Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sargento (Page 20 of 30)

Rocking the Rock

The fall feeling weather is in the air and makes it more comfortable for pushing the rock. The HIMs were out again at TRB and start time is now!

Warm up:

Goof Balls IC

Abe Vigoda (apparently fast, then slow, then fast)

Mosey to the back of the school. Surprise, surprise! YHC brought a bag full of cards and a speaker. Joy!

Deck of Death, always a crowd pleaser.

Spades – Lunges

Diamonds – Burpees

Clubs – American Hammers

Hearts – Merkins

There were two aces in the deck and we ran to the road and back for each one. As is often the scenario, most of the spades and clubs were drawn at the beginning and overloaded the finishing rounds with burpees and merkins. That’s ok, we got swole. YHC loves the DoD.  The lucky PAX in attendance were super excited to get to hear the latest musical compilation, this version was loud and hard. Perfect for pushing the rock to.

Mosey to the front, get 5 burpees in for the train that passed earlier and we’re done.

Announcements: Young Life golf tournament Monday October 5th

Prayer requests: Orangeman’s daugther, Adam Kincaid, Sargento’s M’s knee replacement, Stephanie McMahan, Tiger’s ex’s surgery, Nutria starts new job Monday, George Miller passing, Sherry McKenzie passing


Dueling Bluetooths (Blueteeth?)

YHC hasn’t Q’ed in a while so when BOS mentioned having an open spot at The Yank I took it. Most of our PAX know’s I fancy myself to be a DJ of sorts and it was time to bring out the jams once again. Fair warning or motivation was thrown  out on Slack the day before. Maybe that’s why we had 2 FNGs and a Cotter show to know! Here’s what happened…

El Tigre brought out his daughter’s boyfriend (memories of Broke and Golddigger anyone?), Boudin brought out his brother-in-law and Oh Wow was back after a couple year hiatus. Obviously they all heard the hits would be played this morning. The disclaimer was given and we had a lengthy warm-up of 10 Goofballs IC.

Mosey down to the Pit for stage 1

The mid-90s classic “Return of the Mack” by Mark Morrison – On every time he says “you lied” do a burpee and every “return” do a merkin. Good for getting the blood pumping.

Mosey around the corner to the street with all the parking spaces for the classic Bill Withers jam “Lovely Day”. Right about when we were going to the funny guy Roscoe tried to override the DJ action but the mutiny was short lived. Lunge walk toward Main Street until he starts saying “lovely day” then do high knees until he stops. When he does go back to lunge walking.

Mosey across the tracks to the alley of death. During Usher’s party song “Yeah” we hold a V-Up position and every time he says “yeah” contract to the full “V-up. This was really really hard and most had to modify to LBCs and whatnot.

Mosey back to the big Glenway Avenue lot for Fall Out Boy’s “I Know What You Did in the Dark”. Many might say this isn’t a good song but it’s fast paced and perfect for doing karaoke back and forth across the lot, so that’s what we did the whole time. Heart rate is going now!

Stay where we are for the F3 standard Roxanne. This time we’ll hold the plank position and every time Roxanne is said we do a full L and R shoulder tap. Feel the burn.

Mosey around the corner while listening  to Roscoe’s death metal stuff. Good gracious! Stop on Main Street and grab some curb or brick shelving for MC Hammer’s “Can’t Touch This”!!! Every time he says “can’t touch this” we do a dip and when he’s not saying that do Rocky Balboa’s on the curb.

Mosey to the wall at the vet’s office, hold the people’s chair while LL Cool J sings “Mama Said Knock You Out”. Every time he says knock you out do an air press or air punch. It’s a pretty long song and holding the people’s chair the whole time sucked.

Mosey back across the tracks and up the sidewalk into the park to the covered picnic tables. Do step ups while Sevendust rocks out “Black”. The volume was up and that was good because four minutes of step ups is a lot.

Stay at the picnic tables for the finale “Flower” by Moby. We F3 guys know this one as “Bring Sally Up”. It sucks but will burn our your abs like nothing else. It was great.

