Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sister Act (Page 11 of 17)

Folsom 9/14

13 men at Folsom on this morning!


The Thang:

Mosey to the smooth parking lot that is near the pond on the left side of the park.  Exercise called here is the Zachary Tellier workout.  This is a Hero WOD that honors Zach Tellier, who died in the service to our country.  The workout went like this.  Start out in smooth parking lot with 10 Burpees, then run down road to the  top of hill and back (about 400 meters).  Then do 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, Run.  Next is 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, Run.  Then 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, Run.  Next is 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 LBCs, Run.  Finally complete 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 Lunges, 100 LBCs, 150 Squats, and Run.  Good work on this men.

Next a short mosey to the pavilion.  Here 7 different exercises are called out: Hip Slappers, American Hammers, Rocky Balboas, Dips, Derkins, Mountain Climbers, and Smurf Jacks.   Start out doing 5 reps of each exercise, all done in cadence.  Next do the 7 exercises, 10 reps each (ic).  Finally we did all the exercises at 15 reps each (ic).  We were going to go back down the ladder with the rep count, but time was running short, so we moved on to something else.

Mosey to the tennis courts.  Time for one more exercise.  Route 66 suicides on the courts, performing Bobby Hurley’s.  Start at first line, run to next out of bounds line and back to perform 1 Bobby Hurley.  Run to the next line and back, 2 Bobby Hurley.  Continue this cycle increasing the reps by one, until you end up doing 11 Bobby Hurley’s, which totals 66 reps.  Mosey back to COT

Announcements:  Ragnar run 10/5, Convergence at The Yank on 10/19 at 7:00


Prayer Request


Appreciate the opportunity to lead today men!

Sister Act


Convergence at The Yank – PRE-BLAST

Men of F3 Gastonia,

Time for our 3rd Quarter Convergence, in October!!  Yeah I know, just a little late.  Man our region has a busy schedule.  This is a good thing though, because it means our guys are out pushing the rock getting some work done.  All other AO locations will be closed.  Make plans to be there!!

Immediately following the workout, there will be a short 3rd F session from our man Broke.  True HIM in our region, and you’ll want to hear what he has to say.


Date: 10/19/19

Time: 7:00

Location: The Yank


Look forward to seeing everyone!

Sister Act

Birthday Q

14 men at Mt Hollywood this morning.  1 FNG, so a disclaimer was given.



10 Burpees

The Thang:

Mosey to the South State Bank on S Main St.  First exercise called here is BLIMPS, which a lot of you know by now is a  favorite of mine.  Start off with 5 Burpees, then run a lap around the bank.  Next do 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, run a lap.  Then 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 Imperial Walker Squats, run a lap.  Next do 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins, run a lap.  Then 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins, 25 Peter Parkers, run a lap.  Finally, 5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins, 25 Peter Parkers, 30 Smurf Jacks, run a lap.

After a short recovery, mosey to the wall behind BB&T.  Exercise called here is 11’s, which is also a favorite of mine.  The two exercises used here for 11’s were Hip Slappers and Mike Tyson’s.  Start with 10 Hip Slappers on wall, mosey to other side of parking lot for 1 Mike Tyson.  Then back to wall for 9 Hip Slappers, and on other side 2 Mike Tyson’s.  Continue this until the numbers are flipped and you end with 1 Hip Slapper and 10 Mike Tyson’s.

Next we made our way to the short wall beside Ida Rankin Elementary.  We still had some time left for a few more exercises.  Here we did 2 rounds of 10 Dips (IC), 10 Step-Ups.  Then mosey back to flag.


9/14 – 9/11 remembrance stair climb

9/21 – Stop Soldier Suicide 5k/10k in Belmont

9/28  – JJ5K trail run in Stanley

Prayer Request



Always an honor to lead.  Turned another year older today, and grateful I got to spend the morning leading you men and pushing each other.  Awesome to have FNG-Mullet with us today!

Sister Act


“Killer B’s”

10 men showed at Midoriyama today.  No FNGs, no disclaimer.


