Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sister Act (Page 16 of 17)

Coupon Work

13 showed at Folsom on this fine Saturday morning ready to push the rock.  It’s 6:30, time to go to work!  No FNG, so no disclaimer really needed, most already know that I’m an idiot.

Warm-Up:  Toy Soldiers, Grass Pickers, Hillbillies



The Thang:

I always try to make sure that the PAX attending my Q get their moneys worth, so why not break out a coupon inspired workout.  Each PAX was told to grab a coupon from Slaw’s truck and head to the tennis courts.  Here we lined up facing the length of  all the courts with your block on the ground in front of you.  Realizing that we are at Folsom,  the first exercises were carefully explained in detail, hoping for minimal confusion.   We would do a Route 66 style workout with Burpee Block Jump Overs (BJO), with a twist.  First off, a Burpee BJO is when you perform a normal Burpee, then jump over the block and go straight into a second Burpee.  So we started with 11 Burpee BJO.  Then to confuse the heck out of everyone, I included 3 different exercises and a short run after each set of Burpees BJO.  It went like this;

11 Burpee BJO,   25 Hand Release Merkins,  Run 25yds and back (approximate distance of width of 2 tennis courts)

10 Burpee BJO,   25 Goblet Squat w/ Coupon,  Run 25yds and back

9 Burpee BJO,   25 Leg Lifts with Coupon extending above your chest,  Run 25yds and back

8  Burpee BJO, 25 HRM,  Run

7 Burpee BJO,  25 Goblet Squats, Run

6 Burpee BJO,   25 Leg Lifts, Run

And continue this until you did 1 Burpee BJO, 25 Goblet Squat, Run.  Mumble chatter was at a minimal this morning.  Pretty sure the presence of a couple 2.0s, saved me from some unkind words about my choice of workout.  Anyways, this one was a challenge, time to move on.


Thinking that we needed to continue with the block work , the  next group of exercises called would all involve the use of   blocks.  5 different exercises were called.  The exercises called were;  Kettle Bell Swings, Thrusters, Tricep Extension, Curls, and Chest Press.  Start with 25 reps of first exercise, and then increase the reps by 25 for each exercise there after. Also run 25yds and back after 25reps were performed.  Went like this:

25 Kettle Bell Swings w/ coupon, run 25yds and back

25 Thrusters, Run  –  25 Thrusters, Run

25 Tricep Ext, Run  –  25 Tricep Ext.  Run  –   25 Tricep Ext.,  Run

25 Curls, Run   –   25 Curls, Run  –  25 Curls, Run  –  25 Curls, Run

25 Chest Presses, Run  –  25 Chest Presses, Run  –  25 Chest Presses, Run  –  25 Chest Presses, Run  25 Chest Presses, Run

Most were able to follow instructions, but there were a few that didn’t listen and did their own thing.  With time running short, we still had several minutes to get in some work.   PAX were told to line back up on the sideline, this time holding your block.  Then PAX were told to do 2 lunge steps forward, then do a Blockee,  Another 2 lunge steps forward and a Blockee.  Continue this until we traveled the width of 1 tennis court.  Now time to go back to where we started.  Except this time increase the Blockee to 2 reps.  That would be 2 lunge steps forward, then 2 Blockees.  Continue this until the width of the 1 tennis court is traveled.

Time for one last exercise to be called.  I know this one is a favorite to a couple PAX attending today’s workout, so we might as well work it in.  PAX lined up in the plank position with about 3-4ft of space between each other.  A little Bear Crawl Slalom to close out Folsom.  First PAX is to start the Bear Crawl in and around the planking PAX. Then the next PAX to follow and continue this until each PAX had the chance to Bear Crawl the length of the line.  Time is up!


Announcements:  9/22 Stop Soldier Suicide 5/10k, 9/22  JJ5K , Burpeethon 10/6

Prayer Request


It was an honor to lead today.  Appreciate the opportunity!

Sister Act

We Ran

8 men showed to run at Crossroads this morning.  No ruckers today, all runners.  Great push by all.




Labor Day Murph at Martha’s, JJ5K in Stanley 9/22, Stop Soldier Suicide in Belmont 9/22

Prayer Request


Appreciate the opportunity to lead today.


Sister Act

BackBlast 8/23

10 PAX showed on a really nice evening at Midoriyama.  Awesome to have temperatures in the low 80s in August.  I noticed we have 1 FNG with us today, so a short disclaimer was given.


