Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Maybelline (Page 6 of 7)

Bulldog 12/20

5 HIM’s came out for a cold and gloomy beatdown.  We did some variation of the below and then all PAX called out different workouts we hadn’t already done.



10 Gravel Pickers IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO

5 Burpees

  • O/H Presses x12 I/C
  • Goblet Squats x12 I/C 
  • Moroccans 
  • Flutter kicks 
  • Single arm Curls x12 I/C
  • 8-counts
  • Lunges
  • Imperial walkers 
  • Step ups x 10 per leg
  • 12 Derkins OYO
  • Calf raises
  • Rifle Carrie’s
  • 12 Derkins OYO 
  • Single arm Rows x12 I/C
  • Chest Press x12 I/C
  • KB Swings x 15
  • Oblique crunches


30 Freddie Mercuriebs

20 Plank Jacks


Stormy Monday, Tuesday’s just as bad….

I got to the Storm early for some step ups and a run with Breaker before the beatdown I had planned/stolen from a previous day…

finished the run a little earlier than Breaker so I could recover some before the thang.




10 SSH IC, RoL LoR stretch, 10 Gravel Pickers IC, Right leg up(quad stretch) 

Mosey around the parking lot, stopping for 5 Merkins at each speed bump.

Circled back up for a few sets of the below, I didn’t follow the weinke at all so it gets a little hazy here. 

The beatdown included a pretty even mix of oblique/core, legs, upper body, some of the below made the cut today, but I can’t entirely remember what I skipped: 

1) Hand release Merkins, WW1’s, Lunges (Count right leg), Hillbillies (Count right leg)

2 ) Burpees, Oblique crunches( 10 each side), Squats, Derkins

3 )  Diamond Merkins, LBC’s, Mike Tyson’s, Imperial walkers (Count right leg)

4)    CDD’s, Dips, Mtn Climbers,  Bobby Hurley’s

wall sits, hip slappers, wall sits, hip slappers, wall sits, hip slappers. Dirty Hookups,

Seuss showed us how the AUS folks climb mtns,

Sargento had to leave for an appt.  Termite was around, but didn’t jump in on any reps today.

Finished it up with various workouts called out by the PAX.





The Pub 11/10

11 PAX came out to my debut Q at The Pub.

Obligatory announcements, Pledge

Roscoe held a solid pace around an 8:35 on Martha’s route, along with Waterboy, Defib, Radar and JJ. I picked up the 6(aka tried to keep up the whole time.

Oompa Loompa, Tube, Flintstone, Hermie, Linus and Bandit took a different route and met up with us for COT at the Pub.

COT Prayers :

Radar’s sister

Tube’s Daughter

I took one of many opportunities this week to request prayers for the Brock family.  I have spent the last couple weeks meditating on the ways in which I take my health, family, belongings and even my life for granted.

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I encourage everyone to take some portion of that time  and spend it reflecting on those closest to you in your life….then tell them.

Try to incorporate as much gratitude into this time as you can and  express it, even if it just means telling someone that you value them and that you appreciate that they’re a part of your life.


Bulldog 11/8

5 PAX showed up in the gloom for a random assortment of Kettlebell work.

Kept it simple and called on the PAX for extra inspiration as needed towards the end.


Prayer Requests:

Radar’s sister

Nutria’s brother-in-law

Tube’s M

The Brock family


Maybelline Q’s The Goat 10.27.22

Tesla rolled in for the EC ruck at 4:57 am, a full 3 minutes ahead of launch.

Had a great chance to catch up a fine HIM before leading what would’ve been a hellacious beatdown if we’d had the 3 hours or so needed to complete it…..

7 PAX in all came out for this beatdown, primarily to witness the one and only Tesla, demonstrate the one and only acceptable merkin in his territory.  In case you’re wondering, the hand release requires a full outward arm extension for credit.

I originally had 11 sets of 11 workouts planned, but time simply didn’t allow it.  The PAX enjoyed a wide array of workouts, burpees and an insane set of 121 morrocan nightclubs were demanded by Watts Up, so the workout couldn’t continue until he’d had his fill of burpees.

rounded up with COT

Prayers for:

Tooth Fairy – Big Meeting w/ execs

Stinky Bird – Health in household

Saul – Associate Pastor at Southminster Presbyterian Church.

Those suffering with depression and thoughts of suicide.

Nutria’s brother in law

EZ-riders son

  • Maybelline


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