Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Linus (Page 8 of 10)

Run Etuor




6/22 Tubing event

6/22 – F3 Dad’s / Gashouse

6/29 – Convergence Gashouse


Oompa Loompa and family

Summer Vacations and Graduate’s

Roscoe’s family friend Heather / Loss of son and mother

The Thang:

Run route backwards.  373.22% elevation difference.  Oompa and myself with some great mumble-chatter, hoping the buzzards were not circling for us.



Big Enos, thats Watts Up!!! a back blast parallel

okay guys, here is how the story unfolds……Smokey and the Bandit

(excerpts from Wikipedia)….Wealthy Texan Big Enos seeks Coors beer for refreshment.  He and his son Little Enos have sponsored a racer in Atlanta’s Southern Classic and they want to celebrate in style when he wins.  They find local legend Bo ‘Bandit’ Darville at a roadeo (not spelled wrong, check it out) at Lakewood Fairgrounds in Atlanta and offer him $80,000 to pick up 400 cases of Coors beer in Texarcana, Tx (the closest place it could legally be sold at the time) and bring it back to Atlanta in 28 hours.  The Trans Am was purchased by Bandit on an ‘advance’ of the offer money.

a parallel……..if you will.

Big Enos, I mean Watts Up seeks 4 (now 5 due to birth of granddaughter) cases of Coors to celebrate his Painlab AO Site Q inauguration.  He has given us an $18 advance on a semi-used wheel barrow with a semi-flat pneumatic   We have until 07:54 to return with his brew.

Disclaimer:  As I stand amongst the Pax in a red polo and straw cowboy hat I feel an extra sense of urgency to exclaim that I am not a professional.  Not sure I even did that correctly.

Warm Up:

SSH – 25 IC

LBC – 15 IC (I think)

Squats 10 IC


Painlab off with Hippa, Bootcamp grab the Trans Am and follow me.

1st Site:

Schiele Woods / Bridge

The Germans ain’t got Nothin to do with It.

Sheriff Branford tells Sheriff Justice the fact that he is a Sheriff is not ‘germane’ to the situation.  Justice responds, ‘the Germans ain’t got nothin to do with this’

The Thang:  11’s Merkins / Burpees

There are two bridges and as such we can complete a loop while performing 11’s.  The first bridge is Merkins, that bridge I ‘want’ you to do Merkins (Germane).  The second bridge is Burpees, here you can perform whatever exercise you think or interpret that I called (Germans).

Stopped about 1/2 way thru for time.

Sounded Taller on Radio:

After Justice knocked Branford off the bridge into the water he told the 6’5″ Branford he thought he sounded taller on radio:

The Thang:  Stretching

Runners Stretch – for an amount of time

Standing side stretch – for an amount of time

Seated Twist – for an amount of time

We found two cases of Coors beer and rapidly transported these by hand to the thirsty Painlab crew above.  With Trans Am leading the way off we roll to the church to pick up Frog.

2nd site:  Church

The Thang:  Bouquet Toss

Perfect balcony with stairs adorning both sides set the perfect setting for the Bouquet Toss.  The one who catches the bouquet gets to sit that exercise out.

1st Toss:  10 Burpees, 2nd Toss:  30 Merkins, 3rd Toss:  50 LBC’s, 4th Toss:  50 Squats

The Thang:  Ultimate Bouquet (Ultimate Frisbee with a bouquet of flowers)

Formed two teams, using toilet paper as our goal lines, I could have played better if I wasn’t laughing so hard.  Gold Digger joined us for a minute before continuing his ultra marathon.

Collect another case of Coors and off we go to the Choke and Puke.

3rd Site:  The closed Hillbillys dubbed the Choke and Puke

Diablo Sammich: 

The Thang:  Partner French Fry’s – 25 count

Nice Ass: 

The Thang:  Toilet Paper Chase

After Justice emerges from the can taking a squirt, he exclaims that the waitress who retrieves the toilet paper in his glasses has a ‘nice ass’.  Therefore:

Each pax places 4 strips of toilet paper in their pants.  No rules, pax chase each other down trying to take each other’s stash while guarding their own.  When you are empty do 25 LBC’s, load up and go again.  I barely got finished explaining the rules when Montross had me stripped before I could run.  25 LBC’s later I’m stuffing my pants to go again.

