Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Montross (Page 7 of 20)

Prison Break 5-11-22

Most ran, some walked. Nice to see Deductible make his 2nd post!

Announcements: CSAUP at The Storm 5/21, Murph on Memorial Day @ Martha Rivers Par

Prayers: Striper’s brother, Big Pappy, Huck, each other, Sister Act, Haze’s sister-in-law, all the new babies on the way in our region, Bedpan’s friend Cody, Blueprint, Gump’s family, Montross’s mom

YHC took us out in prayer.

Wednesday 5-4 at Prison Break

We had a full house on this glorious Wednesday morning. YHC walked while everyone else ran. My foot still isn’t quite up to the task yet but getting better each week. Thanks to Bedpan for shutting it down and walking the last half-mile with me. Wichita wasn’t quite as naked as usual. Shoutout to the new guy Eastside on his 2nd post in 2 days.

Announcements: Murphy on Memorial Day @ Martha Rivers, other Monday AOs will also be open.

Prayer Requests: Striper’s brother, Big Pappy, Huck, EZ Rider’s family, Sparky’s boss’s wife, Broke, Def Leppard, Oompa Loompa, Roe v Wade

It’s 4/20 – You Know What That Means…..

It’s my mom’s birthday! What did you think I was talking about?!? There were some snickers and comments made when I kept the Q at Prison Break for 4/20 and announced I had something special planned. The plan: I wanted to have the guys sing Happy Birthday to my mom. Thanks to all the HIM at PB for playing along. I sent it to mom around 8:30 this morning and she said it made her day. I could share the video but I think it’s more of a ‘show to know’ type of thing!

It wasn’t all singing though. Most men ran 3-6 miles while Wirenut and I logged some mall-walking.


  • Smoky Mountain Relay needs 2 runners next weekend
  • Honey Hunters game this Sunday
  • 2nd F Lunch tomorrow at Ray Nathan’s

Prayer Concerns:
– Broke and his back injury
– Big Pappy and his family
– Huck
– Tesla
– Striper’s brother

YHC took us out in prayer.

Prison Break 3/30/22

10 men posted at Prison Break for a mix of running and recovery-walking. One guy would not be denied as Broke continues running, despite dealing with an ongoing leg or possibly back issue. Hope the doctor appoint gives you some good direction to begin getting better. For the rest of us, sprained ankles, calf soreness, and blisters will heal sooner than later.


  • 4/2/22 Convergence at The Yank, Smoky Mountain Relay meeting afterward. Also, there may be a service opportunity after as well.
  • 4/9 Community Foundation Run @ Fuse in Gastonia – runners welcome, we have several Speed For Need chairs to push
  • 4/17 Roadside cleanup in Gastonia after the Gashouse workout

Prayer Requests:
– Huck
– Turtleman
– Big Pappy and family
– Sister Act’s daughter (and family)
– Wichita and his dad, mourning the loss of his mother
– Ball Joint’s uncle
– Broke
– the family of two boys involved in an accidental shooting

Sarlacc took us out in prayer.

Go Duke!

It Is Tapering Season

I noticed a few of the usual faces at Prison Break were not out this morning. Those guys have been training and preparing for months so I can only assume they are tapering and resting a bit for the P200. That being said, not everyone took the morning off as there were several guys getting in some last-minute miles. Good luck to all of the P200 runners this weekend. I hope 1) Everyone is safe and healthy 2) 2nd F is strong and these guys come back with some great stories and memories 3) No one gets fired on their day off (looking at you Bedpan).


  • Honey Hunters 2nd F event 4/24 – see Slack or GroupMe for some more details or check with BOS. $9 is a great price to see a game. Bring the family!
  • Convergence 4/2 @ The Yank
  • Smoky Mountain Relay meeting after the convergence
  • Community Foundation Run & Speed For Need 4/9. We have 2 track commanders so far, possibly more coming. More runners are welcome.

Keep Big Pappy, Huck, and their families in as well as the guys running in the P200 in your prayers.

