Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Erick Custodio

Pie Day Physical


WU – 14 Moroccan Night Clubs IC


3 Big Boys

14 Pullups

15 Big Boys

9 Pullups

26 Big Boys

5 Pullups

36 Big Boys

Playground still…

1 minute each back to back to back to back to back to back

SSH, Seal Jacks, Squats, Groiners, Groiner + Merkin, Burpees

Meander to football field

Each movement OYO then sprint together (on my call GO) to the other side of the field. Rinse and repeat.

3 Merkins

1 Burpee

4 Merkins

1 Burpee

5 Merkins

9 Burpees

2 Merkins

6 Burpess

5 Merkins

3 Burpees

6 Merkins


Meander to concrete slab (don’t know the official name)

Dora from slab up the hill to the shelter

314 LBCs, 314 American Hammers, 314 Flutter Kicks


Meander to fountain

11s except it’s 14s from fountain to the end of the walkway

Burpees & Reverse Burpees

Announced this to be 3 rounds but had to Omaha and end the first round at 7 & 7.


Meander back to playground

5 mins of Spartan tutorial – Rope climb and spear throw


A word on the Word

Exodus 26:30 “You shall set up the tabernacle according to its plan, which you were shown on the mountain.”

1 Corinthians 6:19 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?”

Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build.”

Takeaway: To paraphrase, unless the Lord build the MAN, since our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, we labor in vain.



Convergence on 21st, waiting to hear if P200 and Spartan Race will be cancelled.


Prayer Intentions

Orangeman’s mother & those impacted by the virus.


Name-O-Rama & COT


Happy Pie Day!


Twas the day after Christmas…

And all through the Goat, not a creature was stirring, except for the old guys. (Gump was the youngest to post)

Moroccan Night Clubs IC

Dr. Suess on point with flag. PLEDGE.

Mosey to the Bridge
Indian Run – American Hammer Style
Everyone on their six, last PAX does 13 American Hammers with the 40lb Pancake then hands pancake to next PAX and runs to the front of the line. While waiting remaining PAX do flutters, next round: LBCs, next round: Freddy Mercurys

Mosey to the playground
Partner 13s
1st PAX does 12 Partner assisted pull-ups, then 2nd PAX does 1 Squat, then proceed to complete the 13. Afterwards both PAX switch places

Mosey to the trail
Bataan Death March to the parking lot

Run to the mainland end of Goat bridge
Brick-ees and uneven Merkins

Mosey to our cars
Baby Shark Ab Challenge

Convergence this Saturday
Christmas Party Jan 4

Prayer Intentions
Family member of Top Hat’s softball team in ICU
Top Hat’s daughter planning to transfer to a closer school
Termite’s mother going to nursing home
Orangeman’s daughters dealing with college
Gump’s neighbor suffering first Christmas without a parent



EOW (End of Workout)

The Few, the Proud, the Yank Posters

Moroccan Night Clubs IC
Seal Jacks IC

Mosey to the Pull-up Bar. I got lost along the way! Pockets had to show me the path…
1-2-3 Ladder
1 Pull-up
2 Thigh Slappers (hang on one arm and slap your thigh with the other, then hang on the other arm and slap the opposite thigh)
3 Knee-ups
Announced we were going up to 7 but ran out of gas at 4.

Mosey to the front of the middle school.
Dora from the benches to the fence.
200 Dips
200 Merkins
Pockets and I made short work of this.

Mosey to Hawthorne St
Bucket carry down then up x 3
Shellshock appeared as we were ascending on our 1st bucket carry.
“Hey you guys F3?”
We had that sneaking suspicion that someone was following us…

Mosey to parking lot behind Old Stone
I turned on my car, plugged in my phone, and cranked it to 11 for…
the Baby Shark Ab Workout!
We did 2 rounds because some lady interrupted us about her parking there during the first round. The HIMs liked this one. My 3 year old asks for this version of baby shark every morning.

A Spooky Ex-SPEAR-ience


Pledge: done

Disclaimer: We’re all idiots for showing up in the drizzle

Warm Up: Frankenstein Walks x20 (Holding bricks forward like Frankenstein), Bat Wings WITH BRICKS

Dead Hang to 300 Squats: Mosey to playground, pair up, 1 PAX dead hangs to failure while the other performs squats, switch back and forth until 300 squats completed.

Serpentine Fence Traverse: All PAX form a line at the start of the split rail fence. One after the other switch between going over then under from post to post.