Moroccan Nightclubs while Def Leppard slowly made his way to COT

Grass Pickers

The Thang:

Today would be one of those workouts where you can’t wait until it ends.  I knew what I wanted to do, but I wanted it to be a surprise for the lucky pax who decided to show today.  This so happens to be the first week of the 2019 Iron Pax Challenge.  A few pax in our region signed up for this and had already completed the week 1 challenge, but I hadn’t found an opportunity to complete the first challenge yet, so today would be it.  A lot of men in our region for some reason are turned off by this challenge.  With over 2000 pax participating in the event,  each man is responsible for recording their score.  Obviously I’m a pretty competitive guy, but this challenge is supposed to be more than that.  It is designed for a reason to be very difficult.  The Iron Pax Challenge is just that, a challenge, to push yourself to the limit and give it everything you got.  So after a quick warm-up, we mosey to the smaller soccer field.  I already had the field ready, with cones placed on the field.  An explanation was given on what was about to go down.  Several pax that have been battling injuries, decided it would be in their best interest to just get in a run.  This Iron Pax Challenge is called the “Killer B’s”, and yes it was awful.  The workout went as follows:

5 Rounds for Time:

*Broad jump 10 yards

*10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blaires(jump lunges), 10 Big Boys

*Broad jump 10 yards

*10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blaires, 10 Big Boys

*Broad jump 10 yards

*10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blaires, 10 Big Boys

*Bearcrawl 30 yards back to Starting Line


This was a very challenging workout.  The afternoon heat at Midoriyama in the summer sucks, then you throw this type of workout in makes it awful.  I appreciate everyone giving it everything you had.  Doesn’t matter if you had to modify the workout or not.  We all pushed each other and never stopped.  After a brief recovery, we slowly made our way back to the COT.  Finished it out with 22 Merkins for the Vets.


9/14 – 9/11 Remembrance stair climb

9/21 – Stop Soldier Suicide 5k/10k Belmont

9/28 – JJ5K trail run in Stanley

Prayer Request



Honor to lead today.  Appreciate the men of F3 Gastonia.

Sister Act

This Workout Stinks!!

13 men resisted the fartsack, and showed Downtown this morning.  Nice cool morning, no FNGs, let’s get to work.


5 Burpees for the passing train

10 Burpees for the warm-up

The Thang:

Start a mosey towards Long Ave, stopping at the bridge that crosses the railroad tracks.  Bear Crawl the length of the bridge to the other side.  Continue the mosey crossing over Long Ave and turning on Falls St, which is behind the Courthouse.  I’ve had my eye on this road for a while now.  It is a nice smooth paved road that has a fairly decent incline, with minimal traffic.  Of course, the mumble chatter quickly escalated once the pax realized my choice of location was beside a water treatment facility.  It honestly wasn’t that bad, but the complaining only intensified once the workout began. Anyway, the workout went as follows.  Starting at the bottom of the hill, sprint to the first pole on the right, then mosey back to start and do 10 Burpees.  Short recovery, then sprint to 2nd pole, mosey back to start for 10 Burpees, 15 Imperial Walker Squats.  Sprint to 3rd pole, mosey back and do 10 Burpees, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins. Sprint to 4th pole, mosey, then 10 Burpees, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins, 25 Mountain Climbers. Sprint to stop sign at the end of the street, mosey back for 10 Burpees, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins, 25 MC, and 30 Smurf Jack’s.  Good work men!!

Time to move on up the street, but not before knocking out some exercises as we go. Stopping at each pole and the end, we did:

Pole 1 – 10 Monkey Humpers (IC)

Pole 2 – 5 Burpees

Pole 3 – 15 Monkey Humpers (IC)

Pole 4 – 5 Burpees

Stop Sign – 20 Monkey Humpers ( IC)

Then we took a quick mosey around the corner to the small wall in front of the Courthouse. We performed 3 exercises here: Dips 10 (IC), Derkins 10 (IC), and Donkey Kicks 10 (IC).  Do two rounds.

