Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Hush Puppy (Page 3 of 5)

Walls of Jericho

For some reason, Sunday afternoon, Hushpuppy got the urge to Q Monday’s workout.  Maybe it was a drive to do more, or sheer stupidity, or maybe YHC just wanted a workout that didn’t include backwards running up hills.

Warm up: Imperial walkers, Toy Soldiers, LBC’s, Planks, Flutters, Mosey, Pledge:

Tha Thang: Mosey down to the SECU bank because it was the best building I could think of we could run all the way around.

Walls of Jericho: 7 reps of exercises, followed by a lap around the building:  7 merkins, then a lap, 7 hip slappers, then a lap, 7 SSH, then a lap, 7 squats, then a lap, 7 shoulder taps, then a lap, 7 hillbillies, then a lap, 7 Burpees, then a lap.  Mosey up union, through the neighborhood and to Marthas front yard.  Whoopees favorite, Jack Web 11’s.  Jack Webbs at the top, squats at the bottom.

Jailbreak back to startex:

Strong work.

Sorry it took me 6 days to post the BB.  Q’ing again Friday 11/7 Down Town.  Can’t wait!

A light in the Gloom

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.  By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.”

I can’t help but think that F3 is an example of the “evidence” of things unseen.  When those men gathered in the gloom on 1/1/11  I’m sure they never imagined I would be typing this backblast 6.5 years later.  Just as Dredd described “paving the road 43 feet ahead of us”, I can’t imagine he would imagine 19 men gathering for coffee and sharing their faith 30 miles across the river.  But with each passing week; each example of multiplication by division, there was evidence of a force not seen.  An undeniable truth that the men who gathered together in the gloom each morning had a vision for something beyond themselves that could only be described by one word: Faith.

As the elders of F3 allowed this force to grow and create momentum in the pax, they too demonstrated a good testimony .  They allowed this thing to grow from the bottom up rather than control it from the top down.  Through the reverse-flow incubator, they gave any man with a burden on his heart full support and encouragement to bless their neighbor and pick up the 6.  F3 is clearly an example of something visible that grew because the invisible was not stifled or ignored, but given liberty to take each man on to a higher purpose.

As I stood before 18 men in my spiritual house and shared my testimony of how faith in Christ had saved me I couldn’t help but wonder, “why me?  Why am I standing here before these men?  How can the story of my mistakes help them?”  But as Freight so uncomfortably put it, sometimes the why and the when of faith is not our time, but HIS time.  I found it no coincidence that as I shared how the prayers of my mother had stifled the plans against me (through her faith), my phone began to ring as she called me.  We all got a laugh at the timing but it was clear that wherever I was and whatever I was doing, it was all a result of her Faith.

I personally was convicted at Sparky’s call for personal Holiness.  As he shared from Psalm 61:2 “From the end of the earth will I cry unto Thee when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” He challenged us to all lead our families and those around us to the rock that is higher than ourselves.  As my mother had always pointed to that same rock, I was convicted to point my own family in that direction.

I want to thank Tool Time for sharing his heart on what must have been a terrible year of his life.  How he stood strong for his family and had to lean on his savior for his own strength.  How his M, even after the tragedy in her life saved the life of another.  And the wisdom and heart of Def Leopard is an inspiration to us all; directing us towards the most valuable things in life, our faith and our families.

A special thanks to Midwife for Opening up shop for us and sharing with Hayzus on their mission to Florida.  By repairing broken roofs you demonstrated how lives can also be restored from the damages of life.

Also, thanks to T-square for sharing how F3 had helped him be strong for his M as she went through the tragedy of a losing a child. Strong work to all.


Until we pray together again!  Post!

The rubber meets the road, Schiele Backblast 9/30/17

06:00 – Hushpuppy unloaded 8 heavy tires in the church parking lot and arrived at the Schiele for EC.  looked around for others but crickets.  .  . Ran from the Schiele to the middle school track for 2 laps and back to the Schiele (exactly 1 mile).  Still no-other Pax.  06:40 Squirt and Co arrive and then Shrink, so we have a quick 3rd F discussion about giving.  The quote that stuck out the most was by Thomas Jefferson; “Aa candle loses nothing when it lights another candle”.  Share your light!

