Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sargento (Page 28 of 30)

The Strong Silent Type

The light of day was coming and 9 strong men appeared for their regular Saturday beatdown. YHC’s FNG was present and accounted for. Let’s get to it!

Disclaimer was given. Warm Up: Goofballs x15IC, Dying Cockroaches x15IC, Bobby Hurleys x15IC (never done these in cadence before, probably won’t again…awkward!)


A short mosey to tour the lower levels of the park took us to the spot between Sammy’s and Old Stone where the PAX found a stack of papers. Each one listed a certain exercise, 10 in all. Each man would perform their exercise for 60 seconds and then rest for 30 in between. They were:

Daniel Sons


Donkey Kicks

Flutter Kicks



Monkey Humpers

Mountain Climbers

Peter Parkers

Rocky Balboas

Not too much mumble chatter was had during this routine except that the burger Top Hat had for dinner was still hanging with him. Oh well, guess I need to raise the bar!

Mosey around the corner to the road parallel to the railroad tracks with a long row of parking spaces. Its the perfect spot for a Zombie Walk. You’re welcome men!

Mosey from there to the track behind the middle school for the next round of fun.Courtesy of our own Whoopee, it’s time to make a run for some Bojangles Biscuit (his creation). Sprint the straights, mosey the corners, plank for the 6 at the end then 10 burpees OYO to finish each lap. I have to admit, this sucks. Sprints take it out of YHC more than anything, then add burpees on top of it, PAIN! We had to do a couple of count offs and general recovery in between to gather ourselves. Even though it sucked, we pushed through for 3 rounds of this beast. Strong work men.

Since we were here at the track and it has a field in the middle, YHC asked the PAX what his favorite exercise is. After a couple of wrong guesses, the FNG correctly answered bearcrawls. So we did the Bearcrawl Snake. Each PAX held plank position while the rear bearcrawled to the front, snaking between each to the front. We went from one side of the field to the other.

Mosey down to the starting area for a short round of Mary. Pockets called Side Straddle Hops, Solomon did Flutter Kicks and Dr. Seuss asked for Goofballs. Time’s up.

Announcements: Burpeethon, Mud Run, Disc Golf on March 11th at Goat Island. After Christmas Christmas party at Whoopee’s in April, need Q’s for the Yank, Storm & Goat Island

Prayer requests: Top Hat and his family (his dad is home now!), Shad Rap is out for 6-8 weeks with a cracked shin bone, the PAX who haven’t posted in a while, others I can’t remember, sorry.

After Q’ing the Yank last week and not having anyone step up to the challenge to Q before the date, I wanted to see what would happen if no one is listed as Q for a workout. The number of men who showed was low compared to most other workouts. As leaders we need to let everyone know that we’ll be there for each other, even so far as committing to just being at a workout, otherwise it’s just us and this thing doesn’t work as well. We depend on each other!

It was an honor to lead as always men. AYE!!!

Counting Steps

The numbers grew… and grew… and grew. As the clock ticked closer to the designated hour, the PAX was in full force to (insert joke here) get shredded with Sargento. The FNG’s were also out today, three in all. When the time came, YHC delivered the disclaimer for the benefit of the FNG’s and with a little mumble chatter from the PAX, we got to it.

Warm-Up: Side Straddle Hops x15IC, Morrocan Night Clubs x25IC, Don Quixotes (specially for Tool Time) x10IC

The Thang:

Mosey up the steps down main street to the cookie bakery. As some stranger with backpacks walked by, YHC announced the first session would be Route 66. At each telephone pole, the PAX would perfom a merkin and then add another at each one afterward all the way up to the traffic light. 66 merkins!

As we crossed the street, I suggested we all hold hands for safety (my parenting instinct must’ve kicked in) but I guess everybody decided to risk not following that idea. Across the street there just happened to be a completely unused wall. We can’t have that so YHC led the PAX in a round of Wall Sits with air presses thrown in and Donkey Kicks in cadence. To give the wall a break we turned our backs on the road and did some Monkey Humpers. Finally we went back to the wall for 15 Hip Slappers in cadence.

Mosey to the never before used field around the corner for a rousing session of Elevens. At one end we did LBC’s, at the other end were jump squats. There was a pretty good distance in between (50 yards or so?) so this took a while and gave the faster guys a chance to practice their plank position. Also, it was a great opportunity to help encourage the rest of the PAX to push through to the end. That’s part of what we’re here for men, helping to strengthen each other.

