Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Nutria (Page 6 of 10)

All was good until Time Frame showed up

Tube hustled to pick up the shovel flag knocked down by a bone-chilling gusty wind that reminded 6 HIM’s gathered in the gloom that we’re still in January despite the thermometer showing a spring-like 48 degrees.  The winter breeze persisted, but the newly secured shovel flag would stand for the remainder of the workout, and the PAX would soon warm up.

At 0530, after the usual disclaimer, we warmed up with SSH, hillbilly walkers (15xIC), merkins and mountain climbers (10xIC).  Then setting up Pandora’s heavy metal station, we moved on to The Thang.

1. Bench work:  Dips, Bulgarian split squats, Rows (“lawn mowers”), Step-downs. Leg exercises were chosen for their difficulty with balance/stability.   Set of 10 each, OYO. 

2. “Boo-yah 11s:”  Partners lined up with the middle post of the walkway and began with 10 Boo-yah merkins, then bear crawled in opposite directions to the next support post for 1 heels-to-Heaven, returned to middle for 9 Boo-yah merkins, etc.  This looked much better on paper than in practice.  There was a lot of modifying to lunge-walks.  Also,  since even numbers are convenient for partner work, things were going well until Time Frame casually strolled up just after I had finished explaining the routine.  No worries, though – after an appropriate amount of harassment and figuring out a way for a group of 3 to work, we got it done. Since he didn’t technically schedule an appointment between 0540-0550 or other range, I’ll resist the obvious cheap shot at the proverbial cable guy…

3. Back to the bench.  Same exercises, 15 reps.

4. AMRAP relay:  We split into 3 groups of PAX.  Group 1 did kettlebell swings.  Group 2 set up near the end of the walkway and did squat thrusts.  Group 3 started out lunge-walking from one station to the other, but I quickly modified that to rifle-carrying to keep things moving.  We did 2 or 3 rounds.

5. Back to the bench.  Same exercises, 15 reps.

6. It was getting close to time, so we finished up with nearly a full round of Mary that included penguins, American hammers, other good stuff.

Announcements:  2nd F lunch 1/25; 2/11 convergence in Folsom (“Winternationals”)

Prayers: Hunchback’s 11-yr old neighbor; Orangeman’s friend Lana.

Privileged to lead this group of HIM’s,
 – Nutria

Exercise1. Rest. Repeat.

4 HIM’s overcame the fartsack and gathered on a cold morning to get better. By the time I got my coupons and bluetooth speaker ready at the gathering spot, it was 0530, go-time. Warm-up was hillbilly walkers, Moroccan nightclubs, and Nolan Ryans (10xIC). In the distance I heard the whistle of a train so tacked on 5 burpees. PAX debated whether I actually heard a train. Orangeman said it was a car. “So you did hear it!” I replied – as if I even needed a train to call 5 burpees.

The Thang:
Set up the music (The Offspring Pandora channel helpfully added by my 15-yr old daughter who has somehow developed remarkably good taste for 90s alternative rock).
Set up the timer: 30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest.

“Exercise 1” consisted of:

Kettlebell swings
Bulgarian split squats (switch legs halfway)
Lawn mower rows (switch arms halfway)
Kettlebell pullovers

Step ups
Merkin pull throughs
Clean and press (switch arms halfway)
Reverse lunges

Flutter kicks
Side plank star crunches – L
American hammers
Side plank star crunches – R
Scissor kicks

Some of these exercises were picked for their emphasis on balance. Most of us could use more work on that.  The side plank star crunches were especially ridiculous. Thanks to F3Carpex for introducing me to that little gem – it will surely make another appearance in a future Q. 

There were coupon-carry breaks after each set of 5 exercises.  After about 2.5 complete rounds, we finished up with 2 minutes of Mary.

Announcements:  New Years Day stuff – check Slack for details; 2nd F lunch

Prayers:  Turtleman, Huckleberry, my Brother-in-law Dylan

Privileged to lead a fine group of HIM’s this morning,

 – Nutria

God First at The Ricky Bobby

I recently heard a story that reminded me of the importance of “living third.” (More on this below.) Living third means making sure our most basic, fundamental priorities are in order. We live for (1) God, (2) others, and (3) ourselves – in that order. December is a perfect time to remember and reflect on these basic priorities, so we’ll do that at The Ricky Bobby throughout this December.

