7 for a different run.
We all stayed close and did laps basically around Harris Teeter.
We made it 5 miles.
Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
7 for a different run.
We all stayed close and did laps basically around Harris Teeter.
We made it 5 miles.
14 Brave men showed for a fun morning with Gastone.
The Thang.
We warmed up a little.
Mosey to McQuitter Church. On one side of the church at the bottom of the hill we did 1 Merking. Mosey to the wall at the top for 20 jump ups that turned into 20 step ups, then mosey down the other side for 20 Monkey Humpers. Rinse and Repeat while keeping the 20 wall the same amount but the sides always equal to 21. We almost made the entire workout but would have needed an hour to complete.
Mosey to the start.
The Moleskin:
Great group of guys, all put in some great work. Always an honor to workout with this group of Him’s.
Gastone Out
13 posted for the Coconut Horse,
The Thang:
Some Rucked.
Some Ran.
Some Ran early and then ran more with us.
The Moleskin:
Hushpuppy took us out in prayer and referenced the word Moist. Very distracting and yes we are 12 year old’s. I had to say another prayer after the first one by myself.
Gastone Out
9 some Ruck and some Run.
It was a hot and humid run. Gold Digger ran in with his shirt off and was moving fast, he was getting water and getting ready to go out with us . He was not ready when we started so we left him behind, he never caught us we were too fast for him.
Keesha seems to be getting better, even though he spoke of injury he still smoked us.
Whoopee was a no show. He never said he would show I was just making note of this and trying to see if anybody was reading.
Pledge, Prayer, NamaRama
Q-Source afterwards, always a good lesson.
Gastone, until the next time.
11 of Gastonia’s Finest showed up on a Wednesday morning for a Bootcamp.
The Thang:
SSH 25
Imperial Walker 20
Mosey to Sidewalk. About 10 yards.
Form straight line all in a plank. Man in the back bear crawl to the front. Rinse and Repeat.
Mosey to parking lot.
Circle up for one set of Howling Monkey. Everyone grab your ankles while 1 guy at a time does 20 Monkey Humpers.
Mosey around the field and on the way.
Slow Indian Run with guy in the back running to the front after 5 Burpee’s.
Mosey around some more.
Stopping for 50 Squats and 20 Diamond Merkins.
Main Event.
11’s starting at top of the hill for 10 Pull Up’s and at the bottom of the hill on the track about 100 yards we did 1 Burpee.
Rinse and repeat until you flip the number. We almost made it but ran out of time.
Mosey back to the start after cutting through the woods.
The Moleskin:
Stinky Bird was supposed to VQ but it is postponed until next Wednesday. I did not find out until 8:30pm so I just took the Q but was mentioned that I did not offer it up to anybody. I quickly offered it to Shortsale but knowbody grabbed. They must have really wanted me to do this Q.
Neverland and Mt. Hollywood closed on Monday but Martha Rivers Park is open at 7am for a Murph. Come one come all. Once you do one of these under an hour you are supposed to add a weighted pack.
Prayers, lift the community and each other.
Gastone Out.
Mt. Mitchell for a party of 6.
The Thang:
We gathered at GSM World Headquarters at 5:30am and began our journey to Black Mountian Campground. We arrived shortly before 8am after a crazy windy drive through HWY 80 to this location. (Stroganoff, found car sickness that he recovered from after a loud thunderous belch)
We had to park an extra mile away from the start of the trail due to the construction of a much needed parking lot for this area. We had a choice to go through a trail that we were not sure of or take a long way on the road. We choose the trail with some risk and all was worked out fine. We walked through the campground and started our climb. We would climb for a while and then give Oompa some time to catch up several times and the climb did not seem to bad. We guessed we had about a mile to go so the last time we grouped together we told Def and Oompa we would meet them at the top. Turned out we had several mile to still go and it was a treacherous and hard part of the trail. We all felt that part on the way up.
Note: On the climb up it was a beautiful hike with many roots, rocks, and rough trail. The landscape changed 5 times in my count. We went from hardwood tree’s to Rhododendron’s, Pine and hardwoods, to thick forest with mossy trees, and then ended up in all pine trees. Several spots to look out around power lines but other than those we were deep in forest most of the trail.
