Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Short Sale (Page 2 of 20)

Got a little Weird in Austin this weekend…Sargento’s hands kept touching my meat

This past weekend, seven of the local Gastonia F3 Region rendezvoused in Austin, Texas to explore the capital city and see the local flair that “Keeps Austin Weird.” I’d also mention the primary event was to participate in the 31st running of the Austin Marathon which attracts an elite field, except we were not in that category, well, maybe Quiche is elite, but you already knew that. Really, this just happened to be the Texas stamp for Sargento’s version of Forest Gump where his personal goal is to run a relay, half or full marathon (a “thon” as we runners call them) in every US State. True to the Big Cheese’s EH’ing prowess, he often prefers the company of others to join him in these pursuits as some of you have joined the fun. This event was not a typical “sausage party” (more on that in a minute), as M’s came along for support, shopping, music, eating and drinking (Jen: “drink!, drink!, drink!). A last minute work fiasco had my M cancel on me, so I became Oompa Loompas +1 (or he became mine) and in a Weird town like Austin, we fit right in without much of a quizzical look. But not to worry, we all had separate rooms so you can leave the jokes in the lobby.

So, what’d we do? Most of the group partook in some epic Texas Brisket and BBQ Friday afternoon. I say most because I left Charlotte on a later afternoon flight. I did join just in time for happy hour Friday followed by music at the World-Famous Continental Club. Since I was the late arrival and missed the BBQ, I requested food and we hit the Whataburger for a late night “snack.” This venue also provided some entertainment, and a little concern. The poor homeless guy coming off a meth binge ran into the place attempting to grab the door-dash bag. It appears this is a regular occurrence for the Whataburger team that were on this quick and ran him out. Oh, but he decided to detox in the parking lot instead, looking like a one-act air-traffic ground controller with arms motioning for some invisible goblin to get in his mind through a small opening – to say crazy is being kind, but he did appear to be on meth, so there’s that. We safely exited the opposite side of the joint headed back to the Embassy Suites hotel where our flamboyant hotel greeter welcomed us a bit to eagerly (all weekend long) hey, but he loves his job. We then settled back at the bar for a night cap back at the hotel.

Saturday morning, we thought about finding a local F3 workout so we could grab at least 1 fricking point for the weekend since the race does not meet the “standard” of a Pushing Rocks Challenge (we see all you Dam 2 Dammers…); but we opted for the smart sack and a late breakfast (no liver mush on the menu – Broke was hot!). The cold front came in overnight pushing the temperatures into the 30’s and 40’s for the day which made for some brisk walks in downtown and Congress Streets where the bougie people (Quiche included) shop. In the heart of Texas and this shopping district are a number of authentic western stores. Broke’s eyes lit up like his Grandson during the 25 days of Christmas. Alas no boots were purchased, but the rest of us didn’t mind hiding inside for a little warmth between stores. Lunch was at Gueros Taco Bar, self-described at the best in Austin, and the crew agreed. More music at the Continental Club for some and naps for me and Oompa (separately of course!). Free drinks at the hotel happy hour and we migrated to a nearby Aussie sports bar for the last meal of protein and carbs. No night caps this evening.