  • Montross

Sister Act Ran With A Chippendale

There’s been a lot of buzz around F3 Gastonia the past few days about a major upcoming personal milestone: Sister Act posting for the 1000th time. As I arrived at Prison Break, I was pretty excited to see that familiar silver 4-Runner in the parking lot. I wondered if I would see SA as I mulled around Dallas. I was walking back toward Ingles as I heard that douchey voice we all know and love. I turned around to see Sister Act running alongside an amateur Chippendale! Wichita looked more like he was trying to impress some ladies than us as he cruised by shirtless and a pair of Ranger Panties! He pulled it off better than I can, for sure. Wichita is pretty fast in his own right and I am pretty sure SA was checking out his butt as they finished their run.

I know we all LOVE to give him a hard time, but few men outwork ol’ SA. Early in my F3 journey, I can distinctly remember talking to Sparky on a Saturday morning at Folsom. At this point, Sister Act was a strong ‘middle of the pack’ guy but he worked hard, getting in every rep and not caring about being the first one done. Sparky and I agreed it was only a matter of time before he was one of the guys everyone would struggle to keep up with. He was a bat flipper/douche canoe in training. As hard as he pushes himself, he loves the back and forth mumble chatter. He will push you too and he is one of the guys who can take it as well as he dishes it out. You know the chatter will be good when you see SA in the warmup and you know you’re going to have to work a little harder to keep up. These are just a few of many examples that show F3 has made Sister Act better, but also show F3 is better because of Sister Act.

That being said, I do want to be sure to point out that Def Leppard made it to 1000 posts before Sister Act did. Do not let him forget this!


Q school Saturday – RSVP

SMR needs driver (see Purple Haze)

2nd F dinner at Pita Wheel in Dallas 3/16

Rooster this weekend, Pockets needs a runner

Prayer Concerns: Wichita’s family, Oompa and family, Tesla, complacency, Huck. Pall Bearer took us out in prayer.

Kotter Tuesday At Folsom – March Edition

I have been on IR for a while so I was looking forard to today’s workout as part of the recovery process. If you’re not aware, Ball Joint has set aside the first Tuesday each month as a ‘lighter running Kotter friendly’ workout. Now that doesn’t mean make it easy, just lighter on the running. Challenge accepted.

Quick warm-up and some stretching as Titman and Wirenut arrive fashionably late. Wirenut’s driving is SKETCHY! Pretty sure he parked on the playground.

To the amphitheater:

3 sets each in cadence
– Mike Tysons
– Dips
– LBCs

3 sets each in cadence
– Australian Mountain Climbers
– Dirty Hookups
– Elbow to Knee

Jacobs Ladder – Run the hill 7 times. 1 burpee at the top after your first climb, 2 burpees at the top after your second climb, 3 burpees…you get where this is headed, finish with 7 burpees. Bat flippers had the option to run further up the hill and several accepted the challenge.

Short mosey to the tennis courts for Kotter Running Training. I dusted off a few of the ol’ Wojo exercises because though we run a little less in a Kotter Q, we still need to be working toward running more!

• Fire Hydrants – 10 in cadence each leg straight out, then 10 forward circles each leg, and finally 10 backward circles each leg

• Lunge Walk to the first light (long steps)

• Squat Walk to the first light, then slide back to the starting line (slide feet like THE Wojo in a defensive stance at Duke in the 90s)

• Karaokee to the first light, then repeat on the way back

• Exaggerated Stride light run, light jog back to start, repeat about half speed

• Exaggerated Stride 3/4 or full speed to the first light pole, jog back. Repeat to the 1st light pole and jog back.

There were a few minutes left for some core work:

• Iron Cross

  • HIP stretching

  • LBCs

• Roach Coach – hands and legs up, head up to engage core, knees bent in a right angle, leg extensions similar to Freddie Mercuries – in cadence


Prayer Requests:
Wichita – his mom passed
My uncle and family
My cousin Blair
Stogie’s dad
Pappy’s family
Round Up family
Gumby’s back
Sister Act’s father in law
Gearwrench’s uncle

YHC took us out in prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead. It is good to be back out in the gloom after being on IR for a while!

  • Montross

Prison Break 1/26/22

Some ran, some rucked, it was great to see everyone this morning.


Q school 2/5
Flat Rock 2/12
4 runners needed SMR 2022

Prayer requests:
Hucks dad
Wichita mom
Haze’s mom
Montross mom and uncle
Goudelock family
Wirenut’s mom
Bedpan’s family
Parker triplets

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