Mosey around the other corner through the park to the hill beside the baseball field at Davis Park. The Triple Nickel was thrown down. Before we could get going one of the PAX questioned the number of reps for the routine. Always wanting to be a leader who listens to his men, I obliged and upped the count to 5 rounds of 5 burpees at the bottom and 5 WW1 sit-ups at the top. Iron sharpens iron!

A fellowship mosey to the other end set us up for double line Indian Run. We headed to the back of the middle school and threw in a jailbreak at the end.

For the final act we partnered up for some Dora 123. In aggregate the teams counted up to 100 Carolina Dry Dock’s, 200 Flutter Kicks per leg and 300 lunges (single count). Plenty of mumble chatter was going on and the PAX was having fun, I think, except the lunges were taking forever so we Omaha’ed that to a total of 200.

One last mosey toward the nest took us to the fountain in the park. In case you didn’t know, I like to run (and track my steps which ended at around 6000 for the workout), so we ended up spending the last few minutes of our time circling the fountain because I didn’t feel like stopping the mosey to do exercises. The Death Spiral was born.

Prayer Request: Top Hat and his family.

Announcements: Advisory meeting tomorrow night at On The Border. Mud Run is May 20th. P200 guys need to keep training, 5 weeks til the relay. We need Q’s for the Yank and no one is scheduled at this time.

Welcome FNG’s Banana Seat, Bansai and my personal favorite Feta! Glad to have you men (and young men). As always, it was an honor and pleasure to lead you today. It’s really encouraging to see so many men consistently posting, not only at the Yank but all of the AO’s. We all like the exercise we get by coming out regularly, but its exciting to see the friendships that have been build and continue to grow by all of us pushing the rock together. It’s great to be a part of it all with you.



Who else wants to join the fun?

YHC and Kiish started out with 3 miles of extra, extra, extra credit.

Whoopee joined them at the Teeter for 2 miles of extra, extra credit.

Stroganoff was picked up at his house for 2 miles of extra credit.

Finally, we picked up the PAX for 5 or 6 miles of the regular workout.

Fun was had by all. Good work men, you’ve earned some rest on this Lord’s Day.


Oh boy, we get to use BRICKS!

Nice morning for a workout. The PAX slowly shuffled in, ready to start the day. Chit chat and pleasantries were shared until the clock was about to strike 5:30. One last arrival, not really coming in hot but definitely driving the wrong way on a one way street, was my FNG for the day! He made it just in the nick of time! With the FNG present I gave as much of a disclaimer as I could remember. Here’s the rest.

Warm Up: Seal Jacks x15IC, Don Quixote x15IC, Imperial Walkers x15IC, GoofBalls (everybody’s favorite) x15IC

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey 10 feet to my trunk, we finally get to use the bricks I bought over a month ago! Mosey up to the secret parking lot for a round of Elevens.

On the end with a curb, the PAX would perform Mike Tysons (why are they called that?), at the other end it was Side Straddle Hops. At this point I instructed the men that unless otherwise specified, all exercises would be done holding the bricks (they’re the ones with no holes, so it gets a little harder to hang on to them after a while, at least for YHC and his noodle arms). Anyway, this was a pretty grueling session, especially for the FNG. It’s a good thing we state that it’s you against you, work at your own pace. Strong work.

Mosey around the old building to the off limits BB&T building for wall sits. Partner up, while #1 circles the building, #2 does shoulder presses. Second lap, the wall sitter does arm raises like in side straddle hops. Lap 3, the sitter did arm raises out in from. Good burn.

Mosey again down the road through the tunnel to the basketball court. Since the gate was open for once, we went inside to ride the Escalator. The PAX would perform 10 lunge walks (each leg), 20 burpees, lucky for us a train decided to roll by in the middle of this!, 30 Bobby Hurleys (no bricks), 40 squats, 50 shoulder presses. Sweat!

Last mosey back to the start. 5 minutes left. Time for Mary. We did American Hammers, World War II situps, Merkins, Dying Cockroaches. Time’s up!

Prayer requests: Top Hat’s dad, T-Square’s family, all the men on IR.

Announcements: Mud Run May 20th

Excellent work today men. It was a pleasure leading as always! AYE!!!

Sunday Stroll

Whoopee and Sargento got 2 miles of EC in before the regular run for half-marathon training.

At the appointed time, there were 5 total men present, the fresh of of IR Outhouse among them. Good to see you again brother! We started normally enough, there was a sandy V’ish comment about having to navigate a muddy stretch of grass before we got to the pavement. Just run.