Junior:  It’s a football game Daddy, can we watch”?

The Thang:  Toilet Paper Hurl, Quarterback/Receiver/Defender

Plank (QB) or squat (Receiver and Defender) for 30 seconds, receiver go out for a pass, defender you should know what to do, QB hurl the toilet paper as hard as you can and see if you can get a long tail drag.  I was defending Montross.  He caught a roll of toilet paper with a Haley’s comet tail before I could even jump off of the line.

Collect our case of Coors and mosey, quickly as it is now 7:45.  Now, we have an issue.  Time to return Watts Up loot is 7:54 and we have one more stop to make.  With Trans Am in low gear Stroganoff and Monk ran ahead to find our last case of Coors.  Unfortunately we did not have time to get to know Frog personally in the Park as I had some very special exercises planned that would make one blush.  We’ve now got 3 cases of Coors with two at the house.  By calculations we have less than 6 minutes to make it from Lineberger Park to the Schiele hauling a booty load of Coors in excess of 100 lbs. and by now a choking and puking Linus.

Summary: I think we made it back at 07:57, a full three minutes behind schedule.  In the movie Bandit was about to give up as Snowman barreled through the gate with 10 minutes to spare.  Luckily Watts Up was sidelined doing some ridiculous lean and hang exercise so I declared that we arrived on time even though we didn’t.  Sort of a draw, but now Watts Up has offered us double or nothing to go to New England to pick up Clam Chowder.  Details to come, maybe.

It should be noted that Stroganoff pushed the rock extra hard today, I felt humbled that Monk and Top Hat would humor me on a run chasing for Coors beer, if you ever want to measure where your athletic skills stand try to guard Montross in football or ultimate bouquet, and JJ is always great with whatever ridiculous suggestion I am always suggesting.


Belmont 5K (Speed for Need) 5/25

Gastone Hike, 5/26

Monk / QSource after Coconut Horse

Keep on look for next Rice N Beans events, should occur monthly, bring your kids

Monk’s Farewell party (5/31?)


Many Pax are battling concerns right now, proms and graduations and friends and family travels.

We got to acknowledge Rudolph as the original Painlab Site Q, VooDoo who’s first post was in November 2018 has taken command of Bulldog AO, Stroganoff with regards for Hippa’s contributions and our F3 region, and inaugurate Watts Up as the Gashouse Painlab AO Q.

Many thanks to Hippa and his Painlab leadership, I will simultaneously miss your partnership in Gashouse endeavors while looking forward to working with Watts Up.

Setting up this event I was nervous on Saturday morning at 0600.  I’m thinking what if this, what if that?  I decided to move full speed forward and I’m glad I did.  I had a blast and I think all others did as well.  We blended a great theme with a full rounded workout.  Inching for time we hauled 100 lbs. of block for nearly a mile within 10 minutes.  I was spent, and my time on the couch Sunday reflected that.  Thank you for your support and humoring me.  Even if it was not well received I never knew, let’s just keep it that way.

Until we beckon for the Clam Chowder my friends………Aye

Big Enos, thats Watts Up: a pre-blast……

Help!!! Big Enos, I mean Watts Up wants 4 cases of Coors finest to celebrate in style with his Painlab AO Site Q inauguration.  Best I can tell there’s a truncated supply of any cases from here to Texarcana, (Lineberger Park).  The offer from Watts Up is nothing except an $18.00 advance on a pre-owned wheelbarrow with a semi-deflated pneumatic (depending on the temperature) and the demand that we get it done.  We have 54 minutes to complete the challenge.  I suppose you may have a ‘nice ass’ when complete.

Vagabondage begins right at 0700, well after disclaimer and warm up.  Join us as we saunter through Smokey and the Bandit’s historical ride.  We’ll catch up with Sheriff Branford, pick up Frog at church, munch on a Diablo Sammich and maybe get lucky in the park (that alone should get you out of bed).

Watts Up has given us until 07:54 to be back with his brew.  If we’re lucky we’ll get double or nothing for Clam Chowder next time.

Know what the kicker is?  He does not think we can do it!!!

