Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Pockets (Page 13 of 17)

Rainy morning at the storm

11 men came for a rainy morning at The Storm. Since I got them all wet last time I lead, I decided to give in and let them stay dry under the cat walk. I went with the 45 exercises in 45 minutes. inspired by our friend Ashepond. Here is the list of our workout. we did modify one time and ran down the parking lot and back when the rain had quit.






Big Boys

Toy Soldiers

Nolan Ryans

American Hammers


Wide Arm Merkins

Dying Cockroaches



Pretzel Crunch

Imperial walkers

Low Plank

Crunchy Frogs

Rocky Balboas


OverHead Claps

Freddie Mercury’s

Skater Squats

Don Q

V-up Roll-ups

Tiger Squats

Dips on the curb

Oblique sit ups

Grass Pokers

Mnt Climbers

Flutter Kicks

Butt Kickers

Peter Parker’s

Hold feet up 6 inches

High Knees

Parker Peters

Bobby Hurleys

Calf Raises

High Plank


Moroccan Night Clubs

1 Leg Deadlifts

Wall sit

Incline Merkins

Decline Merkins




Convergence coming up.


Prayer request for those struggling with mental health. Breaker Breakers in laws.

Prayer works men!! keep in the word and build your faith!!!!

9 Round Knockout.

8 men at The Yank for a little split Q work. 5 Degrees with his VQ today. He brought us an awesome workout.

Warm up began with some exercises called by Pockets. With most being called 15 in cadence, we ended them out by giving each PAX a chance for a called exercise. Ending up with passing off the Q to 5 Degrees. We moseyed over to the lot by the trash cans and began the 9 round beat down. complete an exercise and then run a lap. Add an exercise after each round, while adding reps to each exercise.

Round 1.

Burpees  x 5

Round 2.

Add  Merkins  x 10

Round 3.

Add  LBC  x 15

Round 4.

Add  Lunges  x 20

Round 5.

Add  Squats  x 25

Round 6.

Add 1 minute Low Plank

Round 7.

Add  30 American Hammers

Round 8.

Add 40 Overhead presses and add 5 to the American Hammers

Round 9.

Add  60 SSH and 80 Overhead Presses


Awesome VQ for 5 Degrees. Thanks to all who came out. Dont forget the Convergence coming up. Please support your Site Q’s.

Apache At The Yank

11 men at the yank for an Apache and Zappa inspirational beatdown.

After a little warmup we moseyed over to the gravel parking lot and split into teams to carry some bags with plates and sprint back. We moseyed all over to other lots doing various exercises stopping at the big lot by the trash cans for the bulk of our work. We started with trash can races ( I crashed mine several times ). They are not easy to drag either. We continued over to find some PVC pipes ready for us to carry around. we completed an exercise while one PAX carried the pipe across the parking lot and back, then we swapped off.  Thanks to Apache for coming up and leading us. We always enjoy his mumble-chatter.

Thanks Gashouse for your support. SYITG



More Fun At The Goat

Five of us at The Goat on a great morning. Here is how it went down.

Warmup 15 IC



Moroccan nightclubs.

Toy Soldiers.

Cotton Pickers.

Nolan Ryans.

Mnt. Climbers.

Flutter Kicks.

Pretzel Crunch.

Mosey over to Goat Island to the parking lot. Route 66 first.

  1. 1 leg deadlift.
  2. Sprint to the other end and nure back. Stretch
  3. Squat Jumps
  4. Sprint. Nure. Stretch
  5. CDD
  6. Sprint. Nure. Stretch
  7. Bobby Hurleys
  8. Sprint. Nure. Stretch.

Mosey to the play ground.

5 Burpee pull-ups

10 Imperial Walkers

15 Workins

Complete 5 sets. Then mosey back to the start and finish up.

Thanks again for the opportunity! SYITG

Missionality at Midoriyama

After listening to the 43 feet podcast on missionality, I decided to make that my workout. This workout is a combination of the podcast and my own thoughts.

Today’s mission is to not just work out but to build teamwork as well. Let’s get fit together.

Warm up 20 in Cadence.





Toy soldiers


Jog to the small soccer field for team work.

F3 has a mission statement. The mission statement is to plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups with the intent of invigorating male leadership throughout the community.

As we Q our workouts we must keep the group on the mission. Just like in our daily lives we must stay on mission, we must keep those around us on the mission. Whether your mission be on the first F, like staying in shape so you can be there for your family or getting up earlier to be ready for scheduled appointments, second  F, like getting to know people more, being more outgoing, listening to others as they need help with life, or sharing with others your needs. Or just simply visiting someone.  Or your mission may be on the third F. Like learning to read more scripture, having a more routine for your faith or understanding more of your faith. Your third F mission may also be praying with others more.

Let’s do some teamwork.

Split into teams of 5.  The mission is to carry the tires the length of the field as a team. Our mission  is to carry the tires  stopping at the halfway mark completing an exercise and then continue to the end of the field and complete another set of the called exercise. Because we are a team, exercises are called by the PAX. We completed 10 different exercises and completed 5 trips up and down the field, while carrying the tires. 


With time running low, lets Indian run back to the start. The last man drops off and completes five squats before running to the front of the line. 


Sometimes the Q can complete the mission even though the organization is split up into several groups. Our new mission is to split up into groups of 2.

