Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: HIPAA (Page 4 of 14)

The 5 12

Matrix picked up a few PAX from the overflow Folsom workout. They had no idea what was in store. Told them to find a coupon. I think they found some things in the dirt, like Freights old 40oz bottles from his teen years, and used them as coupons.

Lets get it



Imperial Walkers


The Thang:

The 5 12. After all it is May 12th!


Min1 – 5 Hand Release Merkins 12 Curls

Min2  – 5 Hand Release Merkins 12 Swings

Min3 – 5 Hand Release Merkins 12 Overhead Extensions

Min4 – 5 Hand Release Merkins 12 Squat Thrusters

Min5 – 5 Burpees 12 Power to the People (6 each side)

x7 Rounds




Joined Folsom COT

Wichita took us out

Honor to lead the men that couldn’t make the normal bootcamp due to Covid-19 group restrictions. We’ll always be here for you!





With Gashouse reopening I had a feeling Saturday would be light for The Matrix. 0700 and no one on Zoom yet. I still went through the motions as I usually would, after all practice makes perfect right?



SSH 50

IW 25

Merkins 25

LBC 25

The Thang

So yesterday was 5/8, Ahmaud Arbery’s birthday. PizzaMan had come up with a a fantastic WOD in addition to the #IRunWithMaud 2.23 mile run/jog/walk challenge. YHC did not get a chance to do the WOD yesterday, although i did do the run, so I thought I’d bring the WOD to today’s workout. So here is how it went with a little modification

2 Rounds

23 Goblet Squats


23 KB Swings

23 Box Jumps

23 Chuck Norris Merkins

23 Goblet Squat Thrusters

23 Flutter Kick with KB Chest Press

23 Burpees

That legit took me 30-35 minutes, mainly the burpees took longest to complete.



Prayed for my brothers and their families


So why didn’t i just say screw it after no one showed up? Because we don’t do that, we don’t give up, we don’t quit. The Matrix will still be active for those that are not yet comfortable going back to in person workouts. We’ll be here to help you make that transition when you are ready.



$10 Words for $2 Mouth

5:25AM – Booted up the Zoom meeting. No one on yet but didn’t surprise me, The drive into The Matrix is lengthy.

5:27AM – I see a new face. Joe King according to the participant list. After I welcomed him he gives me his F3 Name: Bo-Berry from Richmond, VA. Welcome brother!

5:29AM – Others join and YHC is lagging a bit on his WiFi. I was in my garage for the first time as it was threatening to rain and we need to be cautious of our electronics. I had to move back outside though. Creativity kicks in and I use a chair umbrella to cover my precious equipment

5:31AM – Start




Imperial Walker



5:39AM – Mayor arrives fashionably late, but like always immediately brings the mumblechatter. The night before there was a small discussion on just who would pickup the Q for this mornings workout. Mayor semi-volunteered but we couldn’t get an HC from him. All we got, is from his words, “ipso facto“. Now, YHC didn’t go to Bessemer City, West Meck or NOGA where apparently this would be excused for not knowing this term but my Yankee ass still didn’t know what the hell Ipso Facto was. Hence Mayor’s rambling on the definition this AM and going as far to explain “When I was Mayor…I had to use a lot of $10 words for a $2 mouth”.

The Thang:


Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
  • 99 LBC’s
  • 9 Burpees
  • 99 KB Curls
  • 9 Merkins
  • 99 KB Chest Presses
  • 88 LBC’s
  • 8 Burpees
  • 88 KB Curls
  • 8 Merkins
  • 88 KB Chest Presses
  • 77 LBC’s
  • 7 Burpees
  • 77 KB Curls
  • 7 Merkins
  • 77 KB Chest Presses
Set 4
  • 66 LBC’s
  • 66 Burpees
  • 66 KB Curls
  • 6 Merkins
  • 66 KB Chest Presses



Announcements: Stay Virtual, Stay Home, Stay Safe!