Saturday, 5/18.  Gashouse Bootcamp; Smokey and the Bandit style, Painlab, Monk with special Whetstone updates, recognition of Hippa’s leadership, inauguration of Watts Up as Painlab Site Q.

Post here, Folsom or The Yank.  Post somewhere.


Coors and Smokey and the Bandit are registered copyrights and trademarks of some corporation, these copyrights and trademarks will be violated.

Above terms are subject to change without notice.

Statements above informs readers that the views, thoughts, facts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author.  Linus does not necessarily support and or endorse these views, thoughts, facts, and opinions?

This event is not yet rated.  Contains adult humor and content that is not suitable for any audience.

Because some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may or may not apply to you.


Aye……. Linus

Workouts and Devotionals

Arrival, just a bit before 0700.  Brought my neighbor Trivago along with his son and friend and we had two more FNG’s to add to the collection of HIM’s.  Even pulling in last minute the parking lot looked a little bare, mainly a couple of Painlab enthusiasts (thinking VooDoo and Hunkajunk) but as the clock neared the looming hour the PAX appeared.  Started off with the Pledge since that is always what I leave out.



Warm Up:

SSH / 20 IC

LBC / 20 IC

Merkins / 10 IC

Monkey Humpers / 20 IC

Painlab off with VooDoo, I’ll take the Bootcamp.  Up to FPC we stroll, Roscoe leading the pack and my two FNG’s who just happen to be college soccer players just inching to stroll faster.

We’re going to blend exercise and devotionals today boys’.

Step’s at the FPC Pad:

Partner 11’s:

Bottom is 1 Booyah merkin counting up, top is partner derkins counting down

At finish we:

Read 1 Corinthians 15:  35-43 (well, I read what I could through my foggy spectacles)

A message from Billy Graham:

As we approach the celebration of Good Friday, I’m reminded of the seven sayings of Jesus from the cross and the glory and the power in each saying.

Jesus was alone. He had come to His own, and His own did not receive Him. When He was being arrested in the garden of Gethsemane, we are told that “all the disciples deserted him and fled” (Matthew 26:56). The crowds who had so recently shouted, “Hosanna!” would soon shout, “Crucify him! … Crucify him!” (Matthew 21:9, 27:22–23).

Now even His loyal Twelve had left. And at last we hear Him cry out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34). Not only had He been forsaken by His human companions, but now in that desperate and lonely hour, He—because He was bearing our sins in His own body on the cross—had been forsaken by God. Jesus was enduring the suffering and judgment of Hell for you and for me.

How can you show your gratitude to God for allowing His Son to endure the shame and suffering of the cross?

Four Corner Hurlers:

Corner 1 – Merkins / Corner 2 Squats / Corner 3 SSH’s / Corner 4 LBC’s – 20 at each and after each corner return to center to knock out 5 Burpees.  Rinso/Repeato

Read:  1 Corinthians 15:44-49

A message from Billy Graham:

Good Friday celebrates the day our Lord died for our sins on the cross. I have often sat by the hour and tried to imagine the agony and suffering He went through because of our sins. At one point He said from the cross, “It is finished” (John 19:30). He meant that God had accepted His work on the cross as the penalty for our sins.

Christ’s death on our behalf is the reason God can forgive us and still be just. And His death teaches us the depth and breadth that there should be in our forgiveness of one another.

While that holy Friday was tremendous, it was only a prelude to Sunday morning when He was raised from the dead. Godly women had come to see His tomb, but angels made the glorious announcement, “He has risen!” (Luke 24:6). His resurrection guaranteed that we, too, will be raised, if we are believers and obeyers of His Word.

As you celebrate the truth that Jesus came from Heaven to redeem you, are you reflecting His likeness to those around you?

Triple Nickel:

5 of each, run short distance:

Heels to Sky / Run / CDD’s

Read:  1 Corinthians 15:50-54

A message from Billy Graham:

From Genesis to Revelation, we are warned that “it is later than you think.” Paul writes to Christians in Romans 13:11–12: “The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.”

There are millions of people around the world who do not have peace at this moment because they have never found the secret of peace. Some of them may have riches today as a result of greed and covetousness; but their souls are lean, their hearts are cold toward God, their consciences are dulled, and their minds are blinded.

