Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Medicine Woman (Page 10 of 12)

Hank’s Revenge

This day was long overdue. After the hard core Panther fan had received a dreadful amount of mockery and abuse from certain Folsom PAX of his teams disappointing playoff loss, Hank had determined punishment was coming his next Q. What sucked, was the fact that the PAX who posted had little to do with that abuse. The main PAX guilty of the continued harassment was too scared to post. Anyway, YHC was ready and even our FNGs from Tuesday we’re back and ready to work the soreness out. Looks like we have 8 total and 5:30 hits. Hank says start your watches.



Mosey, and I mean mosey. Stop at the first street light for 5 burpees OYO. Mumble chatter had picked up from a couple veteran Folsom HIMs about what Hank had in mind. I knew it what was coming. So in short. Mosey every street light throughout the whole park, YHC counted 22 in all, and perform 5 burpees OYO at each one. Somewhere in the midst of all that;


By my math and watch, that was 1.7 miles and 110 burpees. Q being surprised that after 30 minutes, his Q was complete. Not hardly, mosey to tennis courts for suicide merkins, 1-7 moseying each court and back. Still not happy, Q says on your six, YHC counted out 25 American hammers IC. Swimmer calls for 22 for the vets and Oompa counted, well kinda.( Midoryama must count different out there?) Q being pleased with his leadership, asks for announcements.

Prayers were lifted up and YHC took us out in prayer.

Note to Self; never mock or trash talk the Panthers especially after losing a game knowing Hank has a Q shortly after.

nice work men and what a horribly stupid Q Hank! Well done. Aye!

Folsom Recruit Day

After some rain last night, YHC was not very optimistic about how many Post at Folsom. Seems like cold and rain together keeps them in the fartsack. I had an obligation knowing there was a possibility of 2 FNGs so I hit the road and rolled into the gloom. There’s Roadie waiting. Oh yeah here come the headlights. Sparky, Volt, Hank and 2 unknown vehicles roll in. Q calls Moroccan Night Clubs TIL PAX are all circled up. 5:30 hits, let’s roll.

Disclaimer; YHC was reminded to announce it. Been a while since we’ve had an FNG. After the to-the-point disclaimer, FNGs we’re looking a little nervous.


SSH, Hillbillies, Toy Soldiers X15 IC

Mosey to the park entrance, taking a detour around the old shelters. It was more like slip n slide to the park entrance. Black ice was all over, and The Q was very cautious not to break another leg and warned the PAX the same.

Pledge; even though there was a Shovel Flag at start!


LBCs x20 IC, big boys x 20 OYO. Mosey down around to the pond parking lot for some Route 66. FNGs “this ain’t so bad.” Line up, Bobby Hurley’s lung walk each line to 11. Mumble chatter got pretty heavy after about 4, which included some of the normal PAX. Mosey on around the walking track to the lower shelter. Grab a bench for step ups x15 IC, Arm Squats c15 IC, rinse repeat. Slow mosey out to the lot. Four corners. Merkins here x10, corner 2 merkins x10-mountainclimbers x20, corner 3 merkins x10-cclimbers x20-squats x30, corner 4 merkins x10-climbers x20-squats x30-LBCs x40. Plank for the six. Time running out and 2 FNGs to name, mosey back to start.


cot, prayers for Huss Family, PAX families

namorama, Welcome Montross and Jorge

YHC took us out in prayer

always an honor to Q men. Great work and thanks for your encouragement and fellowship.

5K Folsom Style

OWaking up to a good rain shower, YHC remained optimistic of the turnout at Folsom. I rolled in early for a quick jog to get the heart and lungs woke up. Ahhh, here come the headlights. No rain while chit chatting but when 6:30 hit, here the rain came. Well it was short lived. Looks like we have an FNG (Gumby’s 2.0 Pokey)


SSH, toy soldiers, gravel pockets all x10 IC



mosey the long way around the park by the ballfield and ponds. Stop at the lower lot. Line up for Triple Nickel

5 Burpees, run to the other end of the parking lot for 5 jump squats, rinse repeat x5

I took a moment to quote Eisenhower. “Leadership is the art of getting someone to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”  That’s how we build up Qs and good kids. When you make the task at hand something those around you want to do or enjoy doing, they become leaders as well.

mosey up around the amphitheater then over to the pond parking lot. YHC couldn’t just run by this famous lot without some Route 66. Train? 5 burpees OYO.

line up, 1 Bobby hurly, lunge walk to next line for 2, so on to 11, mumble chatter was getting pretty heavy here, especially with Pokey, who called out the Q later on!