OK, 0530, go time and it’s raining.  I’m grateful that 5 PAX left the fartsack to join me here.  We circle up near the entrance to the school for quick disclaimer and warmup of SSH, Imperial walkers, Merkins, Nolan Ryans, mountain climbers (all 10xIC).

The Thang is a classic Dora routine of 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 flutters.  It’s not raining hard, so non-working partner lunge-walks across the driveway to the grass and back.  Next we take a short mosey to the corner of the school where there’s just enough wall for 5 of us, leaving Tesla around the corner in the rain.  We take a seat and pass “Frank” and “Hank” (18 lbs each) down and back twice.  Then move to the next Dora set: PAX choice of hand-release merkins, big boy sit ups, and American hammers.  This round of Dora was much tougher than the first one…  Time’s up – quicker than I’d planned – so let’s come back to “living third.”

Living third means making sure our most basic, fundamental priorities are in order. We live for (1) God, (2) others, and (3) ourselves – in that order. Most of the time, the first and second priorities align with each other: We glorify God by serving others, and vice versa. But it’s utterly critical that God comes first. That struck me when I learned about a 23-yr old kid who openly wants to die. Though he suffers from diabetes and is nearly blind, he’s not in extreme pain or despair. He simply feels like life is too burdensome on himself as well as his family who care for him. His conscious, “rational” choice to end his life is aimed at making life better for others. Sadly, that thought process ignores the fact that each and every life created by God has dignity and value. This is true whether we understand it or not. And very often, we don’t understand what God’s plan is. Whoopee nicely reinforced this by pointing to the Mustang mat in front of the school.  If the 4-foot-by-6-foot picture on that mat is God’s plan, then what we can see is less than one square inch of it. Tube brought up Nehemiah as a positive example of keeping God first.  If you don’t know who Nehemiah is, ask Tube.  Seriously, ask him.

More ways to put this into practice are:
 – Check Slack for an opportunity to help get Turtleman’s Christmas lights and decorations out.
 – Come out next Wednesday for Roscoe’s take on “living third.”

 – Christmas party Dec 3.
 – Vote for PAX awards
 – Order shirts and gear (see Slack for details)

Prayer requests:
 – Turtleman
 – Tesla
 – Bondo

Privileged to lead a great group of HIM’s this morning

A carefully planned and meticulously orchestrated beatdown

It was a rainy day but I was joined in the Gloom by 5 HIM’s who showed up for a good start to the day.  We began with pledge and a brief disclaimer, then SSH, hillbilly walkers, and Nolan Ryans (10xIC).  And 5 burpees OYO. 

The rain wasn’t bad, but the benches near the school entrance were calling us.  2 PAX per bench for dips, derkins, and step-ups.  Format was AMRAP until first PAX completed 20 step-ups (10 each leg).  That was stupid, so next round was AMRAP until first PAX completed 20 dips.  For the sake of completeness (and because Balljoint asked for it), round 3 was AMRAP until first PAX did 15 derkins.  Then we walked away from those perfectly good benches to take a seat on the nearby wall.  Marches and air presses added some variety.  Then we moseyed around the school to the back parking lot.  Split into 4 groups for another trio of exercises in triangle formation:  merkins, squats, and mountain climbers.  One group of PAX bear crawls to the next station in relay fashion.  After 3 rounds of this, we did some carioca, high knees, butt kickers, and calf raises.  Back to the front of the school for 11’s with Big Boys and Heels to Heaven.  After that we still had time for a couple rounds of Mary before it was time for COT.

Blood drive Nov 9 – sign up through the link on Slack
Christmastown 5k needs pushers – Broke organizing

Huckleberry, Purple Haze’s mom, my brother-in-law Dylan 

Always a pleasure to lead this group of HIM’s!
 – Nutria

250 burpees

It felt like Monday as I pulled into Pelicans for my first-ever post at The Labyrinth.  Don’t know if today’s “Site Q Swap” was a surprise to anyone, but it doesn’t matter.  Planting the guest shovel flag at 0528, I was greeted by EZ Rider, JJ, and Captain Stubing.