Slaughter Starter-  which is 20 Burpees OYO

The Thang:

Mosey to the hill that leads down to the fishing pier.  For those that frequent Midoriyama, you know that this is a long tough hill.   With that said, time for some Triple Nickel.  This is where you perform 5 x called exercise at top, run to bottom and complete 5 x called exercise and then run back to top.  5 repetitions (5/5/5=Triple Nickel).  We started with Jump Lunges up top with right knee and left knee going down counting as 1 rep.  We ran to bottom and did 5 Burpees, then ran back to top.  We did this 5 times to complete the Triple Nickel.  While waiting on the six to finish, someone called I think 40 LBCs OYO.

Next mosey across the street to small parking lot.  Here we got a partner to do some 11s.  With partners on opposite sides of parking lot, we started with 10 Tiger Squats.  Then meet your partner in the middle for 1 Booyah Merkin.  Partners plank facing each other.  Perform merkin in unison and on up move reach out and tap right hand of partner.  Repeat merkin and on up move reach out and slap left hand of partner to complete 1 rep.  Continue doing this until you flip the numbers and end with 1 Tiger Squat on each side and 10 Booyah Merkins in the middle.  Way to push on this one fellas, the merkins are tough at the end.

With time running short, we started our mosey back to the flag.  We would do some route 66 with Plank Jacks stopping at 11 different light poles to perform the exercises.  First pole was 11 Plank Jacks, next pole 10, next 9, continue until performing 1 Plank Jack at the last light pole.  Finised up and mosey to flag.

With the upper body feeling good from the Booyah Merkins, might as well do some more.  Here I called a little Burp & Merk.  I modified this a little and changed the merkin to Hand Release Merkins.  Start with your traditional Burpee and do Hand Release Merkin at bottom then complete.  Drop back down for a second burpee with 2 Hand Release Merkins at bottom.   I think we continued this until 9 Hand Release Merkins were completed.  Upper body was smoked at this point.   A couple ab exercises were called until time was up.  Great push men.



Prayer Request


It was an honor to lead today men.  Welcome FNG Somebody (Doug Flemming).

Sister Act

Sunday Convergence

25 HIMS and a Leg showed at Crossroads for a Run/Ruck Convergence.  An awesome group of guys came out to fellowship and to push the rock a little.  Broke was our lone rucker and absolutely killed it.   The rest of us ran , with a lot of guys putting in EC.  Great work by all today.  I really enjoy the Sunday run and both Coconut Horse and Crossroads continue to have solid numbers.  So it was really awesome to have both groups together today.  Honored to have LEG with us today.




August 18th – Convergence at The Fort for CSPAN

August 18th – 2.0 workout at Folsom

August 18t – Tubing

August 25th – BRR/Bourbon Chase Relay CSAUP @ 4am….sign up here –

August 25th – 2nd F event at Sargento’s Casa (PAX and M’s ONLY)

Sept. 22nd – Stop Solider Suicide 5k/10k Speed For Need event in Belmont….sign up here – Discount Code: HAPPY

Sept. 22nd – JJ5K at Common Grounds in Stanley…sign up here –

Oct. 6th – Special Olympics Burpee-thon – More information to come


Prayer Request:  YHC took us out


It was an honor to lead today.

Sister Act


Folsom Iron Pax Challenge

14 HIMS at Folsom this morning.  13 for bootcamp and 1 runner.  Great work Tyson.  He is battling a back injury and is slowly working his way back to form.  Good to see him out here putting in some work.  The rest of us, well, I don’t think we realized what we were about to get ourselves into.  F3Greenwood challenged all of F3Nation to compete in the F3 Iron Pax Challenge competition for the month of August.  Each Sunday a new workout is announced to be completed during the following week.  Then you enter your score each week, and after the month an F3Nation Iron Pax winner is announced.  So with today being the last day to complete the week 1 workout, it seemed fitting to offer any willing PAX the chance to compete in the challenge.  It was great to see a good crowd, and before I knew it, it was show time.


