Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sean Corcoran (Page 3 of 13)

F3 Ground Assault – May 20, 2024

We had a great group of PAX who shared in the fellowship with a run or a ruck.

2nd F Lunch at noon at Bad Daddy’s in Gastonia.
March Madness bracket challenge. Check Slack for the link and sign up. Winner gets the belt.
April 13 – Convergence at 7:00 a.m. CaroMont Health Park.
April 13 – Community Foundation Run 5K – Pushers are needed for the chariots. Contact Purple Haze on Slack for details.
April 20 – Extinction Run at 9:00 a.m. at Primary Brewery.
May 4 – Goonies Ruck at 3 a.m. beginning at Gashouse.

Bos mother in law.
Gavel’s family.
Huckleberry recovery from surgery.
Continue to check the slack channel and keep those PAX on IR or dealing with illness in your prayers.

FRC – March 8, 2024

We had 11 PAX show up this morning for FRC. Some ran 5 miles and others ran four. Overall it was a great morning to get out and post.

Rice N Beans, Tuesday, March 12 from 5:45-7:00 p.m. at the Salvation Army in Gastonia. See Anchorman for details.
Food Ruck on Saturday March 16 at 5:45 a.m. beginning at the Fighting Yank. PAX will ruck to Harris Teeter purchase items and ruck back to the Fighting Yank for the start of the workout.
Convergence on Saturday, April 13 at 7:00 a.m. CaroMont Health Park.
Community Foundation Run 5K on Saturday, April 13 – Pushers are needed for the chariots. Contact Purple Haze on Slack for details.
Extinction Run is Saturday, April 20 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at Primal Brewery.

Continue to keep the PAX who are ill and on IR in your thoughts.

F3 Poopdeck – March 7, 2024

Two Ferns was on Q at Poopdeck this morning in Lake Wylie.  He always has a great beatdown, but more importantly has a good message.

If you’re close to other regions, don’t be afraid to post. There are a lot of good PAX and it’s good to venture out.

Downrange PAX: GP, Quasimodo, Ice Bear, Austin Powers, Warrior, Dunkaroo, Gilligan

Downrange QIC: Two Ferns


F3 The Ricky Bobby – March 6, 2024

Four PAX showed up to brave the rain at The Ricky Bobby. Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Four sprints under the awning.

20 minutes. One random exercise per minute. (40 seconds on, 20 second of rest).

The rain seemed to taper down to a drizzle so we ran to the back of the school for suicide sprints (stack the exercises).
Light Pole #1: 10 merkins
Light Pole #2: 10 merkins, 20 squats
Light Pole #3: 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 SSH
Curb: 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 SSH, 40 plank jacks

*** Off in the distance there was a train, so 5 burpees.

We ran back toward the front of the school. Keeping the same theme with exercises at light poles, we did the following.
Light Pole#1: 5 wide arm merkins
Lunge walk to next Light pole.
Light Pole #2: 5 wide arm merkins, 10 Bobby Hurley’s
Bear Crawl to next light pole
Light Pole #3: 5 wide arm merkins, 10 Bobby Hurley’s, 15 Parker Peters (count one side)
Nur to next light pole
Light Pole #4: 5 wide arm merkins, 10 Bobby Hurley’s, 15 Parker Peters (count one side), 20 high knees (count one side)

****Minute wall sit followed by 10 air presses in cadence.

5 minute AMRAP (one minute per round)
5 burpees, 5 squats, 5 merkins (rest until the next round)

Rice N Beans, Tuesday, March 12 from 5:45-7:00 p.m. at the Salvation Army in Gastonia. See  Anchorman for details.
Food Ruck on Saturday March 16 at 5:45 a.m. beginning at the Fighting Yank. PAX will ruck to Harris Teeter purchase items and ruck back to the Fighting Yank for the start of the workout.
Convergence on Saturday, April 13 at 7:00 a.m. CaroMont Health Park.
Community Foundation Run 5K on Saturday, April 13 – Pushers are needed for the chariots. Contact Purple Haze on Slack for details.
Extinction Run is Saturday, April 20 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at Primal Brewery.

