) stated “Tiger, if you’re gonna call this exercise, maybe you should wear some underwear!”. YHC didn’t look. All he knew was to call time before things got really out of hand!



  • Extinction Run 11/6 (check Slack for pre-blast)
  • Blood Drive 11/10 (check Slack or contact Bubba Sparxx)
  • Christmas Party 12/11 (HC on Slack as well)

Prayer Requests:

  • Rockabilly (numerous family members sick)
  • Our Nation
  • Blart and his family
  • Tiger’s wife and his stepsons
  • Rudolph and T-Square as they prepare to begin new chapters in their life
  • Bedpan’s Mother and Stepfather for strength

The men pushed hard today. Thank you guys for allowing me to lead. And if you see Tiger, please make sure he’s wearing his underwear!

Later Skaters,



Trial by Fire

We are definitely in the dog days of summer. YHC picked up the Q knowing it was going to be a scorcher. The PAX kept rolling in despite the 95 degree heat. YHC was glad to see a great crowd. It usually rains when YHC has the Q at Midoriyama, but there were hardly any clouds in sight. Nantan asks “what are we doing today?”, to which YHC replied “a little bit of this, a little bit of that”. He’s saving his energy for the Hood to Coast relay. YHC doesn’t care. It’s time to push rocks!



5 Burpees

Don Q’s X 10 IC

5 Burpees – Moaning and groaning from Gashouse leadership (current AND past) begins

Grass Pickers X 10 IC

YHC dropped the last 5 Burpees due to what he had in store



Mosey to soccer field closest to dog hill and find a shady spot. Once all PAX arrived on station, YHC announced a different kind of triple nickel – The 555 Standard. More moans and groans from leadership as the Q explains. It’s 5 rounds of:

15 Burpees, 15 Squats, 15 H/R Merkins, run a lap around the soccer field.

YHC must admit that this was tougher than it looked on paper. The sun beat down relentlessly and there was no breeze blowing (unless you count Purple Haze and Blart’s flatulence). Some PAX modified as needed. Mumblechatter was prolific during the whole evolution.

Mosey back to the shady side of the turd shack for AMRAP (10 minutes worth!):

10 Merkins

15 WW1’s

20 Squats

Time’s up.


Service project items are boxed Tuna, Granola Bars, Breakfast Bars.

JJ5K on 9/25/21 (pre-blast just posted).

Combo workout with Mt. Hollywood and the Sandlot combining on Labor Day in McAdenville in the parking lot by the river (at the Castarphen bridge). 0700 start time.

Labor Day 50 miler in Dallas headed up by Roundup and Hacksaw.

Prayer Requests:

Montross’s Mother

The situation in Afghanistan

The Barnett Family

Barrel Racer

Family of Jennifer Walker

Family of Brooke Foster

Sargento mentioned the husband of one of his clients with a large mass on their kidney

Kids and teachers going back to school

YHC took the guys out in prayer.


YHC wants to thank the PAX in attendance. It was hotter than $2 pistol out there and the men pushed hard through the heat. It may be difficult for some PAX to make it to the hottest AO around, but YHC encourages you to post if you haven’t. There seems to be more mumblechatter due to the workout being in the afternoon since everyone is awake and has already had a long day at work. YHC finds it’s a great way to unwind and relieve the stress of the day.

Fair winds and following seas,



YHC was going to write this BB sooner, but the M dropped the laptop and destroyed the screen. After waiting a couple of weeks, YHC can now write it. Luckily, the workout was pretty simple (but effective) according to a few of the PAX in attendance.

W/U: Merkins, Grass Pickers, SSH (all X10 IC)

Thang: Mosey to the small soccer field for Blackjack. It’s exactly like 11’s, but on steroids. 20 Merkins on one side, 1 Big Boy at the other. 19/2, 18/3…..all the way down to 1/20. Looking back, this really sucked. The Midoriyama heat multiplies the suck factor by 10.

We then met at one corner of the field for the burpee mile(ish). YHC had planned to do this around one of the large soccer field but time was running short. 12 Burpees, run a lap around the field. Rinse and repeat 4 rounds total.

We had a few extra minutes due to bat flippers being bat flippers, so we Merkins, Squats and Big Boys at every light pole on the left back to the flag.

Time’s up.

Announcements: Snowbird Men’s retreat 9/24-9/26. JJ5K in Stanley. All other announcements a void because they’ve already passed.

Prayer requests: Turtleman, 2.0’s of a few of the PAX, our country, each other.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Until Next Time,


Back in the Saddle

It’s been awhile since YHC has taken the Q at Midoriyama (or any AO really), so YHC signed up for a hot Thursday in late May. With a great group of HIMs in attendance, we got to work.


