Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Oompa Loompa (Page 11 of 11)

3 Miles (one step at a time)

It was a hot Thursday at the premier afternoon gathering. Oompa was measuring parking stalls when Broke hollered 9 feet!! Gomer stopped by to say hi prior to the workout. No shovel flag, but, we had one tied to the fence anyway.



Warm up: SSH x 10 IC; Abe Vigoda x 10 IC; Monkey Humpers x 10 IC; LBCs X 10 IC; Cherry Pickers x 10 IC; Mountain Climbers x 10 IC; Dips x 10 IC

Mosey to Markers (Approximately .1 mile apart) with most exercises in cadence

20 LBC RALK                  run                         20 Merkins                      run

20 LBC LARK                  run                         20 Shoulder Taps           run

20 LBC                            run                         20 Maktar Jys                 run

20 Leglifts                       run                         20 Declines                     run

20 Dollys                          run                         20 Inclines                      run

We rinse and repeated until time ran out. My Ionic said we had 3.2 miles.

Substituted high and low planks, hip slappers, hold crunches, and other stuff I totally forgot. Some karoke, some nurs. Tried out a new exercise with knees on curb and lower face to pavement. That looked really stupid  said the bike rider (Swimmer) who pedaled through our group and told us so.

Announcements: SFN & Murph, Monks going away party.

Prayers: Praise for the good news on Broke’s 2.0 (Gold Digger’s M). Other requests I forgot, sorry guys.

Moleskin: No major words of wisdom to share, just asked that we all pray for each other.

Thanks for supporting!

Oompa OUT.




This workout is a S.O.B


S. O. B.

Sprints Other Burpees

YHC showed up at Midoriyama on an 80 degree Thursday afternoon for Gashouse’s only and best afternoon workout. Sister Act was running 4 miles EC as usual. Some mumblechatter and hellos as PAX rolled in.

1730 Let’s get it on!


SSH x 10 IC
Abe Vigoda x 10 IC
Monkey Humpers x 10 IC
LBCs X 10 IC
Back Extensions Dorsal Lifts x 10 IC
Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
Hand Release Merkins x 10 IC

YHC brought a 4″ diameter red painted 1/4″ thick metal plate disc, bummed a F3 sticker from Hipaa and affixed to one side to make it a challenge coin.

Simple rule each PAX flips the challenge coin in the air, call Sprints Or Burpee. F3 sticker meant burpee. If called it correctly, you could substitute another exercise or do exercise designated. If wrong do the other. For sprints pick a landmark 50-100 meters away and run there. If burpee do a burpee. Simple yet stupid.

And away we go. After two rounds of flipping coin, we must’ve done 50 flipping burpees and ran a 5K. Just a little hyperbole there.

To catch our breath, 20 LBC’s IC, 20 alternating leg LBCs and something else I forgot.

Back to two more rounds of flipping coin, another 100 burpees and another 5K ran.

Another stop to catch our breath, both legs on bleachers 25 crunches, hold crunch at top 30 secs. Back on feet 50 Moroccan nightclubs, hold arms out at 90 degrees, 50 more MCs, hold arms our straight in front of body, 50 more MC’s.

Mosey back to flag for COT & Announcements.

Words of Wisdom: We all make time to strengthen our physical bodies by posting multiple times a week. While listening to Kingdom Man was convicted of the need to make time to strengthen ourselves spiritually. Where would we be if we spent 45 minutes a day in prayer and the Word?

Easter AO’s schedule change for Q Source
Dirt’s friend bitten by copperhead and other prayer requests


Mount Mitchell 05MAY19 0530 GSM parking lot

2nd F Lewis Farms 27APR19 BYOB/BYO smores

Thanks for letting me lead.

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