07:00, Startex: Hushpuppy had the disclaimer, did some plank work and some flutters, then turned it over to Rudolph for more warmup.  he immediately called for 1 Burpees, quite the surprise considering he’s a “no-impact” guy.  We then did some Imperial walkers, and other stuff I forget.  We split up and 9 crazy men followed YHC to the Middle school for more plank work and what would become more of a cardio workout that I expected.  Then it was on to the Church where we found 8 tires waiting for us.

Partner up,  sit across from each other with tire standing up in between, pax feet open and against each other.  Tip tire back and forth to each other 25X push for each partner.  one partner was down hill and worked a little harder than the other.

Then partner 1 does toe taps on the tire while partner 2 planks with feet up on other side of tire (shoulder tap or derkin position).  Step right off the tire (1), back up on the tire (2), step left off the tire (3) back up on the tire (4), repeat this 4 count 25 times, all the while the first partner is doing toe taps.  Once 25 is complete, switch positions and repeat.  Partners sit back down at the tire, but now different partner is facing up hill and repeat the push back and forth 25 times.  Shoulders were burning pretty good by this time!

Stack the tires up out of the driving lane and mosey to the Large hill at the veterans hall!

5 Burpees at the bottom of the hill, nur to the top, 4 Burpees, run to the bottom, 3 burpees, nur to the top, 2 burpees, run to the bottom, 1 burpee.  Recover.  After a while, nur turned into klaw.  Mosey south on New hope to intersection and did 10 Monkey Humpers IC to show Gastonia our best side.  I think only 2 cars came by.  Bear crawl up the hill in the grass and jail break to the top parking lot.  At the top we saw the beautiful sunrise and the Charlotte skyline and being the picture guy I am, couldn’t resist the opportunity.

Mosey back to the tires, Partner up with different partners, 1 partner flips tires down the parking lot to the median (about 20 parking spaces) while partner 2 does squats.  Roll tire back to top, Switch places.  Mosey back to Schiele for wall sits, wait on the 6, and then back to startex for about 3 minutes of Mary.  Hope Davinci’s muscle cramps have eased up.

Rudolph reports painlab did work from the toes to the brain, and it was evident by the seat on Gacy’s shirt.

Strong work by all,

Prayer requests were quiet and may have been do to the cardio leaving little oxygen in the brain.

Speed for Need and Christmastown 5k, 3rd F event at Hushpuppy’s church 10/13/17 7pm, 3rd F will move to Panera after the workout and subjects will be provided by Qsource and Maxwell.

Gashouse 3rd F Coffee-rama

When: Friday, October 13th, 2017, 7:00-8:30ish pm

Where: New Covenant Church,  631 Efird St Gastonia NC (Corner of Hudson and Efird

Who: Hosted by Hushpuppy and Midwife, All Gashouse pax

Opening by Hushpuppy, Special guest speakers Sparky and Freight


The long mentioned but often ignored 3rd F will be celebrated on Friday, October 13th (total coincidence that day was chosen!). As Dredd recorded in Freed to Lead, the first F is the Magnet.  lets face it, we posted to that first workout with the hope of becoming a stallion like Dolph, but we end up returning because of the second F, the Fellowship.  It becomes the glue that keeps us together, posting at ungodly hours to sweat and splash Merlot in the gloom.  But sometimes we shy away from that 3rd F,  finding it mysterious and religious. We hear that and in the back of our minds wonder if something Pentecostal might rub off on us.  In reality, Faith is the dynamite which activates what we do!  It is that thing inside a man that says “If I can do this, I can do more for my family, my neighbor, and my community!”

Tha thang:

I encourage every High Impact Man of the Gashouse to join us at New Covenant Church for Coffee-rama and Conversation.  Midwife will host us in the coffee lounge at NCC and  YHC will open up with a testimony of how God has brought me from a life of drugs and near death experiences to the Gashouse and a new life, Freight and Sparky will share on family and community leadership through the Dynamite of Faith.  This will not be a sermon preached from a pulpit, but friends gathered to strengthen each other in our faith.

Tweet an HC if you’ll make it and Post!