They need to know that there is a God of marvelous love who sent His Son Jesus Christ to this world. And as a demonstration of His mercy, Christ—who is the Prince of Peace—went to the cross to make a way for peace between God and mankind.

Are you living in the reality of Jesus’ victory over death? In what tangible ways can you share that victory with others so that they, too, can have life?

Holding Stances:

Pax kept feet at 6″ or planked while one at a time ran to top of hill, a few burpees I think and back down to relieve the next.

Read:  1 Corinthians 15: 55-58

A message from Billy Graham:

Easter is a season of great gladness for those who know Christ. But for those who are without “the light of the knowledge of God’s glory” (2 Corinthians 4:6), there is nothing to rejoice over.

Jesus left us with the great hope and certainty that He is going to return to bring a new Heaven and a new earth where, we are told, there will be no more sorrow, trouble, or death for those who have believed and followed Him. There will be trouble, sorrow, and suffering for those who have neglected or rejected Him.

As Christians, our great task is to obey the command to tell the whole world about Christ crucified, buried, yet risen again. My prayer for you during this season of the year, when we meditate on our Savior’s great sacrifice for us on the cross, is that you will be filled with great peace and hope, because “He is risen!” That is the Good News.

As you follow Christ, are you obeying His command to tell others that He is risen indeed?

Back to the Schiele:


Announcements and Concerns:

May 5 is Gastone’s hike / Mt. Mitchell

April 27 – 2nd F at Lewis Farm

No QSource at Coconut Horse this weekend


Welcome FNG’s Show Me The Money and ETrade

We spent the morning basking in God’s beautiful creation, glorifying him in fitness and devotion.  My honor to lead the Pax this morning.  Happy Easter to all, yes and knowing that this is late.


A Monk, A Youth Pastor and A Peanut’s Character walk into this Church and….

Prepped and ready for the Annual Foundation Run 5K, plus fresh with an FNG I brought along (Marcus/Trivago) I was ready for the Pax crowd.  Total of 9 showed for some Bedpan Painlab beatdown and Linus mosey 5k prep.  To start, and of course while forgetting the pledge:


Warm Up:

SSH – 20 IC

Squats – 20 IC

Merkins – 10 IC

LBC’s -20 IC

Painlab (Tube, Marco, Trivago, Hunk-a-Junk) to your Bedpan Beating.  Bootcamp with me.

First Presbyterian Church, to the steps at the Pad.

Re-hash of this weeks events from Timeframe and Gastone.

Partner 11’s:

Bottom, 1 Booyah merkin moving up, top of steps 10 partner derkins moving down

Circle Up:  Hold plank position while each PAX high knee’s out for a distance and back.  Starting to rain at this point.

Circle Up:  Round two, hold crab walk position while each Pax high knees for a distance and back.

50’s:  50 of each

Squats / Lunge / Monkey Humper / Calf Raise

Power Packet:

Formed small stations with the following:

30 Merkins / 30 CDD’s / 30 Squats / 30 LBC’s / 30 Heels to Sky / 30 Second Plank

After each excercise mosey out pre-determined distance and back, go to next station.  Still raining but buckets are holding out at this point.  Mumblechatter strong from Squirt provided great 10 count relief.

Well, finish the power packet round and as I bend down to pick up added weinke’s I either blacked out or had a photo taken of me.  Neither it seems, but it was full sky lightning.  Not strikes mind you, just full sky illumination.  Monk had if figured out by exact distance how far away it was so we sort of moseyed back towards the Schiele in increments figuring we had time to spare.

Top of church, repeated a hold pattern while PAX moseyed and then NUR.

Round 1 – Al Gore

Round 2 – I forget

Turns out there is this joke I overheard from Squirt and Monk grabbed the punchline.  What happens when a Monk, a Youth Pastor, and a Peanut’s character walked into a church?  The Monk got kicked out!!!

Lightning now right on us and time anyway.  Monk trying to review his storm distance calculations and Squirt picking us up and carrying us back, while continuing the mumblechatter.  Mosey fast pace to the Schiele only to find Painlab has been stolen!  Monk, determined to rescue them searches deep in the woods (well, not that deep) and finds them huddled under the Colonial awnings like Will Smith ‘I am Legend’ zombies.  Ironic at this point that most of us are still dry and only got bathtub soaked after we departed.  Quick pledge to a flag we could only imagine still existed, name-o-rama, announcements and prayers quicker than a JR-Maglev (uh, fast train I think).