Warm-up:  Grass Pickers, Hillbillies


The Thang:

Week 1 Iron Pax Challenge:

The week one workout consisted of completing 4 rounds for time.  You would complete the 5 exercises with the assigned reps, then run 400m, this would complete round 1.  We did this 4 rounds with your score being the time taken to complete all 4 rounds.  Exercises called were:

  1.  50 Squats
  2. 40 Big Boy Sit-ups
  3. 30 Merkins
  4. 20 Bonnie Blairs (jump lunges with 1 rep consists of both R & L knees coming into contact with ground)
  5. 10 Burpees
  6. Run 400 Meters

This was a tough one.  I honestly did not think this looked too bad when it first was announced.  I could not have been more wrong.  As I write this backblast, my legs are more sore than I can ever remember.  This was a beatdown for sure.  Everyone pushed hard, and gave it their best effort.  Defib, who is a machine, lead the way and finished first.  Not sure of the order in which the remaining PAX finished, but everyone finished out together.  Awesome job, and way to push everyone to finish.  I actually prepared a weinke with a lot of options after we completed the Iron Pax Challenge.  Uh,  that wasn’t happening after this beatdown.  With everyone smoked, we fellowshipped mosey to the tennis courts.

Time was running low, but we still had plenty of time for some more work.  Next exercise called was some Route 66, suicide style.  We would run to each out of bounds line and back and perform a Sumo Squat.  Each run down we would go to the next out of bounds line and run back.  Then increase the Sumo Squat by 1 rep each time.  Start with 1 Sumo Squat and finish with 11, for a total of 66 Sumo Squats.  This completely smoked the legs, which were already shot from the Iron Pax Challenge.  Not a good call on my part.

With just a few minutes to spare.  we had time for a little Iron Hulk.  This is a exercise where you perform Merkin and Air presses with a 1:4 ratio.  1 merkin then 4 air presses, 2 merkins 8 air presses, 3 merkins 12 air presses and so on.  I think we made it up to 7 merkins when time was up.

Great job from everyone today.  This was a pretty good beatdown, that I’m still feeling several days after.  Appreciate everyone pushing themselves and each other.



August 18th – CSPAN Convergence at The Fort

August 18th – 2.0 workout at Folsom

August 18th – Tubing

August 25th – BRR/Bourbon Chase Relay CSAUP @ 4am….sign up here –

August 25th – 2nd F event at Sargento’s Casa (PAX and M’s ONLY)

Sept. 22nd – Stop Solider Suicide 5k/10k Speed For Need event in Belmont….sign up here – Discount Code: HAPPY

Sept. 22nd – JJ5K at Common Grounds in Stanley…sign up here –

Oct. 6th – Special Olympics Burpee-thon – More information to come


Prayer Request:  YHC took us out


Thank you for this opportunity to lead today.

Sister Act



The Lone Rucker

9 men showed at Crossroads this morning!  8 PAX ran 3-5 miles, and we had 1 Lone Rucker.   The Mayor was the first to show, and went to work and pushed the rock today rucking solo.  Good job sir!  Great work from the other PAX as well.  Awesome that we continue to have steady numbers at this AO and guys making time on Sunday mornings to push the rock.


Prayer Request: YHC took us out



Honor to lead today!

Sister Act

Pub Run

4 showed to put in some miles at The Pub this morning.

I guess I hang around the Folsom crew too much.  No Backblast over there results in ridicule and threats of bodily harm.    I got you on this one Defib, just don’t let it happen again, lol!





Walmart Special

9 HIMS showed to Folsom this morning looking to avoid the rain.  The chance of avoiding a potential beat down, well, that’s not going to happen if I can help it.  Getting close to start time and the PAX are still rolling in.  Here comes Sparky, so I am late or it’s definitely time to start, so let’s roll.


Warm-Up:    SSH x 10(IC)


The Thang:

Mosey towards the flag at the entrance to Folsom, along the way stopping at 4 different light poles and knocking out 5 Burpees OYO at each pole.  Got in 20 before we reached the flag.  Sort of like a mobile Slaughter Starter.  Go ahead and say the pledge, then we continue to mosey across the street to the back right corner of Walmart.

Exercise called was Walls of Jericho.  This exercise usually is performed around a large building.  Today we are using the Walmart building.  You pick 7 different exercises and complete 7 reps of each and run one lap around the building.  Exercise is complete once you finish your 7th lap.   The exercises chosen today were;  Burpees, Plank Jacks, Big Boys, Imperial Squats, Ski Merkins, CDD, and Seal Jacks.   Not a lot of mumble chatter during this exercise.  Only talk was of Sparky making an emergency pit stop into the Walmart.  He sure did take his time.  Then somewhere after the 2nd round, Allen Tate pops up out of nowhere.  Sort of like he was trying to sneak in like he had been there the whole time.  He swears he ran a 5k looking for us, but he wouldn’t provide his Fitbit for proof.  This exercise took longer than anticipated, and we were quickly running out of time.  We had to cut the last round short and start our mosey back to flag.

