Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Linus (Page 3 of 10)

Locally grown and modified Classic PT at Snooze

Warm Up:
The Thang:
Using Oompa Loompa’s path inspiration we worked on a not so world renowned famous modified Classic PT Challenge using the signage as 1/4 mile markers.  As Short Sale correctly pointed out, the starting point could have been at the beginning of the path given we ran a 1/4 mile to get there, just to start.  While on a mosey to the 2nd sign we stopped for some ab focused Dora.  Linus could use some help on counting.  3/4 mile out started mosey back with about 8 minutes to go, back to the start, all safe.
Belt Challenge started this week
2nd F Lunch, Wednesday 7/19 at 12:00 noon at Pita Wheel in Dallas


Aye, Linus

Modified Classic PT

The Thang:
Modified PT Classic.  One lap around track, 100 of each……SSH, Squat, Merkin and LBC.  Broken down into 4 sections of 25 each.
One lap around track, 75 of each, additional lap I think.  That’s all for that.

Modified Dora 1-2-3
Partner 1 does Heels to Heaven or Homer/Marge, partner 2 runs to 2nd bench and back.  Instead of counting to 100/200/300, round one was one trip, round two was two trips, I think you’ve got it from here.

Enough time left to lunge to first set of benches and mosey back to the parking lot.


2nd F lunch next Wednesday, July 19th at Pita Wheel in Dallas
Sargento with Q at The Pub tomorrow, Linus has Sammich

Joys and Concerns:
Sargento recovering well
Lifting all Marriages up in Prayer
Sargento has Uncle going through Chemo right now

Honored, Linus

conspiracy theories explained

Warm Up:
SSH/LBC/Stretch/Imperial Walker – IC
Mosey to Martha’s

The Thang:
Modified Dora 1-2-3 -Arms – Partner 1 Amrap each, Partner 2 moseys, twice each round

Slow mosey out and back for recover

Modified Dora 1-2-3 – Legs – Same as above with moseys
Bobby Hurley

Slow mosey out and back for recover

Modified Dora 1-2-3 – Abs – Same as above…………
Big Boy
Heels to Heaven

3 minutes left Q, believe it or not, time to head back.  Solved a few world mysteries during our dance.

Snooze starts this coming Friday 6/2 at 6:45 am, Short Sale leading this off, summer AO, McAdenville, details on Slack
Annihilation this Saturday at The Yank, Boudin Q
PT Summer challenges starts the week of 6/3-6/11, more information on First F channel, reach out to your shield locks, this will help you roll into the Iron Pax, see Flintstone as well for questions
2nd F next Saturday, Family Fun Day in Forest City, Bike trail at 10:00 for one hour, eat Mexican restaurant and rendezvous at the retro 80’s arcade.  Purple Haze heading this up
7/4/23 Yank will host one hour work out starting at 7:00 am followed by reading of The Declaration of Independence and a sermon.  Town of Belmont expected to have some involvement

State of our Country
Pay attention to your interactions, it is the 2% that is getting the attention.

Honored to Q.

Memorial Day Murph 2023

Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces It is observed on the last Monday of May.  Memorial Day is also considered the unofficial beginning of summer in the United States.

The first national observance of Memorial Day occurred on May 30, 1868.  Then known as Decoration Day, the holiday was proclaimed by Commander in Chief John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic to honor the Union soldiers who had died in the Civil War.

In 1971, Congress standardized the holiday as “Memorial Day” and changed its observance to the last Monday in May.

Two other days celebrate those who have served or are serving in the U.S. military: Armed Forces Day (which is earlier in May), an unofficial U.S. holiday for honoring those currently serving in the armed forces, and Veterans Day (on November 11), which honors all those who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

Lieutenant Michael Murphy was a SEAL team member who lost his life serving his country in Afghanistan in 2005 during Operation Red Wings.

On the morning of June 28th, Lt. Michael Murphy and Petty Officers Danny Dietz, Matthew Axelson, and Marcus Luttrell were dropped into the mountains of Afghanistan, only to be ambushed by more than fifty militiamen after a local accidentally wandered onto their position and gave it up.

The four soldiers were heavily outnumbered, but put up a strong fight. During the ambush, Lt. Murphy risked his own life by coming out from cover, finding a signal, and calling for help.

Murphy, Dietz, and Axelson died that day along with 8 additional SEALS and 8 Army Night Stalker service members when their helicopter was shot down in its pursuit of saving the 4 men.

The Murph workout is done for time and consists of:

  • A one-mile run
  • 100 pull-ups
  • 200 push-ups
  • 300 squats
  • Another one-mile run

Dr. Joshua Appel, the chief of emergency medicine for the Southern Arizona Veterans Administration Health Care System served as an Air Force pararescueman in 2005.

He was the team leader that helped rescue Marcus Luttrell and recover Michael Murphy and Danny Dietz. He kept the body armor he wore when he recovered Murphy’s body.