YHC can’t remember all of it, but Abe Quixotes were called, goofballs, and some left over right and right over left stretches. Screw the patent. We did two rounds just to stick it to the man!


Mosey to large soccer field on the left for a new routine named “1st and 10”. Cones (and one tennis ball- YHC ran out of cones) were placed at 10 yard intervals from one end of the field to the other. All PAX line up on one goal line. Run to first cone (tennis ball), perform 10 hand- release Merkins, 1 Squat (supposed to be burpees, but YHC knew he’d have a mutiny on his hands if he called that). Sprint to far goal line, mosey back to 20 yard line, 9 hand-release Merkins, 2 Squats. Sprint to far goal line, mosey back to 30 yard line. 8 hand- release Merkins, 3 Squats, etc. It’s a  mixture of 11’s and suicides. Real crowd pleaser. The Nantan was suffering jet lag from his 1 1/2 hour flight, but he pushed through.

Next was another new one called “Jackass Burpee Webbs”. Seriously. Look it up. YHC led the PAX to a fence in the shade where the exercise was performed. It’s a 1:2 Burpee/ Donkey Kick ratio. Start with 1 Burpee, 2 Donkey Kicks. Take that all the way up to 10 Burpees and 20 Donkey Kicks. This had a much higher suck factor than YHC was expecting.

We then performed 4 corner escalator. While the Q was giving directions, he received the usual “what, what, what are we doing” from the former Nantan. Freight’s spewing his usual constructive sarcasm, and then Wojo started the “what are we doing” talk. It seems Def Leppard’s casual approach to the workout is spreading. For the benefit of the other PAX who were actually paying attention, we performed:

  • 1st corner – 10 Merkins
  • 2nd corner – 10 Merkins, 20 Squats
  • 3rd corner – 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 WW1’s
  • 4th corner – 10 Merkins, 20 Squats, 30 WW1’s, 40 SSH (single count)

Mosey back to the flag for 22 Perfect Form Merkins for the vets. Perfect Form Merkins consist of a hand- release Merkin with alternating shoulder tap to ensure the PAX travel completely down and up on each rep. The cadence count for this was a freaking train wreck. You had to be there.

5 minutes left for some Mary-

  • Wojo called fire hydrants
  • Gomer called french fries
  • Montross called Freddie Mercurys
  • Love Boat called air presses
  • Pockets called forward/ reverse arm circles
  • Def Leppard called Penguins (a.k.a. back scratchers)

Time’s up.


  • Band Aids, Travel Size toothpaste for Freight’s service project
  • Murph on 6/1/21 at Martha Rivers Park at 0700
  • DBC  (Douche Bag Committee) emerging on 6/1/21 at Ingle’s in Dallas at 0700. Questions? Ask Freight. It’s really the Dallas Bike Club, but YHC couldn’t resist.

Prayer requests:

  • SA and his family
  • Turtleman
  • Big Pappy and his Family
  • Montross’s Cousin

BOM: YHC took us out in prayer.


Site Q actually remembered to bring the flag this time, but forgot the Pledge! Qfail. Sorry, men! Thanks for coming out to the hottest AO in town and supporting YHC. It means more than you know. It’s great to be the object of the mumblechatter and sarcasm! It’s how YHC knows you really care!

Stay Frosty,


P200 Van #2 (a.k.a. WOOOOOOOOOO!!!)

Well, the time finally rolled around for the P200. After a year of waiting, we finally get to head south and put the running shoes on for 200+ miles of running bliss (or torture- it depends on how you look at it). YHC had rode with Montross to pick up our Mercedes Sprinter 10 passenger high top vans the day before. These vans are definitely worth the extra money, as long as they don’t leak (more on that later). YHC rolls up to the rally point (Pocket’s house) to find our driver (Big Pappy) wearing shirt, tie, slacks, dress shoes, coat with tails, and a top hat! Needless to say, he took the title of driver very seriously! Way to go, brother! After all PAX were accounted for, we loaded up and Jeeves (a.k.a. Big Pappy) took team Geritol south. We kinda dubbed van #2 team Geritol because 4 of the 6 runners are Respect age, EZ Rider is 49 and 1/2, and YHC is almost 48.

