Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: JJ (Page 8 of 16)

5 Miles Uphill

We ran Sister Act’s favorite route, The Wachovia Route, even though he was not there to enjoy it. Five miles uphill the entire way where you end up where you started (eventually).

The Pledge

Gaston Day School Rd til it turns into Armstrong Park Rd
Left onto Armstrong Park Dr
Left onto New Hope Rd
Right onto Lee St
Left onto E Perry St
Right onto Armstrong Park Rd til it turns into Gaston Day School Rd

Announcements (apologize for those that have already passed)
50 miler (good work on that men!)
Labor Day in McAdenville (also good work)
2nd F @ Primal on 9/2 (hope no one was waiting on this backblast for breaking news in F3 Gashouse Region)
JJ 5k (hey, that hasn’t happened yet)
September Extra Mile Challenge (get started now, Sept is going fast)

Prayer Requests
Barrel Racer
Covid Cases
Maria – young mother who had spinal stroke and is paralyzed

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Hoss, You Can’t Go That Way

Sometimes you never know what you will experience during the workout. This turned out to be true once again on this Saturday morning.

I arrived to find some disappointed PAX who’d expected me to post at NUOS that morning. My post on Slack was merely to say that we would make up for the lack of running at NUOS during the bootcamp workout, not that I would make it to NUOS.

SSH x 16
Merkins x 16
LBCs x 16
Imperial Walkers x 16

Pain Lab w/ Tube while Boot Camp went for a mosey

Stop at the flag for The Pledge

Mosey down Garrison towards Lineberger Park

Before we could get to the first stop at the church, we found police cars blocking the road. Then, we noticed that someone had crashed into the telephone pole across from the church. The line was on the ground and smoking like crazy.

The PAX had stopped to assess the situation, and YHC was trying to find a way around this crazy scene. At that point, several people had come upon the scene, and one gentleman close to us said, “Hoss, you can’t go that way. The line is down across the road.” I appreciated his notification of the obvious as I was merely looking for a way around the chaotic scene.

We moseyed around the back of the church into the parking lot as sirens continued around us and cars did u-turns in the middle of the road.

Merkins IC x 10
Squats IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10

Mosey to Taxco Mexican Grill parking lot. Where if you let your imagination run free, the smell of BBQ still floats in the air.

PAX Choice of exercise at this stop
Whoopee – 20 Big Boy Situps
Watts Up – 20 Big Boy Situps
Flintstone – 20 Freddie Mercury’s

Mosey to the park

Had planned to partner up, but with 4 PAX we just worked as a group. Each PAX picked an exercise to start. While three performed the exercise, the fourth ran up the stairs and back. When they returned, the exercise rotated around and the next PAX ran. Exercises included burpees, squats, lunges, and big boy situps.

We did 3 rounds of this until it looked like we were in the way of the guy trying to clear off the sidewalks. So we moseyed to the playground.

At the picnic tables, 2 rounds of Dips, Step Ups, and Flutter Kicks

Start the mosey back. At some point, Flintstone made a comment that I interpreted as he wanted to do more burpees. So on the run back we did 5 burpees (or so) for every green street sign on our side of the road and 3 (or so) for every street sign on the other side of the road.

At one point while we were doing burpees, a guy in a truck stopped to tell us something. YHC thought he was going to tell us we had bad form on our burpees. Whoopee thought he was going to tell us we had good form on our burpees. He just wanted to let us know the road was blocked because of a power line being down. Thanks, Hoss.

After a quick detour through the neighborhood to avoid the power line still smoldering on the ground near Garrison and countless burpees, we arrived back at the Schiele.

A couple rounds of Mary while we waited for the Pain Lab guys, and then the bells.

Turtleman pet scan looked great no signs of cancer; continued prayers as he finishes out chemo over next couple of months
July 9th concert series, F3 to help pass out water
Monthly items – Nail clippers and chapstick

Prayer Requests
Rudolph travels
Wreck on Garrison
Principal assignments for upcoming school year

The Pledge again for the whole group

Prayer to take us out

At certain points during our mosey to the park and back (and again in the COT), I shared with the PAX the prior week’s sermon points from our pastor. I’d really thought through those leading up to Father’s Day, and thought they were good words of encouragement on Father’s Day Eve.

Three ways to make like count
The first is to start serving (we only got point #1, so I’ll have to share the other 2 at a latter Q)
To truly serve you must:
1 Choose desire over duty – Not because you have to but because you want to
2 Choose giving over getting – Don’t confuse influence with income
3 Choose being an example over being on control – Influence measured not by how many people are under you but how many are behind you

The whole reason for serving was further emphasized in my devotion that morning before posting. With the three points above in my head, I read Romans 14:8.