Continue to keep the PAX who are ill and on IR in your thoughts.


The GOAT – February 29, 2024

A few weeks ago, I volunteered to lead today’s workout, planning to make it extra tough because it’s Leap Year. We had a big group, with some folks going for a run up Cramer Mountain and back, and others opting to ruck. There was some fun mumble chatter about their being other AO’s for rucking and running on Thursday.  Seeing no FNG’s, I gave a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance..

Lap around Cramerton Town Center, I may have said the parking lot, which confused some.
9 Toy Soldiers IC
20 Seal Jacks IC
9 Windmill IC
4 burpees

8th Avenue and 10th Street: 10 merkins
10th Street and Front Street: 10 merkins, 20 squats
Front Street and 9th Street: 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 flutter kicks (count one side)
8th Avenue and 9th Street: 10 merkins, 20 squats, 30 flutter kicks (count one side) and 40 high knees (count one side)

We took the long way as Watt’s Up said to get to our next beat down.

FOUR ROUNDS (Four exercises, 7 reps, 1 burpee, and then a lap around Center Street):
Excises include 7 hand release merkins, 7 bomb jacks, 7 alternating shoulder taps (count one side) and 7 Parker Peter’s (count one side)

We can’t do a Leap Day workout with out some broad jumps. Once again we took the long way to the back parking lot on Main Street.

Rinse and Repeat 4 times:
1. Broad jump – 1 Burpee
2. Broad jump – 2 Mike Tyson’s
3. Broad jump – 3 Jump Squats
4. Broad jump – 4 Big Boy Sit ups

Well what do you know a train was heard in the distance with only a few minutes left as we headed toward COT… so 5 burpees.

10 Freddy Mercury IC
10 American Hammers IC
10 Mountain Climbers IC

Q School at the Gashouse on Saturday, March 2 with JJ and Broke.
Diablo Sammich is moving to Tuesday and Bulldog is moving to Thursday beginning next week.
Food Ruck on Saturday March 16 at 5:45 a.m. beginning at the Fighting Yank. PAX will ruck to Harris Teeter purchase items and ruck back to the Fighting Yank for the start of the workout.
Extinction Run is Saturday, April 20 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at Primal Brewery.

Continue to keep the PAX who are ill and on IR in your thoughts.
Breaker Breaker’s stepdad and aunt.
Bos’s mother in law.
Mayor wanted to praise his daughter for trying out for a solo for Mama Mia.


F3 Shipwreck – February 7, 2024

I was on Q at Shipwreck in Lake Wylie on February 7, 2024.

In honor of the SuperBowl coming up, I stole a workout from Bos known as Touchdown Beatdown, but before the fun we had to mosey and circle up for some stretching.

Touchdown Beatdown:

Bear Crawl from the end zone to the 10 yard marker. 10 Merkins.

Lunge Walk to 20 yard marker for 20 Alternating Shoulder Taps (count one side)

Run to the 30 yard marker for 30 Squats

Bear Crawl to the 40 yard marker for 40 American Hammers (count both sides)

Lunge Walk to the 50 yard line for 50 SSH.

Run to the 40 yard marker for 40 American Hammers (count both sides)

Bear Crawl to the 30 yard marker for 30 Squats

Lunge Walk to 20 yard marker for 20 Squats

Run to the 10 yard marker for 10 Merkins and bear crawl into the end zone.

Take a lap around the parking lot.

Rinse and repeat for 35 minutes.


F3 Black Flag – February 26, 2024

There was a passing of the Flag in Lake Wylie Monday evening at “Black Flag”, so I posted to support the new Site Q leader (Dunkaroo).

We had 16 PAX show up for the 45 minute workout at Field Day Park.

Tweety was on Q. Other Pax in attendance were (myself, Kaboom, Taser, Austin Powers, Nickelback, Cut Bait, Captain Jack, Quasimodo, Nature Boy, Green Acres, Wolverine, GP, Dovetail, Shades, Dunkaroo, ACP)

According to my Strava I ran more than 2 miles and burned more than 400 calories.

Evening workouts in Lake Wylie are every Monday and Wednesday beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Field Day Park.


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