Then start our mosey back to the flag.  Still some time left for some Deep Sea Divers at the pavilion. Start on step 1, and do 5 Hip Slappers (IC). Hold plank,  then move up a step and do 10 Hip Slappers (IC).  Go up another step and do 15 Hip Slappers (IC). Drop back down a step and do 10 Hip Slappers (IC), and finally drop back down and do 5 Hip Slappers (IC)

Circle up at COT . But first we had a little work left to do .  Next excercise is called the Worst Merkin Ever.  Called in cadence. Perform Werkin on 1 count, Merkin on 2 count, and Diamond Merkin on 3 count.  This equals 1 rep.  I called 10 of these, and yes these sucked!!   TIME!


Labor Day Murph at Martha Rivers 7:00

9/21 Stop Soldier Suicide in Belmont

9/28 JJ5K in Stanley

Prayer Request


Honor to lead today men.  Good work, even in the smelly conditions.

Sister Act

Mt. Hollywood 8/19

7 men put in some work at Mt Hollywood.  No FNGs, no disclaimer, time to go.


10 Burpees

The Thang:

Short mosey  to the corner of Hawthorne and W Central Ave at the front of Ida Rankin Elementary School.  First exercise called is Route 66.  We would use the light poles on the right going down W Central Ave.  Start with 1 Imperial Walker Squat at first pole.  Sprint 2 poles, then nur back 1 pole.  Then do 2 IW Squats, sprint 2 poles, nur back 1.  Continue this cycle of increasing the reps until you finish with 11 IW Squats at the last pole.

Next mosey to the bus drop-off area at Ida Rankin.  Next exercise called is 4 Corner Escalator. We would do this as a group.  Mosey to first corner for 5 Burpees.  Mosey to 2nd corner for 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins.  Go to 3rd corner for 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Mountain Climbers.  Mosey to 4th corner for 5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 MC, 20 Jump Squats.   Good push men, but let’s finish this out . Now time to go back down the escalator.  Start at the corner we are currently at and do 20 Jump Squats, 15 MC, 10 Merkins, 5 Burpees.  Go to next corner for 15 MC, 10 Merkins, 5 Burpees.  Next corner 10 Merkins, 5 Burpees.  Finish at last corner with 5 Burpees.  Good work men.

Next fellowship mosey to the covered area at the school.  Next exercise is called Jacked Up!  Here you do 5 exercises with no rest between the  exercises.  The exercises are 50 SSH (ic), 40 Seal Jacks (ic), 30 Plank Jacks (ic), 20 Crossover Jack’s (ic), 10 Smurf Jack’s (ic).  Nice work, that wasn’t fun!!

Still with a little time left,  short mosey to the small wall beside the school.  Next exercise called here is Lindsey’s.  Dips and Derkins are the exercises used here.  Start with 30 Dips and 10 Derkins.  Then 25 Dips and 15 Derkins.  20 Dips and 20 Derkins. 15 Dipa and 25 Derkins. Finally 10 Dips and 30 Derkins.  Man those Derkins sucked at the end, Terrible!!  Mosey back to the flag


9/14 – 9/11 Stair Climb

9/21 – Stop Soldier Suicide 5k Belmont

9/28 – JJ5K in Stanley

Prayer Request

Honor to lead today men . Thank you for the push!

Sister Act


Midoriyama 8/6 – It Sucked!!

12 men showed fought the heat and posted at Midoriyama this afternoon.  No FNGs, really no disclaimer since everyone knows I’m an idiot so let’s start.


5 Burpees

The Thang:

Very short mosey to the horse shoe pit area.  Not going far today, this is where the misery would take place.  Oompa Loompa did something similar last year that involved exercises and laps around the horseshoe pit area.  It was terrible, so I figured I would bring it back but modify it a little and add more exercises.  Basically we start out with 5 exercises.  We did 10 reps each of Burpees, Hip Slappers, Imperial Squats, Peter Parkers, and Hand Release Merkins.  Then you run a lap around the horseshoe pits.  Then repeat the 5 exercises with 10 reps each, and run a lap.  Do this as many times as you can in 12 minutes.  After 12 minutes has passed, move on to the next group of 5 exercises.  Then do 20 reps each of Jump Lunges, Dips, Plank Jacks, Mike Tysons and Tuck Jumps, then run a lap.  Repeat this and do as many times as possible in 12 minutes.  Once 12 minutes has passed on this second set of exercises, we moved on to the third and final set of exercises.  We did 30 reps  each of Mountain Climbers, Sumo Squats, Merkins, Flutter Kicks, and CDD, then run a lap around horseshoe pits.  Continue this as many times as possible for another 12 minutes.