We made it to the top but not the very top before I suggested we walk this nice path down to the Gift shop and concession stand, this was about 100 yards down this stone path that was wide and nice. Everything was closed except the very stinky bathrooms. The walk back from the area to the very top was painful and regretted fully as we made the short climb to the top, very top. Once at the top our phones somewhat worked but not that good. Told the wife we were at the top and took pictures. She texted and I could not respond “Is it storming there?”. I tried looking up weather maps but it did not work. It was not supposed to rain and we were only at our halfway point and my watch had showed that we had already gone 7 plus miles. At this point I said to Strogoff “Well, at least it is not raining”. So then it rained and the tempature dropped to 58 degrees and nobody was prepared for that. We took cover and the rain passed in about 5 minutes but we got a little more on the way down.
Oompa and Def arrived at the top before the rain. Oompa recovered nicely. We began the march down the hill to get to some warmer temperatures. The sun came out and at one point for several miles Oompa was leading the bunch. I believe the path down the mountain was much longer and seemed to have more rocks and more roots than what we came up. A couple coming down the mountain behind us was approaching and coming in for the Kill which was mentioned. The pace increased and long story short Oompa was left a behind somewhat. I will make note again that this path which was the same path we came up seemed much longer coming down and much more rugged. Every time we got to just path with no roots, etc we celebrated for 30 seconds before it attacked us again. We made much better time down. We arrived at the camp below. Stroganoff went up the trail looking for Oompa, Freight and Hipaa also journeyed out. I went for the car to bring back expecting that most were done. Panic started, 35 minutes in and no sign of him. Someone made comment that he could have fallen off the mountain and be hurt. I drove up the gravel road and found Oompa walking. Freight and Hippa were 10 minutes up the trail looking for him. Oompa was told wrong information from the Camp person and he basically went an extra 1 mile out of the way off the trail on a road and then back. It took a moment but we all got back together and everyone jumped in the truck and headed back to the cars.
We were all starving, thirsty and tired. We made it to a eating place. We waited to long on food but my pizza came out first and the rest of the food seemed like it took 20 more minutes as I had to fight off 5 other guys that tried to attack my meal. Everyone else ordered burgers, but I must say they messed up because that Pizza brought joy to my life. I don’t know if it was as good as I remember but it might be the best pizza I have ever eaten. Worth the fighting.
The Moleskin:
Good times, lots of laughter and really what CSAUP is all about. These kind of outings can be 2 guys or 100 and they build and strengthen men. The challenge was great and felt like a true accomplishment once we finished. We met another PAC from Concord on the trail as well. I look forward to the next one and the 10 after that. Great group of guys and glad I spent this time with them. Many more stories that could be told on this event. Sorry Rudolph, we kept on hearing helicopters.
10 men showed up for Snoball’s and to keep the Sadclown at bay.
The Thang:
SSH 26
Imperial Walker 15
Merkins 10
Mosey all the way to Robinson Elementary. 10 Diamonds some place between the 2.
Plank 60’s while we catch our breath.
Elbow Plank an additional 45 seconds for the fun of it.
Mosey behind school to 2 ramps side by side with railings.
Up on the railings for Bear Crawl through the tunnel to the top and then set up on the railings going down.
Bear Crawl down through the tunnel.
Rinse and repeat twice. (Crowd favorite, you know you are doing good when Defib ask why?)
Mosey around to the big staircase behind school.
11’s, 1 Diamond at the top and 10 Monkey Humpers at the bottom. Stinky Bird now realizes that the Monkey Humper is effective.
Mosey to speed bump and Lunge Walk to the next. Probably 100 yards.
Start Mosey to next speed bump. (At this moment I heard Clavin mention Hip Slappers and something else)
So next exercise Hip Slappers to 20.
Head fake to the next wall and then Nurrrrrr. Was just going to go up the hill but again someone mentioned all the way back. So Nurrr all the way back about 3/4’s of a mile to the start.
