Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sean Corcoran (Page 12 of 13)

The STORM – March 2, 2021

We had 14 HIM at The STORM this morning on a chilly, but a perfect morning for a workout.

We started with a long mosey around the school.

Warm Up
10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
10 Imperial Squat Walkers IC
10 Merkins IC
15 Mountain Climbers IC

ROUTINE 1 – Sprints and More

We split into three groups for more space.

From one end to the other we did side shuffle plus two burpees and sprint back
Then we did karaoke, high knees, skip, and nur. Each of these exercises was followed by two burpees.

ROUTINE 2 – Wheel of Merkins

Each PAX grabbed a piece of curb and performed 5 incline merkins. Staying in the plank position, rotate 90 degrees clockwise until your body is parallel to the curb with your right hand on the curb and left hand off it. Repeat 5 merkins Rotate 90 degrees more and perform the same number of decline merkins. Rotate 90 degrees more. Repeat with left hand on the curb and right hand off it.

ROUTINE 3 – Escalator

We knocked out an escalator of 5 Burpees, 10 Squats, 15 Mountain Climbers and 20 Plank Jacks then back down, but this time using 20 Plank Jacks, 15 SSH, 10 Seal Jacks and 5 Smurf Jacks.

We had about 90 seconds so we did OYO lbc’s, flutter kicks, etc.

Strides of March CSAUP – March 6, 2021

Rooster – March 13, 2021

P200 – March 19-20

Mortimer 100 Relay – March 19-20


Dirt is going in for a job interview.

Breaker Breaker asked for prayers for a relative.


Sean Corcoran (RADAR)

The STORM – October 13

We had a great turnout on a humid morning at The Storm.  Seeing no FNG”s I gave a quick disclaimer and we took a five minute mosey before circling up for the warmup.

Warm Up:
SSH x 25 (IC)
Windmill x 10 (IC)
Hillbilly Walker x 10 (IC)
MNC x 20 (IC)
Seal Jacks x 25 (IC)

Routine 1:
Staying in the front of the school we did something I like to call Crazy 8’s.  This is a routine where we do a choice of 3 exercises followed by running in a figure 8 pattern.

  • 8 merkins
  • 8 mountain climbers (2 is 1)
  • 8 jump squats
  • Crazy Eight run around the island
  • Repeat 8 times

Routine 2:
So I had each PAX get on a parking space line.  Starting at the curb we did 10 derkins and then bear crawled halfway and lunge walk the rest where we did 1 irkin.  Rinse and repeat until it was 10 irkins and one derkin.

Routine 3:
The pax lined up. One PAX would call an exercise. All the pax would perform the exercise and then sprint about 50 yards and walk back. We did this about five to six times before it was time to end in the Circle of Trust.

F3 Lake Wylie Nessie is scheduled for October 24. Details at

F3 Gastonia 5.5 year convergence at Martha Rivers on 10/31. Check slack for details.

The family of Mike Reidy who passed away Friday, October 9.
The Patterson family. Their 20-year-old son committed suicide.
A colleague of Pilgrim’s Progress who was  recently diagnosed with cancer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!



Goat Island – August 27, 2020

I pulled into Goat Island sore from doing Week 0 of the Iron Pax Challenge and knew there was going to be NO Bonnie Blairs today.  Secondly I thought, usually the parking lot is full with the About Face Bootcamp ladies, but I was  quickly told that they moved to a new location on South New Hope Road.

I gave a quick disclaimer to the PAX and FNG and we did a mosey to the parking lot between the police station and bridge for a little warm up.

Windmill x 10 IC
Hillbilly Walker x 15 IC
Imperial Walker x 15 IC
SSH x 20 IC

We then ran to the intersection of 8th Avenue and 9th Street.

At the bottom of 9th Street we performed a version of “Triple Nickle”

Bottom – 10 Carolina Dry Docks — Middle – 10 LBC —  Top 10 Squats
Repeat everything with x 15 reps and x 20 reps.