Departing the gloom we were ransacked with a deluge of water, felt great actually.

I need Q’s for April.

Until next time, Aye…..


A little more Bootcamp this time

It’s been awhile since I’ve used a bit more traditional bootcamp beatdown tactics in my workout weinke.  Locked and loaded Friday afternoon, sleeved in a Whoopee ‘resistant’ liner, it contained several items of which I abhorred.  Why then would I design such the beast?  Who knows, not even I know, but I do know suffering prevailed, mainly just for me but found some others huffing a bit.  We started like this…

Warm Up:

SSH-20 ic

Merkins-10 ic

LBC-10 ic

Modified LBC (flutter and LBC)-10 ic (felt a burn, these suck)

Squats-10 ic


Follow Watt’s Up if you want to be beaten into submission, rest of you Mosey with me.

Up to Grier track:

10 Burpee’s

15 Jump Squats

20 CDD’s

50 Moroccan Night Clubs (100 total)

4 Corners:  Grier Track

Corner 1 – 10 Merkins

Corner 2 – 10 Merkins, 20 Heels to Sky

Corner 3 – 10, 20, 30 LBC’s

Corner 4 – 10-30, 40 Flutters

Rinse and Repeat, NUR while doing so

Triple Nickel –

5 Release Merkins, Mosey to top of hill from Baseball Field, 5 Monkey Humpers


35 Dips / 5 Derkins, 30/10, 25/15, 20/20 – Stopped at 1/2 way point

Grier Awnings:

5 Body Curls / bear crawl 20 feet / 20 squats (5 times)

Time left for 1st round of Dora:  100 Leg lifts (Heels to Sky), Partner 2 mosey down sidewalk and back

Only a few minutes left, back in time for Marco (POLO!!!) to call 10 Burpees, he got the shot fired before the clock chimed, I could only complete 5 before near pukation.



Convergence 3/30 at Folsom – 7:00 am, Epic Painlab will be present, multiple Q’s for your pleasure

Community Foundation Run – 4/13

Belmont Classic 5K – 5/25 (Memorial Day Weekend)

Whetstone:  Blades/Stones – Please see Monk to be a part of this program

Shout outs to Watt’s Up for his Post commitments, great to see Cheesehead back in the gloom

Prayers for the P200 group, all concerns unmentioned

Honored to Lead.





It’s All Uphill from here……

Another Schiele slumber party, parking limited.

Gather, circle, no fng’s, watered disclaimer, first exercise is Side Straddle Hop, starting position move, in cadence, EXERCISE…..

SSH-20 ic

Merkins-10 ic

LBC’s-20 ic

Squats-20 ic

12 PAX total, Painlab (7) will venture into eager hands of VooDoo, balance (5) with me.

Up sidewalk past Grier, yhc heaving at the light, glad it was red for a moment.  Moseyed across over to FPC parking lot at steps leading to the PAD.  Love the easy route guys, back to the basics.

11’s – Merkins on the bottom, Squats up top.  Stroganoff and Moses held true to correct counting form, balance of Pax followed me which may have been a mistake.  Thinking it is better to start at first exercise and work your way down, I did the opposite.  Which, like George Costanza I have found I would be much better to do anything in life ‘opposite’ of the way I figured was correct.  Other than some traffic confusion on the stairs we finished this event with only 58 1/2 minutes to go.  Whew, dang……hope my weinke is strong enough to cover the morning.

Mosey to bottom of ‘hill’ leading to the Pad.

Dora 1, 2, 3’s

Leg Raises – 100,  LBC’s – 200,  Flutter Kicks, 300

Partner 1 exercise, Partner 2 halfway up the ‘hill’

Sherwood – 

Turns out this was Stroganoff’s inaugural visit since his graduation in 1979.  Same partners, Partner 1 will hold his ‘Al Gore’ position, partner 2 in the parking lot, up the ‘hill’ and 5 Burpees up top.  Real burpees mind you, not the standing crunch that ‘mums’ around the world are celebrating as a record feat.