Stroganoff had a dream about a flat run, so YHC made sure to have plenty of hills to conquer. You’re welcome.

We ran 6 miles. Good fellowship. Let’s do it again soon men.



Climbing Burpee Mountain by Bearcrawl

Cold, real cold. We’re all idiots, not just the Q this time. YHC hasn’t posted at Martha’s House in probably at least 2 months, so long he felt the need to introduce himself to the PAX. Even made the mistake of calling Stone Cold Bandit. My apologies brother! The disclaimer was given and we’re off.



SSH x15IC, Goofballs x15IC, Moroccan Night Clubs x20IC, Dying Cockroachs x15IC, Mountain Climbers x15IC

Mosey toward the old Teeter parking lot doing a little follow the leader to avoid traffic and ice covered sidewalks.

Arrive at the lot for a quick (not really) round of 11s. At one end we do Mountain Climber Merkins, other end was Rosalitas. This took a while because of the Mtn. Climber part of the merkins, it was good though.

Next were the Deconstructed Burpees. 10 squats, 10 In & Outs, 10 Merkins, 10 more In & Outs, 10 Jump Squats.Rinse and repeat x3. It was in between these sets that I’d ask one of the PAX to share 15 seconds about themselves. I picked this up the previous week when Apache guest Q’ed Goat Island by way of Rock Hill. In my opinion, it’s a perfect way to encourage some conversation and sneakily get us a breather.

A short mosey (about 20 yards) to a convenient spot for the Bermuda Triangle. At corner 1, do 1 burpee, bearcrawl to corner 2, do 2 burpees, bearcrawl to corner 3, 3 burpees and bearcrawl to the start.

Mosey back to where we were for Whole Lotta Rosie. This is based on an AC/DC song about a plentiful woman and her dimensions. It goes like this: 30 Mtn. Climbers, 42 LBCs, 30 more Mtn Climbers, 39 Hip Thrusts, 30 Mtn. Climbers, 56 Flutter Kicks, 30 Mtn. Climbers. That’s a lovin’ woman!

Mosey back over to the triangle for another set of Bermuda. Finally mosey back through the snow to Pelicans. Wrap up the last minute with a set of Nolan Ryans. Aye!

In reading almost all of the backblasts over the last couple of months, I realized that I’d gotten into a bit of a rut with my schedule, posting almost exclusively at The Storm, Goat Island and The Fighting Yank. While the consistency, along with my usual running routine, has provided some pretty good physical fitness, the pattern kept me from all the other guys who post at the western AOs including a ton of newer PAX. It was great meeting Stone Cold and TK, keep up the good work men! If you have a chance to post somewhere you haven’t before or in a while, do it. You’ll probably see some old friends and meet some new ones too.

Until next time men, it was a pleasure to lead you! Aye!!!

Last Call for Sweat

New Year’s Eve. Pretty cold. Men waiting to get their sweat on. A Cotter back on the scene, good to see you again Flintstone. No FNGs despite their HCs, the EHs will continue. Let’s do this!

A short disclaimer to refresh the men on the fact that I’m an idiot and that this deal is You vs. You but we’re here to help along the way.


Side Straddle Hops x20 IC, Don Quixote x15IC, Dying Cockroaches on the acorns x20IC I think, Goof Balls x15IC.


Mosey across the street to some lines I had painted by the DOT just for the workout. The PAX would do a burpee at each line and then lunge walk to the next. There were about 15 or so lines so everyone was good and warmed up by the end of this. Against my original idea, we did not make the return trip doing the routine. This announcement was well received by the PAX, don’t worry, there’s plenty more to come!

A fellowship mosey took us back through the park past the jet ski up to the back of the middle school building. YHC had scouted the area before the workout to come up with some new stuff and realized there is a perfectly good wall back there that he had never been used. The PAX performed 20 Donkey Kicks IC, a Wall Sit for a while with Air Presses thrown in at the end, then 15 Hip Slappers IC to wrap it up.

Short mosey around to the front of the school to set up for the inaugural run of the Figure 8. The sidewalk in front of the school sets up nicely to follow this route with a different exercise at each stop. Think four corners only expanded.

  • Station 1: Squats
  • Station 2: Merkins
  • Station 3: LBCs
  • Station 4: Monkey Humpers (must point business end of the exercise toward passing traffic Mayor!)
  • Station 5: Dips
  • Station 6: Merkins again
  • Station 7: LBCs again
  • Station 8: Flutterkicks

All exercises were to be done to 20 reps.Plank for the 6. This went pretty well, so much so that Top Hat gave Dolph a good run for his money for first place. AYE! Mumble chatter. Repeato but switch the Merkins for Carolina Dry Docks. Top Hat again up front with the machine, dude was en fuego! One more round, go back to Merkins in the middle. Good work men!

