Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Pockets (Page 15 of 17)

Folsom hammy day.

As I pulled in the parking lot my normal 30 min early, I heard Leppard telling SA that he could do the 13 miles, don’t worry he said. They might have been better off. This crappy plan I had put together sucked.

Torn between workouts, I decided to go with my Route 66 ballerina style leg workout. Not popular but very effective in tackling the hamstring and butt area that many of men lack. Remember your M’s like a tight butt as well as you do! If you don’t think so, ask them!

Time to get going and the boys gathered around with one FNG. Disclaimer was given and we started.

Warmup began.

Your Q for the day did do a lousy job on most workout names today. I had to ask forgiveness from the PAX.

Don Q, Hillbillies, SSH, CottonPickers, and Squats all 15 IC.  Then we started Moroccan Nightclubs. We did about 30 or so IC until the last PAX had joined the group. Mosey to the nearby parking lot.

Route 66. We started with

Skater Squats

Salute plank with Bear Crawl between lines

Mosey to the pick nick shelter (Gumby got the lights on) we did some bench work.

Dips, step ups,  Gold digger gave us derkins and box jumps.

Back to the parking lot for more 66s.

Sandy V with Crab Walk between parking lines.

One Legged Deadlift


Toy Soldier

As we head back to the start we do 5 humpees at the speed bump in the road.

At the start we finished up with a round of marry. Everyone got a chance to lead an exercise and everyone did.


Great time as always. Several complaints. I like that, keep them coming.

I told the guys a story of an abandoned child. How there was rejoicing at her birth. The take away is, when you submit your heart and life to Jesus, the Heavans rejoice!!! It’s your new birthday!!



Christmas party in a in a couple of hours!!


Pray for our Cotters and  each other!!



Venom @ Midoriyama

As time was nearing  I noticed that the announcement of the venom clan’s debut must have scared many PAX.  Or it was cold?  With that we started. I had no plan of a warmup but with the presence of a once in a while visit from one HIM we did some Goofballs In cadence.


The five deadly venom beat down. 

Centipede style.   Nickname is “Thousand hands”   Well known for his quick moves. Let’s work on our upper body. 

CDD, Over Head claps, Merkins, Moroccan night clubs, dips. 


Snake style.  The snake spirit.  Famous for his responsive moves. The head moves and the tail reacts. Let’s do some combination work. (I’m not sure what I was thinking on a couple of these) 

Crunchy Frog, Mnt Climbers, v up roll up, Nolan Ryans, WW1. 


Scorpion Style. The feet move as a scorpions. Let’s work our legs some. 

Squats, skater squats, 1 leg deadlift,   Toy Soldiers, Hill Billy. 


Lizard style. He trained to have a light body and strong legs. So he could crawl with ease. Also made use of his rebound force. Let’s do some wall work. I did forget to put in a fifth exercise here. It was supposed to be Australian mnt climbers. 

Wall merkin, hip slapper, glute bridges, plank to hands, 


Toad style.  Is very strong. When properly used it is nearly invincible. It can even bend raw iron. Let’s do some total body work. 

Pull ups, Burpees, lunges, merkin, squat. 

After 5 reps of each exercise we are to run down the parking lot and back. Rinse and  repeat. 

With plenty of mumblechatter,  a few deer and bike riders, also a couple of police out. It made for a fun evening. Thanks guys 👊👊👊



Christmas party  dec 15.

Convergence dec 15  bring toys for operation sweet tooth


prayer request.

Frieght – Grandpa.

Pockets- cousin in hospital.

Just filling in.



Hill Billies

Cherry Pickers

Imperial Walkers


mosey to Hawthorne Hill.

We did 11’s

merkins on the bottom and squats up top.

Mosey across the street to the other side of Hawthorne.

Skip to the top of the hill.

Then we do Route 66 down Airline Ave.

1 legged deadlifts.

Several others I don’t remember. We had some Mary on the curb as well.


Great time at The Yank as always. For those who have not been to The Yank, I would like to encourage you to try and come over sometime. Lots of great places to put in work and lots of fun. Great breakfast afterward and some great second F. I would like to thank all the men in Belmont who come out. I learn from you every time.




Stop Soldier suicide 10K and 5K


prayer request.

Please keep each other in prayer. Encourage each other and lend an ear where needed.

JV heat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 delirious men showed at  Midoriyama for a nice 90+ day. I guess a tweet out provoked a none response for the workout. But all who showed had a great time.

I had a plan, but it changed when I saw the Iron Pax challenge. I want to push myself a lot more. I can’t compete with these guys, but these challenges are just that. Challenging myself to be better, not just at the workouts but a mental challenge for myself. As I come to these workouts I listen and notice all the work you guys put in with family life, work life, and your extra things like running and working out. I am in awe of you all for the work ethic and strength that you all show each and everyday! Thank you all for your love and  friendship. Thank you for the push through the pain and misery. God bless you all!!!!


Iron Pax Challenge #4

Mogadishu Mile

1 mile run

50 pull-ups

4 rounds of each:

25 alternating traveling leg lunges

25 air squats

4 rounds of each

25 merkins

25 yard sprint

100 coupon squat thrusters

50 pull-ups

1 mile run




stop soldier suicide / speed for need

JJ 5k


A lot of mary

Not much here but some rain and lightening. 8 came and 6 stayed. we ran down to the picnic shelter and did a lot of mary. the 2 shall remain nameless. we completed all exercises up and down the lexicon.