Two years later he decided to gather everyone at his CrossFit gym to do the “Murph” on Memorial Day to recognize Michael Murphy and those who have lost their lives in active service.

They continued to do the workout every year until 2010, when Dr. Appel contacted Michael’s father, Dan Murphy and asked if he could start a national fundraiser.


Warm Up:
Imperial Walker

The Thang:  Murph

Count off
Words from the Nantan:  Men’s retreat is being planned with a varied agenda from health/wellness to financial.  Shout out for topics Pax would like covered.  Whoopee particularly interested in Fluid Mechanics, Stroganoff seemed particularly excited (if you know what I mean)
Recognize veterans
Recognize family veterans
22 for the Vets – Merkins

Snooze starts this coming Friday 6/2 at 6:45 am, Short Sale leading this off, summer AO, McAdenville, details on Slack
Annihilation this Saturday at The Yank, Boudin Q
PT Summer challenges starts the week of 6/3-6/11, more information on First F channel, reach out to your shield locks, this will help you roll into the Iron Pax, see Flintstone as well for questions
Memorial Day Ceremony at Gaston Memorial Park at 10:00 am, Gaston Symphony Band will play
2nd F next Saturday, Family Fun Day in Forest City, Bike trail at 10:00 for one hour, eat Mexican restaurant and rendezvous at the retro 80’s arcade.  Purple Haze heading this up
7/4/23 Yank will host one hour work out starting at 7:00 am followed by reading of The Declaration of Independence and a sermon.  Town of Belmont expected to have some involvement
As Wirenut said, “Freedom ain’t Free”

Jackson Hall
Family, lift each other up
Doodles on upcoming Mission trip
Gump and family
Those reflecting on lost loved one’s this Memorial Day weekend


Honored, Linus

‘hey biotch in Whoopee’s britches….

Nutria’s got Painlab
SSH – 1 in cadence

To the church:
The Thang:
Memorial Day trivia and exercise and fun
Behind church-Trivia and Run circle after each
SSH- 25 IC
Calf raise-30

 Shotgun Street Sprints – Solo

Round 2 with trivia
Big Boy -10
5 burpees
20 Heels to heaven
15 CDD

Street Sprints-Partner

1-Lunge walk/2-Run a distance and collect your partner…..then rinse and repeat using…..
Bunny Hop

Triple Nickel-
5 Merkins
Bear Crawl
Modified to pacify Linus

Very Slight Small Round of Mary-IC
American Hammers
I vaguely do not recall that the cadence went something like this……….

so, imagine for a moment (or just do it, but only with you and a mirror) taking your left hand at a slanting stroke and thrust it towards the outside of your hip.  Repeat the same with your right hand for practice and then take both of those puppies and perform simultaneously, karate chops to the outside of your haunches all while maintaining an ‘that’s right’ persona and go ahead and add that geriatric pelvic thrust.  Say ‘hmmph’ as you do so.  Careful, you don’t want to throw out your back.  That my friends is a remedy for Sandy V, possibly ED, and a host of other ailments and is called ‘Getting the Biotch out of Whoopee’s Britches’.  One would normally say do not try this at home, but arguably this is probably the only place you should try this.  And alone, leave your M out of this one.  Clothes on is optional.  Keep your clothes on.  Say it loud, HEY BIOTCH!

Murph Monday Morning, 7:00 am, Martha’s
Memorial Day recognition ceremony Monday morning 10:00 am, Gaston Memorial Park (cemetery on New Hope Rd.), Gaston Symphony Band playing


Happy Memorial Day Weekend to all.  Trivia for your reading pleasure attached here.  Unverified facts mind you.

Question: What city is known as the birthplace of Memorial Day?
Answer: Waterloo, New York

Question: Memorial Day was originally known as what?
Answer: Decoration Day

Question: Memorial Day was first recognized on what date?
Answer: May 30, 1868

Question: When was Memorial Day named as such by the federal government?
Answer: 1971

Question: What act moved Memorial Day from May 30 to the last Monday in May each year?
Answer: The Uniform Monday Holiday Act

Question: When did Memorial Day move from May 30 to the last Monday in May?
Answer: 1971

Question: Who spoke at the first Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery?
Answer: Ohio Congressman James A. Garfield

Question: When was the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery established?
Answer: Nov. 11, 1921

Question: What poem inspired the tradition of wearing and planting poppy blossoms for Memorial Day?
Answer: “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae, M.D.

Question: “In Flanders Fields” was inspired by a battle in which war?
Answer: World War I (Bonus points if you also named the battle: the Second Battle of Ypres)

Question: The National Moment of Remembrance takes place at what time each Memorial Day?
Answer: 3 p.m. local time

Question: Which president signed the National Moment of Remembrance Act?
Answer: President Bill Clinton

Question: Memorial Day initially only honored the fallen from which war?
Answer: The American Civil War

Question: Who is credited with creating Memorial Day?
Answer: General John A. Logan

Question: How should American flags mark Memorial Day?
Answer: At half-staff from sunrise until noon, then at full staff until sundown

Question: When was “Taps” written?
Answer: 1862 (Bonus points if you also said who wrote it: General Daniel Butterfield). 