At 0530 we began with the pledge then warmed up with SSH, Hillbilly walkers, Plank jacks and Nolan Ryans (each 10xIC) and 5 burpees OYO.  Next moseyed across the street to the brightly lit bank parking lot for The Thang:  Do an exercise until the first PAX reaches the specified number of reps and calls “Done!” then run a lap around the building and repeato.  Really it was 1.25 laps since we changed corners for each exercise.  Another twist in the rules = same PAX cannot finish first for 2 exercises in a row.  Exercises were:
25 hand-release merkins
50 squats
75 flutter kicks (count one leg)

PAX started to catch on to the routine at this point.  Mumblechatter speculated about which exercises are suited for high rep counts.  I commented that the Weinke was carefully orchestrated so that we’d make it to 250 burpees.   All of a sudden there was concern about Maybelline and the alternate “Site Q Swap” experience over at The Ricky Bobby.  Continuing the progression:

100 Nolan Ryans (single count / 50 each side)
125 Air presses
150 Rocky Balboas (count both sides)
175 mountain climbers (count both feet)
150 LBC’s (These were tough but accompanied by sighs of relief that 250 burpees was an idle threat or Omaha.)
125 Morrocan nightclubs
100 plank jacks
75 American hammers (count both sides)
50 squats
25 hand-release merkins

With 5 minutes left on the clock, we circled up for 3 rounds of rapid-fire Mary, then moseyed back to the flag for COT.

Announcements (check Slack):
Convergence Saturday 0700 at Bulldog (WA Bess Elementary)
Christmas party Dec 3 at Lewis Farm

Family members
Those struggling with illness

Lagniappe:  Every Wednesday for most of the past 2 years (as long as I’ve been in town), I’ve posted at The Ricky Bobby.  It’s conveniently across the neighborhood (though inconveniently at 0530…).  Every now and then, though, it’s good to disrupt your normal routine and try something new.  I know well the terrain surrounding Pelican’s because I’m a Sandlot regular.  But, big kudos to Maybelline, who took on the Q this morning at The Ricky Bobby, a site he’s never visited!

  • Nutria

Fly like a butterfly, Sting like a bee

We did neither of those things this morning at The Ricky Bobby, but HIM’s Orangeman and Tesla get some credit for showing up with multiple bee stings from a run through Rocky Branch park yesterday.  Gator, Slim Shady, and late-arriving J2C rounded out the six of us in the Gloom.

Started at 0530 with a brief disclaimer and warmup of SSH, Hillbilly walkers, gravel pickers, Nolan Ryans (all 10xIC), and 5 burpees OYO.   Got a quick count off, then moseyed to the back parking lot, but first stopped at the wall facing the softball field.  Half of us took a seat on the wall while the others did hip slappers (10xIC), then we switched.  Continued to mosey around to the edge of the parking lot near the playground.

The Thang:

One HIM called an exercise.  The HIM to his left ran to the other side of the parking lot and back while PAX do the exercise AMRAP.  We started with hand release merkins and did a variety of other stuff.  After 2 full rounds, moved to the other side of the lot (bear crawl halfway, high knees the rest) for “rinse and repeat.”  Good mumblechatter during this, including speculation about why Tom Brady’s wife doesn’t like him playing football (huh?), and Gator even spotted a shooting star while doing flutter kicks (or Freddy Mercurys or LBC’s).  After 2 more rounds, carioca-ed back to the playground side and changed it up a bit.  Instead of a there-and-back run, we circled up.  Bear crawl around the circle marked the time for each exercise.  Got in 3 rounds of this, then moseyed back to the wall facing the softball field for alternating hip slappers (10xIC) and wall sits.  Moseyed back to the flag for a rapid-fire round of Mary during the final 2 minutes.

2nd F lunch TODAY at Vietnamese place near Adventure Landing (Franklin and Cox Rd)
Oct 8 Amoeba Ruck – check Slack for details
Oct 15 Convergence with Lake Wylie at Bulldog

Prayers:  Tesla’s family, Nutria’s brother-in-law, Orangeman’s daughter and other Florida residents in the path of Ian.

Glad to have these 5 HIM’s out this morning to help push the rock!
 – Nutria

Batteries Not Included

Despite multiple Q-Fails (for which PAX were much more tolerant and forgiving than they had to be), all PAX got a solid beatdown.

