Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: GoGreeneGo

Spartan Kids- Jimmy Johnson Foundation – Fit Fest – More Heart Than Scars

We’re less than a week away and there are still spaces available for the Spartan Kids race on Memorial Day at the Jimmy Johnson Foundations Fit Fest in Fort Mill.

Event Page is HERE

Keep in mind, F3 Foundation has agreed to pay the entry fee for each child who is in foster care or a group home IF we can get at least one PAX to commit to cheering that kid on and checking back in with them from time to time to provide lasting support.

Right now we have two commitments.  I’m not sure if my previous attempts to publicize this have just fallen on deaf ears or I’ve done a poor job of promoting the cause, but here’s my buzzer beater/hail mary call out.  Let me know in the comments if you’re interested.

If you can’t commit to running with another child sign your own up!  HERE

Good way to be encourage our families to be active even if you’re doing the Murph in the morning and 12oz curls in the afternoon!

USE CODE PDMKIDSMHTS for a 10% discount through More Heart Than Scars


Hope it was worth it

6:35 Ralph Lauren texted YHC to confirm some guests had arrived at #powderhorn

6:35:30  YHC got out of bed and was en route

As I arrived to see the shovel flags flying and a good swarm of black shirts, greetings were being exchanged with the PAX from Ballantyne and Gastonia..  There was some extra excitement in the air as the SOB’s had driven close to an hour to realize they were one man short of being able to return with the ghost flag.  Great showing from both groups today and the Ballantyne guys had a much better attitude about not grabbing the flag than I would have had.   Great group of leaders obviously from both Gastonia and Ballantyne.  We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, we need to do more joint efforts with the Gashouse boys.

1 minute warning

Disclaimer stated.

0700 sharp and one of the largest group of men YHC has had the opportunity to Q got after it.  Thankful for the opportunity and the support.   Here’s my best attempt at recalling the wienkeless workout.  We’re blessed to have a nice AO at CCC and I was proud to show it off.  So we saw most of it.  Didn’t make it to the ballfield and blocks.


  • SSH 25 IC
  • Imperial Walker 25 IC
  • Merkins 15 IC
  • Mtn. Climbers 25 IC
  • Perfect Squats 25 IC
  • Mosey towards LeGrand
    • High Knees
    • Butt Kickers
    • Regular


  • Merkins 10 single count OYO going up the stairs
  • 2 lines starting at the building.  Arm length apart. Every one planks.  Last PAX bunny hops over the rest and falls in line to plank, one after the other until the line has advanced to the other end of the walkway
  • Mosey around the back of the building.  Pick up a rock, not too big.
  • Mosey over to  Picnic alley
  • Partner up, size doesn’t matter
  • One partner wall sits holding the rock, other partner does box jumps on the wall – team reps total 100
  • Hail Mary – team reps total 100
  • Plank for the 6
  • Mosey to the Brick fence at the HVAC
  • Feet and hands in the holes, pullups 20 OYO
  • Repeato
  • Mosey to Carnegie Hall
  • Circuit work
    • 5 burpees at the top
    • down the stairs
    • 10 Derkins at the bottom
    • up the stairs
    • round and round til you cant.  I think I made about 6 laps.  Outback made at least one more than that!  Great work!
  • Circle up on the stage for Mary led by the Revolution PAX – I can’t remember the rep counts of any of these except for Ralph Lauren’s 51 flutter kicks.  he proved his point.
    • American Hammers
    • Kickout with a crunch
    • LBC’s
    • Flutter kicks
    • Leg over knee crunches, each side
    • Back Scratchers
    • Homer to Marge
    • Hello Dolly
    • Freddie Mercuries with Impact or resistance or something Devito derived.  Slap your knees with your palms…
    • Hot Potatoe
  • Remember we still have the rocks.  You should have been holding them the whole time.  Mosey back to the pile to return them
  • Mosey back to the parking lot
  • Circle up – Morrocan Night Clubs – 50 ? IC
  • Cotton Pickers 20 IC

Name O Rama



I’ve been to a number of AO’s now.  Gotten to know some great guys.  Hardly ever see EVERYONE work as hard as this group did.  Sure some were faster than others, but no one slacked off.  Great effort, good mumblechatter, and as Cheddar said, the #F3spirit was alive and well.