Stroganoff ready to go again, hold tight sir.  Next round let’s change up.

Round 2 – Partner 1 plank, partner 2 up hill and 4 real burpees

Round 3 – Partner 1 hold feet at 6″ (not on the damn curb mind you), partner 2 up hill and I forget how many burpees.

Back to the Sherwood track

Same partners, partner one AMRAP Monkey Humpers while partner 2 ‘sprints’ to next corner, partner 2 MH’s while partner 1 sprints to catch up.

Round 2 – LBC flutter

Round 3 – Sigh…..let’s continue round 3 back at the church.  I understand the notion and through some readings that Stroganoff has led me to I try to formulate my understanding’s of other’s thoughts based on how they process and feel.  All said and done however I did my best (at least I thought) to avoid this nice lady on the track who ultimately expressed to us of how terrified she was of us.  I think what get’s me the most was I was not even wearing my ‘blue’ leg bloomers!  Try that on for scary….For what it’s worth, I’m sorry she felt that way about us and for any grief and discomfort I caused the guys in tarrying through the public properties trying to get our work on.  What is weird is that I’m not sure what lesson I have learned  but do feel like I’ve grown some from it.  Whatever, finished round 3 at the church, AMRAP merkins.

There was just enough time to do some bear crawls.  Much to the chagrin of Stroganoff, JJ, Heyzus, Moses, and Linus (wait that was everybody, why are we doing this then?) we BC’ed about 50-75 feet and finished with 10 merkins.  To some sympathetic relief, we shortened the distance the 2nd round for crab walk and then did not do 10 dips at the end?

Speaking of no dips, I forgot the pledge in the beginning.  Luckily I stood front and center at the COT staring right at the flag, good reminder.  Let’s knock out a pledge.

Summary:  Uphill to FPC, Steps at The Pad, Hill at The Pad, Hill drive at Sherwood, Hill back up FPC and well it was sort of ‘down’ hill from there.

8:00, time……


Community Foundation Run – April 13, should have 4 track commanders, 2 hard commits, 90% on 3rd, Pizza Man working on 4th, April 13

Belmont Classic 5K – Coming in May (28?), sign ups now, should be another SFN event with two chairs, Hunka will be directing traffic

Convergence – Folsom, March 30 will be at 0700, Epic Painlab will be there

May 5 – Mt. Mitchell event with Mr. Gastone

Every Friday night – Tiger has 2nd F at The Station in Belmont, 5:00 pm

Allen Tate, start hosting a men’s Bible study at his house, 2nd Thursday of month (check that), 7:30 pm

Concerns and prayer out

Honored to lead…..Aye, Linus

Not Nearly a 5K but Close?

The skies may have been angry this day, but between 0700-0800 it showed mercy upon the PAX.  Knowing CSAUP could commandeer many PAX I was curious how many we would attract, especially given the extra marketing effect applied by Yahtzee.  BTW, who would not love a Viking themed workout?

10 HIM’s (including FNG now known as Commish) total showed for a Viking memorial (remember to bring your Macebell) and a Linus not so much 5K.  By the way, who in the h… happens to just have an extra Macebell in the kitchen or garage?

Let’s warm up:

SSH/LBC’s(guys thought they were not going to get wet)/Squats/Merkins – 10 in Cadence

Caught the pledge on the way back thanks to reminder from Yahtzee.

Painlab follow the dude in the Viking cap, Bootcamp you are with me.  I carried 3 Pax with me (Tombstone, Def Leppard, Timeframe)

From the Schiele we moseyed to Grier.  Intent was to stop every 1/4 mile for an exercise and ascending/descending burpee.  That only worked so well for so long.  From Grier, up to Burtonwood, right on Dixon to Sherwood.  Into the neighborhood we roll.  Dixon road, left onto Castlegate.  Castlegate, right onto Laurel Lane.  Laurel Lane out to Garrison.  Garrison back to the Schiele.  2.5 to 3 miles (forget now)

Multiple Stops along the way consisted of:

50 Each-

Heels to Sky/American Hammer/Flutters/Freddy Mercury

Merkins/Carolina Dry Dock/Morroccan/Squats

Each exercise also corresponded with 1 burpee up to a total of 4 and then we would start again.