Mosey back down the street to the paddle boat in the park for the Triple Nickel. 5 Burpees at the bottom and WWI (or maybe WWII, I’m not sure, you pick) at the top. Repeato x3.

We finished up with a round of Mary. Sorry but I can’t remember who called what but there were American Hammers, Dying Cockroaches, Flutterkicks, Nolan Ryans, V Ups too. There was a 5 set of burpees thrown in courtesy of a passing train. AYE!!!

Prayer requests: Chum’s walk, Top Hat’s dad, Brownstreak’s son, T Square, others.

Announcenments: After Christmas Christmas party at Whoopee’s next Saturday (not Friday), bring donated school supplies to DDC’s office. If anyone has or knows someone who has graphic design or artistic abilities, we’re going to make a logo for the Fighting Yank to get some AO gear.

Moleskin: As I write this on New Year’s Day 2017, my mind goes back to a Thursday Rotary club meeting in March that I was fortunate enough to fit into my schedule. It was supposed to be a regular weekly meeting with some presenter I wasn’t familiar with. That day was my introduction to F3, through a fiery, inspiring talk by the founders of our cause, OBT and Dredd. In attendance were a couple of guys I knew well, Stroganoff and Dr. Feelgood, others I thought I knew but not too well, Bandit and Roscoe, and several more I didn’t know at all but am glad I’ve gotten to know because of F3, Whoopee and Headgear (Dr. Justin Hannon).  I consider that when turning points in my life happen it is the work of the Lord. This was definitely the case that day, He put me there. The following Saturday at the Schiele was my FNG post, and there have been countless posts and get togethers since. You men who EHed me that day (even Mrs. Stroganoff) and everyone who’s been there since have changed my life. This may sound sentimental, maybe it’s even a little gushy, but I thank God that He put me there that day and opened the door to all of you HIMs. F3 has allowed me to become a better man, husband, father, friend and businessman. Thank YOU!!! AYE!!!

Happy New Year men !!!

New stuff

Tiny Tank waited. YHC arrived with a few minutes to spare. It looked like we would be left to lift the flag on our own until in the distance we saw lights slowly coming in from opposite directions. I’d like to say they were coming in hot but although that wasn’t the case, Madoff and Gonzales appeared out of their steel cages for an early morning workout. Gonzales mentioned that he hadn’t posted in 8 months but his work schedule freed up for him to make it again. Glad to have you brother!

A short disclaimer was given and it was on the the warmup.

Small arm circles x25 IC, Hillbillies x15 IC, Don Quixotes x15 IC, Rocky Balboas x25 IC I think.

Without a mosey YHC explained the Circle Burp, we would all chop our feet until one of the PAX called for us to drop (like in football practice) down to a burpee. We would each take a turn calling the drop. Repeato x3.

Slow mosey over to the parking lot next to the gym for Four Corners. At each corner we would stop for 10 reps of the given exercise and mosey in between corners. 1st lap, Merkins, 2nd Squats, 3rd Lil Baby Dips, 4th LBCs.

Pledge of Allegiance

A Bear Crawl halfway down the side walk. YHC called for a round of Dominoes. Hold plank position with right arm raised, PAX one drops down for 5 Merkins, then the next and so on. Once completed, we started with our left arm raised and repeated the routine. Dominoes.

Fellowship mosey (more like a walk) to set up for Lazy Dora, no mosey. 100 Merkins, partner 1 does 10 Merkins and #2 holds plank position, 200 LBC, partner 1 does 20 LBC and #2 holds 6″, 300 Squats, partner 1 does 25 squats while #2 holds squat position. It was pretty tough.

Walk to the nook for 15 hip slappers IC then 10 Australian Mountain Cliimbers IC.

Mosey back to the start for Dying Cockroaches, Merkins and Big Boy sit ups. Aye!

Moleskin: I’m amazed by the variety of different exercises and routines listed on the F3 website and make it my goal to incorporate at least one that I haven’t used in a previous workout. Today we got in 5 new ones.

Announcements: new 3rd F on Tuesdays, new running workout on Thursdays, Tiny Tank site Q of the Storm

Prayers requests. Close with prayer. BOM.

It was a pleasure leading as always men!!!