Mosey down to the Yank statue for a couple minutes of plank and then we’re done.


The Yank is closed next week 9-19-20 but needs Qs after that

Mt Mitchell hike and JJ 5k later in September.

Young Life golf tournament October 5th. See Buckshot for info. Breaker Breaker wants to get a foursome together for it.

Prayer Requests:

Dry Rub’s wife

Roscoe’s wife because today is their anniversary and they’ve been married 22 years or so.

Welcome FNG’s Cajun Gourmet (Boudin’s brother in law Brad) and Scurvy (El Tigre’s daughter’s boyfriend Jake) and it was great seeing Oh Wow again. Come back soon guys!!!

Thanks for indulging my musical side today men. You may not like my music but you’re always up for pushing the rock! I had fun! Next time Short Sale might show up.



TRB – The Wednesday workout

14 HIMs showed this gloom to push their own rock and to help encourage the PAX.

It’s important to remember the fundamentals of what we do on a daily basis. Disclaimers, picking up the 6, Pledge of Allegiance and COT.

One of the less practiced things that we do is to count off how many PAX are in attendance each workout. Most of the time we stick together pretty close but you never know when someone may get sidetracked or worse. It only takes a few seconds but it can make a big difference to know where everybody is. Just saying…

Warm Up

Don Quixote, Grass Cutters, Goofballs

Mosey to the field at the track for some work in the grass.

The Thang-

Field of Dreams – Count off so there are 4 groups for the 4 stations. Everyone will do AMRAP at their station until the prior group arrives. Everything starts with the group that does 15 burpees. Once they’re done with those they go to the next, that group goes to the next and so on.

Round 1

Station 1 – 15 Burpees

Station 2 – Squats

Station 3 – Merkins (yes from the president of the MHC himself)

Station 4 – LBCs

Round 2

1 – 15 Burpees

2 – Lunges

3 – CDDs

4 – Big Boy situps

It’s somewhere in here that Buckeye said a quiet goodbye and wandered off into the dark (reference 1 for the need for a countoff)

Round 3

1 – 15 Burpees

2 – High Knees

3 – Werkins

4 – American Hammers

Mosey around to the back parking lot for part 2 of the Thang. This was about the time Top Hat said an unexpected adieu. (Reference 2 of the need for a count off)

Four Corner Escalator

Corner 1 – 10 Bobby Hurleys

Corner 2 – 10 Bobby Hurleys & 20 Pickle Pounders

Corner 3 – 10 Bobby Hurleys, 20 Pickle Pounders & 30 Dying Cockroaches

Corner 4 – 10 Bobby Hurleys, 20 Pickle Pounders, 30 Dying Cockroaches & 40 Goofballs!!!

Instead of going back down the escalator like the weinke said we moseyed back to the start due to time constraints.

It think we did a little Mary but it wasn’t long and we’re done. Thanks for the opportunity to lead again today men. Lets look ahead to the 19th when Nutria will bring his VQ!

Announcements- Nutria VQ at TRB August 19th, CSAUP at Folson September 19, JJ 5k September 26, Mt Mitchell hike September 27

Prayers – Beirut, Spam’s daughter Colleen is raising funds to be a missionary, SA’s daughter, Short Sale & Allen Tate’s surgeries, Kids going to school, teachers and the school board for wisdom

Later guys!

Double timing it!

Today at Goat Island, the PAX were ready for the Sargento double Q. Some of those who posted at TRB the day before may have thought they were getting ready for a repeato perfomance. They were mistaken. This was an original performance.



Mosey down to the bridge to the island. Bear crawl the wooden part. Wait for the six and then karaoke to the other side of the island. Crab walk to the end of that bridge. Uh oh, the gate on the other side is locked, bummer! Karaoke back to the start. Lunge walk to the mainland. Whew, that was tough. Do it again then Skip to the other bridge.

Mosey back to the mainland then up to the baptist church parking lot near the rec center.