If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.

We serve not for ourselves and the glory it will bring us. We serve others because our Savior came to serve and set an example for us to follow.

Until next time.

There’s an extra hill that way

Let’s be honest. YHC is tired from being on the computer for work all week. So we are going to do the highlights in bullet form. At least it’s getting done the same day.

  • Clavin noted that YHC getting there by 526 was early. That was truth.

  • Sargento was trying to place F3 stickers on cars. Pretty sure some of them were not F3 PAX. Debate later on proper sticker placement.

  • When the route was announced, an unamed PAX noted there was an extra hill that route. Yes. HTFU

  • Route to the Armory down Robinwood. OK, down to the Greenway. OK, Captain Obvious, the sign past the Greenway.

  • Passed a car going down Hoffman with no lights on. Genius material.

  • Strong work by all.

Amoeba Ruck on Saturday. Not too late to sign up
New Belmont Sat morning AO – The Bunker
Site Q change at Gashouse this week #BYOA

Prayer Requests
Roscoe – Coworker returning after losing son
Roscoe’s 2.0 awarded Adam Kincaid scholarship
Clavin’s 2.0 new job

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…

Gastonimer 100

In case you didn’t hear, the Mortimer 100 was nine days ago. That’s the 100 mile relay between Hickory and Boone. And the fact that it’s no where near 100 miles from Hickory to Boone is not the strangest things about that race. For all the shenanigans of that adventure read that BB when it comes out. YHC was inspired to bring the Mortimer spirit down to the southern end of the F321 corridor.

After a quick recon mission, I rolled up on some runners getting in some EC. They later put the invitation out to join them every Monday at 0500 for some EC.

A good crowed began to gather on a chilly Monday morning. 0530, let’s go.

The Pledge, followed by a brief disclaimer.

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15

Let’s mosey. A quick detour through the abandoned bank parking lot to throw the PAX off and then off to our destination. I’d planned on stopping to collect everyone together, but the PAX stayed pretty close together for the mosey. After several comments about not knowing if they’d posted at The Pub, I decided to give them what they asked for and stop the mosey. Well what do you know, we are at the base of Gastone’s Hill. What are the odds?

Full of the Mortimer spirit, I told the PAX we didn’t have enough time to get in 100 miles or even 100 kilometers in the time we had so we’d have to settle for 100 count of exercises.

Here’s the thang:

Up the hill. Stop at each mailbox and perform ten of an exercise. One exercise. Ten at each mailbox. Easy enough? Stop after the 5th mailbox to plank for the 6. We would soon discover that the 5th mailbox was not exactly half-way up the hill. It wasn’t even a quarter-way up the hill.

Round 1 – Merkins

The 10th mailbox wasn’t all the way to the end of the street so some PAX continued doing the exercise at the 11th and even 12th mailbox. Hey, YvY.

Mosey to the bottom of the hill.

Round 2 – Squats – Plank after for the 6 after the 5th mailbox again.

Up to the top then mosey to the bottom of the hill.

Round 3 – Big Boy Sit-ups facing uphill – Plank 4 6 after 5.

Up to the top then mosey to the bottom of the hill.

On the way down, I was thinking of the exercise for round 4. I thought calf raises would be pretty terrible but I’ll put the choice out to the group. Without prompting or hesitation, Gastone blurted out, “Calf raises.” There you have it. It’s his hill and that’s what I’d been feeling so calf raises it is.

Round 4 – Calf Raises with a NUR up the hill (in honor of the “by any means necessary” strategy I used to make it up Pilot Ridge Rd and up to Howard’s Knob during the Mortimer) – Once again plank 4 6 after 5.

Up to the top then mosey to the bottom of the hill.

Time to mosey back.

Convergence 4/17 @ Bulldog (WA Bess Elementary)
PT Test 4/24 @ Gashouse
Be on the lookout for the 1st F challenge in April – Pre-Blast coming soon
0500 EC at Sandlot on Mondays
New Dallas AO – Saturday morning 0700

Prayer Requests
CPAP and Dirt – job searches
Joey Denton
Big Pappy’s family
Sister Act’s family
Tube’s brother in law

Prayer to take us out.

It was truly an honor to lead such a fine group of men this morning. As always, I enjoyed the fellowship.

Until next time…

Lookin’ for some

To paraphrase a Dark Helmet tweet from earlier this week, YHC’s morning went something like this…

Got up
Went lookin’ for some
Found it

Ran to Martha’s and back

Strides of March on March 6 – Sign up through pre-blast

Until next time…

We did our best

YHC ran the loop. They rucked somewhere.