Mosey back around to start to grab jump ropes, then mosey to the tennis courts. Partner up; partner 1 jump ropes AMRAP while part 2 runs to the other end of the courts and back, switch. At this point Gumby’s 2.0 yells at Q(Gumby’s partner) to “hurry up!” Q calls for 5 burpees in response . Ha! Rinse and repeat x3. Next, squats x3. Last, goofballs x3. Again lots of mumble chatter throughout. Let’s mosey one last lap around the courts to get in the final tenth of a 5k total.

Announcements Joe Davis Run, Christmas!

YHC took us out in prayer

Honor to Q men! Nice work and ice up those legs. Have a great Christmas and remember why we celebrate it. The birth of the Sky Q. Aye!

Bojangles’ Bisquits?

YHC rolled into the gloom looking for a nice showing of PAX……….. to my surprise, no one. While I sit in my truck thinking over the thang to come, 5:28 hits. Is gonna be a solo?… wait, no here strolls in the dependable Volt. Ok clock in.

SSH, hillbillies x15 IC



mosey to lower parking lot for some leg work. Line up for zombies. Lunge walk every other space then 10 squats. Repeat up the lot. Turn around and high knee walk every other line for 10 Merkins. Repeat to start.  Short mosey to the shelter. Step ups, Arm squats, LBCs, all x15 IC, lap around the parking lot. Rinse and repeat x3. Mosey the long way back toward start stopping at the lot by the pond for mountain climbers, toy shoulders, x20 IC. I see headlights, looks like Sparky. Guess he just wanted to say hello. Time running out, mosey toward the park entrance then back down to start. Ended up with 1.5, a little less mileage than usual, but it happens. Sparky is awaiting patiently at start. Before YHC got a chance to bust his balls, he offers us a bojangels biscuit. Forgiven!

Sparky took us out in prayer.

always an honor to lead, but come on Folsom, let’s get back at it!! EH each other back. Looking forward to next time.

Nothing Fancy

4 loyal Pax posted in the Folsom gloom for another MW WO. YHC wasn’t very optimistic on a big crowd, but I knew there’d be a handful. Seems like the colder it gets, the smaller the showing, but it’s all good. With the temperature reading 27* , the clock hits 5:30.


SSH, Gravel pickers, toy soldiers x15 IC


mosey to the park entrance to the flag for the pledge. Yes, we Had to hit the Big Flag even if there’s a shovel flag right there. Ok, mosey again down to the pond parking lot for a little Route 66, but first let’s do some LBCs x20 IC. Line up for 66 with Bobby Hurley’s each line. Aight, mosey around the back of the lower pond to the shelter for some arm squats, flutter kicks x15 IC. Recover, 10 burpees OYO. Short mosey to the turd house for some wall work(Huck would be proud) hip slappers x10 IC, 20 donkey kicks OYO. Mosey back up the the tennis court for some dreaded 11’s. This time it’s suicides using each out of bounds line of each court starting with 1 Merlin up to 11. Mosey to start.

Announcements: Pre-Christmas Christmas Party Friday, G-House Convergence Sat at Sheille.

YHC took us out in Prayer

Always an honor to Q. Nice work men. Thanks for the encouragement and accountability that keeps me getting up at the butt crack of dawn to work out. Continue to push tha rock and be the men the Sky Q calls us to be!

Walmart Annex 11’s

YHC was optimistic about the turnout for a turkey day serving of breakfast in the gloom. A few loyal Folsom PAX had already claimed their deer stand as preference over the AO…….which may have been a better idea. Rolling in, I see Pizza Man in stride doing some EC prior to the Q. Not long after PAX start rolling in. The Twitter message about Midoriyama not meeting brought out a handful their finest and even Nantan himself. After some good ole fashioned fellowship and how-do-ya-dos, it’s time to go to work.