The Thang: Dora 123…4

Partner up, #1 does the exercise, #2 runs to the other side of the lot. Flapjack.

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 LBCs
  • 300 Squats
  • 400 Air Presses

Mosey to the original start. Time.

Thank you all for showing up when you didn’t have to. You are rock pushers!!!

Announcements: Smokey Mountain Relay in April 2021, contact Sargento to HC

Prayer Requests: Schools & parents, those struggling with addiction. Vanilla Ice got a job!

Until next time, stay melty my friends.

Phase 1 expedition

My mission for launching the worlds greatest AO was to create the most convenient opportunity for the hundreds of sad clowns who live in my neighborhood to attend. Since we launched at the beginning of the year I believe only Wet Nutz has taken the PAX off of NHE property. Today we embarked on a tour of Phase 1 of the Cramer Woods metroplex. It went like this…

Warm Up:

Goof Balls x10 IC

Don Quixote x10 IC

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey into the hood.

The Thang:

Our objective was to stop at each cul-de-sac intersection and do some work. Partner up and while #1 runs to the end of the clu-de-sac, #2 does the exercise. Some of them were longer than others. The order was:

  • Merkins
  • WW1 situps
  • Squats
  • Burpees (yes, Sargento called burpees!)
  • LBCs
  • CDDs
  • American Hammers

Running out of time so we had to get back to the school. Dirt said we ran about 2.7 miles. AYE!

Announcements: PT test Saturday at Gashouse, 2nd F Friday at Primal Brewing, Smokey Mountain Relay April 23-24 (see YHC for details)

Prayer requests: First responders, some normality, Tiger, my Uncle Bill in hospital for back surgery


Thanks for hanging with me today men. It was awesome!!!


Fastest Workout and Backblast Ever

So Buckeye, Seuss and YHC got in a few miles EC before the beatdown to warm up. It worked.

Last night the PAX of Gashouse were informed that Sargentogeddon would occur today. What that means is a workout to end all workouts. No more Storm. It’s been fun!


Warm Up:
Goodballs x15 IC

Dox Quixote x10 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x5 IC

Mosey to the tennis courts. Oh no, they’re locked! Mosey to the small circle in front of the school and do a countoff.


After counting off, the PAX would:

Round 1 – Sprint to from road hump to road hump and do 20 merkins at each one. Wait for the 6 at the stop sign. Mosey to the artwork, try to do a countoff then bear crawl around the artwork. Our hands got good and brick colored doing this. Mosey back to the start.

Round 2 – Karaoke to each hump and do 25 squats. After the 2nd on skip to the rest and the stop sign. Mosey to the artwork, wait for the 6, try to do another countoff then mosey home.

Round 3 – Nur to each hump, do 33.3 LBCs and wait at the stop sign. Mosey to the artwork, try not to get hit by the traffic then all the way back to the shovel flag.

Countoff one last time when the 6 arrives. Good work men, especially those who kept up with the 6, there were plenty.

Announcements – Annihilation Saturday

Prayer Requests – SA’s family, our law enforcement

Sargento out!



Rock pushing at TRB

This gloom brought 5 men out to keep pushing the rock. It was warm. Should be, it’s June.


Plank jacks x10 IC

Dying Cockroaches x10 IC

Grass Pickers x10 IC

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to the never before used baseball field. The outfield will be the site of the Triple Nickel. At the cone do Pickle Pounders, the other end do Morning Woods. Good for the blood flow!

Mosey around the fence to the hill beside the building for Elevens. Dips on the curb, bear crawl up the hill and do WW1 situps at the top. More blood flow!

Fellowship mosey to the back lot for Merkin Mania. Although I’m a founding member of the Merkin Haters Club I actually chose to do this myself. Do five reps of each merkin type:

  • Diamond
  • Regular
  • Wide Arm
  • Crucible
  • Stagger Left
  • Stagger Right
  • Tempo
  • Hand Release

Feel the burn. Next is YHC’s own creation, Ab Killers.

