Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Pizza Man (Page 2 of 12)


It was a beautiful Tuesday at Midoriyama and the crowd was large.  It had been awhile since I had not only Q’ed but posted at Midoriyama.  If you are here to read about what the PAX did, sorry.  We all put in work!!  I’m here to discuss “Concentrica”….over the past couple of months I have started focusing on spending more time during the week with my M and daughter.  Most of you know that the M and I both are at work super early so I was only able to post in evenings on Tuesday and Thursday during the week.  I love F3 and I am so thankful for what it has done for me but I wanted to step back during the week and focus more on my family.  My king hasn’t slowed down, I just had to look at my priorities and adjust my schedule to put in work at different times and also allow my M to get her workout in too.  Before, I was selfish, just worried about myself, and wanted to post.  Now I am enjoying afternoon family walks, eating dinner as a family, etc.  but with this I rely heavily on my Whetstone and Shield Lock relationships.  We never know what life is going to bring you so we need to make sure that we have our priorities in order and don’t regret anything when the day is done.  I just wanted to share what’s going on in my life and make sure that each of us are focusing on the important things in our lives.

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead!!  It was awesome seeing each of you…until next time Pizza Man is OOOOUUUUUTTTTTT!!



New AO – March 27th

PT Test – April

“Disruption” at Crossroads

12 PAX resisted the fartsack and posted on a chilly morning at Crossroads.  Strong work by all this morning.  “Disruption” was strong throughout the runs and during QSource.

It’s always an honor to get an opportunity to lead!!  Until next time PM is OOOUUUTTTT!!

Gumby’s mom
GD and wife
Broke and family
F3 Gastonia 2021 Leadership Team
PM’s co-worker on the loss of his dad
Many unspoken
SAs family

12/28 The Sword

We did work and then discussed Proverbs 16:3 and 16:9.  Great discussions from all!!

Proverbs 16:3 – Commit to the Lord in all that you do, and he will establish your plan’s.

Proverbs 16:9 – The heart of a man plans his path but the Lord establishes his steps.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead…until next time Pizza Man is OOOUUUUTTT!!



1/1 – 10 miler from Coconut Horse…start whenever to be done at 8am

1/9 – Convergence at Folsom at 7am

12/27 Crossroads

12 PAX posted at Crossroads to do some work.  The “Original Route” was ran, thanks to Freight.  Good work by all!!

During QSource we discussed how 2020 impacted different families in different ways.  Also, YHC mentioned to everyone to set some type of goals for 2021 and asked the question, “What is your 2021 word?”.  Great discussion for all and looking forward to starting F3 Gastonia’s 3rd year of QSource.

It’s always an honor to lead and until next time….Pizza Man is OOUUUUTTTT!!


1/1 – 10 miler for the F3 10year Convergence at Coconut Horse (Finish time 8am so whatever time you need to start). Run, Ruck, Bike, Walk, or Drive…just do something

1/9 – Convergence at Folsom @ 7am (2021 Leadership roles will be announced)

F3 Shelby Convergence

F3 Gastonia…here’s an opportunity to get out of our region and support another one.  On December 5th, F3 Shelby will be having a convergence from 7-8am .  In 2018, we ventured up to this region and it was probably one of the coldest and nastiest workouts ever.  64 PAX survived it and hopefully the weather will not be the same this time but if it is “OH WELL”.

Be on the lookout for more information on Slack and more details to come over the next couple weeks.



Back at it…..

6 PAX showed for a returned visit from Pizza Man.  It went like this….



Don Q’s X 10 IC

Let’s mosey to the far soccer field.

The Thang:

Hero WOD “Dee”

40 Squats

30 Hand release merkins

20 Burpees

400 meter Run

X 4 rounds

Strong work by all…with sometime left we went straight into the next one.

Hero WOD “Griff”

800 meter Run

400 meter Nur (Run Backwards)

800 meter Run

400 meter Nur (Run Backwards)


During COT YHC discussed the meaning of family and how important it is to schedule your workouts so it doesn’t interfere with family time.  Over the past month or so I have found that spending time with my M and 5 year old daughter is where I need to be.  I am fortunate enough to be able to workout during the day at the office and devote more time with the family in the evening.  Just think about if something were to happen to your family, would you regret not spending more time with them?  Just a thought…keep that in mind as none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.

It’s always an honor to lead a great group of men!!

Until next time Pizza Man is OOOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTTTT!!!




A solid group of men were persuaded to come put in some type of work at Crossroads.  Some rucked, some ran, some biked, but everyone got better!!  After Crossroads we discussed “Persuasion” during Q Source.  If you haven’t attended Q Source please try to make it, you will grow as a man!!


Aug. 29th- Annihilation

Sept. 19th- CSAUP  at Folsom

Sept.26th- JJ5K

Sept.27th- Mt. Mitchell Hike

42nd Birthday

7 PAX posted on Thursday Aug. 6th for a delivery honoring my sister who’s 42nd birthday would’ve be on Aug. 8th.   17:30 is here so let’s go…



Don Q’s X 17 IC (17 represents number of years since she passed away 2/16/03)

The Thang:

Run 1000 meters then perform:

5 Rounds of :

20 Squats

20 Burpees

20 WW1s

20 Merkins

Then run 1000 meters…

With about 5 or so minutes left we decided to do some mary.

42 Flutters

42 Russian Twist

42 Freddy Mercury’s

42 Crossover crunches

42 Shoulder taps

42 Moroccan nightclubs

42 LBCs

TIME…..strong work by all that posted!!

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead a great group of men.

Until next time….PIZZA MAN is OOOOUUUUUUTTTTT!!!


Sept 19 – CSAUP at Folsom

Sept 26 – JJ5k

Sept 27 – Mt. Mitchell Hike


Annihilated by Pizza

It’s hard to believe that it is already the last Saturday in July so it’s time for Annihilation.  This month YHC was fortunate enough to be asked to Q it.  There were several things that came to mind but keeping it moving was apart of all of them.  With that said, we had a strong group of 11 that was eager to get “Annihilated” by Pizza.  Several PAX figured that the bootcamp wasn’t going to test them enough so they put in some EC.  Strong work!!  7am hit and it’s time….


SSH X 20 IC (Explained what the plan was during this)

The Thang:

YHC created a 4 mile route and at every 1/4 mile marker the PAX were to perform a set of exercises.

The exercises were…

5 Burpees

10 merkins

15 squats

20 Flutters (each leg)

Then on to the next mark…strong work by all!!

With that complete and around 10 minutes to go we moseyed to the covered shelter for one last thing.

10-1 with Burpees and WW1’s (10 Burpees and WW1’s, 9 Burpees and WW1’s, 8 Burpees and WW1’s….all the way to 1)


(Overall the PAX logged over 4 miles and completed 910 reps.  Strong work!!!)


We all meet back up with the PAX that posted at the Yank.  Gastonia had a strong showing at the Fighting Yank with 22 total (including two that ran 16 miles around Belmont).


Annihilation –  August 29th at 7am – Gashouse

Mt Mitchell Hike – Sept. 27th – Gastone will be posting a Pre-Blast


Once again, there was strong work by everyone that posted at Annihilation.  Thanks again for the opportunity to lead a great group of men.  I hope that everyone got their money worth but if you didn’t make sure you come out to the August 29th Annihilation at Gashouse.

Until next time Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!


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