Still with a couple minutes left to spare, I didn’t want to waste any valuable time.  So a quick round of Burp & Merk was called.  This is when you begin a traditional burpee with a single merkin at the bottom, then complete.  Drop back down for a second burpee with two merkins, then complete.  We did this up to 7, and then worked our way back down to 1.   This was a crowd pleaser to end the workout.  Time.



Name-o-rama:    Completed rather quickly, not sure where Sparky was off “two”

Announcements:  CSAUP relay, JJ5K, Belmont 5/10k

Prayer request:  YHC took us out


It was an honor to lead today gentlemen.  Thank you for allowing me this opportunity.

Sister Act

Lead By Example

10 HIMS resisted the fartsack this morning and pushed the rock at Crossroads.  2 rucked and 8 ran today.  Awesome group of guys out here today, way to push.



Prayer – YHC took us out.



Awesome time out here this morning.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead you guys.  Some great discussions today about our roles as men.  We are to Lead By Example.  Whether it be as a coach, friend, brother, husband, or father, we should strive to be the example for someone else.   Continue to push that rock fellas.

Sister Act


Shade Please

13 HIMS showed up to a nice toasty evening at Midoriyama.   1 PAX put in some time on a  mountain bike, 2 PAX ran for 45 minutes, and the rest of us enjoyed some bootcamp time.  I always enjoy the afternoon workouts at Midoriyama, so I wanted to bring something to the table that really pushed everyone.  I just had the Q at Folsom the weekend before, so I decided to not leave the Midoriyama guys out and repeat some of that workout.  Let’s just say, this wasn’t a real crowd pleaser.  The heat of the summer in the afternoons can really intensify a workout and push you mentally and physically.  This one pushed me and it was great seeing everyone out here pushing themselves in whatever activity of their choosing.  After a little EC with Slaw, it was time to get started and to start getting everyone ready.



None needed, it’s HOT!!  Mosey to small soccer field.


The Thang:

Found an exercise  called The Cooper.  This one was a repeat from Folsom, but today we are using the small soccer field as our track.  Begin with 1 lap around perimeter of field, then 10 Burpees, 10 Imperial Squats, 10 Ski Merkins.  Run lap around field, then 9 Burpees, 9 Imperial Squats, 9 Ski Merkins.  Continue this until you finish with 1 rep of each exercise.  Oh boy did the mumble chatter( complaining) begin here.  Several PAX mentioned the lack of shade in my selection of workout location.  I didn’t feel like shade was necessary, so we continued on.  You don’t want the PAX getting soft and expecting shade at every Midoriyama workout, so on we go.  What a difference it is,  in doing this at 6:30 in the morning Saturday versus 5:30 in the evening.  This was a challenge and smoked the guys pretty good.  There were calls for Omaha, but we continued.  I did however  offer a break in stating that when the first PAX finishes, I will end the misery and move on.  WeeWee saved us, as he finished several laps ahead of the rest of us.  That dude is a beast!.

After a short break to let everyone catch their breath, on to the next exercises.  4 corner escalators called.   Mosey to First corner 10 Mountain Climbers(IC).  Mosey to corner 2, 10 MC(IC), 20 Peter Parker’s.  Mosey to corner 3, 10 MC(IC), 20 PP, 30 CDD.  Mosey to corner 4, 10 MC(IC), 20 PP, 30 CDD, 40 Sumo Squats.  Time running short, so let’s mosey towards flag.

We arrived at flag with time to spare, so let’s grab some wall at the turd shack.  I did feel a little bad, so we used the shade side of the shack.  Here we did 10 Hip Slappers (IC) & 10 Mike Tyson’s(IC), next 8 HS & 8 MT and finished with 6 HS & 6 MT.  Time


22 for the Vets



Prayer Request, YHC took us out

It was an honor, as always, to lead today.  Even with the summer heat upon us, it is great seeing steady numbers at Midoriyama.  Way to push that rock fellas.


Sister Act

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