Question: Memorial Day is held in May for what reason?
Answer: So flowers will be in bloom to decorate soldiers’ graves

Question: How many participants decorated graves for the first Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery?
Answer: 5,000

Question: How many fallen soldiers were honored at the first Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery?
Answer: 20,000

Question: Which historical monument was dedicated on Memorial Day in 1922?
Answer: The Lincoln Memorial

Question: How many total Americans died in the Civil War?
Answer: About 620,000

Question: About how many people visit Arlington National Cemetery each year?
Answer: More than three million

Question: When there was a shortage of natural poppies in 1924, which city was the first to manufacture artificial poppies?
Answer: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Question: The annual biker rally in Washington, D.C. each Memorial Day is called what?
Answer: The Rolling Thunder Run

Question: The Rolling Thunder Run is aimed at raising awareness of what?
Answer: The POW-MIA (prisoners of war and soldiers missing in action) issue

German Geriatric Porn, channel 46

German Geriatric Porn, who knew?  Pilgrims Progress that’s who.  And now you do to.  So, unstrap your buckles, and check your knees, Tesla’s working on livestreaming that s&*t to you for free.  10 or 11 HIM Pax at The Storm this morning, I’m still looking for that odd man.

Warm up:
The Thang:
Exercise and short lap around building……numbers may not reflect accuracy
SSH- 30
Calf raise-30

Street Sprints – OYO and then partner.

Return back to do below while still taking laps.
Big Boy -10
5 burpees
20 Heels to heaven
15 CDD

Partner Exercise/Run:  Partner 1 mosey while Partner 2:  Rinse and repeat.
Lunge walk
Bunny Hop

Mary:  Short Round of Mary

Tequila Sunrise:  Maybe it’s Maybelline with the Q
6/3 Forest City – Ride-along event with arcade games
Memorial Day Murph, Monday 5/29 7:00 am Sandlot

Radar’s sister, McKenzie
Watts Up Father In Law
Graduations tomorrow
Tigers Family
Bubba Sparxx and Gearwrench injuries

I had a great time this morning, honored to Q


Turning off Bixby



The Thang
SSH- 25 IC
Chin Press/Upright rows-10
Calf raise-30
Big Boy -10
5 burpees
Heels to heaven-20
Lunge walk out
Rinse and repeat

4 corners-Modified near the end for time
10 CDD’s
15 Homer / Marge
20 squats
30 LBC
Bear crawl  back to start
Annihilation next month
2nd F Lunch at The Lodge, 5/24
Time Laps at the WWC this weekend – Come out and support
Murph workout, 7:00 at Martha’s.  Timeframe would host a 5:30 regular F3 routine time Murph if anyone was interested.
Hunchback has a Charlotte colleague, early 50’s had heart attack, Foor family
Orangeman’s cousin husband, Wilson family in Iowa had heart surgery a few weeks ago, slowly recovering
Honored to Q

rrrrrrRRockadile Red

Still a rinse and repeat of my previous Q’s.  Motivation high, unfortunately so is my writer’s block.

Merkins/Squats/Big Boys/Burpees/LBC – Partner 1 amrap, Partner 2 takes a mosey and back.  Flip/Flop, rinse and repeat.

Partner sprints (4 times) in main drive right in front of school.
Back to track to complete above.

Still on same Track
1/2 of the group lunge walk, other half mosey a distance, collect the pax and start again.  Various versions of this included going back to collect or group 2 running to your indicated distance.
Rinse and repeat with bear crawl, inchworm, crabwalk and bunny hop, modify as needed.

Same Track:
Plank and holds (1/2 group plank, 1/2 group mosey)
Al Gore
6″ (on six, heels in the air)

Modified to stay in place doing Big Boys and Heels to Heaven.

Roscoe calling us back for time as that completely eclipsed me.

Mosey back.  2+ miles in today.

Honored to Lead.

Welcome FNG RRockadile Red, Kool Aid’s son.  I did not get his details.

Young Life Golf Tournament Monday, May15, Cramer Mtn.  Private donor to match amount collected.
Lunch sometime next Wednesday (so we think)
Memorial Day – Murph, 7:00 at Martha’s
Annihilation at The Gashouse, this weekend, JJ is the Q, Noisy Cricket with Painlab option
Adopt a Highway clean up after Gashouse bootcamp/painlab.

Kid’s and graduations
Pilgrims Progress, 4 members of his team need prayers
Charlie Ward:  Battling Leukemia
Huckleberry and Turtleman
Parents with teenagers/Teenagers
Timeframe:  Mother broke both of her hands/wrists
Ratchet’s son

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