Sunday morning: the Q declared we would meet at 0630 in the hotel lobby for the half mile walk to the start. Only the Q was late (really, are we surprised?). Finally, the Q arrived, and we moseyed into the gloom chilled to about 30 degrees. We arrived and found a corral for us to huddle and await the festivities. Between buildings and around people, the cold was temporarily held in check. Quiche had a sock on his head but when you are elite, you get away with that look. Broke had a red temporary sweatshirt (Broke – secret love for the Wolfpack, maybe?). Defib was the only brave one in shorts. Oompa went with neon, which he could have been confused with a highway hole digger, but he could be seen. Sarge opted only for one layer while JJ and I looked like we were headed to an arctic expedition. Finally, the gun sounded and among 17,000 entrants for the full, half and 5k, we slow moseyed through the start to officially start the race. 6 lanes wide and a gentle uphill grade for the next 3 miles would be our foray to this event. Mercifully there were two right turns and the parallel block descended downhill for almost 3 miles. Banking left, we then went to the western portion of the city near Steven F Austin High School which looked like a small college campus (everything is big in TX). The course was reasonable here for a few miles until completing 9 and we were smacked in the face by the beginning of Enfield Road which had a severe hill to welcome us to the home stretch, or so we thought. Mile 11 gave us about a 100-foot drop, nice, this is the way to end it but oh no, the Soul Crusher (Freight’s term of endearment) was waiting as we joined 15th Street and this beauty that covered a portion of the 12th mile. Even our top guys commented how bad of a location that elevation was in the race. Oompa and I just complained. JJ had the best attitude about it saying – “well, this is why I run the halfpipe every Tuesday.” Well stated sir. Eventually, we all made it across the finish line, some sooner than others, but everyone had accomplished a personal goal despite no PRs (that I’m aware).

Tired of this yet? Yeah, well suck it – reading this backblast is akin to my trek up the hills on mile 10 and 12. I felt like an 80 year old man on a broken tricycle.  We’re almost there…hold on. Post race celebration was a beer, Titos, and/or water, to the individual taste, followed by the breakfast at the hotel. The best warm shower followed and we suited up for lunch at an excellent place Quiche’s friend recommended called Bangers Sausage House and Beer Garden.  It had live music, outdoor seating, great scenery, a range of food and plenty of beer or mimosas. In addition to the locals many of the race participants gathered there as well. The food was fantastic, even though not everyone decided to get a sausage. So YHC, with a half rack of ribs, I became a popular fella, so much that Sargento kept picking off my meat. His M even became troubled by how much Sarge was grabbing my meat. I was in a sharing mode and scrapped off a tender rib for his own enjoyment.  (I know, not really matching the twitter headline you were thinking…). The Quiches and JJs headed back to the hotel for their Sunday flights. Oompa followed for a nap. The remainder sought more alcohol because Defib’s M declared “drink, drink, drink!” We acted like we were customers at the Fairmont hotel so we could take our respective leaks (at $700/night, that’s an expensive piss). After a donut food truck, we hit a bar or two before we went on a walking tour of eastern Texas to find the dinner reservation in the Houston suburbs. Sargento, our dutiful leader was sure of his GPS directions that every time Broke’s M (who was a trooper in a walking boot) asked “how much longer?” Like the good dad he replied: “Shut up and pee in the pickle jar!” Ok, not really, but I think everyone had the over on their steps that Sunday – but Onward we marched into a sketchy back alley. We witnessed small animal lots enclosed with thin wire containing live chickens, roosters, pigs, and goats, no wonder the Tex Mex in Austin is so fresh! Broke shared he really missed not packing his gun as we inched closer to either death or food. Finally, after our leader realized his GPS took us to the service entrance of LICHA’s, we circled to the front gate and took cover at picnic table in the front yard of this woman’s house. LICHAs Cantina is supposed to be the best but when Oompa began promoting the fried tongue, my appetite waned. Fortunately to make up for his navigation gaffe, Sargento began ordering pitchers of margaritas and the buzz quelled any fears of this being our final meal, not just in Austin but forever. Mercifully we Ubered back to the hotel.

One of the perks of staying at the hotel was the constant sale of a Hilton Rewards Program. Between them and the dancing inn keeper that warmly greeted us as we entered and exited, Hilton was certainly pushing their properties. So Sargento felt bad and booked a room in Las Vegas in 2025. It just so happens there is a half “thon” that same weekend. Anyone want to go? Probably won’t meet “the Standard” to get a point for it but hey it’s you vs you so gamble and run (not in that order).