Bottom – 10 Mountain Climbers (DC) — Middle – 10 Peter Parker (DC) — Top 10 Merkins
Repeat everything with x 15 reps and x 20 reps

Wet Nutz thought we were going to stay their for the workout, but I had other thoughts and we did “Four Corners”

First Corner at 8th Avenue and 9th Street – 10 Plank Jacks (IC)
Second Corner – 8th Avenue and 10th Street – 10 Plank Jacks (IC), 20 Rocky Balboas (IC)
Third Corner – 10th Street and Mayflower Avenue – 10 Plank Jacks (IC), 20 Rocky Balboas (IC), 30 Dirkins
Fourth Corner – Mayflower Avenue and 9th Street – 10 Plank Jacks, 20 Rocky Balboas (IC), 30 Dirkins, and 40 Monkey Humpers.

Seeing we had some time left, we partnered up and did a mini dora. While one performed the exercise the other ran to the end of Mayflower Avenue and back.
25 Burpees
50 SSH
100 Big Boy Situps

Prayers for a co-worker of JK2 whose son is in rehap.

Prayers for those in the path of Hurricane Laura.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead!



The Ricky Bobby – July 29,2020

Took a quick lap in the school parking lot and then circled up for some exercises.

Don Q x 10 IC
Produce Picker (Blackberries) x 10 IC
Hillbilly Walker x 10 IC
SSH x 25 IC

Headed to the track for the main part of the workout

Round 1
10 merkins
20 jump squats
30 air presses
Run a lap – rinse and repeat 4x

Round 2
10 diamond merkins
20 american hammers
30 flutter kicks
Run a lap – rinse and repeat 4x

Round 3
10 derkins
20 dips
30 squats
Run a lap – rinse and repeat 4x

At this point, we didn’t get time to start round 4 so we headed back to the COT for two minutes of LBC’s.

Don’t forget to check for a list of events.

Termite is celebrating his 60th birthday with a two-day camping trip. See slack for more information.

Mount Mitchell Hike is September 27. Check with Gastone for details.

Owners of Tony’s ice cream and everyone involved.

Teachers, police, fire, and medic.


The Storm – July 21, 2020

It was March, the last time I had “Q” at an AO. I was a little rusty and it shows in my backblast.

I gave the disclaimer and then we heard the train so we all performed 5 burpees.

We went on a good half-mile mosey to the other side of the school where we circled up for the warm-up exercises.

SSH (25 IC)
MNC (10 IC)
Low Slow Squat (10)
Plank Jacks (20 IC)
Diamond Merkins (10 IC)

After the warm-up we did 11’s. I thought it would not take long, but it took the whole time. We started at the circle of the main entrance to the school and ran to Lakewood Road. We did merkins and jump squats.

When Dr. Seuss and Oblivious finished up I decided to head back to COT for a little ab work. We did LBCs and then Wet Nuts wanted us to end on 10 burpees so we did that.

Annihilation at The Fighting Yank Saturday at 7:00 a.m. with Pizza Man. There will be another option available for others.

Blue Ridge Relay September 11-12.

For more events, check out

Police and first responders

People who are facing unemployment

F3 Mecca has a 2.0 (State Farm) that is going through some issues with his heart. His dad is (Hugo).





The Ricky Bobby – March 11, 2020

The Ricky Bobby – March 11, 2020

We had 6 HIM post this morning at Goat Island.

We took a lap around the elementary track and then circled up for the warm up.

Warm Up:
SSH X 25 (IC)
Windmill x 10 (IC)
MNC x 10 (IC)
Low Slow Squat x 10 (IC)
Plank Jacks x 10 (IC)

I had plans to bring Sandy (play sand), but left her at home so we only had Cindy (cinderblock) to use.  As one PAX carried “Cindy” 50 yards and 50 yards back… the other PAX performed a called exercise. We did three rounds of this.  There was a lot of mumble chatter about the Corvid-19 and our Pax “Virus.”  In addition, we had some good jokes on Sargento who was returning from a brief absence.