September 3rd F Preblast, Restoration and Forgiveness

This month’s theme is on Restoration and Forgiveness.  YHC was consumed in August with both work and vacation so I must make Cobains (all apologies) for not posting a preblast.  I appreciate those who stepped up and stood in the gap for me.  This month I have felt it is important to share on the Forgiveness and Restoration that our Lord has provided for us through his Son.  There has been much turmoil with Hurricanes, Fire raging throughout the country, political and social unrest; like everyone in our great country suddenly hates his neighbor. In all the focus on the spec in our neighbors eye we lose sight of one fact: We who judge the other are far from perfect ourselves.  Thank God that he has provided a way to reconcile us to Himself.

Week 1 I planned on sharing on Daniel 6: King Darius was a king who loved his servant Daniel but was bound by the law and forced to put Daniel in the lions den, but God had another plan.  In John 8: A woman was condemned to die by the law of Moses for adultery,  but Jesus had another plan.  How do these 2 people condemned for breaking the law find restoration and forgiveness?  Unfortunately I did not blast this out so only JJ arrived in time for the 3rd F gathering.  I will share on this in week 3


Week 2, Hushpuppy will be celebrating his 16th anniversary with his M and will not make Saturday 9/9.  This opportunity is open for anyone who would like to step up and share.

Week 3:Daniel 6 and John 8

Week 4: Luke 15:11-32 “While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with compassion. His father ran to him, hugged him, and kissed him.21 Then his son said, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. ” We all know the story of the prodigal son, but who restored who? The story of the loving father and his 2 sons will remind us of God’s love towards us and the end we may ask, “Which son am I?”

Week 5: Hosea Chapter 2: Sometimes God allows us to go through turmoil when we are stubborn, but his desire is always to restore them.


Beginning Tuesday 9/12 We will begin reading “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel at the Crusade.  Join us from 6am to 6:30 every Tuesday at the Starbucks in Harris Teeter at the corner of Robinwood and Kendrick.  Get your copy here:

See you in the gloom!

3rd F theme for July, Liberty and Identity.

As you might expect, the 3rd F theme for the month of July is Liberty.  However, I hope I encourage you to see Liberty, and its presence in your life from a different perspective.  I have had the privilege of sharing Tuesday mornings with several brothers at the Crusade, a 3rd F study at the Starbucks in Harris Teeter.  Whoopee has been leading a study through a book called “Killing Lions” by John and Sam Eldredge.  An underlying theme in this book is self-identity and purpose in our lives.  To summarize one point in the book, a young man from a foreign country sits in a college class seeking his doctorate. Before arriving in the western world the young man had killed a lion with a spear to protect his village and livestock.  He was regarded as a hero and a leader to his people. Sam comments “I can’t imagine any university final or job interview being very daunting for a man with lion scars across his chest”.

One might suppose that a similar battle faced our founding fathers.  Knowing the battle that may come; the imminent attack of the military might of England, those colonists pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor as they signed their names to the declaration of independence.  When we read of this in history books, do we really grasp the weight of this event?  Do you suppose each signer went home to their families, apprehensive of the decision they had made?  It took months for this declaration to cross the ocean to be read by the King of England.  I can image it could be a feeling akin to knowing that a lion crept outside of the village and could strike at any moment.  What was it that brought these men to the decision that the battle would be worth it?


The key to both situations is this; knowing your Identity.  A man can not know true liberty without knowing who he is and what he stands for.

In the Declaration of independence, a critical line is written: “We hold these truths to be Self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”.  When these men felt the bondage of the King of England, they called on their identity as men equal to each other, and equal even to the King, and later with their reliance on divine providence they clearly communicate who they believe themselves to be, and in whom they put their trust.

Whether the battle you are about to enter is against a Lion, military might, or a personal struggle you must know who you are, and what you are capable of!  In both instances, Life and Liberty hinged on the warrior knowing who he was and what he believed when the weapons were drawn.

Have you even stopped to ask yourself “what do I really believe, and is it worth fighting for?” Do you face the battles in your life knowing who you are and what you believe?