  • Quiche – 1:32:55 (#2 North Carolina finisher, #229 out of 9140 (top 2.5%)
  • Defib – 1:44:25 (#4 North Carolinian)
  • Sargento – 1:47:55 (#5 NC)
  • Broke – 1:48:50 (#6 NC)
  • JJ – 1:49:01 (#7 NC)
  • Short Sale – 1:58:42
  • Oompa Loompa – 2:45:49

Delegation at the Coconut Horse

Wayback on February 11th, I had the honor to Q the Coconut Horse. We had runners and ruckers getting some miles in for an unseasonably warm winter morning. Following the COT, we went inside for Q-Source which is in the “freestyle” period. As the Q I selected a topic that I struggle with at work which is Delegation. I have a team of 11 people that work directly for me that I can best describe to those outside my place of work that we are a triage unit for problem appraisals at the bank. When we have a unique property that doesn’t easily fit into the guidelines or our policy doesn’t quite cover it, out team searches for a solution. Additionally, when someone doesn’t like their appraisal (i.e. their value), we dig into it. While everyone has their responsibilities, I as the manager have to delegate various projects, tasks or strategy.

In case you’re interested, I’ll give a brief summary, otherwise, feel free to close this out of your browser.

Delegation in leadership not only helps get things done, but it also empowers employees by giving them greater autonomy. No leader can do all things at all times, and delegation is a key tool for boosting team and organizational performance and efficiency.

Key methods why you would delegate:

  • Frees up time – manager focuses on the strategy (in F3 lingo – the “Next 43 feet”)
  • Encourages Prioritization of Tasks
  • Empowers Employees
  • Supports New Skill Development

One method to consider in better prioritization (and time management) is to divide tasks into 4 quadrants:

  • Quadrant I (Urgent and Important): You feel you are constantly putting out fires and operating in emergency mode. Most of the projects you are working on demand your immediate attention due to a pressing deadline.
  • Quadrant II (Not Urgent and Important): You feel like you are on top of things because of careful planning, preparation and prevention. Apart from planning and preparation, you focus your time on high-leverage projects, new opportunities, learning and relationship building.
  • Quadrant III (Urgent and Not Important): Most of your time is spent with activities that require your immediate attention but are not necessarily related to your top priorities. You spend a lot of time in un-important meetings, being interrupted and dealing with non-critical phone calls and emails. You feel as if you are constantly dealing with issues that are important to others but not related to your own priorities.
  • Quadrant IV (Not Urgent and Not Important): You often feel like you are wasting your time. You spend a lot of time on busy work that is not directly related to your goals, social media, videos, games and pointless web surfing.

According to surveys – the best leaders spend 80% of their time in Quadrant II – Not Urgent but Important.

As always, we had a lively discussion with sharing of information among our group.

I was told, this AO ends promptly at 0615

My VQ at the Pub coming years after this AO was created has a very good reason which proved correct Thursday morning. No, not because a poor deer was shot out of its misery as we moseyed (yes, that was true). Unlike Sunday mornings where the 0630 start ends “loosely” at 0715 with a 15 or so minute buffer for COT to be completed ahead of QSource. No, these running AO’s have a time constraint because I learned a few years ago when my turtle-like pace prompted Sister Act to announce: “Short Sale, we end promptly at 0615,” tapping his watch for emphasis, then continuing: “some of us have to get to work!” So, there was always some trepidation to Q the running workout. I don’t claim to be a runner, though I’m committed to participate in the Austin Half next weekend. Since committing to more running the past few months, I’d secretly hoped the by-product was I’d get a little faster, maybe even a sub-9 pace? But even with running more miles in a week than Flintstone on a Sunday afternoon, my legs have become heavy, and I feel like an elephant migrating in the jungle. Oh, well, F-That!

