Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sargento (Page 2 of 30)

Goat Island original

A bunch of HIM showed for what was advertised as a moderate workout. Since it had been forever since YHC had Q’ed this AO, YHC already planned to do an oldy but goody from years ago. This is what happened…

Brief warmup then Pledge of Allegiance then count off.

Mosey toward Goat Island bridge. YHC called a Bear Crawl across the wooden part of the bridge. Once at the other end, we did the Skip to the other bridge where we Crab Walked to the other end. Turn around and lunge walk back to the other end, then Karaoke back to the first bridge. Bear Crawl the wooden part again, turn around and lunge walk back to the other end. Karaoke to the other bridge again, in the opposite direction as the first time.

Once all this was done, we headed to the big flat parking lot and paired up for Dora 1234. Partner 1 did the exercises while Partner 2 ran to the other end and back. We did

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 Dying Cockroaches (count R side only)
  • 400 Air Presses

Mosey back to the start and then time was called. Sweat was sweated. Thanks for the opportunity to lead men. Aye!

Announcements – CSAUP May 4th, 2nd F lunch, Extinction run, Rice N Beans on 14th

Prayer Requests – Turtleman, Jackson Curti, Anchorman travels

Owls and such

5 HIM made it to TRB. We talked about owls and the moon. We sweated. It was great. You should’ve been there.

Announcements – CSAUP, 2nd F lunch, Extinction run

Prayer requests – good report from Timeframe about Turtleman, Huck, Jackson Curti, YHC’s family, Rebar’s aunt Hedy

Naming Rights

8 HIM didn’t miss this Monday at Martha’s House. It was a perfect day for some pain, or at least a lot of cardio thanks to YHC. Some thought the winter solstice was upon based on the way they were dressed but they soon realized they didn’t need all the extra layers. This is what happened…


Warmup sans Goofballs although some PAX begged for them.

Pledge of Allegiance

We moseyed around the corner to the Caromont admin building where we did some 11s with Merkins and BigBoys.

Mosey down the road to a hill that I scouted out. Some there said it was named after a PAX that hasn’t been seen in a while. Considering that, we renamed it Sargento’s Hill, at least for today. We did 3 laps up the hill stopping at each streetlight doing reps of jump squats, flutterkicks (pointed uphill), and something else. Lots of heavy breathing and such happened during this routine.

Keep heading away from the start, ignoring the cries from the PAX to head back, and we would around to the Wells Fargo ATM for… one set of ATMs. We did 15 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 15 Merkins and 15 Goofballs so that the crowd wouldn’t go home disappointed and to show the Planet Fitness peeps how real men work out! AYE!!!

Head back to the start for a couple minutes of Mary and then that was that. Nice to meet Bullwinkle for the first time. Nice to re-meet Tricycle after his self imposed hiatus. Thanks to JJ for giving me the opportunity to lead this fine workout.

Announcements – CSAUP, 2nd F lunch, Extinction run

Prayers – Tobacco Road relay team, Jackson Curti & family, Short Sale’s family, YHC’s family on passing of uncle Steven

Prison Sex

9 HIMs came and went at various times for this version of Prison Break. Haze was sexed on by trees (not Happy) for most of the run. That is all

Announcements – CSAUP May 4, Extinction Run May 18

Prayers – Huck, Turtleman, Jackson Curti chemo ongoing, Haze’s neighbor’s sister passed, Shuford family after Keith’s passing (Sargento clients)

Toothbrush with a pick on the end

5 HIM showed for a Good Friday FRC opportunity. We did a new variation of an old route now called the “toothbrush with a pick on the end route”. It was great. See strava for the map if you care.

Announcements – see other backblasts

Prayer requests – Huck, Turtleman

Alma Mater made me do it

4 HIM posted for a mysterious Q by YHC. There was a slack post about a new route for the Halfpipe. Is that even a thing? This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance

We kind of waited for Alma Mater because he was late again.

Start – go straight, u-turn, R, straight, R, cul-de-sac, L, R, L, u-turn, L, R, R, straight, loop, R, u-turn, R, straight, L, L, end

We finished a couple minutes past time due to Alma Mater being late. You hate to see it.

Announcements – Cheesesteak VQ at TRB, Extinction Run date change, Convergence & Community Foundation Run, CSAUP, Dream Center workout today at 5:15-6

Prayer Requests – Baltimore, Huck recovery, Turtleman, Holy Week & Easter

FRC again

Everybody ran. Some were faster than others. Everyone made it back safely.



Prayer Requests – Fannie Mae’s dad recovery from heart attack

Mold and Listeria will give you diarrhea

Apparently, there is a national recall on some products from the namesake of YHC. Even so, 9 HIM showed for the show. Do you know what happens when you have bad cheese? This is what happened…

Warmup of various stuff

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey toward the main road where we gathered and then partnered up for some Dora 123. We would do 2 rounds of AMRAP per exercise. Partner 1 would do the reps and Partner 2 runs around the island. The exercises were

M – Merkins

O – Overhead Claps

L – LBCs

D – Dips

From there we moved over to the flag at the extension office for the very rare 2nd Pledge of Allegiance because a couple of the PAX missed the first one due to poor planning on their part.

