Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Round Up (Page 2 of 10)

Last time Qing Prison Break!

We got some work done at PB this morning! This was my last time at Prison Break as the site Q. It has been a great opportunity to lead this AO weekly for the past two years but Montross will be taking over next week and he will crush it I’m sure!

thank you all for the constant support and helping me become a better runner, leader and man!

Convergence downtown Saturday

Extinction run Nov 6
Service project items- apple sauce take them to broke

Prayer Requests
Each other
Big Pappy
Pax moving
People that are sick
Guy in F3 died down in Beaufort
SA father in law


Sparky took us out!!


We ran in Dallas

JJ5k this Saturday @ 9:00 in Stanley

Convergence downtown @ 7:00 October 3

Extinction run November 6th

Prayer Request
Hucks mom

slaw took us out


Round Up



I came in to run some this and noticed everyone was out early getting work in so I took off at 5:30 solo. It was a good run and it felt good to be back running at the PB. Everybody is doing great running right now and a lot of guys getting stronger and faster!

Ball joint came back and said sparky took a dump twice while on the run and on the second dump I believe it got on his legs so he had to go to the house lol. Ole sparky and his dumps!!



Convergence oct 2 downtown 

Extinction run November 

Prayer Request

All pax


Def Leppard took us out!

Round Up

Prison Break

14 knocked out some miles!

Convergence oct 2
Ext run nov 5
Sponsor JJ5k see broke or SA

Prayer Request
Westside family and service for his dad
Wirenut M best friend son with a heart condition
James Goudelock’s
Big Pappy
Barrel Racer

PB crowd is back!

16 guys out at Prison Break this morning to take advantage of the time to get better spiritually and physically! This AO has been awesome and continues to grow with some new runners but we still have plenty of room to grow. Which is a good thing, we can always draw more guys out to run we just have to share with them what we are doing.

The same goes into our walk with Christ. We always have room to grow closer to God and closer to our brothers in Christ. As believers it’s our job to share the gospel with others and let them know what God is doing in our life and that they can have the same relationship!! We have to be on Gods side of the fence NOT the worlds side. We can’t ride the fence between the world and God or it will cause us all to be stumbling blocks for one another. It’ll also cause confusion for the non believer that may be looking to Christ but looking to you to see a reflection of Christ in your life.

We have to be ready to share the gospel and we have to be ready to stand for God!

what does your reflection of Christ look like?





Hollywood and sandlot combine on Labor Day
JJ5k September 25 trail run In Stanley
F3 dads at Folsom 21st
Pearl Jam is selling football cards
50 miler September 3rd and 4th

Prayer Request

Barnett family
Little girl at pallet jacks church
Stogies dad
Big Pappy foster child
Barrel racers friend with cancer
Whoppies daughter

Hot rods @ PB

It felt great this morning getting out of the truck at the last minute of course getting ready for a 5 mile run with the guys. We were getting ready to take off and so we’re the Hot Rods! Nice old cars out at ingles getting ready for a Wednesday cruise!

we all took off and returned safely thank the lord! We all had a great run and fellowship.

I pray each guy will find someone to reach out to about Jesus Christ and what He has done for you in your life! Know that your testimony can and will change someone’s life if it is Christ centered! We don’t have to be perfect but we can’t use that as an excuse either. We should desire a relationship with Jesus and desire the spirit to guide us in what the word says is right. We have lost people and souls right under our nose and I pray we help through through Christ and His word!! We all have our people we talk to and share scripture, situations and other things with but let’s take what we learn from those conversations and share the gospel and good news with other men!! We have got to grow the body of Christ! We have to be disciples.


Tubing this Saturday green river
Tuna and crackers service items see freight
50 miler September 3rd and 4th starting at 5:30pm
F3 dads at Folsom coming up

Prayer Request

Everybody with children and school


Slaw took us out


Thank you men!

Round Up


11 of us out this morning at PB to get some work in before the heat wave comes through. All of us were pushing the rock this morning and it seems like everyone hit the goals they were shooting for! Awesome job guys!


JJ5k September 26
Driver for bourbon chase October 16-17
Service project items see freight
50 miler September 3rd and 4th
Green river tubing see broke

Prayer Request

Brokers 2.1
Uranus family
Volt family
Turtle man


Broke took us out


Round Up


Respect @ PB

Knocked out some miles with all the old guys at prison break! We all got better and pushed the rock a little. Thankful for these men in Respect and their leadership role they all have a part in leading our brotherhood in some way, shape or form.

No matter the AO, continue to push the older guys so they can continue to push us!!

Service items to freight or broke
50 miler September 3rd and 4th taking up donations. Toys and money
Lunch tomorrow at the mall
JJ5k sign up

Prayer Request
Barrel racer friend with cancer
Turtle man
SA, slaw, freight daughters



God knows your heart!

Three of us out to get a few miles in this morning and to talk about the word of God.

I had the opportunity to share my experience I had at camp a few weeks ago and let me tell you it was great!

Our verse was 1 Samuel 16:7

But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.


The lord sees our heart and wether it’s pure or not, wether it is for him or against him, wether it is full of love or full of sin. No matter what man sees or says the lord knows the true YOU! What I experienced at camp was an eye opener as a youth pastor, father and as a leader. These kids have been misled in many ways spiritually because of us leaders walking around covering up bondage. The kids need to see us in our weakness and in our trials of life, they need to see our reaction to the things that battle us daily. When we are weak he is strong! They need to see Christ working in you.

I talked to my youth group all week about different things but I was able to speak to the guys about being a man. Society has put a label on what a man is suppose to look like and these guys are using that label in forming their lives. Some of them think they’re not worthy or they’re not good enough at life so they’re not good enough for the lord which is FALSE! Some of them think they have to degrade women, drink alcohol and cuss to be more of a man which is also FALSE! What we need to do is love the lord with all our heart all of our soul and all of our minds! Nothing will makes us more of a man than loving Jesus Christ. Being a Godly man in every situation.

I told them that is a hard thing to do in the flesh but through Jesus Christ our savior we can have a pure heart, we can love deeply, we can allow him to move when we are weak!I told them Doing good isn’t good enough that doesn’t make you a Christian and it will not get you in to heaven. The only way is through acceptance of the blood of Jesus Christ!  Accepting Christ as our savior will start it all and it’ll be hard but it will be worth it all!

I ended up having two come to know Christ as their savior that week and I baptized them last week at service and it was awesome! No matter what the world says and no matter the label they put on you, know this… God knows your heart and He will always put you where you need to be as long as you believe in Him and stay available for his works!!

Where is your heart? God knows..

Prayer Request

Berea Baptist VBS Invite any kids that you know.


Pizza man looking for volunteers on the Christmas town 5k
50 miler September 3rd and 4th taking up toys for the Dallas Christian ministry and money donations going to Not Alone foundation in fort Bragg
Sparky sign ups for snowbird


Wednesday Run

We got out there and put some work in this morning!

Thanks to all who were there that pushed me to be better this morning. I appreciate it👊🏻


F3 dad this Saturday at Gashouse
Snowbird September 24-26
50 miler September 3-4
Over 100 bags to give out for the people in need

Prayer Request
Slaw daughter
Turtle man
Each other
EZ Rider
SA daughter
Big Pappy family and mother
Sparky’s dad
Newton M and baby


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