Back at the Schiele right at the tick of 7:56, arrived early so Heyzuus could bolt.  Joined the Vikings for some hammertime and listened for the melodious chime while completing SSH.



Prayers for all PAX in CSAUP

Gastone’s event coming early May

Welcome FNG – Houston Helms:  Commish

Long Time, No Q

Crisp and chilly, bright and sunny, and 18 willing PAX to start the morning.  YHC chose the wrong short’s for the occasion and I may as well have been wearing Spanx.  My earlier EC took my phone from 83% battery life to zip, just in time to start the Q.  Knowing we had some distance to cover I reached out to the Bootcamp Pax to make sure we had a phone for safety.  With Monk and StoneCold in phone compliance we began.  Thanks to Q volunteers I had not Q’ed Gashouse for a month.  That showed when we did the pledge after dismissal.

Warm-Up:  And in no particular order



Merkins- 10 IC

Squats- 15 IC

Painlab off with Bedpan (10 of them) who had a morning of displeasure planned for his PAX.  Music locked and loaded those guys were set to pump some muscle.

Bootcamp (8 of us) set off to Grier, stopped short for a moment, got a count off and 20 merkins in the bank (that was for me to rest a moment).

The Thang:

Headed further to Parkwood lot for some Tesla book borrowed special.  Using the 4 corners of the lot (and I could not remember which corner’s were which number) we did the following.

Count off into pairs.  Pair 1 goes to corner 1, Pair 2 goes to corner 2, do you really need me to continue?

First round:  10 in each corner and after each corner is complete move to middle for 5 Burpee’s

Corner 1:  Merkins  Corner 2:  Squats  Corner 3:  LBC  Corner 4:  CDD’s

Second round:  20 in each corner and after each corner is complete move to middle for 3 Burpee’s

1:  Heels to Sky  2:  LBC  3:  American Hammer  4:  Mountain Climbers

Third round:  50 in each corner, 1 Burpee

1:  Side Saddle Hop . 2:  Merkins . 3:  Flutter Kicks . 4:  Morroccan Night Club

Mosey up hill, down to Sherwood Elementary.

Partner AMRAP:

Partner 1 Heels to Sky while Partner 2 runs to top of entrance hill, does one Burpee and comes back, switch.

Rounds 2, 3, 4, etc.

AMRAP:  Plank, 6″, American Hammer, maybe LBC (we may have run out of time)

Mosey back to Schiele.

Farm section of Schiele:  Audible…….

10 of each, squats, monkey humpers, lunge jumps, merkins.  Run Schiele trail, 3-4 minutes at a good pace.  YHC started off leading the PAX and became the Six as I watched them all pass me on the last hill up.

8:00, time.

Announcements / Concerns:

Sweetleaf and Boy Scouts selling Pine Needles, Union Road Christ Church, $4.35 / bale, $5.00 flat fee for delivery (DO not ‘hold’ me to this quote)(Quote from Linus has expired), see Sweetleaf and Cheesehead

CSAUP event:

Prayers for:

Stone and Blades

Teams to Haiti and Chimbote

Oompa Loompa’s Mother

Bandit’s Friends / Surgery

Rudolph’s collection to get Linus new pair of pants

Big thank you’s to Bedpan for coming to Q the Painlab and Monk for use of his phone for name-o-rama.

The Pub: Every Which Way But Loose

0531 – Run

9 HIM’s for a brisk Thursday morning stroll. Stone Cold and JJ ran slower mosey pace to keep me company, and even at that pace it helped to push me harder than if I was running alone. I appreciate the camaraderie as these two could keep pace with the rest of the group. We ran the traditional route along Hoffman Road. YHC was humbled to get in four miles. Gastone did more than five and others may have as well.

I was not present at all places, and there is no rumor to this, but it could always be possible that some along the route may have changed up the routine a bit. So I am unable to rule out the unestablished and non rumored facts that some may have chosen to:

Nur, Karaoke, Lunge, Ruck, Fake Ruck, Mosey, Walk and even Ride around and give out last minute Holiday Greetings.

Always honored to lead and this helps me to get out and post in the gloom.

Until next time. Aye…….


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