Mosey from there down the drive to the dark tennis courts for the next Thang.

LISTERIA – from one end of the courts, the PAX would stop at the middle of each court and do 5 reps of the exercise all the way down for 8 sets of 5.


I – Imperial Walkers

S – Squats

T – Turkish Getups

E – E2K but we skipped it due to time constraints

R – Ranger Merkins

I – Imperial Walker Squats but we skipped these too

A – American Hammers

At this point time was up and we went back to the start for COT. Thanks to the Folsomers for the hospitality and the chance to lead.

Moleskin – In light of all the joking and a weinke that might have been a self-fulfilling prophesy, the night after this workout YHC came down with the rot-gut and the squirts followed the next couple days. TMI? Maybe. Moral of the story is beware of what you put in your weinke, you might just get what you’re asking for!

Announcements – 2nd F lunch Wednesday, Community Foundation Run, Food Ruck this Saturday at the Yank, Extinction run, Convergence coming soon

Prayer requests – Hall family, Stogie recovery, Danny Miller (friend of YHC), Turtleman, Huck, Anchorman

A little monsoon never hurt nobody

The forecast called for rain. It didn’t say anything about a monsoon for this Saturday at Painlab. Some guys joked about changing the name to Rainlab for the day. That’s a little too cheesy, even for YHC. This is what happened…

We did the usual group warmup with the bootcamp guys, except today Shorty wanted to take most of our time for a monologue-length disclaimer and to workshop some of his new aerobics exercises. We indulged him until even he realized this was going nowhere fast, so we split up.

The Painlabbers counted off and 4 HIM would do the work. Apparently, its protocol to bring your own kettlebell but YHC switched it up by bringing a load of bricks for the fun of it. Grab a couple bricks and head down the nature trail behind the museum. We maneuvered down the inundated trail, forded the raging creek and arrived at the lone dry spot on the property. From now on, it will be called the Hut ‘O Tears!

The Thang –

Full disclosure, YHC didn’t know who, if anyone, would show up for a Sargento lead low impact, low cardio beatdown. The fact that we had 4 was perfect for the Hut ‘O Tears and, lucky for us, there was even a table to use for the Deck of Death. That’s right, the most no-brainer beatdown there is was just what the meteorologist ordered on this less-than fine morn.

We did the straightforward method, do the exercise stated on the card thing, except Tube tried to monopolize all the fun and just went to steady picking. YHC had to give him a lesson on DOD etiquette (pull one card at a time and that’s your turn then rotate clockwise). We’re all here to get better and learn, right?

Anyway, we modified some of the exercises for lack of space and the ever-present downpour that varied from steady to torrential. All in all, we got work done, lots of Merkins varieties were done today too.

We moseyed back toward the start, pausing at the even smaller oupost at the top of the hill that shielded some of the rain, where we waited for the bootcampers to show up. They never did, (you hate to see it) so we said our own Pledge of Allegiance and finished COT. Thanks for voluntelling me I had the Q today way back in December Hunchback. Keep Qing that site and Shaking that Weasel. Aye!


It’s a best practice to not be in the middle of the road if you can help it

11 HIM showed for a Sargento recovery Q. YHC must admit, it’s been quite a while since my last visit to TRB. It’s still awesome! This is what happened…

Brief disclaimer. Pledge of Allegiance. Warmup. Count off. Mosey

YHC remarked how beautiful the full moon looked on the horizon. Nice and orange.

Halt. The command was to do 5 reps of the named exercise at each light. Try not to get runned over. We switched exercises at each new street. In the spirit of recovery from Sunday’s ‘thon, YHC knew he needed to push the pace. It felt like I was flying but maybe I was just sore. Either way, I was out front the whole time.

The exercises (as best I recall) were:

  • Goofballs
  • Merkins
  • Big Boys
  • Plank Jacks
  • Peter Parkers (not to be confused with mountain climbers or Peter Parker merkins)
  • Monkey Humpers
  • LBCs
  • Mountain Climbers
  • something else

We got back in time for a couple minutes of Mary. We even had the good fortune that Mrs. Breaker Breaker arrived just as we had wrapped up, and it was her birthday, so of course we had to belt out a rousing version of the Happy Birthday song! Seuss would’ve been so proud. That was the end, no better way to wrap it up. YHC took us out. Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Announcements – Q school on the 2nd, Marriage conference at Living Hope Church Friday 1st and 2nd, clothes collection for Rice n Beans

Prayer Requests – Orangeman’s recovery, Hei Hei’s family and friend


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