We still had some time, so we took a very short fellowship mosey to the COT for some additional exercises. Everyone circled  up for a quick round of Iron Hulk.  This is where you start with 4 Air Presses to 1 Merkin.  We went up to 20 Air Presses and 5 Merkins, then went back down the ladder and finished with 4 Air Presses to 1 Merkins.

Still a little time to squeeze in some AB work.  Dying Cockroaches 15(ic), and American Hammers 15(ic).  Finish the workout with 5 Burpees.  Time!!!

Props to all the men on this one.  This was way harder than I anticipated.  It was extremely hot today, and this proved to be challenge for everyone.  I appreciate everyone working through the complaining and pushing as hard as you can.  This one kicked my butt for sure.


8/17 – Rankin Lake remembrance walk/run for Pizza Man’s niece

8/24 – 2.0 workout at The Yank

9/14 – 9/11 stairclimb

9/21 – Stop Soldier Suicide in Belmont

9/28 – JJ5K trail run in Stanley

Prayer Request



Honor to lead you men today.  Appreciate the push today!!

Sister Act

7 of Diamonds

7 men showed to put in some work at Mt. Hollywood this morning.  No FNGs,  everyone knows the deal, it’s time!


10 Burpees

The Thang:

After the warm-up Burpees, we took a mosey to the downtown area at corner of W Catawba Ave and S Main St.  First exercise called here is the 7 of Diamonds.  This exercise is performed on a large diamond (i.e. a square).  I chose an area downtown, that should get us a good bit of running in.  For the first round, do 7 reps of an exercise at each of the 4 corners with a mosey in between corners.  Each round, you increase by 7 reps with a different exercise each round, for a total of 4 rounds.  Then you decrease the reps by 7 for each of the last 3 rounds with different exercises.  It was to go as follows:

Round 1 – 7 Burpees at each corner

Round 2 – 14 Jump Lunges at each corner

Round 3 – 21 Merkins at each corner

Round 4 – 28 Mountain Climbers at each corner

Round 5 – 21 Flutter Kicks at each corner

Round 6 – 14 Imperial Walker Squats at each corner

Round 7 – 7 Burpees at each corner

This really sounded like a good idea, but I misjudged the Diamond that we used.  This would work better by choosing a diamond that isn’t that large.  Had to call an Omaha after the 4th round, because we were running out of time quickly.  It wasn’t a complete fail, as we put in a lot of reps, and kept moving racking up some miles.

With time short, we still had time for a couple stops.  First we took a short mosey to the wall behind BB&T bank.  Here I called on 3 exercises: Hip Slappers, Donkey Kicks, and Mike Tyson’s.  We did 10 reps of each for a total of 3 rounds.

Next we started our mosey back towards the flag, but I chose the route that takes us to the small wall beside Ida Rankin Elementary School.  Here 3 more exercises are called: Dips, Derkins, and Step Ups.  We did 10 reps of each for 2 rounds. Mosey back to flag. Time

Annoucements:    8/3 Cookout, 8/17 Rankin Lake Run/Walk for Pizza Man niece, 9/14 911 Stair Climb, 9/21 Stop Soldier Suicide in Belmont, 9/28 JJ5K Trail run Common Ground in Stanley

Prayer Request



Appreciate the push today men.  We kept things moving today, and got in over 3 miles at a bootcamp.  Good work!! As always, it is an honor to lead you men today.  SYITG

Sister Act

15 pax showed to push the rock  at The Storm this morning.  No FNGs, so let’s get to work!