As we were rolling south, YHC told the PAX of my latest book I’m reading. It’s an autobiography of the greatest wrestler of all time, Ric Flair. YHC was glad to know he wasn’t the only PAX raised watching mid-Atlantic Championship wrestling. After the discussing had ended, we discovered we were doing the Ric Flair battle cry – WOOOOO! This would become the battle cry of van #2. Any time a PAX came into an exchange zone, he would yell WOOOOO to let the next runner know it was him. We also would yell WOOOOO out the window as we drove past our runner headed to the next EZ. Big Pappy was really into this. He loved it. We all did, but Pappy was really getting a kick out of it. In all honesty, it was a morale booster for all the PAX during the run.

We arrive at the EZ where van #1 will be passing off to us. Dr. Seuss comes in hot (literally. He was sweating. We have pictures as evidence). He passes the baton/ bracelet off to our salty Marine war horse, Oompa Loompa. Van #2 is on the course!

Oompa put his head down (the wind was a big factor during the whole race) and leads the charge with a great 3.21 mile leg.  He passes of to Purple Haze.

Haze takes off like he’d been shot out of a cannon. This is his first relay race, and he was determined to make it a good one! 3.96 miles at a sub- 8 minute pace. Baton is passed to Rip Van Winkle (a.k.a Def Leppard) who will eventually set a new PR for most hours slept during the P200.

Not to be outdone, the former Nantan pulls 6.76 miles with ease. Most guys believe he was just in hurry to get back in the van and go to sleep! Nonetheless, he passes the baton to our other 1st time relay runner, EZ Rider.

EZ Rider had that P200 first time power going. He pulls 3.53 at a 7:58 pace! WOOOOO! He passes off to Termite.

In his typical calm, cool manner, Termite laces up his Alphafly next% and cruises his first leg of 5.34 at just over 8 minute pace. He makes it look easy! He hands off to YHC.

YHC wanted to keep our van’s great pace up and pulled 8.85 at a 8:06 pace. Besides a left hamstring cramp with 100 yards to go, YHC was proud of his run. The baton is handed back over to Blart in van #1 and van 2 heads out to get some grub.

We stop at Vaselio’s Italian restaurant for food. Most guys carb up with pasta or eat light. Oompa orders a dozen buffalo wings with fries. That’s old school Marine mentality right there, folks. Oompa don’t care. YHC must remind you that our driver hasn’t broken character. He is still fully decked out in his formal driver attire. He got a few odd looks here and there, but he was a celebrity at the EZ’s. He had his picture taken, signed some autographs, and was an awesome representative for the Gashouse region. As we talked about our first legs we ran, Def Leppard looks as if he’s going to fall asleep into his baked Ziti. “I gotta get back to the van” he said. We roll out and as YHC does a head count, we are missing Purple Haze. We couldn’t find him. A couple minutes later, he comes out of the KITCHEN where he had thanked the cooking staff at Vaselio’s for a wonderful meal! That’s the kind of HIM that Haze is. We cannonball down to the EZ to get some R&R before we head out on our 2nd set of legs. It’s dark, chilly, windy and a light fog/ mist is falling.

These conditions are perfect for Oompa Loompa as van 1 passes off to us and van 2 takes over. He cranks out 3.86 miles without getting lost! The ol’ war horse is getting it done. Handoff is made to Purple Haze who told YHC he’d be smuggling grapes on this run. It must’ve worked because Haze crushed his 7.7 miler at a 8:04 pace. YHC is standing at the EZ waiting on Haze to show up. Def Leppard is getting ready (supposedly) in the van to take the baton from Haze. YHC hears the familiar WOOOOO! as Haze rolls into the exchange zone. He runs up to YHC with baton in hand and says “where the F&$% is Leppard!”. Nah, he didn’t. It did remind YHC of my first P200 when Tiny Tank stood in the EZ yelling “where the &*%$ is Slaw?!” YHC called Def Leppard to inform him that Haze was at the EZ waiting on him. Leppard claims it was due to a headlamp issue. Sure it was. Whatever the case, the old sage trots out of the van, grabs the baton  and pounds 5.3 miles of pavement with no issues at all.  Leppard passes off to EZ Rider then goes back to sleep in the van. EZ Rider stretches out, digs deep, callouses his mind and takes off on 8.75 miles of running in the dark. With our trademark WOOOOO! he pushes through the pain and rolls in the next EZ to hand off to Termite. Still calm, and stoic, Termite verifies his course, then runs 6.6 miles at a 8:02. The man makes it look easy. YHC then rolls out on a 5.95 miler straight down highway 17. YHC got a couple kills on this one. With a respectable 8:10 pace, we hand off to van #1.