Extra Cheese

Leading up to the usual Saturday workout at the Yank, YHC knew there was a 5k planned to start from Stowe Park in downtown Belmont. What I didn’t know was that the race would take over the whole town! Anyway, after parking in the remote lot and hiking to the park, YHC was pleasantly surprised to find 7 PAX waiting to get their sweat on!

Starting with a quick disclaimer for the FNG, my oldest 2.0 Trey, we quickly moved into the warmup.

Side Straddle Hops, Sun Gods, Merkins, Imperial Walkers and the latest new exercise for YHC, Jingle Balls (since its the Christmas season).

Mosey, navigating through the throngs of people waiting to get their run on, up to the track behind the middle school. Line up single file for an Indian Run to get everyone extra warmed up. A couple good laps and then head to the front of the school.

BLIMPS: 5 burpees, 10 Lunges each leg, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats. The PAX made it through this routine pretty easily so repeato for good measure.

Mosey down the road to Davis Park where the mighty Belmont optimist Pop Warner football teams practice for a round of Elevens. At one  light pole, PAX does Dying Cockroaches, the other end Bobby Hurleys. For the distances in between, do high knees one way, butt kickers the other. Toward the end of this drill Stroganoff had built up a pretty good lead and from out of nowhere the FNG found another gear to finish up neck and neck with the leaders. Strong work my boy, the name overachiever or sandbagger was brought up with his performance.

From there, the PAX moseyed around the corner(s) to the intersection of Main and Catawba (I think) where a nice brick wall waited. No need to let it go to waste so we did a couple rounds of wall sits, hip slappers (15 and then 10 IC) and a celebratory set of Monkey Humpers for the passing cars.

Mosey down toward the starting place with a quick stop for dips X15 IC and then an attempt at the Plank Compass. It was supposed to be where the PAX starts with their feet in the center and they face out in the plank position. Then we would rotate around hand over hand and stop with 5 merkins at the Q’s call. Comedy and error ensued. Nice attempt men!

A final mosey down to the start for a round of Mary. American Hammer, a combo of Inch Worm and something else courtesy of Flush, Mountain Climber, Flutterkicks, Merkins, some other stuff and finally Jingle Balls by the FNG (don’t tell your Mama)! AYE!!!

We were done on time by this point and some had to run, literally.

Prayer requests, announcements and namorama.

Moleskin: After several inquirys by my 2.0 to post, it finally worked out for him to be able to make it. As expected, he was a true trooper and finished in strong fashion. Welcome to the PAX Queso!!! I am SO PROUD!.

It was a pleasure as always men. See you next time!

Derecho Revival

It’s the Monday before Thanksgiving and I just knew the PAX was thinking of how they could show their thankfulness. What better way to do that than to use the gifts the good Lord has given us? In my opinion, the best way to show this is to …. RUN!

A short disclaimer, a couple of Sun Gods to get good and warmed up, then the Pledge and we’re off.

A long mosey across the street and through the bank parking lot all the way up Union Rd. to Christ Church parking lot. I reminded everyone that all good things come from the Lord and that a church parking lot is a perfect place to show our thanks.

Our routine would go like this, at the first stop we’d do ATMs (15 Alternating shoulder taps IC, 10 Tempo merkins IC, 10 fast Merkins).

Once we finished we moseyed directly across the street to the other church for a routine of 25 Peter Parkers IC, ABCs, and 20 WW1 Sit-ups. Feel the burn!

Mosey back down the road to First Baptist for the ATM routine.

Mosey again to Providence ARP Church for the ab roundup.

Last mosey down to the corner drug store (not a church) for the ATMs (I think).

A careful fellowship mosey across the street with a stop at the knee wall at the bank for 15 dips IC. Mosey home.

Wrap up with a set of a new exercise that I’ve never used in one of my Q’s, the Daniel Son, which if you remember is the crane kick used to destroy Johnny and the Cobra Kai in The Karate Kid. 5 or so of those in cadence and we’re done!

Good work hanging in there during my unannounced running workout men, especially Oompa Loompa. Aye!

Prayer requests: Dr. Feelgood’s mom and dad, those on IR. Can’t remember the others.

Moleskin: I wanted to try to work in an acronym of Thanksgiving or something really creative like many of you guys do to remind us of how thankful we really should be when you think about it and I just ran out of time. I hope my herky jerky, random talk and completely unrelated exercises didn’t keep you from enjoying the time out this morning. The iron sharpening iron that is F3 is enough for me!

Until next time, Happy Thanksgiving and Aye!!!

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