Prayer Requests: Montross’ Aunt, PAX Families, Those with Covid-19, F3 Gastonia PAX in Medical Field,  Leaders, World

YHC took us out


Thanks for the opportunity to lead men! Everyday is a new day with your family. Keep them close, cherish the times you have with them now. Go for walks, eat as a family, play board games, etc.. Tune out the TV and Social Media for day or two. Stay Healthy, Stay Safe, Stay Home!



Expect the Unexpected

One of the coolest things about these Zoom workouts is the ability to workout with some familiar faces beyond our region. Today we were joined by Monk and Ralph Lauren. Two very High Impact Men! Lets get it!

No FNG’s (YET!!!)




Imperial Walker



The Thang:

Captain Thor – 1BBSU:4 American Hammers (count Right side) – 10:40

Dirty Hookup – 50 OYO

Mike Tyson’s/Blasters – 25 OYO

Coupon time:

25 Curls

25 Tricep Presses

25 Overhead Presses


Australian Snow Angels – 20  IC

Hundreds – 100 OYO

Mtn Climbers 2 LBC – Descending sets – 25 to 15 by 1 . Q count – No reset in between 

Hurricane Hoedown – From 7 to 1


Coupon time:

25 Curls

25 Tricep Presses

25 Overhead Presses



Announcements: Encourage virtual workouts

Prayer requests: Monks Father in-law and Mother, Montross’ Aunt, Hamm family, PAX, World Leaders

I shared the following verse this AM:

Deuteronomy 15:7-8: If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be.

At my company this week I saw almost half of our corporate office get Furloughed and the other half take a very significant pay cut. I was one that received a pay cut. I know this is happening to a lot of families. Some families may really be struggling financially because of this. Like the verse says, we should be reaching out to them and seeing if they need anything like groceries, a meal, essential items (diapers, formula, TP, etc.). You are leaders and solutions providers, all of you. The best thing we can do in these difficult times is offer assistance.

Be Safe, Stay Healthy and Stay Home!



Sweatside Story

This virtual thing is really picking up steam! So much in fact it’s bringing Kotters out! Glad to see you back out in the gloom Hunkajunk! You’ve been missed but completely understand given your job with the City of Belmont Police Dept.. Thank you for your service, be safe and congrats on the promotion to Sergeant!!! Glad to see some new faces on my iPad for a workout. No its not the same as physically being there with your brothers. Trust me, I miss all of your actual real ugly faces but I’m glad to see everyone taking the right precautions and staying safe.



Imperial Walker IC

Merkins IC

The Thang:



Announcements: Watch the F3Gastonia Twitter account and check on Slack for Region updates regularly!

Prayer requests: Montross’ Aunt, PAX and their families

YHC took us out

Thanks for letting me lead you virtually, now go out an be the leaders you need to be in your community. Lead by example, people are watching. Reach out to men often during this time. NO EXCUSES! You have the extra time on your hands now and it only takes 5 seconds to send a text to say “Hi! Need anything? Doing ok?” Believe it or not those 3 small things mean soooooo much. SYITGOTI




Yes, things do get weird on the internet. If you would have dialed into the Zoom meeting this AM instead of joining video, you would’ve thought you dialed a hot, steamy porn line. Lots of heavy breathing going on and Montross talking about his dirty shorts. I guess we get crazy when celebrating an anniversary, I mean, don’t you?!?!




Imperial Walker


5 Burpees for 5 years

The Thang:


20 Merkins -1 WWI

19 Merkins -2 WWI

18 Merkins – 3 WWI

you get the point here

1 Merkin – 20 WWI

5 Burpees for 5 Years

50 Squats

50 Lunges (L+R=1)

100 Calf Raises






Announcements: Events cancelled

Prayer Requests: Montross’ Aunt, PAX, Nation, Local Businesses

YHC Took us out

Men, thank you for the opportunity to lead. I know this virtual thing may be weird at first but you get used to it. No matter what you do, keep some sort of routine. Please keep the Mental Battle in your minds as this is for sure a tough time for most. Reach out to those that may be struggling with anxiety, depression, etc. Pick up the phone, send a text, DM on Slack or Twitter. No excuses as you should all have the time to do it. Be safe and keep your distance.