10 Oblique crunches each side then 50 LBCs. 15 Oblique crunches then 50 LBCs. 20 Obliques then 25 LBCs. Finally 25 Obliques then 25LBCs.

Because we have time and more rock needed to be pushed we did another round Merkin Mania. More blood flow!

Mosey back to the front for Bring Salley Up followed by side straddle hops and we’re done.


Prayer Requests: Our country, law enforcement, Breaker Breaker’s mom, recent graduates

Thank you for the opportunity to lead men!!!


I predict this workout will go something like this…


Here at the Pub we live by a motto:

“Your pace, your distance.”

Some did my pace, some didn’t. Some did my distance, some didn’t. It was awesome regardless.


Drink > Food


New pavement

Even though a warning for today’s workout was posted, 7 HIM showed for the fresh Friday beatdown.  A quick disclaimer and then the warmup.

Don Quixotes

Moroccan Night Clubs

Press Press Fling (Roscoe didn’t post even though he was directly called to do so)

Mosey to the west to where Pita Wheel is going in. Start Route 66, merkin style. Ascending reps at each telephone pole up to 10 reps. Seuss and Slaw were pushing the rock on this one.

Mosey west again until we arrived at the brand new First ARP Church parking lot.

The Thang: Doracides 1-2-3-4

Partner up without touching. Partner one runs suicides while partner two does the following:

  • 100 CDDs
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 LBCs
  • 400 Air Presses

Good sweat was laid down on this one. Mosey all the way around the block back to the front steps of the church for Deep Sea Divers. We got in a couple levels of this before YHC called Omaha due to continued rib issues. If you can’t Q it, don’t do it, right?

Back to the parking lot for a round of Bear Crawl Ring of Fire, Tesla would be so proud. Plank position while one PAX bear crawls around the circle. When he passes each PAX that guy does 5 merkins. Everyone takes turns going around the circle until we finished…bearly!

Mosey east on 2nd Ave. until we got to South St. Nur up the hill to McQuitters wall for a session of steps up. Nice. Mosey back to the pavilion and plank until time is up.

Pledge of Allegiance

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today men. AYE!

Announcements: Ville to Ville relay Saturday the 30th

Prayer requests: Clavin’s M, Whoopee’s 2.0, Sister Act’s 2.0, Def Leppard’s son

If you brew it they will come!

This morning in the gloom there were PAX a plenty, 17 in fact. The weather was perfect and as the numbers mounted YHC had to figure out how to handle the masses. I’ve got it! We’ll spread out, move around on opposite sides of the street and I’ll yell all the instructions.


Abe Vigoda x10 IC

Goofballs x10 IC

Mosey up the way to the front of the school.

The Thang

The Figure 8 – at each stop on the PAX would do 15 reps of the assigned exercise

1 – Merkins

2 – WW1 situps

3 – Goofballs

4 – Flutterkicks

5 – Dips

6 – WW1 situps

7 – Goofballs

8 – Monkey Humpers

Repeato for Round 2, 20 reps. One more time for round 3, 25 reps!!!

Mosey up the road, stopping at the corner for 10 side straddle hops IC. Mosey again, stopping at the corner for 10 more SSH IC.

At the bank we stop for a rousing session of ATMs.

Alternating shoulder taps x10 IC

Tempo Merkins x10 IC

Fast merkins x10 OYO

After those reps do a lap. Repeato x2!!!

Mosey down main street to the parking space marked road for 200 yards of Zombie Walk!!! Yeah!

One last mosey to the Pit for a few minutes of Bring Salley Up, just for the new guys. You’re welcome!!!

A few minutes of Mary and we’re done. Well done men!

Prayer Requests: Health for all

Announcements: Ville to Ville relay

I was so excited to get back out with everybody, and since we can’t break bread IN a restaurant I decided to bring a coffee and donuts coffeeteria to us. Thanks for spending a little time to catch up after the beatdown men. It’s about time!!!


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