0530 – a large circle assembles to hear the route: “Run to Martha’s and back!!” I sped out of the gate, “Quiching” the PAX in my dust. Defib complains (was it a complaint? maybe it was a statement of fact – see Sunday Q-Source led by Stroganoff), Defib “states” I just ran from my house and will now run by it twice more only to return after the PUB. And? Just like when these clowns thump their chest on how hard their EC was before a Saturday bootcamp – “#1) Who asked you to perform EC? and #2 do you think the Q gives a shit?” 5 miles is 5 miles, doesn’t matter if it’s via a treadmill or if you run up and down your street 500 times. Soooo, back to the workout – I’m not a fan of out and backs, they seem pointless, and loops are more scenic. But if you can’t Q-it, don’t do it – so I knew Sister Act would be on me about a prompt finish at 0615, or so I thought. The route was designed for that purpose (and in case we saw a lame deer in the road get shot – bonus). I led the PAX for maybe 0.2 of a mile but the PAX began speeding by me. I even tried the blocking scheme on Sargento to no avail. Soon I had been quickly replaced by the entire population of PAX to last place.  “Don’t worry guys, Q has the 6!” Here is another thing I learned about being the slow poke Q of a running workout – it’s all about the ego – Everyone has to run as fast as they can. What if some 300 lb FNG shows up? I guess “sucks for them.”

Oh, well – F-That! Once I got 22 minutes and two miles down the route, I 180-ed and went back the other direction whence we came. I took a quick lap in a patio home community and then circled the long way back to the Pub via Duke Street to kill some time (still ended up at 4.5 miles). Waterboy and Slaw sped into the parking lot. Defib was close behind, disciplined to avoid breaking off the route and into his neighborhood (Discipline = Freedom). The others trotted in and then we waited. 0615 had arrived and still 2 PAX yet to join the circle. 0615.30 and still waiting. 0616 – Stroganoff tells me he has “the opportunity to attend work” (not a complaint!) and he must leave early to embrace the opportunity. 0617 – Defib also informs me he must leave to run back home (again, I think that was a statement, not a complaint, but he did not use the affectionate words of Stroganoff who is reading the book on not complaining). Ah, here we have our straggling PAX at 0618. I tap my watch to emphasize the time – “Hey Sister Act, I was told we end this AO promptly at 0615.” (Roscoe was his sidekick btw). SA shoots me a douchey look of disgust. I guess on his new work schedule his nap doesn’t begin until 10 am now, so he has time to lollygag on his pace and avoid another injury.

Prayers – we said ’em

Announcements – you know ’em

Newest AO – F-That!

Day 1 of the Pushing Rocks’ Challenge I intended to post at the Pub but my M said she already had plans with her workout group. Well, what to do? Party of 1 at the newest AO that no one knew about. We’ve had defections in our region. F4, the Rhyne Alliance so now it’s just in time for the Pushing Rocks Challenge: F-THAT!

As it says in our guide manual DRED says we are “Freed to Lead” and with that as of 6:00 am this morning I executed that very plan to perfection. My alarm rang and I did what any Fartacker would do, I contemplated hitting snooze. Which I executed in one singular arm-swipe – oh Hell yeah, it’s on MFer. I snoozed for a good 9 minutes until the bell sounded once again. This time it’s REAL my friend. I sprang out of bed, went to piss and promptly returned to the fartsack for another Snooze period. At 6:18, I realized I was not going back to sleep (dammit) so I begrudgingly put on 8 layers of clothes so I could handle the shock of 29 degrees and walked outside to the launch point of the newest AO: Short Sales Driveway. I quietly wonder, ‘Where is Everyone? Don’t the other PAX know this AO begins promptly at 6:30 am sharp?” Huh, guess it’s a solo start – F-That!

So I moseyed 4 miles around my neighborhood (check Strava if you want to validate). It mostly sucked because my legs are tired from this half ‘thon training Sargento is forcing me to run. But fortunately for the Q, the mumble chatter was damn near silent.

After 39 minutes, I crossed the finish line and called it a day. At most running AO’s like the Pub, this is the time when bat flippers  like SA and Seuss bemoan the slow-pokes with expressions like “it’s 6:42, don’t this jack-legs know I need to get to work?” or so I hear…but not today, it was eerily quiet as I waited on the 6 to arrive – oh yeah, that was me. TIME!

COT: Prayers for my family, Turtleman, and batflippers. Announcements – Pushing Rock’s Challenge begins today, Folsom Winter Nationals on 2/10, and the Krispy Kreme Challenge in Raleigh – Sargento, JJ, and Short Sale are making the trek for this epic CSAUP, see Sarge for details.