COT  Remember each other and their families. Keep the Lord in your focus. Have a safe independence week. American 4 miler on the 4th in charlotte.

Diggin for gold

10 Gashouse men showed Sunday morning and gave it all they had on the Walk/Ruck/Run 5 miler. Thank you guys for your inspiration!!! It was  nice rucking with Hippa and Oompa. We met a local man walking on the green way. We had a nice conversation and we may have talked him into meeting us next weekend. I want to encourage all of you that haven’t came out on a Sunday mornings.

Please keep all PAX and their families and friends in your prayers. God is doing good things in the Gashouse.


What the heck are we doing?

24 men showed to boost the Midoriyama count to a new height on Tuesday. With warm weather among us, all the fields and parking lots were filling up fast with kick ballers, baseballers and soccer phenomes. Seeing that so many PAX are having injuries I’ve been looking and finding more ways to build strength for legs and core. I found plenty to help TT with his erector spinae ( haha ) and Leppard’s leg, while also helping us slower runners with some strength that we can apply to our runs. Tiger brought two FNG’s with him.  Not a lot of cardio today, with that lets begin. TT took off on his run and Floppy, Swimmer and Canteen to the trails and Oompa on his recovery ruck,  the rest got to work.

Warm up  x15 IC

Moroccan Nightclubs


Cotton pickers


Don Q

Rocky Balboa

Mike Tyson


Mosey to the small soccer field to get some blocks, only to find our field has been over ran with soccer teams. OMAHA, mosey to the parking lot for some Rout 66. We need to show out for the soccer moms. With a few PAX in good form with their hip hop style, we began the THANG.

Skater squat.

Salute Plank.  Bear Crawl to the next line.

Sandy V. Crab walk to the next line.

Hip Thigh extension.  Crab walk to the next line.

Mosey to the next parking lot.

Single Leg Deadlift.

CDD. Bear Crawl to the next line.

Mosey back to the start.



Good job today men. I know that you all wanted to run more, but we can do that next time. Welcome Mongoose and Hey Jude, good job Tiger with the FNGs and showing them the ropes. It was a gut busting good time from the hip hop/west side style Skater Squats to the quick Hip Thigh Extensions being rolled out. This was definitely a great 2nd F workout as well. Thank you guys!!



Announcements:        The Forge on Wednesdays. LBFC’s for the monthly challenge, 40 day challenge,

Prayer Request:  Many request from house fires to untimely deaths. A friend of Billy Madison’s named Katey, Dealing with cancer, please so a prayer of hope and comfort for these families.


CSAUP day Afterburn

8 HIM’s showed up to the Coconut Horse to run and ruck their way to morning bliss. 4 ran, 3 rucked and 1 ran/walked. 6 for coffeerama. Great time, great conversation. Thank you men!

I want to encourage others to join us if you can. This AO has been one that I look forward to. There is a lot of 2nd F time here.

Another sucky ghost Q

15 men showed for a beautiful day at  the big M. Being that our brother Slaw has been cooped up at work, I reached out to him for some added help in guiding our group to be better men. While the varsity boys were changing their depends, the jv guys got after it in the crowded park. With a lot of EC going on, time was up and so we began the ghost Q beat down.


We mosey straight into the first set. No time for a warm up.

To get ready for the memorial day merk coming up, we start with a 1/2 Merk

1/2 mile run

50 pull-ups

100 merkins

150 squats.

On the last 1/2 mile mosey we stopped at the volleyball court for Burpees in the sand.

Mosey from the sand box back to the stop sign at tower road. From there we mosey to the light pole and complete 10 burpees. Next light pole we do 9 and then 8 then 7 and stop at the light pole at the flag and do 6.

With time almost done we rotated and did some exercises of choice. Time up.


Community fun run on April 14     sign up

Prayer request, COT



In a book that Stroganoff gave us ( The Travelers Gift ) one of the 7 decisions is an undecided heart. ” Most people fail because of an undecided heart, When challenged, a committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape. “

Fruitfulness at the Forge

10 Men came to the Forge at Grits and Greens in Lowell for some spiritual fulfillment on Holy week.  This week we concentrated on FRUITFULNESS.


Producing good fruit, Producing good or helpful results.

Old Testament.

Proverbs 11:30

1 Kings 3:16-28

Proverbs is a book written by Soloman to his people. Here is an example of how baring good fruit will live forever. Being fruitful is a wise.

1 Kings 3:16-28 is an example of Soloman showing us his wise judgement given to him by God. Soloman was trying to do what he could to be fair and honest with the people.

New Testament

Galations 5:16-26

Galations is a letter written by Paul to deal with the relationship between Christian jews and Christian gentiles. The Galations were starting to manipulate the Christian faith. In Galations, Paul tells us how to live in the faith and be fruitful. Christians need to unit in Christ.

We had a great discussion. As always we discussed many ways fruitfulness has affected us all, some negative and some positive. Sometimes you will see the fruit and sometimes you will not. Do not be discouraged if you do not see the fruit of some hard prayer or witnessing to/for others. The main outcome we came to is that fruitfulness needs to happen organically, the way God intended. Not by, trying to hard or by ignoring when the opportunity arises.  Live your life the way God has shown you, the fruit will come.

God bless you men.


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