Secondly, we did the following exercises.

¼ mile run
50 SSH and 50 LBC

¼ mile run
45 SSH and 45 Squats

¼ mile run
40 SSH and 40 merkins

¼ miles run
35 SSH and 35 LBC

Orangeman’s mother who recently had surgery.


The GOAT – February 13, 2020 (Pre Valentine Day Workout)

Goat Island – February 13, 2020

We had 9 HIM post this morning at Goat Island.

We took a lap around town square and then circled up for the warm up.

Warm Up:
SSH X 14 (IC)
Burpees x 2|
Windmill x 14 (IC)
Burpees x 2
MNC x 14 (IC)
Burpees x 2
Low Slow Squat x 14 (IC)
Burpees x 2
Plank Jacks x 14 (IC)
Burpees x 2


Valentine Day Facts courtesy

The average person will spend $144 on Valentine’s Day. So we did 24 reps of 6 exercises.

  1. 24 burpees
  2. 24 merkins
  3. 24 monkey humpers
  4. 24 mountain climbers (DC)
  5. 24 SSH
  6. 24 bomb jacks

Average cost of Roses is $42

So we did 42 reps spelling out the word Roses

  1. Rocky Balboa – 42 (DC)
  2. Overhead Clap – 42 (SC)
  3. Smurf Jacks – 42 (SC)
  4. E2K – 42 (21 each side)
  5. Squats  42

Since I liked the number 24 we did another six reps, but this time with a partner. Very similar to a lazy dora. Unfortunately, a train was heard in the distance and the Pax joined in and performed 5 burpees. I noted in the lexicon, Rock Hill does 10 burpees for a passing train. No one seemed to care what F3 Rock Hill does. LOL.

One partner performed derkins while the other partner held a plank. We also did incline merkins, dips, seal jacks, box jumps and peter parker (double count). After the third exercise the partner did lunges.

With time left we went down the stairs at the community center. While one of the PAX ran up the stairs the others performed a wall sit. We did this twice.

Finally, we ran back to COT or tried to keep up with Pillager and Stinky Bird who wanted to record their speed on the speed limit sign.

We had a couple of minutes of MARY (exercises performed were Flutter Kicks, Dying Cockroaches, American Hammers and LBC).

Termite found out that their cat of 14 years has cancer.

Top Hat mentioned to us to reach out to those who have not been out in a while and see how they are doing.

FIA Lake Wylie and F3 Family Fun Fest is this Saturday, February 15. Open to all F3 men and their wives. This will also be a friendly event for your 2.0.

Detective Mike Doty memorial 5k/10k in Fort Mill.

Don’t forget the Rooster is Saturday, February 29.


Where was the train?

January 21, 2020

My alarm went off at 4:55 a.m. and I reluctantly didn’t fart sack because I had the “Q” at The Storm. I knew it was going to be in the 20’s, so I was not sure how many PAX would be attending a morning workout. I knew Boudin would be present since he had mentioned some EC running and he WAS running as I pulled into Stuart Cramer High School.

I had planned on the train giving us some burpees, so I decided not to put that in my routine this morning. However, the train never came or was never heard.

Disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

After the disclaimer we ran a good distance to the “circle” near the front of the school for the warm up.

Warm Up:
SSH x 20 (IC)
MNC x 15 (IC)
Windmill x 10 (IC)
Produce Picker x 10 (IC)
Peter Parker x 15 (IC)

Routine 1:
After the warm up we ran toward the football parking lot entrance where we performed 11’s.  We did 10 merkins and 1 squat and ended with 10 squats and 1 merkin.

Routine 2:
We continued running toward Lakewood Road and found a hill where I decided to do my next routine.

Each pax would bear crawl up the hill and crawl bear down the hill. While one pax is doing this, the pax that is bear crawling would call out a set exercise for the pax to do until he returned. One of the pax did call burpees here though.