Just like FRC and the Half-pipe got approved for the PRC, I’m excited to see F-That build roots as one of the newest AO’s in our region. The last time Short Sale (yeah I went 3rd person on you) started a cool new AO in McAdenville called Snooze, this must be an awesome place I should visit to get an exquisite workout from the First F Champion. Well you better check yourself before you commit to this epic endeavor. But if some of you PAX are wondering – what, where and when is this exciting new AO?

F-That –

  • what day of the week? Whatever day Short Sale doesn’t post at F3 and decides to workout
  • what time? when Short Sale quits hitting snooze and rolls out of bed
  • where is the workout? Normally Short Sales house (bring your own block or kb)
  • how long – depends on the activity
  • what do you get? an epic beatdown

If anyone is interested to learn more – DM me. SYITG (or not)

Hey Hunchback – put me down for a point!


GasHouse Relocation of Idiots

Core Principle #3: Held Outdoors: Rain or Shine, Hot or Cold. F3 is easy when the temperatures are comfortable, say the 50’s to about 70 and without precipitation. In the winter months when it gets into the 20’s and 30’s, maybe add a layer or two to survive past the warm-up, but mix in the rain and the cold? F3 quickly turns into “F-that!” Such was the case this morning with the temperature cooling in the mid-thirty’s and a front delivering a steady deluge of rain. Hunchback and I agreed to swap workouts this morning but there is minimal shelter near to the Schiele Museum parking lot, so we discussed our best options to deliver a steady beat-down to any idiot willing to escape the fartsack (#leading). The contingency location of the First Presbyterian Church Portico would become the spot for the workout. I took the first half and Hunchback the second. Here is how the morning began.


IC x 10: Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Arrows (missed you SA), Monkey Humpers aimed at the Ruckers arriving late. Now that Whoopee was there, time for Gravel Pickers. Since Whoopee and Roscoe disdain for the “warm-up” and opted for merkins, I extended the reps to 16. Next up on the warm-up list was Merkins (don’t f with the Q). No mosey, let’s get to work; split into partners:

Partner 1 grabs a jump rope; Partner 2 performs the exercise. 30 seconds on, 12 seconds to switch for 3 rounds of:

  • HR Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Apollo Ohno

Heartrate is now elevated, let’s hit the cardio with a Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM):

  • 10 Squats
  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Merkins

This is a grind of steady work with limited rest before the next round begins. Scheduled for 10 rounds I had to Omaha after 8.

Next was the strength and core portion of the workout. There were 10 stations and a number of dumbbells, kettlebells, blocks, or bands to use. Timer was set for 40 seconds of AMRAP work with 20 seconds of rest to recover and prepare for the next station:

  • 21’s – use a stretch band: 7 curls to halfway, 7 curls half to shoulder, 7 full arm curls
  • Bent over flies
  • Romanian Deadlift: 5 right, 5 left, continue rotating for the time
  • American Hammer – use the medicine ball or weight
  • Single Arm Shoulder Press x 5 while opposite arm does a static hold of a dumbbell/kb; switch after 5, continue until time
  • Tricep chop – lie flat on ground, chop left, center, then right side AMRAP
  • Reverse crunch w/ block or weight
  • Hammer curl to Shoulder Press
  • Palm up Renegade Rows
  • Squat to Press (i.e. Thruster)

That was my time, giving way to Hunchback who’s playlist was not really Pain-Labish. He claimed the theme was cold or rainy – but slinging steel to Katy Perry is not really the vibe – even Whoopee agreed!

So I owe Hunchback a Q. I’ll scout for improved weather and look forward to seeing the Pain Lab regulars so I can test them for a full hour.

Thanks to the 10 other HIMS that posted in the miserable conditions. It certainly made the time go by in a much better way than if I had been solo.

Rainy Run

On morning of December 10th it was raining sideways. Three idiots didn’t let the foul weather hold back their determination. A few others decided to brave the elements only from the parking lot to inside of the Harris Teeter where we discussed The Hero Code Chapter Four – Integrity.