Week 1: Both the cause of liberty and the Gospel of Christ is most often spread through the shedding of blood.  We honor those who sacrificed before us for the freedom we share in our country, but most of all for the freedom we have through faith in Jesus Christ.  YHC shared on the story of David Eubanks and his family as they lend aid to those suffering under the grip of ISIS.  I encourage you to watch this video.  I believe you will see a man who knows who he is, what he is capable of, and in whom he believes.

Week 2: Who’s your Daddy?  Are you a Son of God?  Do you stand in battle knowing the creator of the world has your back? We will review Romans Chapter 8 and your identity as a Son of God.

Week 3: Liberty, are you free to do whatever you want?  Matthew Kelly, author of “Rediscovering Catholicism” is quoted “Freedom is not the ability to do whatever you want. Freedom is the strength of character to do what is good, true, noble, and right.” We will review Galations 5: and how the church in Galatia put itself back into bondage by straying from faith, and the bondage that could come if they fell into the sinful ways of the world.

Week 4: JJ has the Q for a liberty inspired message straight from coach K,

Week 5: The Ambassador of God  We will review 2nd Corinthians Chapter 5 and how you are reconciled to God and his Ambassador.     Also planned for this week will be an F3 dads fishing outing. Taking suggestions for locations!

Know who you are as a Man, as a Son and Ambassador of God and in the Liberty HE has provided for you.


Share the load

Sorry I have been lax in posting this.  Excuses and reasons. . .

It was fitting that Rudolph shared in his 3rd F message on “Many hands make light work” but the message was so much more.  It was real; it as real that every man is often ashamed to ask or accept help.  We want to be able to carry it all and not let others down.  If we need help, we might not be strong enough.  Then life drops a brick on us.  We get an injury or we hit an obstacle and we are forced to humble ourselves and realize that sometimes we need help.  I ended up in my church in Gastonia 16 years ago when God decided to slow me down with an injured ankle.  I was forced to accept help from people I didn’t know and the events were set up to plant me where I belong.

As we all shook off that undeniable feeling that we could not do it without the help of others it was time for tha thang:

Disclaimer, get back on your car and go home.

Warm up: 10 SSH IC, then mosey to the flag pole for the Pledge led by Smalls.

Mosey down the sidewalk and plant it on the wall for some hip slappers called by Whoopee x 15 IC.

Mosey to the Chiropractor parking lot for some plank and some Peter parkers called by someone I can’t remember.  I needed help. I can’t get horizontal and count without the danger of Merlot.

Mosey through the neighborhood and meet up at the intersection for some Goof Ball, 15 IC called By Roscoe (ok, I wasn’t horizontal this time I just like it when others count).

Mosey some more and stopped in front of a nice house for some Monkey Humpers. Maidoff called the Cadence on this one as we jokingly led the moon fest in front of our friends house we are both trying to EH. I asked him Tuesday if he happened to look out his window and unfortunately he had not.

On to the park bench in the median and what do we find, Blocks!  YHC reminded everyone that when your brother is hit with a heavy weight to carry  we must walk with him and help carry the load. Everyone partnered up and we moseyed out to Belvedere with the blocks, trading with each other to share the load.

On Belvedere we found a nice intersection with a grassy median for some Dora 123.  100 overhead press, 200 squat, 300 curls (which I Omaha’d to 200 as it was already past 7:30 and we were 1.5 miles from home with a long way to go to carry the bricks).  Mosey to the jewelry store for some flutter kicks IC.  We wanted to toss the bricks in the bushes but I just couldn’t let our brothers down.  Mosey on to the strip mall formerly known as Showmars.  In honor of carrying the load while life brings your brother to a crawl, we bear crawled the entire length of the awning, crawling 4 posts while the partner carried the brick, then alternating; about 5 times each in all.  At this point it was 7:47 and I realized we never make it back to startex carrying the bricks so we stacked them neatly to the side and moseyed on.  We stopped at the big wall for some peoples chair and air presses, then mosey to the culdesac  and waited for the 6.  Mosey on up the hill past the school and back to startex, with 2 minutes to spare.  Rudolph already had the pain lab on their 6 and someone called for Smalls to call flutter kicks.  Big mistake.  I think he set a record at 62 before calling halt.  I had the final call for an exercise and called burpees, just in time for the bells to toll.

Strong work men.