After the pledge, quick disclaimer, and warmup of SSH and Peter Parkers (10xIC each), I explained the format: 3 exercises, 30 seconds of work, 10 seconds rest, repeat for 3 rounds. I came prepared with everything including bluetooth speaker for some tunes, so let’s get started. Uh-oh, hadn’t used this speaker in quite a while and it’s got low battery. For that matter, my phone battery wasn’t well charged up either. Oh well, let’s just get going and hope for the best. Mumblechatter commenced with commentary about preparation and the wisdom of leaving devices plugged in to charge overnight…

Circuit 1 = Kettlebell swings, Halos, Merkin pull-throughs

During this circuit, the Tabata timer was not optimized – a condescending male voice interrupted the soothing riffs of death metal to announce exercise transitions. At the end of 3 rounds, I directed PAX to lunge-walk towards the field while I try to fix the timer. Turns out I had to start over and probably made it worse.

Circuit 2 = Big Boys, Flutter kicks, Leg lifts
Lunge-walked toward the road, then mosey back.

Fortunately, Watts Up corroborated my position that charging your phone overnight is not ideal for battery life. Unfortunately, it’s also less than ideal to drain battery power to the point where devices quit working.

Circuit 3 = Kettlebell pullovers, Rows, Curls

Sometime during this circuit is when the bluetooth speaker died, so we pivoted to music straight from the phone, whose battery was holding up well. After 3 rounds, I directed PAX to lunge-walk diagonally through the parking lot to the end of Watts Up’s truck.

Circuit 4 = Goblet squats, Mountain climbers, Superman pull-ups

With 3.5 minutes remaining after Circuit 4, we had time for 1 full round of Mary.   Ball Joint ended things by calling for 1 full minute of LBC’s.

Sign up for Iron PAX challenge throughout September.
Sign up for 50 mile relay on Sept 10.
F3 Dads Roller skating is Sept 17 at Kate’s on Franklin
JJ5K is Sept 24.
Oct 8 is convergence with Lake Wylie region.  Need to pick a different name for this besides “Trans-Vergence.”

Prayers:  Buckeye’s baby, BOS, Turtleman, PAX participating in Iron PAX challenge, Nutria’s brother in law Dylan

Privileged to lead today and grateful to the supportive PAX – the only thing that showed up with low energy level was the bluetooth speaker.

 – Nutria

Taking care of Frank and Hank

I’d say it was a large crowd on a muggy morning, but it’s been a while since I’ve posted at The Goat, so maybe 13 PAX is a typical or even light turnout. Anyway, it was good to see several new faces and a FNG. After the standard disclaimer and a review of the 5 Core Principles, we began with a warmup of side-straddle hops, hillbilly walkers, and toy soldiers (10xIC each). I then introduced special guests Frank and Hank, identical twins weighing in at 18 lbs each. They were excited to join our workout but didn’t say much and had to be carried everywhere we went.  With that, we set off toward the fire station and up the hill on the main road.  Bubba Sparxxx apparently didn’t like what he saw and moseyed away in the other direction.  Perhaps he made a good call…  Without remembering how many telephone poles there are between the fire station and the stoplight (and fortunately skipping the first one), I called for escalating burpees.  Turns out there are 12 poles (note to self: remember this for future reference), so we essentially did a “Route 66” of burpees.  When the six got to the streetlight, we got a count-off, then moseyed around the Baptist building where there’s just enough wall in a single section (no spreading out) for all 12 of us to have a seat in tight formation.  Remember Frank and Hank?  We passed them down the line and back just so they didn’t get lonely.  Recovered straight into 10 hip slappers OYO.  Then back to our seats.  This time, Hank got one shoulder press from each PAX down the line and back.  Recover; 10 hip slappers.  Back to our seats.  This time, Frank got 2 shoulder presses from each PAX down the line and back.  Counted off again – nobody AWOL, including FNG!  Circled up for “domino merkin pull-throughs.”  Ask somebody who was there…  Next was 11s across the length of the parking lot with big boy situps and reverse crunches.  That took us to 0610.  Mosey back to the flag for 1 minute of Mary just before Orangeman could call out his characteristic 6-shooters.  Despite being left out of the 11s and Mary routines, Frank and Hank made it safely back to COT.