Wax On, Wax Off 13s: What does Halloween have to do with Karate Kid? Mosey to bank parking lot. Take two bricks in plank or bear crawl position, complete 12 Wax On, Wax Off (as if waxing the asphalt) exercises, run to end of parking lot with bricks and complete 1 Lurker Lateral Lunge holding bricks head high (or higher for greater challenge), run back and do 11 Wax On, Wax Off then 2 Lurker Lateral Lunges and so forth OYO
(This movement was harder and took longer than planned…perhaps 7s would have been better, but 13 sounded cool for in keeping with the Halloween theme)

Boo-urpees/Spearthrow: Mosey down Riverwood to Martha Rivers Way. 5 Boo-urpees, spear throw (signs dressed up as ghosts) with 5 boo-urpee penalty. (Ran overtime due to wax on/off and had to cut this short. Would have like to do way more boo-urpees…)

Announcements: Christmastown 5k, Start training for BRR Ruck or Run

Scripture: Luke 13:30 And behold, they are last that shall be first; and they are first that shall be last.
The F3 connection here is how we pick up the 6. The first, in this case, will be the last.

Name-O-Rama: Fun with Bricks


SYITR…R for Rain


Pledge: done

Disclaimer: We’re all idiots for showing up in the rain

Warm Up: 30 Butt kicks (IC), 30 High Knees (IC), 60 Moroccan Nightclubs (IC)

Special thanks to Clavin for lending his coupons (Is it COO-pons or Q-pons?)

Coupon Cusak Trot: Start with 10 Lion Kings with a coupon then take it overhead and jog to the 2nd lightpole along the street and back x3 OYO (Some jogged, others speed walked, the rest walked it…either way we were all doing work)

Tire Push: Mosey across the street to the bank. At this point the rain was really coming down. Take turns tire pushing while the others did breakdance merkins. You’d think the slippery asphalt would make the tire slide better…

Burpees-Spearthrow-Burpees: 15 burpees at Snoballs, run ~600ft to spearthrow station, 10 burpees, spearthrow (5 burpee penalty), run ~600ft to Plantation Trail, 5 burpees, run back to Snoballs x2 OYO

Coupon Pull Throughs: Plank position with coupon to the side, pull coupon underneath with opposite arm 25x each side OYO

CoPS (Circle of Pancake Slams): Pass around 30+ lb sand bag and each Pax takes it overhead and slams it till Q says to stop. (Some Pax took this moment to let out some aggression…Clavin: “This is for making me work 10 hours!” SLAM

Announcements: Christmastown 5k

Prayer Requests: Praise & thanksgiving for a safe flight back for Gump’s M and daughter from the west coast

Name-O-Rama: still raining


VQ: You’re gonna hate it, but you’re gonna love it


Pledge: done

Disclaimer: I’m not a professional, but I play on one TV

Warm Up: 10 Butt kicks (IC), 10 High Knees (IC), Lunge with a twist (down parking lot), Kareokas (down & back)

Mosey: Snoballs to Clavin’s Hill (that’s what I’m gonna call it from now on) Watch out for those walkers! At least they wore headlamps. (0.4 mi)

Something like 11s: Started with 11 modified Lt. Dans (with a Jiminiy Cricket) instead of a plain ole merken. Bear crawl up the hill, 10 modified Lt. Dans. Bear crawl down the hill (didn’t realize how hard that was going to be…) And so on. This killed all of us.

Mosey: Clavin’s Hill to the Playground. Dodge more night walkers. Surprise! There are climbing ropes next to the monkey bars! (0.3 mi)

Obstacle Fun: All Pax do step ups on benches while one by one each does the monkey bars and rope climb.

Mosey: Playground to this service road (0.4 mi)

More Obstacle Fun: Spear throw at road signs (is this considered vandalism?) All Pax in plank position while each Pax attempts a successful spear throw. For each miss +1 burpee. Proud to say that we only had to do 3 burpees.

Mosey: Service road back to Snoballs (0.2 mi) Indian run with spear (pass spear back to last Pax who runs it up to the front)

Mary: 10 LBCs (IC), 10 Starfish crunches (OYO), 10 Plank March (IC)

NOTE: Realized that I did NOT follow protocol in properly announcing exercises in cadence. I’ll get it right next time. If there is a next time…

Scripture: 1 Jn 3:18 … let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. (Thank you HIMs for your great example in this. And strive to keep it up!)

Announcements: Rankin Lake this Sat 10-2, Charlotte Stair Climb in Sept, Sign up for Christmastown and JJ 5K

Prayer Requests: Kids going back to school, Island’s foot, Outhouse’s sister-in-law delivered a baby but is in NICU

Name-O-Rama: video

CoT: Stinky Bird closed us out


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