Complete these exercises in 10 reps. 

Hi five push-ups

Leg throws

Partner Merkin

Double jump.

My Mission

My Mission in life is to be  Christ centered. What is your Mission?

3 Questions for the Q and his team.

  1. Can a team prosper without a mission?
  2. How does the Q keep his team focused on the mission?
  3. What danger is there for a team that loses its focus?


Prayer Request.

Chavers family

Tater hole’s family.

Swimmer’s father n law

Timeframe M and family.

Tiger’s dad.

Whopper 2.0

Little sweet


Gas and go blowout.

11 PAX came out for day 16 of the Christmas Challenge. 


Grass Pickers

Over Head Claps


160 reps of each exercise. After 40 reps of each exercise we run a lap. All reps are done in unison. We complete 4 laps of each round. Exercise are

Round 1




Round 2



Pretzel Crunch

Head back to the start for some marry.

Apparently the men of Mt Hollywood are extra gassy.  Every round I was blown out while running behind the group.  So be prepared on Monday’s to run in front of the group! Ha-Ha!  Also while making our laps,  a visitor come by to heckle us and left a gift for his man-crush. All I know is after he left, there was several jealous men! ha ha ha ha! As always we had a good time.


First Gashouse house Q.

Gashouse Q

No warm up. Let’s mosey to Laurel lane. continue to Castlegate Street, left on Dixon Road  then left on Burtonwood Drive stopping at each intersection and performing 10 Hillbillies together in cadence. Continue to the parking lot of First Presbyterian church.

Route 66 time.


Dying cockroaches

WW1 sit-ups

Skater Squat

Toy soldiers.

Return to the flag for the warm down.

Cotton Pickers

Imperial Walkers

Don Q


1 leg deadlift.

im pretty sure this was what happened! A little late on the BB. Most of the memory evolves a few PAX refusing to do some of the Route sixty six and refusing to do other exercises. Good leaders are Good Followers.


Midoriyama Madness.

10 showed at Midoriyama for a rain break workout. With no plan of being under a shelter, I was happy that no hard rain fell on us. Let’s  began our evening.


Grass Pickers

Over Head Claps


With  the Christmas challenge in full affect and I’ve being trying to do a workout every day for the 40/50 challenge, the Christmas  challenge is a great way to deliver yourself a workout throughout the day. I decided to do a burpee mile type workout. 100 reps are what is needed for day ten of the Christmas challenge. So we are to complete 25 reps of an exercise and then run a lap.  I also like working out together and running with other people, so I decided to make all reps done together and run together. This promoted a lot of mumble chatter and a lot of laughter.

the first mile exercises are; 




The second mile exercises are


Lunge for 2 rounds and Monkey Humpers 2

Flutter Kicks

2 miles done and time winding down we mosey back toward the start. We stop at each light pole on the left and do 5 Monkey Humpers. At the start we finish the Daly Christmas challenge with 10 Burpees. With roughly 9 min left we slow down with some merry. Sit Ups, SSH, Toy Soldiers, Nolan Ryans, plank, and Crunchy Frogs are most of what was performed. Time up!!

convergence on 12/28/19 

Pac-Man is leading Gashouse this weekend. please help your site Q’s out by leading a workout.

Freight will be doing 2 more rucks for food. Gashouse this week and The Yank next.

Service/trash pickup ruck on 12/21 at all Saturday AOs.

prayer request.
Many request guys. Please try to listen and remember each other’s request. Most of all prayer does work. Our Lord is listening and waiting for you!!

Thank you letting me lead!

Cramerton mosey

12 showed Thursday morning to make room for extra stuffing!! With time expiring and no warm up,  Let’s mosey!!

We leave the parking lot and run 9th st to 8th ave. Up to 10th st. Turn left down Mayflower st. Turn left again at 8th st. Turn right and go down riverside dr. Then left on 1st st. Then left on S Main st. Continue down the steps at the end of the street and continue up 8th, turning left on Center st. Then stopping back at the start. This completes a roughly 2 mile loop.

We stopped at every intersection completing various exercises. All exercises are in cadence, with the PAX helping  call out a few of the exercises  we also sprinted up the steep hill on 1st street. 



American hammer



Crunchy Frog

Diamond Merkin

Rocky Balboa



Nolan Ryans



Mnt Climbers

Pretzel Crunch


With the route done we finished the last few minutes doing a warm down/ stretch.

Cotton Pickers

Overhead claps


As we circled up, I told the PAX about the story of Gideon. How he waited to see Christ, as God promised him. When Gideon saw the Christ child, he thanked God for his promise and prayed with great joy. There are many things for us to be thankful for.  Just like Gideon, we have many promises that God is sharing with us everyday.
With the holidays here, I asked the guys to keep each other in their prayers and I asked that we all pay attention to those around us. When engaged in conversation with others, pay attention to them.  Make sure that others know that you care about them and make sure you hear them!



I’m a puss.

 9 showed up for an afternoon workout at Midoriyama. Warmup began with a 1 mile mosey across the road to the paved trail. We stopped several times for some hillbillies and imperial walkers, also doing some down hill sprints and up hill sprints. We continued back to the parking lot by the ball field. We circled up and completed these exercises in cadence.  Continue reading

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