We decided we needed rest over food, so Jeeves took us to the last EZ where we would begin our last set of legs for some sleep and snacks. YHC believes everyone got some rest on this one. In what seemed like only 30 minutes, Montross texted to let us know that Dr. Seuss was out on his last run. Time to wake the kids up. Purple Haze makes a last minute request to stop by CVS so he can get some Chap-Stic. It has been windy and cool (if not cold) the whole time. As we pull into CVS, Def Leppard comes out of his coma, looks around and asks “wha-wha-what are we doing at CVS?”. He also had to catch up on the progress of the other runners in our van who ran after he did. We all take restroom breaks in a heated bathroom (thank goodness) and head back to the exchange zone.

The last set of legs for van 2 were daunting to say the least (except for YHC). The sun is up, but it’s cloudy and the wind is blowing harder than ever. Oompa is pacing the sidewalk like he’s itching for a fight. He gets the baton and begins 6.53 miles of windy misery that takes him across the Isle of Palms Connector which is low bridge that ends in a pretty high bridge as you roll into the Isle of Palms. We had to wait at the other end of the bridge for Oompa. Oompa makes it to the IOP and is cramping up pretty bad. Since we were out of Midol, he had to settle for mustard packs and Gatorade. He chugged that down and swore he was going to catch the woman who passed him earlier. Haze and YHC look down the course and see no one. Maybe he’s hallucinating. As long as it keeps him motivated, we don’t care. Oompa runs his last 2 miles looking for this mystery woman. He makes the exchange to Purple Haze. Haze is off on his last leg that is 8.6 miles long. He had to backtrack Oompa’s route across the IOP connector, then 3.5 more miles inland to the EZ. YHC wouldn’t have wished this leg on his worst enemy. Haze rolls in completely spent from running against the wind. He finishes his leg by passing off to Def Leppard. Leppard gets the baton, stops, changes his Facebook status to “in a relay race”, then takes off on his final leg of 3.57 miles. He was almost hit by a car while running through a shopping center, but he stayed the course and crushed his last leg. EZ Rider says “hey, it’s a lot shorter than the 8.75 I just ran” and rolls out onto a VERY busy highway 17 for his last leg of 4.56 miles. As we wait on EZ Rider at the next EZ, Termite is stretching and tallying up how many kills he’s going to get on his last leg. EZ Rider comes in strong and passes off to Termite. Termite starts off slow to let the other runners think that they’ve gotten an easy kill by passing him. He then turns on the juice and gets a bunch of kills on his 7.1 mile trek. YHC is standing at the EZ waiting on the baton from Termite. Adrenaline starts pumping as YHC thinks about all the hard work by all his other brothers that has lead to this last leg. “Leave it all on the track. If you aren’t exhausted at the end, then you haven’t left it all on the track”. This keeps going through YHC’s mind as Termite is within sight. As YHC takes the baton, he heads out making sure he paces himself. He gets 2 kills on the way as van 2 rolls by with a victorious WOOOOO! With the finish line in sight (as well as my brothers) YHC finally pushes across the finish line with the guys (with Big Pappy still wearing his suit)! What an awesome experience! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

We stayed for the post-race festivities for a little while then headed for the hotel to finally take a hot shower. There was a lot of mumblechatter around the dinner table at the Mellow Mushroom. We woke up the next morning to cold rain and the same relentless wind. As we get into the van to head out for breakfast, Big Pappy makes a left turn and it rained inside the van! Termite was soaked. The rental company had failed to inform YHC that the roof mounted air conditioner had been damaged and the roof was leaking. They claim they had the leak fixed. Apparently not.

After breakfast, we put the van into the wind and headed home. We talked about the race all the way home. YHC also had time to reflect on van 2’s progress and achievements.

Oompa Loompa- The old Marine had his “Old man don’t give a $h1t” attitude and was as consistent as the day is long. He kept us laughing at his old sea stories (which YHC can definitely relate to).  With grit and determination, he pushed through his legs and got the job done.

Purple Haze- For a first time relay race runner, he didn’t show it. He crushed all of his legs, and was secure in his manhood to smuggle grapes on his 2nd leg. Even in the face of a very windy 8.6 miler, he was optimistic and finished strong. He was the only guy to go into the kitchen (or any kitchen) and thank the cooks. To YHC, that was awesome.

Def Leppard- The former Nantan displayed the traits of a true leader by hunkering down and running his legs hard. Even though he has been battling plantar fasciitis for 6 months, the man still posted times that were just as if he’d never took a break.  We are still trying to figure out how he was able to sleep so well in the van. New PR for Leppard.

EZ Rider- He could be a linebacker for an NFL team but he’s out in the gloom running a relay race. Another first timer to the relay race, he crushed it.  his first leg was sub-8 minute pace, night run was 8.75 miles, and he had to play Frogger on highway 17 for his last leg. When he finished, anyone could see he was proud. He should be. He performed flawlessly in his first P200.  WOOOOOO!!!