Today is last day to order gear.  Check Slack and put in your order.
June 15 2nd F lunch at Twisted Goat
June 18 F3 Dads at Folsom

Turtleman, Huckleberry, Tesla & family, Orangeman’s ATL family,
Recent graduates (for wise post-graduation decisions)

Welcome FNG Pavarotti, rising Piedmont Charter junior, son of Carnivore, and aspiring singer!

It was a privilege to lead this group of HIM’s this morning.
 – Nutria

Circle of Pain

4 HIM’s braved the summer humidity and the gaudy Vegas-like electronic billboard outside WA Bess Elementary for a post-holiday beatdown. Coming in hot at 0529, I clumsily but quickly carried the necessary equipment from car to center of the AO as the clock struck 0530. After a brief disclaimer to a group of solid veterans, warmup commenced: Side-straddle hops, Imperial walkers, and Toy soldiers (10xIC each). On to The Thang: 30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest to move around the circle of 6 stations. Each sequence was 3 rounds of all 6 exercises. In a hurry to get going, I started Pandora on the most recent station I’ve listened to: 60s rock.

Set 1:
Rows (L)
Rows (R)
Goblet squats
Mountain Climbers
Reverse Crunches

The 60s rock was dragging like a bad hangover this morning, unfortunately, so we shifted gears to Imagine Dragons after Set 1.

Set 2:
Bulgarian squats (L)
Bulgarian squats (R)
Merkin pull-throughs
Kettlebell clean and jerk
Flutter kicks
American Hammers

Set 3:
Big Boy Situps
Freddy Mercurys
Kettlebell Swings

Time ran out after the 2nd round of Set 3.   Solid work

Sign up for shirts (Tequila Sunrise) and hats (Gashouse) online – order deadline is coming up soon!
F3 Dads June 18 at Folsom
2nd F lunch June 15 at Twisted Goat in Cramerton

Praise for Hermie getting back out in the Gloom
Families of victims in Texas
Turtleman, Huck, PAX on IR

Privileged to lead this morning,
 – Nutria

Wanted: Dead or Alive

7 HIM’s and 2 ruckers got a strong start to the week at the Sandlot.  Warm up was side-straddle hops, toy soldiers, hillbilly walkers, and Nolan Ryans in cadence. Whoopee departed to ruck with Hush Puppy while bootcampers moseyed to the park gate for 10 each: hand-release merkins (which prompted immediate groans from the PAX), Bobby Hurleys (another unpopular choice) and American Hammers (not so bad I guess after the first two).  After a short mosey to the walking path at the edge of the parking lot, The Thang was do an exercise until the first PAX reached 25 reps.  Then, mosey to the flag at the middle of the softball fields and back.  Rinse and repeat with another exercise.  We started with hand-release merkins, Bobby Hurleys, and American Hammers, then moved on to PAX choices consisting of shoulder taps, flutter kicks, overhead claps, and other stuff.  After a full round of everyone having a pick, we moved to the bleachers for a second round.  Between exercises (derkins, dips, mountain climbers, lunges, seal jacks) we moved out to the path and back various ways including carioca, high knees, butt kickers, and nur.  Mumblechatter was strong as PAX engaged in some karaoke during the carioca.  I never dreamed I’d have the pleasure of hearing Bedpan belt out “Islands in the Stream.”  With 6 minutes to go, we moseyed back to Pelicans, running into Whoopee and Hush Puppy at the gate and pausing for 5 burpees.  Back at the flag, we circled up for 3 minutes of Mary (starting with a long round of flutter kicks while Hush Puppy took his sweet time putting away his ruck). 

May 21 CSAUP – look for preblast from Roscoe
May 30 (Memorial Day) will be 7:00 Murph at Sandlot in addition to regular 5:30 bootcamp

Praise for Bedpan’s 13th wedding anniversary, Folgers’ new job, and Nutria’s mom turning 75
Watts Up’s family

It was a privilege and a pleasure to lead.  I appreciate the company of the HIM’s who came out this morning.  We all got our money’s worth.  Aye!

 – Nutria

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