The PAX were reminded that we talk alot about accountability to each other and helping each other out.  We are not to forget that even when surrounded by HIM it’s not impossible to slack off or fall back or stray from the right path.  For example the goal of the pullups on the wall is to be able to do more unassisted pullups on the bar.  This is only effective if a man strains his upper body and only assists with legs with absolutely necessary. However to the bystander, it can’t really be determined if the man doing the pullups is using his legs for assistance a little or a lot.  Likewise even when we talk the talk and even put time in with the men whom we call ourselves accountable to, it is often too easy to fake it, to not do our best, or to give in to that treacherous temptation and no one may know the difference.  No one but you, and the Sky Q.  So don’t forget our strongest accountability partner is through an intimate relationship with God.  Whatever it takes to keep that relationship strong, whatever it takes, will be worth it.



Coffeeteria afterwards at Lily Bean.

Thanks to Ralph Lauren for the cold gatorade’s, hit the spot.

BOLO for Gastonia CSAUP in the works at Crowders

BRR coming up

Spartan and various upcoming OCR’s

Prayer Request’s

Leaders, country, family of child killed in Bessemer City.  Sorry if I forgot any others.





The following is the body of an email that YHC sent out to the PAX of F3 Revolution.  I received considerable positive feedback and thought I’d share it here.

Stay strong men, keep living third.  Iron Sharpens Iron.  Get Better.


You know those pants that you keep in your closet in case you gain that weight back?  Or maybe they’re the pants you have on right now, because you’ve been too busy, you quit caring, or you just can’t seem to make the time to do any real workout with work and church and kids and soccer and dance and committees and class and blah blah freakin blah.
Think back to the hardest thing you attempted lately? Did you accomplish it?  If so did you like the way that felt?
If you didn’t I bet even if you were discouraged, some part of you wanted to kick that thing’s ass the next time you tried it.  (assuming you have man parts)
Maybe your fatpants aren’t really pants.  Maybe it’s that bottle in the back of the cabinet that you used to have trouble putting down.  Maybe its that internet browser that you used to go to and still know how to get to certain corners of the web without leaving a trace.  Maybe it’s that phone number you should have thrown away after the last time you screwed up.
Whatever your fatpants are it’s unlikely you can be confident you won’t be putting them back on if you rely on yourself to do whatever the hard thing that you need to do to prevent it.  Face it, we suck.  Self control is a hard thing.
F3 does a lot of things for a lot of men, some obvious, some not.  But perhaps the most important result of posting in the gloom to get beatdown with a bunch of men who wanted to sleep just as bad as the other 99% of the population is that after some time you build a trust.  Somehow holding each other accountable on whether or not that good ole’ American pushup (Merkin) actually counted or not, leads to holding each other accountable on much weightier things.
So quit putting it off.  Except for with very rare exception, your excuses for why you can’t make it to workout at 0515 on a weekday or 0700 on a Saturday are really just that, excuses that you choose to give instead of deciding to get better.
SEE EXCUSES – if you don’t have time to click the link (seriously?)
You’re not too out of shape.  And you don’t have to come everyday or any set number of times.  
Where you’re already skipping workouts is probably not free.
It is early.  You can make it happen and early is the most likely time you WILL make it happen consistently
You will see better results than you do with your trainer 99 out of 100 times
No it’s not crossfit, No it’s not a cult, Well maybe….you decide.
So if the hardest thing you’ve done lately is finish that whole burrito, or make it to the soccer field by 9 after you had a couple too many Friday night, or walked from the BACK of the mall parking lot in 95 degrees; come fix that and I promise you will feel more accomplished before your wife and kids, or roomate wake up than you have in a long time.
Let those FATPANTS be a souvenir of an accomplished victory not a safety net in case you fall.
Also there will be a study called Series 33 starting at Elizabeth Baptist Church in Shelby starting end of summer/fall.  We had good attendance at a similar study from numerous men from numerous congregations even before F3 was a thing.
Be on the lookout for this.
Make it happen,

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