Clavin finished the last 2 minutes while I picked up the 6 with Defib.
The Moleskin:
2 great addition’s to F3 Stinky Bird and Rainbow Ranger, and I just like saying there names. Stinky Bird is a beast already and Rainbow Ranger will be a future beast. You guys are great.
May 5th is Cino De Mt. Mitchell. Pointless, Little crazy, but owe will we have fun. 5.5 up to the top of the mountain and 5.5 down. Q-Source at the top and lunch when we get back or dinner depending on how long it takes. Clown cars meet at GSM World Headquarters parking lot to head out at 5:30 am.
Prayers, Family members, UNCC students and families, Venezuela and injured pax.
Thanks, Gastone
11 showed for the Ruck Run Uphill partner carry rinse and repeats.
The Thang:
We ran 5 miles, some did a little less but made it happen.
The Moleskin:
Obviously, the coolest and toughest workout on Thursdays with a great group of men. Even though Goat Island had 17 for SA.
Gastone Out
2 for Whoopee EC, which was terrible, so terrible it was good.
9 for Gastone, everyone thinks we started with 10 but I believe we are good on that number.
The Thang:
6 Merkins
Mosey the way stopping at light poles for 6 Squats or 6 Merkins all the way to Gastone’s Hill.
Bernie Sanders up the hill to the top.
50 LBC’s
Mosey Down.
5 Burpee’s
Mosey up the hill.
Plank for 6.
Mosey down.
20 Merkins.
Lunge Walk up to every other mailbox for 10 Monkey Humpers. The first set of Monkey Humper’s a person opened there front door to us starting to go to work, basically looking right as us first thing in the morning. Good Morning to them, no response back. We went about half way up and then ran Bernie the rest of the way.
Plank at top.
Mosey Down.
Dryrub had to leave at this point, I am sure work or something or anything. Maybe he was the smartest guy.
Next exercise is run up hill stopping at all mailboxes on right for 10 SSH. This is a lung workout.
Plank for 6.
10 Diamonds, 20 LBC’s
Watt’s Up called to lead us down the hill at his pace. I started us in a walk behind him not thinking he would run anytime soon since he was catching his breath. Nope, again this guy is driven and he pushed the rock once again making us run down the hill out of breath. Kudos.
Mosey back to start but we stopped at 2 poles for 20 Monkey’s and 2 more for 20 Squats.
Then Jailbreak back to the start with Defib taking the title. Beast as always.
The Moleskin:
I had a goal of making it to the top of the Hill 6 times, we did not make it but we worked hard. We will make this happen at some point and it will not be easy. Clavin, has been a beast lately if you have not noticed.
May 5th Cinco de Mt Mitchell, meeting at GSM for a departure of 5:30am. You can sleep in the car, unless you are driving.
Watt’s Up is the next Q at Snoball’s.
Gastone Finished, literally can’t lift my right arm because of Whoopee.
8 men showed for Downtown, a workout happened.
The Thang:
Mosey to parking lot
High Step Walk to first pole
Karaoke to next pole, then switch sides to the next.
Mosey to Christmas street Gastonia
First lit pole.
1 Merkin, 1 Squat going up at every pole until we got to 15.
Mosey down the hill.
McQuitter Wall, 50 wall jumps, 20 Dips
Mosey to the bottom of church parking lot.
11’s to the top of the hill parking lot and back. 1 Sumo Squat jump at the bottom, 10 Merkins at the top. Switch the numbers.
Backwards up the hill and back until the 6 is finished.
Mosey behind me through an sidewalk obstacle course.
Parking lot across from Church.
50 Sumo Squat Jumps
50 Monkey Humper’s
Cross street to stair
2 Sets of 25 calf raises.
Mosey in front of old courthouse for low SSH 20.
Bernie Sanders up the hill on the way back.
20 Diamonds
The Moleskin:
Some say leg day but we were very fair to the arms. Just think of it as this was a warm up for the Community Run on your legs. All worked hard and did a great job.
Gastone, until the next time.
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