10 Burpees

The Thang:

Short mosey to the roundabout that is just in front of the school.  This would be where the fun would start.  Yesterday evening, Breaker Breaker put out the need for Qs in the month of July.   The pax responded and filled up the remaining spots, except for today.   I initially thought I would take it, but hesitated hoping that someone else would step in and take this Q.  I had planned to post at The Storm today anyway, so I really didn’t have an excuse to not take it.  I mention to the pax about stepping up and helping the site Qs, so time to lead by example.  I didn’t have a clue as to what to do today, so I started going through some of my past Qs  to get some ideas.  The Iron Pax Challenge is one of the first ones that I got to.  This was introduced last year by F3 Greenwood, and is a favorite of mine.  This is a challenging workout that will push you. Time to introduce it to the Storm.  At the roundabout you complete 5 exercises.  50 Squats, 40 LBCs, 30 Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges (count right leg), 10 Burpees.  Then run up the hill to the roundabout at the main road, and back down to the start.  This is done for 4 rounds.   This is definitely a challenge, and climb up the hill added to the misery. Everyone pushed hard.   Good work men!

After a short recovery, fellowship mosey to the front of the school.  Here 4 exercises are called.

Hip Slappers 10 (IC)

Dips 10 (IC)

Step-Ups 10 (IC)

Derkins 10 (IC)

We did 3 rounds of the 4 exercises.  Time running short, fellowship mosey to the flag.  Here YHC called 22 Merkins for the vets.  Time!!



7/20 2.0 workout at Folsom, 7/20 Tubing,

Prayer Request



Appreciate the chance to lead today.  I encourage everyone to Q a workout.  Here I was looking for a reason not to, and it was the push I needed today.  Thankful for all the men of F3 Gastonia.  Keep pushing!!


Sister Act

Another Folsom Block Party

15 men resisted the fartsack this morning and put in some work at Folsom.  1 FNG present, so a short disclaimer was given.  Everyone was told to grab a block and circle up, time to start.


10 Blockees

The Thang:

If you have made it to one of my Qs before at Folsom, it isn’t a secret that I enjoy using the tennis courts for the majority of the workout.  It has lots of room, smooth surface,  and painted lines which work well with a variety of workouts.  Unfortunately, the courts are under maintenance and the courts are locked.  This wouldn’t fare well with the pax here today.  This meant that my workout would still stay the same, but would just have to relocate to another area.  The area chosen is one that isn’t uses a lot, and takes a short mosey to reach.  So after the quick warm-up, pax are told to grab their block and follow me.  It wasn’t a very far mosey, but when you add the block, even the shortest of mosey sucks.  We made our way to the pond area, which is over to the very far left of Folsom.  There is a walking track that goes around the pond and some picnic shelters.  After much complaining, the pax finally arrive at the pond area.   Here is where the first exercise is called.  5 exercises are called:

10 Thrusters

15 Tri-cep Ext

20 Incline Merkin on Block

25 Curls

30  Chest Press

You are to complete the 5 exercises and then run a lap around the pond.  Do this for 5 rounds.  This was a challenge and  I appreciate everyone pushing on this.  My upper-body was toast after this.

Next we took a short fellowship mosey to the large parking lot near the ball fields at the back left of Folsom.  Here we would do some 4 Corner Escalator.  There wasn’t a lot of positive mumble chatter.  At the first corner, we would do 10 Blockees.  Walk to the 2nd corner for 10 Blockees, 20 Decline Merkins.  Go to 3rd corner for 10 Blockees, 20 Decline Merkins, 30 Leg Raises with holding blocks extended from chest.  Then the last corner we did 10 Blockees, 20 Decline Merkins, 30 Leg Raises, 40 Squats w/ block.  Time running short, we make our way back to the flag with our blocks.


7/20 is 2.0 workout at Folsom, 7/20 tubing trip, 7/21 Tronmoss Legacy 5k

Prayer Request


Welcome FNG Gump.


It was an honor to lead today men.  Appreciate the push today.


Sister Act

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