With F3 AO’s being closed around the US and our region due to the novel Coronavirus, we felt we needed a safe place for PAX to still be able to post, to still have that sense of belonging to something while most are stuck in the confines of their home. If there is one thing about F3 PAX, we aren’t quitters. We find solutions to the problem. Montross and I started seeing Virtual WODs trending on Twitter and thought this would be a great opportunity to bring this to the Gashouse. But you know us, we always gotta step it up a notch! Insert technology. Most of us pencil pushers are very familiar with using Skype, Zoom, Teams, WebEx, etc. for conference calls and collaboration. So why not bring that technology to a workout? Henceforth, The Matrix would be the newest AO to the Gashouse arsenal. While this may be a temporary solution until the world gets back to order, it will serve its purpose and serve any PAX (from anywhere) that may want to join.

Today’s workout would be a trial run to test the various audio and video settings. Overall, we had a great turnout for something that was thought of less than 24 hours before launch. With it being a trial I honestly only expected it to be Montross and Myself but special thanks to Big Pappy, Pillager and Bed Pan for helping us get this thing going. So a total of 5 PAX joined for the workout; 2 spectators viewed various portions of the workout to see what the hell we were actually doing. 1 Spectator, F3 Flame, hails from Lehigh Valley, PA.. Oh and Huck was there. Pretty sure he provided some Mumblechatter, my audio was in and out so I cant confirm.

To keep it neat and tidy, today’s workout would be held like any other F3 workout:


5 Core Principles incase any FNG’s in the crowd




Imperial Walker IC

Goofballs IC

Moroccan Night clubs IC

The Thang:

Due to time constraints we had to modify Set #3 to 4 minutes each exercise instead of the posted 8 minutes.

Time left for some MARY


Flutter Kicks IC

French Fries IC




All Gastonia AO’s closed, and events have been cancelled or rescheduled.

Prayer Requests

Montross’ Aunt and my 2.0 request Covid-19 go away

YHC took us out


I noted at the beginning of the workout the only thing we’d change if necessary would be the COT. COT is a time for PAX to divulge information to other PAX about things in their life. However, as we were technically live on the internet with an open invite to the Zoom meeting, I told the PAX if there is something deep you’d like to share that we could take it offline and discuss privately.

I hope my 2.0, Hoverboard, kept you entertained during the workout!

Montross, I cant thank you enough for your ambition to wanting to get this thing going. Your commitment to the region is most greatly appreciated!

Men, we are in trying times right now. There is a lot of information floating around out there than can be misleading, causing panic and raising anxiety levels. Don’t be afraid, trust in God and always be safe no matter what you do. There is no judgement on how you are handling things in your life during this new experience. We may not always agree on things, but you are my brother and I am here for you always and at any time.



Juuuuust a bit outside

Watt’s Up definitely wanted all 45 minutes of workout today. Time was 05:30:14 and he was yelling at me to start. Kinda scared me.


Crab Jack 10 IC

Plank Jack 10 IC

Smurf Jack 10 IC

Seal Jack 10 IC


Then thang:

Cant take credit for this workout. Shout out to Yahoo of F3 Carpex and his Hell’s Bell’s Baseball, YHC modified numbers. Setup a modified Baseball Diamond in parking lot. Similar to how I used to setup a pickup ball field when i was a kid. Boom box was Home, Cone was 1st, Wet spot on pavement was 2nd, corner of island 3rd. Starting with 1st inning at Home do the exercise then proceed to 1st, then to 2nd, then to 3rd. Start next inning. Repeat until all 9 innings played.