SSH, monkey humpers, all x12 IC, with all the mumble chatter and sarcasm it was hard to focus on the non existent weinke. So, let’s just do this.


mosey to the park entrance for the pledge, wait, not so fast Pizza Man, on our six for LBCs x20 IC. Ok now, the pledge, haha. Ok, mosey across death highway to our local neighborhood Walmart. While in pace, much chatter about going in where it’s warm to workout, cabbage curls, laps around the store, etc. Although it was very tempting, YHC had a limited time and what was not sure about what was about to go down. Continue to mosey around the back of the store and finish up by this nice looking hill. Ok, not that hill, but the one next to it, which kookier a fair bit safer. Ok, 11’s. Mike tysons on the curb, up the hill for burpees. Yes, much mumble chatter, this idea seemed great on paper, which it never made it to paper. Finally, recover. Mosey on up to the front of the parking lot for some calve raises, or calf birthing, a PAX commented. 20 IC. Mosey on back over to the Folsom horse track for step ups and arm squats x15 IC rinse and repeat. Let’s take the long route and mosey back to start. 22 Merkins for the Vets.

announcements, Xmas party Dec. 1, Xmas town 5k Saturday(be there early to help setup), Convergence at Gashouse Dec 2.

quick around the horn to mention what you’re thankful for, then YHC lead in prayer

nice work men, honor to Q and to have you guys out there encouraging me to push harder. Freight seemed to be very excited this AM, very talkative, at some points QIC lost train of thought. Made for some good laughs. Pizza Man learned that train horns are not a sound wave very familiar to Folsom. YHC learned Blart skipped a 30 year tradition of hunting Thanksgiving morning just for my Q. Thanks bro, and PAX also learned much about moist Stroganoff, which is where the train of thought left. There were many topics of discussion that were on the way downhill or already there when the Q had to ring us all back in, but again, good times. Have a great Thanksgiving men and thank God for the precious gift of His son, Jesus. Aye!

Smothered, covered, with ketchup

4 brave PAX arrive in the gloom for yet another MW show. YHC was sceptic that any would ost in the cold, nasty rain. 5:30 hits so let’s clock in!


some good breathing exercises

tha thang

bunch of mumble chatter, something about wet clothes, something about smothered, covered. More mumble chatter…… much happened, So little memory……….show to know!

Nice work men, way to push……………..

YHC is always honored to Q and my next one will be even more Epic!

More than a 5k at Folsom???

knowing YHC had the Q and only a few weeks away from the XMAS-Town 5k, it was time to roll up into the gloom with some rare Running at Folsom. Several loyal PAX had signed their time and energy away to promote awareness for those who are physically and mentally disabled. Since this event was about running, I had to call those HIMs out. So I roll into Folsom and there is Gumby awaiting. Not a couple minutes later, here arrive more PAX. There’s Roadie, then……wait……is that Slaw????? Yes, it’s the 80s trunk or treat rock star in the flesh. Then Sparky and Bolt roll in. Ok, after a couple minutes of blabber mouthing, we clock in.


SSH, Don Q, Hillbillies all IC x12, while conversing about the upcoming 5k. YHC reminds PAX about what a 5k consists of and the fact that XMAS town will be all Hill! So without much else on the Q, we mosey to the lower parking lot shelter.


line up for 11’s. Ok………merkins here and LBCs up there……….starting with one merkin here and then 10 LBCs there, there being the flag pole at the park entrance. Funny I had already planned to practice that hill in prep for the McAdenville run, but Sparky had pulled into the gas station the night before and I mentioned my Q and he recommended doing it with 11’s. Awesome idea I say. So be it. PAX line up and go, mumble chatter here and there but Slaw was more like “got ya, let’s roll!” Love that guys encouragement! YHC figures the total if finished would equal 4.5 miles. When the clock hit 6:11, PAX had finished up at the lower shelter with 3.1 miles logged.  Recover and return to start. After the short Hill climb Q calls for all you got to finish. Slaw and Gumby were off with Sparky there then YHC with the bum leg throbbing and Slaw pushing me and the 6 to finish it out strong! AYE! Didn’t quite make the whole round of 11s, but got to 3.4 miles. Way to push men!

Announcements, XMAS town 5k and F3 Xmas party , I’m sure you guys know the dates.

Prayers for families, country and our leadership responsibilities by YHC

I just want to say thank you for all you guys who have been such an encouragement to push myself not only in fitness but in life and as a Called Leader in my family and community! Accountability is awesome! And as always, it’s an honor to Q!