Leftover Turkeys

In SA’s effort to rejuvenate Downtown, he was kind of enough to invite me to Q. I was off today and following Thanksgiving, I thought I’d have plenty of time to plan a circus that would top any previous workout. Well, I got into the brownwater a bit yesterday and after a re-load of my MIL’s fantastic cooking, the only thing I was good for was a seat on the couch to watch football or basketball. The more I thought about it, let’s get to simple fundamentals of what I do. Here ’tis…

Warm-up – no arrows, no cadence, we’re going straight cardio for 10 minutes. 4 exercises at 20 seconds, 3 rounds, w/ 20 second rest between. We did 2 sets:

  • Set 1: SSH + Mtn Climbers + Freddie Mercury + Imperial Walkers
  • Set 2: Skater Jumps (new one, plus as a combo exercise drew plenty of complaints) + Iron Mike Tysons + Split Jack Toe Touch (Freight said these were Boy Band dance moves; may petition the Exicon to call these “NSyncs”) + Perfect Form Merkins

Oh – we did begin with the pledge and a brief disclaimer (you vs. you, modify if needed (there seem to be a lot of modifying and “I’m not doing…”) which is why this is a you vs. you workout).

Despite the offer of Option A to continue the cardio for another 35 minutes, it was never an option. We moseyed to Main/South for a hillish stack ’em set:

  • Main/South: 10 HR Merkins, run down street to South/Franklin for 5 burpees, run up the hill
  • 10 HR Merkins + 20 Parker Peters, down for burpees and back
  • Stack on 30 Squats, down for burpees and back
  • Stack 40 Freddie Mercury, down for burpees and back
  • Stack 50 American Hammers, down for burpees and back

Light mumble chatter, mostly about Freights Ultimate Frisbee Tournament and the shenanigans that occurred, fair, not fair, teams unbalanced – the usual complaining that occurs, much to the Tournament Director’s delight. I dropped one MF’er but technically I was paraphrasing something Freight would say. Apparently there is a off market over/under on my F bombs. Sometimes the under comes through (see Iowa football this season, can’t score but can defend).

Let’s keep this train moving and head to the top of the parking deck. In my remaining time, we’ll go for 11’s. One end of the deck is Eccentric Dips – use the rail and burn your triceps. This was a crowd pleaser. Run to the other end for Derkins. Lots of modifications. I ran past 45 minutes – so sue me.

COT: Announcements – ChristmasTown 5k – show up early and meet left of the YMCA; Converngence 12/2 TFY, Christmas party that night; Beer ruck 12/9. Prayer request – Turtleman, EZ Rider’s Family, Purple Haze’s mother with a skin cancer spot. I took us out.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. No women, no props, just a solid effort to please the Site Q. Hopefully he’ll invite me back.

Enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend. Go Pack!

Short Sale

HeroWOD on Veteran’s Day

It was Veteran’s Day at the GasHouse. Flintstone had yet another brilliant 1st F concept – all Saturday AO’s should do HEROWOD’s in honor of service men (and women). Along with many of you, I’ve employed these routines in my workouts before so it was merely a matter of picking which ones to do. I did the following:

Zachary Tellier

  • 10 Burpees
    • 10 Burpees
    • 25 Merkins
      • 10 Burpees
      • 25 Merkins
      • 50 Lunges
        • 10 Burpees
        • 25 Merkins
        • 50 Lunges
        • 100 Sit Ups
          • 10 Burpees
          • 25 Merkins
          • 50 Lunges
          • 100 Sit Ups
          • 150 Squats

Dedicated to U.S. Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier, 31, of Charlotte, NC (USA) a combat infantryman with the 4th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Bragg. He died Sept. 29, 2007, of wounds sustained while on a ground patrol in Afghanistan.

The previous April, Tellier’s unit was conducting a mounted patrol when one of its vehicles drove over and detonated a bomb, which set the vehicle on fire, according to a statement from the 82nd Airborne.