Extinction Run

Prayer Requests

There were some struggles during the Name-o-rama, but we did our best.

Prayer to take us out.

This was followed by a good discussion at Q-Source led by Stroganoff on Agreement #4: Always Do Your Best.

Good Lookin’ Man

F3 is open to all men. Men of different backgrounds, different interests, and different beliefs. You are free to share those beliefs, and if someone disagrees, a good, healthy debate can be had. We also have stories based on how the events in our lives have played out. However as we learned again on this cold, Saturday morning, you have to be careful how you share those beliefs or tell those stories because your words can be twisted and used against you in a bad way.

SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

The Pledge

Time to split, Pain Lab with Rudolph. Boot Camp went on a mosey.

Stop at the parking lot at Grier. There were 3 orange cones that were set up that served as a perfect starting point for the next exercise. A simple Lunge, Lunge, Burpee would have required too many Burpees for YHC across the length of the parking log. So we went with:

Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Burpee (simple right). 5 Lunges with each leg, then a Burpee.

Once we reached the other end of the parking lot, let’s mosey with a left onto Burtonwood Dr. Stop at the first street for 10 Monkey Humpers. YHC was asked if the PAX could do 11 MH. I said that was acceptable. You vs You.

Mosey to the office building down the street. Partner Up for a round of FAT. I have to have acronyms to remember the exercises that I have planned.

Partner 1 runs around the building to the other side of the parking lot and does one burpee, then runs back. Partner 2 does AMRAP of the exercise. Then switch.

Round 1 – Flutter Kicks
Round 2 – American Hammers
Round 3 – Taps of the Shoulder (Shoulder Taps)

Mosey to Ollie’s parking lot for the main event.

As a group, complete 4 exercises then mosey to the other end of the parking aisle with a Burpee half way down the aisle.

Merkins x 10
Squats x 20
LBCs x 30
SSH x 40

At the other end of the aisle, 4 exercises then mosey back down with 2 Burpees half way down the aisle. There was chatter about the increasing Burpees, but YHC assured the PAX that it would help us keep count of the number of rows.

Diamond Merkins x 10
Jump Squats x 20
Crunchy Frogs x 30
Seal Jacks x 40

Rise and repeat the 4 exercises on the end of the aisles with Burpees increasing by 1 each trip. According to my Strava map, we got in 3 full rotations down and back.

Mosey back with a stop at the street again for 10 (or 11) more Monkey Humpers. Stop at the bus drop off at Grier for a round of the exercises again. There was confusion about the command to stop, but we got that worked out.

Merkins x 10
Squats x 20
LBCs x 30
SSH x 40
Seal Jacks x 40
Crunchy Frogs x 30 (Omaha’d to 10)
Jump Squats x 20 (Omaha’d to 10)
Diamond Merkins x 10 (Omaha’d to 10)

It was at this point that the chatter took an interesting turn. To be honest, YHC was distracted at this point. First of all, YHC was just trying to keep track of the count of his own exercises at this point in the workout. Second, YHC was also watching the clock to make sure that the PAX returned on time. Apparently, Linus was telling a story about a gentleman that had served in the military. Here are the details that I caught from the story:

  • It may have involved an F3 PAX
  • There was some sort of church service
  • Dress uniform
  • And good lookin’ man

Past that, it would just be conjecture so I’ll leave it there. I believe Short Sale was able to get more of the story so I’ll leave it up to him and Linus to correct any misinterpretations or add any important details. However, I’m comfortable leaving the story like this and allowing you to fill in the details like an old Mad Libs.

This is also the point where Watts Up uttered the words, “Do you want me to write the backblast for you?” This could have been a shot at the fact that it takes YHC a week to write a back black for The Pub which includes little more than the direction we ran and the PAX present. However, YHC took this as an invitation to write this backblast so I humbly accepted his offer. I have not checked to see if he did write it, but YHC figured I could at least tell my version of the events.

Time’s getting short so mosey back to the Schiele. Quick round of flutters until we hit 60 minutes.

Extinction Run – Feb 13 – Sign up through the Pre-Blast

Prayer Requests
Sledge – Sister in law
Blart’s M

Prayer to take us out.

How do you spell sphincter?