During the workout I shared of a story I heard on the radio.  A woman who had a stroke in her early 30’s and it took her 2 years to return to a normal semblance of life.  Many of her friends were around here but grew impatient with her slow recovery.  “Oh look, she made lunch, she’s back to normal!”.  If only it were that simple.  Her closest friend became an older woman, more mature, who had also suffered a traumatic brain injury earlier in life.  She had the wisdom and patience to walk through the trial with her.  Our scars are not to remind us of our failures, but to remind us of what we have come through, and to give us credibility to those who we guide through their own battles.

If I could only have known during that time that we would later be grieving the loss of brother Cheech later in the week.  I hope that those in the Nation with their own scars will stand by the family; will walk with them and carry the weight they can’t seem to go any further.  My prayer to the Sky Q is that both mother and children will never be alone in their walk.  That those in Fia and F3 will walk patiently with them and guide them in wisdom.  God be with them.



Iron sharpens Iron

The theme of June is Iron Sharpens Iron.

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

This age old proverb is as accurate now as it was when written, and is a fundamental to the 3rd F of Faith.  In Freed to Lead, Dredd and OBT recount that “One constant theme in the ball of man is the importance of sharpening each other, as Iron sharpens Iron.  Thus, we often seek help to be better husbands, fathers, sons, uncles, bosses, and employees: all the things that men are called upon to be.  The Third F is a realization that just being those things is hard enough without trying to he them without help.  More than that, it is a surrender to this idea: an insistence upon going it alone is not noble; it is selfish and prideful”.

I need you.  We need each other.  I am a dull Hushpuppy without you.  I hope you have recognized this same need in your brothers.  You sharpen me; you hold me accountable and lift me up when I want to quit.  This month we will hear what is on your heart.  I have asked several Pax to speak and still invite someone to step up for the last Saturday in June!

6/3 Squirt Shared on keeping your garden.  Just as Adam had to tend and keep the garden, we must keep guard or protect our minds, thoughts, eyes, and tongues.

6/10 for the Convergence at the Rotary Pavilion, Roscoe will share on the impact you can have on those around you,

6/17 Rudolph will share on how F3 has moved him, and how “many hands make light work”.

6/24, Who will step up?  YOU have something to share that will make us all better!

Also, each Tuesday at 6am, The Crusade meets for 3rd F study at the Starbucks in the Harris Teeter.  6/6 Whoopee will begin a study in “Killing Lions” by John Eldridge.  Don’t miss it!

Post!, Shield lock with your brothers!  6:30 am Saturdays before

May 3rd F Preblast. Impact

Impact.  We all make one; either positive and intentional or sometimes negative or uneventful.  lets face it, in our 21st century Oprah-Bomb society we often don’t hear about real impact.  The talking heads on TV and Fakebook news posts tell us of every failure of man in real time; every ill chosen word or illicit act of those we put high on their pedestals, but in most cases we never recognize the ones who have a real impact on our lives or in our society.  Around you every day are opportunities for impact.  When you put on your seat belt, do you ever think about the inventor of the 3 point seat belt in your car?  Ever heard of Nils Bohlin?  How many lives do you suppose have been saved by this simple design we take for granted?  Ever heard of Rick Rescorla who saved 2700 people during the 9/11 attacks on the world trade center?–hero-of-9-11-gave-life-to-save-thousands.html ? I can hear your cynicism now: “Come on Hushpuppy, those people were in opportunities for impact.  I’m just plain old me, unless someone drops in front of me and I have a chance for CPR, I’ll never really make an impact.  These guy’s not only made an impact, they left a dent the world will always remember.  I’m about as impactful as a bug on the windshield.  One smear and I’m wiped away with a spray and a wipe”.  Well brother, in either case, you’re right.  You can leave a mark on someone, or you can simply leave a stain.  The choice is up to you.

In The book “Freed to lead; F3, the unshackling of the Modern-Day Warrior”, Dredd and OBT describe what they saw in the men of F3 as their lives became more intentional.  They began to recognize the target or zone where Impact was most effective. Like the rings of a tree that move outward from the center, so are their rings of impact, or the “Concentrica” in a mans life.  In your life the center of your target of impact should be your wife and children.  If this is not the bulls-eye at which you are aiming then you are aiming at the wrong target.  The next ring is your brothers in arms, then a ring of 18 close people, then a ring of 80, Then finally, the rest of the world.  Each week we will delve into the next ring of this Concentrica and how YOU can make an impact on those around you, and possibly the world!.