Jungle Bridge

After an eventful evening of Folsom PAX group texting, HIMs had to find a new Q. Huckleberry had detail and couldn’t ablige. Sparky spoke up and text the word “Murph?” Huckleberry was quick to answer “Smurf?” Then YHC mentioned “Group Q, Aye!” None opposed, so 5 PAX post at Folsom for a good “Group” beatdown. Without being given a chance,  Sparky says, “lets mosey!” Cool, no warmup, goodthing I arrived early to mosey a few laps around the tennis courts. The Mosey consisted of a half mile bout, dodging tractors and waking up campers set up early for Cotton Ginning Days.

Tha Thang

Half Murph, says Sparky. Hell, what happened to “Group Q?” ……..mumble chatter………being the thin skinned, entitled person Sparky is. We take to the play ground for 50, 100, 150. Then mosey the same route, half a mile. All the while, PAX are discussing this “Jungle Bridge” that Roadi mentioned last night during our group discussion. If I’m correct, it had something to do about a threat to kick someone in the ” Jungle Bridge!” Anyway, after laughing til the verge of spewing, we carry on throughout the initial Q demand. Then, Without a chance to speak up, since this was a Group Q, Sparky says, hit the playground for 50, 100, 150 more. YHC took it upon himself to mention, regardless of Sparky being offended, “let’s do some 4 corners and mosey!” Sparky abliged, which is rare considering he could’ve easily been offended by opposing his request. So, mosey to tennis courts, on your sixfor 10 LBCs, mosey to corner 1 for 10LBCs, 20Burpees,mosey to corner 3 for 10LBCs, 20…..Omaha mountain climbers, 30 Squats. Mosey to corner 4 for 10 LBCS, 20 mountain climbers, 30 squats, 40 SSH. All you got back to start.  Again, more about Jungle Bridge. If you are wondering what Jungle Bridge Means……I suggest show to know when Roadie posts……AYE!


Announcements; 3rd F at New Covenant Friday night, XMas town 5K

After a ton of laughs about the jungle bridge, Roadie also filled us in with a funny story of his 2.0 telling his teacher that “my mom and I are White, my dad is brown……” man the stuff our 2.0s say! I’ll tell you that this F3 thing has been one of the best things YHC has ever been a part of. Like Whoopie said, the fitness is a draw, the fellowship, accountability, building manly leaders,and faith based environment is the purpose! As always, keep pushing tha rock!

Crap I forgot my watch!!!

4, then 5 HIMs met in the gloom at Folsom this AM. YHC asked for the Q, which motivates me to breach the fartsack. It felt like it was summer again heading out of the house at 5 AM. That quickly got me motivated to hit the AO early for some EC and get some breathing practice in prior to the thang.  Forgetting my infamous Gamin super watch, I return home to grab it. That put me out of EC, but I believe the Watch was way more important. You never know if other PAX will have a time piece, plus, YHC wants to verify that we reach at least 5 miles during my Q. Ok, 5:30 hits as we are starting with 4 HIMs.


SSH, Imperial walkers, Don Quixote all X10 IC

pledge! Yes, a shovel flag posted this AM, thanks to YHC and his personally crafted piece. Aye! No pun intended Huck.


mosey to the entrance parking lot line up on the curb, quick side steps across to the opposite curb for 10 merkins, side step back for 10 more. Lunge across for 5 burpees and return for 5 more. Partner up for some Mary. P1 runs a lap of the lot while P2 hits LBCs(amrap). Switch. Round 2, P1 runs a lap while P2 V-ups(amrap), switch. Hey there’s Sparky. I was honestly about to take it personal since he has yet to post for my Q in months.  Sparky finally mosied up just on time to mosey again. Around the lot and back down to the tennis courts. Line up, on your six for X-sit-ups X 20 OYO, then Bigboy sit-ups x 20 OYO. Looking for a good gut burn. Now time for suicides, or burpeecides. Run width of first court and back for 6 burpees, second court and back for 5, third and back for 4, you get the idea til we run the full distance and back for a single burpee. By YHCs watch, we are at 4.6 miles. So let’s hit 5 with a lap around the tennis courts. Mosey down to start for 22 Merkins for the Vets!

Announcements ChristmasTown 5k, Third F and coffee This Friday at Hushpuppys church


QIC did the honors

great work men. Honor to Q as always. I realized after who knows how long, maybe a year, that I didn’t know how to work this complicated watch. Thanks to Huckleberry, now I know, I just honestly forget to start the run mode! Hey, sometimes it just feels good looking down to see 3-5 miles when you only really log 2. To me, it felt like 5. Aye!

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