  • 1st Inning – 10 Squat to High Pull
  • 2nd Inning – 10 Squat Thrust-to-Overhead Press
  • 3rd Inning – 10 Goblet Squat
  • 4th Inning – 20 Squat to High Pull
  • 5th Inning – 20 Squat Thrust-to-Overhead Press
  • 6th Inning – 20 Goblet Squat
  • 7th Inning – 30 Squat to High Pull
  • 8th Inning – 30 Squat Thrust-to-Overhead Press
  • 9th Inning – 30 Goblet Squat
  • 1st Inning – 10 Lawnmowers (5 Left/5 Right)
  • 2nd Inning – 10 Swings
  • 3rd Inning – 10 Two Hand Row
  • 4th Inning – 20 Lawnmowers (10 Left/10 Right)
  • 5th Inning – 20 Swings
  • 6th Inning – 20 Two Hand Row
  • 7th Inning – 30 Lawnmowers (20 Left/20 Right)
  • 8th Inning – 30 Swings
  • 9th Inning – 30 Two Hand Row
  • 1st Inning – 10 LBCs w/ Bell
  • 2nd Inning – 10 Freddie Mercury w/ Bell Press
  • 3rd Inning – 10 WWI w/ Bell
  • 4th Inning – 20 LBCs w/ Bell
  • 5th Inning – 20 Freddie Mercury w/ Bell Press
  • 6th Inning – 20 WWI w/ Bell
  • 7th Inning – 30 LBCs w/ Bell
  • 8th Inning – 30  Freddie Mercury w/ Bell Press
  • 9th Inning – 30 WWI w/ Bell
  • 1st Inning – 10Two Hand Curls
  • 2nd Inning – 10 Tricep Extensions
  • 3rd Inning – 10 Overhead Press
  • 4th Inning – 20 Two Hand Curls
  • 5th Inning – 20 Tricep Extensions
  • 6th Inning – 20 Overhead Press
  • 7th Inning – 30 Two Hand Curls
  • 8th Inning – 30 Tricep Extensions
  • 9th Inning – 30 Overhead Press

4 Minutes left for MARY



Announcements: Convergence 3/21, SPEED FOR NEED Community Foundation  Run 4/4 SIGN UP!!!!!  <– LINK!!

Prayer Requests: VooDoo friends 2.0 (Smith Family), JJ Dad, Dry Rub M Surgery this Friday, Unspoken.

YHC Took us out

Thanks men, way to push!




Lawd A Mercy

Busy day at work, had to finish some training in my car as i waited for 5:30pm to roll around. Stepped out feeling fresh. Noticed a young man finishing his run where the PAX park. He quickly identified himself as an F3 PAX from Metro. Welcome to Midoriyama Vega! Let us show you how we do things in the Gashouse!




Crab Jacks IC – oooooh yeeaah! Real crowd pleaser here!

Plank Jacks IC

Mosey to the stash spot. Every PAX gets 2 bricks.

Mosey to large hill in front of dog park

The thang:

YHC always looking for something new to bring to the PAX of Gashouse. Today’s JV beat down consisted of a routine titled “M.E.R.C.Y. High Fives“, defined in the F3 Exicon by:

“Done with FIVE stations at the bottom of a hill. The hill climb and distance is your challenge. PAX must complete each station’s circuit at the top of the hill before moving to the next. All stations (except the C-Crawl Station have a WO at the top of the hill which start with 1 Rep and ascend up to 5 Reps before that station’s circuit is complete. Station 1 – M – Manmakers (w coupon such as a Dead Seal or Cenderblock) – (Alternate for this is Merkins w/out coupon and must complete the 1-5 Reps at the Top AND Bottom of the hill) Station 2 – E – Elf on the Shelf (w coupon such as a rolled-up section of fire hose or Cenderblock) Station 3 – R – Rock-a-Bye Babies (w coupon such as sledge hammer or Ruck Sack) Station 4 – C – Crawl (aka Bear Crawl) (w coupon such as a high-rise section of fire hose or a Ruck Sack) Station 5 – Y – Yoke Walk (w coupon such as a section of flat-lay fire-hose or a Deal Seal) At the top of the hill, complete the required number of ascending Squats Lord Have MERCY on your muscles after you climb HIGH up the hill FIVE times for FIVE sets.”

I don’t know about you but that seemed as confusing as the riddle: I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn pancakes brown and make your champagne bubble. If you squeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop. Can you guess the riddle?

See what I mean??