May 6th: Many will travel to the Fort for a convergence. YHC will Share on the first ring of the Concentrica, M and Shorties. Ephesians 5:28 “So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself”.  And, Psalm 127: 1-5 A “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep. Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate”.

May 13th, Convergence in Belmont for CSPAN Q.  6:30 3rd F at the Yank Statue: “Brothers in Arms”.  Proverbs 13:20: He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10: Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

May 20th, Ring of 18: Col 3:12-14 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. and John 15:12-15 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

May 27th: The World: Matthew 5:13-15 You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its savor, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.…


Be intentional today with your bulls-eye.  Hug your Shorties. Kiss them on the head (even if their grown).  Tell them they are a blessing from the Lord.  Let them know that you are proud of them. Even if they are screw ups, do as Abraham did and call those things that are not as though they already were.  Tell your children they are successful, smart, and blessed.  Convince them that they have a purpose for their lives and that they too can have impact.  Then go find a way to bless your M.  Demonstrate the example of Christ and love your M as Christ loved the church.  Be willing to set aside yourself, be humble and serve her in love.  Lead with Love.


April 3rd F Preblast, New Life.

This month we celebrate both Easter, and the Passover.  There are no more important festivals to the Christian Faith than these, even greater than Christmas.  In Exodus Chapter 12, God commanded Moses saying: 24 And ye shall observe this thing as an ordinance to thee and to thy sons for ever. 25 And it shall come to pass, when ye come to the land which the Lord will give you, according as He hath promised, that ye shall keep this service. 26 And it shall come to pass, when your children shall say unto you, ‘What mean ye by this service?’ 27 that ye shall say, ‘It is the sacrifice of the Lord’S Passover, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt when He smote the Egyptians and delivered our houses.’” And the people bowed their heads and worshiped.”  God gave the command to Select a lamb for the house, kill it and spread the blood on the doorway, and then eat the lamb with unleavened bread.  This was a new thing in Religious history.  Many worshiped their gods with sacrifice and idols, but this God promised deliverance through the sacrifice and made good on His promise with the Passover!

In celebrating the Passover with his disciples, Jesus reminded his them of this promise and gave them a new promise.  No longer was the animal to be sacrificed, but now he, the Lamb of God would be the sacrifice to take away all sins.  In Luke 22: Jesus shared the last supper with them:”19 And He took bread, and gave thanks and broke it and gave it unto them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you. This do in remembrance of Me.”20 Likewise also He took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new testament in My blood, which is shed for you.”

Again, God brought a New ordinance, yet one that fulfilled the same plan of sacrifice he had already shared through Moses centuries before.  Through the sacrifice of His body and the shedding of His blood, we can now all celebrate the Passover by faith!

During this Passover month, I hope you will be mindful of this sacrifice and the covenant that God made for you through his son. Each week we will meditate on a verse and I hope you will discuss these during Coffeeteria,

Week  1: Isaiah 43:1921st Century King James Version (KJ21) “19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”  

Week 2: Exodus 12:1321st Century King James Version (KJ21) “13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt.”

Week 3: “Luke 24: 1-8, the Resurrection of Christ: “He is not here, but is risen!”

Week 4: John1: 12-13 ” 12 But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to those who believe in His name, 13 who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Week 5: Romans 5:8 ESV But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Do these verses give you hope?  How do these verses demonstrate New life to you?

Beginning 4/22 We will begin meeting at 6:30 at the Schiele for 3rd F. Looking forward to Men sharing their heart and their testimonies throughout the summer.  When a #HIM shares in these meetings it does not have to be a scripture or bible lesson, but anything that will lift up his brothers and put the focus on “I am third”.  If it makes your brothers better Men, Husbands and Fathers, you are open to share!  And coming soon, Sargento will be drafting someone to organize 3rd F meetings at the Fighting Yank, and Folsom is encouraged to begin as well.  If you would like to step up, let your sight Q know!

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