With time running out we continued to run up the sidewalk on Lakewood Road and take the long way back to C.O.T.

After it was over, my watch read 3.7 miles and 587 calories burned. So I was happy with the workout.

F3 Rock Hill Rooster is Saturday, February 29. Check with Breaker-Breaker if you’re interested in getting a team together.

Pillager has two neighbors that need praying.

Continue lifting up the Hamm family and Breaker Breaker’s wife who is now doing all the wedding planning.

Anchorman said his wife is traveling to Florida to spend some time with her parents.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

What Goes Up….Must Go Down


We had 9 HIM at the The STORM this morning.  We started with a long mosey around the school.

Warm Up
SSH – 25 IC
Windmill – 10 IC
Cotton Pickers – 10 IC
Hillbillies – 15 IC
Mountain Climber Merkin – 10 IC

Round 1: 10 Burpees  / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 2: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 3: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / 30 Squat Jumps / lLap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 4: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / 30 Squat Jumps / 40 Flutter Kicks (DC) / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 5: 10 Burpees / 20 Merkins / 30 Squat Jumps / 40 Flutter Kicks (DC) / 50 Carolina Dry Docks / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Escalator Down
Round 1: 50 Seal Jacks / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 2: 50 Seal Jacks / 40 Mountain Climbers (DC) / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Round 3: 50 Seal Jacks / 40 Mountain Climbers (DC) / 30 Rocky Balboa’s / Lap around the parking lot (school side entrance)

Some ab exercises, which I can not remember.

Circle of Trust
Please pray for Breaker Breaker and his family. A family member recently suffered a heart attack and his wife was also taken to a hospital for chest pain.

Please pray for Radar’s colleague. His daughter is going through drug rehabilitation.

I enjoyed the opportunity to lead. I hope you all were able to burn a lot of calories this morning!

Sean Corcoran (RADAR)

The Storm – June 18, 2019

June 18, 2019 – The Storm

A few weeks ago I agreed to ‘Q’ at The Storm, but after Rock Hill’s F3 Hog and Coyote on Saturday I was soon regretting it. I was sore and wasn’t sure how I was going to lead a group of men for 45 minutes. So here we go…

Disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance

After the disclaimer we ran a short distance to the parking lot near the football field for the warm up.

Warm Up:
Abe Vigoda x 10 (IC)
Produce Picker x 10 (IC)
SSH x 25 (IC)
MNC x 20 (IC)
Sun Gods x 10 (IC)
Sun Gods Reverse x 10 (IC)

After the warm up we ran to Lakewood Road and found the hill I remember oh so fondly when Sargento ‘Q’.

Routine 1:
Elevens: 1 merkin – bear crawl to the top of the hill and perform 10 monkey humpers – crawl bear down the hill and perform two merkins and so forth.

It was soon after we performed 11’s that a train was heard in the distance.  Each pax did 5 burpees.

Routine 2:
After the Elevens we ran to the  circle on Lakewood Road and partnered up for Dora 1-2-3 (100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 lbc). While one pax performed the exercise the second pax sprinted toward the school and sprinted back up the hill.

It wasn’t a minute that after we finished we heard another train and did 5 more burpees.

Routine 3:
This routine found us back in front of the school where we did forties (30 reps of dips followed by 10 rocky balboas)… then we subtract 5 reps from the dips and add five reps to rocky balboas. We did this until we had 10 reps of the dips and 30 reps of the rocky balboas.

With time running out we ran back to C.O.T. for announcements and prayers.

Anchorman – Rice and Beans this evening (June 18). Check Slack for more details.

This Saturday (June 22) is F3 Dads at Schiele Museum beginning at 7:00 a.m. Also on Saturday is a 2nd F event for tubing. Meet at the Target shopping center beginning at 10 a.m. $10 each for three miles or $15 for five miles of tubing on the Green River. All are welcome to attend.

Saturday, June 29 is the convergence at the Schiele Museum.

Dr. Seuss led us in prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

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