Termite- This man is sneaky fast. He loves getting those kills on the course. With all his legs around the 8 minute (and some sub-8’s), he really makes it look easy. He really does. If any of the other guys would’ve gotten hurt, he would’ve stepped in and took their miles without even thinking about it. He’s a machine that loves to run and it shows.

Big Pappy- As soon as YHC saw him in the full outfit, YHC knew we had the perfect driver for our van! He has become a legendary figure dressed as Jeeves. He never got tired and remained at the helm for the entire duration. He has a bunch of great and funny stories to tell, and YHC loved to hear them. When YHC asked him if he would want to be a driver in a future race, he said “Dang right! I’m ready to do another one!”. It’s the camaraderie that’s built during these races  that keeps us coming back for more. Thank You for driving, Big Pappy. We all had a blast!

As YHC finishes this BB, he wants to let the guys know that he had an awesome time and he’s proud that he was part of this team. Everyone accelerated during this race. Thank you guys for the great memories and we will definitely do it again!





Corpman vs. Airman Co-Q

Oompa Loompa reached out to me and asked if I would be interested in a Independence Day Co-Q at Folsom. I accepted and began to devise a Weinke. The date of 7/4/20 would be my focus because I’m not a very creative Q.  The cars/ trucks keep rolling in, and by 06:30, we had a pack of PAX at Folsom. I take the first part of the workout, and we get going.


I honestly can’t remember. I remember 5 Burpees, some Don Q’s and mountain climbers.


Mosey up towards the AG center and stopping at a couple of light poles for:

  • 7 Hand Release Merkins
  • 4 Crunchy Frogs
  • 20 SSH (SC)

Pledge was performed at the AG center. A quick trivia question was posed to Sister Act to see how well he knew his U.S. history. I asked him “where was the Declaration of Independence signed?” He attempted to phone a friend and ask the audience. After a few seconds, he confidently replied “Philadelphia”. Wrong answer. Correct answer was “at the bottom of the page”. 10 Burpee penalty to all PAX due to Sister Act not being educated in our great nation’s history.

Next, we mosey across the road to the parking lot for 7/4/20. 20 exercises, 7 reps each, a lap after each round for 4 rounds. Exercises were:

  1. Seal Jacks
  2. Imperial Walker Squats
  3. Diamond Merkins
  4. American Hammers
  5. 8 Count Bodybuilders
  6. Lunges
  7. Werkins
  8. Dying Cockroaches
  9. Mike Tysons
  10. Monkey Humpers
  11. Big Boys (a.k.a. WW1’s for Freight)
  12. Reverse Crunch
  13. Burpees
  14. Squats
  15. Flutter Kicks
  16. Oblique Crunches
  17. Merkins
  18. LBC’s
  19. CDD’s
  20. Peter Parkers

We made it through 3 rounds and we were 38 minutes into the workout. Due to time constraints, I Omaha’d the last round and handed the Q over to Oompa Loompa.

Keeping with the theme that Slaw started, mosey to intersection for 22 merkins for the vets. Mosey to next intersection 22 of something/somethings. YHC as a double respect has gotten forgetful now. Mosey to next intersection 1 burpee. Mosey to next intersection 7 squats. Mosey to next intersection 7 LBC. Mosey to next intersection 6 something/somethings.

Mosey to tennis courts. 2020-1776 = 244. Therefore 244 reps total.

Corner #1

1 burpee

30 Dying Cockroaches

30 CDD

Bearcrawl to Corner #2 Plank for the 6

1 burpee

30 Flutters

30 Squats

Mosey to Corner #3 Plank for the 6

1 burpee

30 Hammers

30 Moroccan Night Clubs

Zombie Walk to Corner #4 Plank for the 6

1 burpee

30 LBC

30 Calf Raises

Mosey back to Corner #1 Plank for the 6

Time for a little bit of Mary, flutters, lbcs, something/somethings.

Mosey to flag for Slaw’s closing words.


  • Clown Car to F3 Waynesville to celebrate their anniversary. Train departs Folsom at 0400 on 7/11/20.
  • PT test at Gashouse on 7/18/20. All other AO’s will still be open. There will be a ruck/ walk option as well. Pre-Blast is on Slack.
  • Folsom shirts are available for pre-order.

Prayer Requests:

Hovis Family, Sister Act’s daughter, Stogie’s Dad, Family of Ben Smith, Our Country and Leaders, PAX traveling, Madden going to Snowbird.


YHC took us out in prayer.


Until the next 7/4/20,

Slaw and Oompa

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