F3 workouts are educational right? They build the mind, body, and spirit. You learn things, like spelling…

When I arrived at the AO, it appears there was a discussion on the exact spelling of sphincter based on a conversation between PAX during an EC mosey. Well what do you know, it’s 0530. Let’s get going…

The Pledge

We ran last week’s route in reverse.
Gaston Day School Rd which turns into Armstrong Park Rd
Left onto Armstrong Park Dr
Left onto New Hope
Right onto Lee
Left onto Perry
Right onto Armstrong Park Rd which turns back into Gaston Day School Rd
And back to The Pub

New AO – Friday 0530 – Belmont Central

Prayer Requests
Baby Golddigger
Families with loved ones lost to Covid

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

The Long Way

Last Saturday at Gashouse, Roscoe introduced the descending triangle. It consisted of squats, burpees, and 8-count body builders which we were told are not burpees with a plank jack. They are 8-count body builders. Since plagiarism is the highest form of flattery, I decided to borrow the geometrical beatdown for my first Q Downtown.

I arrived a few minutes early not sure what kind of crowd we would have between the cold, the covid, and the blood drive the prior day. We ended up with 7 PAX as Waterboy assumed my normal arrival time and moseyed up to the circle at 0530. Let’s get to work.

The Pledge

SSH x 15
LBCs x 15
Merkins x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

Mosey towards 321 with a turn by the Pita Wheel (which I had for lunch today and is outstanding for anyone who has not been there) then a turn left on 74 and a final turn left into the Parking Deck.

I’d mentioned an ascending descending rectangle on twitter so here are the details.

Start at the bottom of the deck in the middle of the lane.

8-count body builders x 10 (remember, these are not burpees with a plank jack)
Big Boy Sit-ups x 10
Flutter Kicks x 10
Squats x 10
Hand-Release Merkins x 10

Mosey to the next level of the parking deck
Repeat all 5 exercises x 9
Next level, then exercises x 8
Repeat until the top layer, then exercises x 5

Since we are out of levels, let’s descend to the bottom layer and start over.

We’d be at a count of 4 but this is round 2. So like Jeopardy, in round 2 all values are doubled.

So at bottom level, exercises x 8
Next level, exercises x 6
Repeat until we get to 2 then mosey to the top level

Once again with the plagiarism, I stole Dirty Elevens from Clavin and the Labyrinth this week.

Start on one side with 10 Mike Tysons.
Run to other side with 1 burpee in the middle for 1 LBC
Back to other side with 1 burpee in the middle for 9 Mike Tysons
Rinse and repeat

Time’s up. Let’s mosey back, but we took the long way. So instead of using the stairs, we moseyed down each level.

Back to start and flutters til 0615.

Everything is cancelled

Prayer Requests
Those isolating for various reasons. Reach out and check on the PAX.
Sister Act surgery and recovery
Roscoe’s M’s recovery
Sargento’s M’s recovery
Watt Up’s M’s sister

Prayer to take us out.


Who doesn’t love having leftovers after Thanksgiving? You pull all of the dishes out of the fridge. Everyone makes a plate of a little of what is left over from the big Thanksgiving Day feast. That was the inspiration for a Monday morning weinke at The Sandlot. Take a little bit from each of the triple post workouts on Thanksgiving to start the week. Only problem was that YHC opened the fridge to find that there weren’t many leftovers. The Folsom BB wasn’t posted, and The Goat BB, although timely with a detailed warm-up, didn’t have a lot of details to work with. YHC knew The Pub was a 5k so we may have a heavy dose of running. On top of the prediction of rain (and lots of it), this could make for an interesting time.

Arrived at the AO to find a few cars and no PAX. The three PAX that were there were huddled under the awning in front of Snoball’s. Luckily, they’d posted at Folsom so they were able to provide some details for the leftover meal.

  1. Just some sprinkles of rain. And 4 PAX. Let’s go…

Mosey next door to the abandoned bank’s drive through.


SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
LBCs x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15

Mosey to Robinson Elementary School

In the walkway for some Eleven’s
Run to one side, Dips x 1
Run to the other side, Derkins x 10
Repeat until Dips x 10 and Derkins x 1

The Pledge using a waving flag on YHC’s phone.

Now for some leftovers from Folsom…
At the small dropoff area, partner up.
Partners run to opposite sides, for Merkins x 10
Run back to the middle and then Squats x 10
Back to opposite sides for Merkins x 8
Back to middle for Squats x 10
Count down by 2 until you get to Merkins x 2
And then finish in the middle for Squats x 10

Mosey back to the former bank drive-in.
Everyone pick an exercise to throw on the plate,
Watts Up – Flutter Kicks
Dirt – Dying Cockroaches
Flintstone – American Hammers
JJ – Crunchy Frogs

In total, almost 3 miles covered in the workout for the leftovers from The Pub 5k.

Shelby Convergence 12/5
Christmas Party 12/12

Prayer Requests
Watts Up job interview

Prayer to take us out.

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