Tellier pulled two paratroopers out of the vehicle to safety, suffering severe burns to his hands. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with valor for his actions.

After he was burned, Tellier jumped up in the turret to return fire, said Sgt. Michael Layton, a member of Tellier’s unit. A lieutenant made Tellier get out of the vehicle because of his injuries, Layton said.

“Zachary Tellier has to be the biggest hero I’ve ever known or heard of, not just because of what he did, but because of his personality,” Layton said. “He came in the Army because he wanted to be around soldiers and serve his country, and he paid the ultimate sacrifice.”

Hey Buddy

  • 250 meter run
    • 5 rounds of:
    • 10 Lunges
    • 10 Squats
    • 10 Big Boys
    • 8 Burpees
  • 250 meter run

This hero workout is dedicated to Patrolman Christopher Mark Goodell of Waldwick, NJ, who died on July 17, 2014, due to a collision between a truck and his stationary unmarked police car. Chris’ badge number was 38, hence the 38 total repetitions per round (10/10/10/8). The 5 rounds represent the 5 years he served as an officer. Chris specifically liked running and bodyweight movements. “Hey Buddy” was Chris’ signature greeting.

Oscar Temores

  • 8 Rounds of:
  • 11 Hand-Release Merkins
  • 30 Walking Lunges
  • 19 Big Boys

This hero workout is dedicated to Master-at-Arms 3rd Class Oscar Temores, U.S. Navy, who was killed when his patrol car was struck by a vehicle that forcibly sped through the security checkpoint at the main gate of Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, Virginia Beach, VA, on November 30, 2019.

The vehicle entered Fort Story at Gate 8 while driving the wrong way in the outbound lanes at a high rate of speed at 7:35 pm. Personnel at the gate immediately requested assistance and MA3 Temores responded to the scene. The civilian driver of the vehicle intentionally struck MA3 Temores’ patrol car head-on.

MA3 Temores had served with the U.S. Navy Security Forces for only 10 months. He is survived by his wife and 2-year-old son.

Of the PAX, Roscoe completed all three rounds (he spoke the least and listened to metal music on his phone #focus). The others pushed as well. We were fortunate to have Oompa Loompa as a Marine Corp veteran, battling as he always does despite some physical challenges. Included in this respect is Roscoe as a new veteran of the police force. We’re fortunate to have protection in all forms serving us. In addition to the PAX, the workouts honored these fallen men in a small way.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead the workout.

Short Sale

Shortest BB EVER!!!

Labor Day weekend – I led the Iron Pax Challenge for that week. What # you ask? Who gives a shit – it was weeks ago. We did epic work I’m sure, at least Defib, Whoopee, and JJ. Enjoy the brevity, it’s the only time I’ll forget to write a novelette known as my BB (I promise). This will probably knock me out of the end of year awards for Best BB…well, time for someone else to win, I guess.

When in Doubt, Overload

This is the title of Chapter 16 in Admiral William McCraven’s book The Wisdom of the Bullfrog.” Really a short chapter that doesn’t have a lot of depth in story or instructions. The premise came from his experience on the Underwater Demolition Team’s responsibility to clear obstacles so boats could land on beaches – the Battle of Normandy as an example. Explosives are required and to ensure total destruction, it’s better to use more than less, hence the title.

McCraven uses this analogy to aid his recovery from a few military jobs in which he was relieved of his duties (aka: fired) due to his lack of leadership or improper strategy. His offered solution is to double-down and work harder or “overload” in order to re-prove his abilities as a leader. For someone of McCraven’s accomplishment, he has failed at various times of leading. He also overcame. The point is everyone fails. DREDD shares this in our study of QSource.

Our group of PAX today had solid discussion about the Overload principle and when it’s effective or even ineffective. Answer is, “it depends.” The take-away is when adversity hits, take the lesson and let that drive you to validate your character.

Oh, and some ran and some rucked. Scrat was late but made it for another post.

Same announcements as yesterday. Prayers for Turtleman, Jackson Hall, Huck, and Les Nesman

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