That said YHC decided I would take that routine and “HIPAAFY” it. So here is what we did:

M – Manmakers with blocks – No explanation should be needed here

  • Start: Do 1 rep run up hill with block 1 squat at top run down hill with brick
  • Rinse and repeat upping the rep by 1 each time
  • End: Do 5 reps run up hill with block 5 squats at top run down hill with brick
  • plank for six

E – Elf on the Shelf – Start with the blocks on the ground beside you. Grab the blocks and lift them from the ground across your body reaching up as high as you can. Like putting it on a shelf. After a set from right to left then do left to right = 1 rep

  • Start: Do 1 rep run up hill with block 1 squat at top run down hill with brick
  • Rinse and repeat upping the rep by 1 each time
  • End: Do 5 reps run up hill with block 5 squats at top run down hill with brick
  • plank for six

R – Rock-A-Bye-Baby – People’s chair with blocks. Chair position, starting with the blocks over your head, bring down to chest, push blocks straight out (chest high) and then left to right (1 each) for Russian twist, bring back to starting position over head.

  • Start: Do 1 rep run up hill with block 1 squat at top run down hill with brick
  • Rinse and repeat upping the rep by 1 each time
  • End: Do 5 reps run up hill with block 5 squats at top run down hill with brick
  • plank for six

C – Curls – Forearm – Curls but palms down, works your forearms

  • Start: Do 1 rep run up hill with block 1 squat at top run down hill with brick
  • Rinse and repeat upping the rep by 1 each time
  • End: Do 5 reps run up hill with block 5 squats at top run down hill with brick
  • plank for six

Y – Y-Raises – Like a front lateral raise but instead of straight up make a Y at the top

  • Start: Do 1 rep run up hill with block 1 squat at top run down hill with brick
  • Rinse and repeat upping the rep by 1 each time
  • End: Do 5 reps run up hill with block 5 squats at top run down hill with brick
  • plank for six

Looking at Strava records we got in a little over 1 mile of just running the hill!! Nice work men!! Lets mosey back to the stash spot and put the blocks back.

Mosey to start

2 min left some quick Mary


Flutters IC



Announcements – Rooster, Traveling circus Bat Flipper AO Workout (April??), P200, GoRuck tough, Mortimer, Convergence….To put it bluntly: A LOT OF SHIT GOING ON, SO DO SOMETHING!!

Big Pappy needs children’s clothes!!!!!

Prayer requests – Def Leppard M and Aunt, Big Pappy trip, Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, flu, each other

YHC took us out.

Thanks for the opportunity men.

I’d tell you more what happened but it would be a HIPAA Violation.




P.S. – The answer to the riddle is “No”.


The kingdom of Arendelle was at peace, filled with happy citizens who reaped the benefits of a kingdom of plenty. Elsa was a highly respected and loved ruler. The kingdom, however, was jeopardized by the elemental spirits of the Enchanted Forest, who sapped the kingdom’s resources, forcing everyone to evacuate. Elsa, Anna, Olaf, Kristoff and Sven led a dangerous journey into the forest to find the source of the threat to Arendelle, while the citizens were watched over by the trolls……WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! All I did was fill the Q for Huckleberry, but we did build a Snowman!

YHC was about 1 min late starting the workout as I was preparing the course for the PAX.




Mosey to Tennis courts

Build a Snowman workout:

4 Drawing boards & 8 PAX. I knew Stogie and Volt would have to leave early so 3 groups. 2 groups of 3, 1 group of 2.  Groups must build the base first (3 main snowballs) after that they can build the snowman in whatever way they wish. Each item used to build the snowman is represented by an exercise, the group must complete this together.  After the exercise is completed by the group, the group delegates 1 PAX to run to the other end of the Tennis court (long ways across 6 courts) to draw the item next to the exercise they completed, thus making a snowman. After Volt and Stogie left we had 3 groups of 2 to finish out the routine. All in all it was an awesome group effort. The end results were amazing.

Still some time left so lets do a quick mosey around the soccer field.


Nice job men!!


Announcements: Rooster 2/29, Convergence 3/21, 2nd F shooting event 3/21

Prayer requests – PAX with flu, each other

YHC took us out

Thanks for the opportunity to lead at Folsom!

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