Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Gastone (Page 12 of 17)

Extraordinary People Running/Rucking

20 came out on Mother’s Day and conquered the day by starting it off the best possible way.

The Thang:

Some early for extra credit run.

Some early for Ruck.

The rest came at the start time of 6:30am to run 5 miles.

We started with a pledge at 6:30am.

The Moleskin:

As always it is a honor to have such a great group of guys and to Q any location. If you are not getting inspired from some of the accomplishments of some of your brothers out at these workouts you are not paying attention.

If you are reading this then take my next challenge. This Wednesday do something out of the ordinary and special for your wife. She expected this on Sunday but does not  expect the unexpected on a random day. Just because it’s Wednesday.

Lot’s of prayer request that I did not record all of them. But, please do pray for all your brother’s and family and friends.

Gastone Out!


P.S. Madoff, hope you are ok from the fall during extra credit run. Pretty bad when your shoe fly’s off. The dangers of uneven pavement are real.


Went for a Hefty run!

6 men came out for the Pub Run.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles, some ran less but pushed the rock, and some had a ruck pack on. JK2 and Gastone arrived early for extra credit but did not see each other until start time.

The Moleskin:

I changed the route today because I can which caused Diva and Tooltime to run with myself and Stroganoff because they would have gotten lost. It was a nice fellowship pace until they figured out how to get back.

Prayers for Stroganoff’s son who is figuring things out, JK2’s Father, Def Leopard and his travels, and some more but I can remember everything.

Thanks for the opportunity to Q Monk, we will see you soon,

Gastone Out!

Imaginary Fire Ants of Pain

23 of Gastonia’s Greatest showed for a Gastone led bootcamp and started the day off in the best way possible.

The Thang:

30 SSH


10 Burpee’s

Mosey to the wall for 70 Seconds of Ball’s to the Wall.

Mosey down Marietta Street to the intersection of 2nd.

Partner 11’s, Partners run opposite directions, one to Franklin and the other to 3rd. Once there 10 Burpee’s. Run back to second to meet your partner and 1 Hand Slap Merkin. Rinse and Repeat until you flip the numbers. We got it down even though my explanation could have been better. (We were called out for to much noise from a resident) oops.

LBC’s and some planks while waiting the 6.

Mosey to South Steet and go backwards up the hill to Franklin.

Mosey across the street to a patch of grass for Jack Webb up to 8 and back down. (Some people acted like fire ants got them when we got around 7)

Mosey backwards to the top of the hill and then Lunge to the start.

Times Up.

The Moleskin:
Prayers for Clavin and I honestly forget. But, I pray for all to be well.

Great group of guys and always a privilege to Q, Thanks Spider-man for the opportunity.

Gastone Out!

A “Long” run back

8 men showed for some time with Gastone. Strognoff told me he must leave by 6am. It was chilly and it was drizzling.

The Thang:

20 SSH

20 Imperial Walkers

5 Diamond Merkins

Mosey to BB&T for a small break at 10 Diamond Merkins

Mosey To Robinwood School under the long cover path.

Partner Up in the middle.

Partner A run to the end and do 20 Squats while partner B runs to the other side and does 20 Squats. Then back to the middle for 1 parnter Merkin. Squats are constant but partner Merkins grow all the way to 11.

At this point Stroganoff said in the most pitiful voice and maybe with a tear “I guess I will leave now since it is a mile to run back”.  We all agreed that it almost made us feel bad for him, it was a moment.

Then we got back to work minus 1.

11’s with a patner. A and B run to the opposite sides and do 10 Dips back to the middle for Partner Derkins 1. Rinse and repeat until the number is flip flopped.

6:09 at this point so we began our great journey back to the start. Whoopee and Someone else went back for the 6.

The Moleskin:

We accomplished over 3 miles with our workout and we felt the workout as well. So I would say we all had fun.

Time for everyone to pick up some Q’s. Although, I have fun doing these Q’s it really defeats the purpose for me to do them. Be ready for more of a push on Q’s over the next 3 weeks. I should only see the schedule about once every 2 months if all are being diligent.

Whoopee made an announcement about a Marathon Rucking event. I believe he wants to do this at Table Rock or some crazy location, that would be perfect then.

Prayer request for Drone, US President, and the world.

Gastone Out!



Balls to the Wall

10 Showed for the bootcamp and 1 for the sadclown run.

The Thang:

25 SSH

5 Diamond Merkins

25 Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the back of the soccer fields.

Bottom of the hill 25 Monkey Humpers, up the hill backwards 15 Merkins. Rinse and repeat 3 times. Merkins went down 5 each time.

Bottom of the hill 30 Squats, up the hill backwards, 25 Mountain climbers counting the right leg. Rinse and repeat 3 times.

Mosey middle path of lower soccer fields.

Lunges for 50 yards.

Mosey to upper soccer field.

Bear crawl about 30 yards recover. Then Bear crawl next 40 yards.

Mosey up little hill past pull up bar then to the middle of the baseball field.

Against one of the dugout walls we did 3 sets of Balls to the Wall. First set we held position for 40 seconds, then 30, then ended with 20 seconds on last set.

Mosey towards sidewalk with a stop for 40 Flutter kicks on my count.

Mosey to close to the start but to the half wall in front of the bank.

15 Dips, rest, 10 Dips, rest, 5 Dips, rest, 10 Dips.

Mosey back to start with 1 minute left for 30 LBC’s

The Moleskin:

Great morning with lots of good guys. Bear joined us about halfway in when he found us for his first but he made it. 5 minutes late with a hundred directions to turn can make for a hard find. Welcome Bear. Gastone, made several count errors. I guess my brain was not working fully but I still put out a bootcamp worth attending. Timeframe did ask if I had a Winky when we started, I always have a Winky.

Prayers for Clavin, hope your knee heels with great speed and we will miss you out and about while you are on the IR. Please everyone reach out to Clavin, it’s hard not to be present.

Gastone Out!

The Gauntlet

13 men started the week off the right way. 5 of those showed a little early for a little extra credit.

The Thang:

SSH 40

Merkins 10

Mosey down the road and to the back entrance of the park.

50 LBC’s

Plank for 6

Mosey to the middle soccer field.

Plank for 6.

Middle of soccer field 1 Burpee, run to sidewalk and 10 Squats, Run to top of hill for 10 Get Ups.

The squats are a constant everytime you pass the sidewalk. The Burpee’s and Get Ups are repeated until you reverse the number, 11’s.

Picnic benches while waiting on 6. Some guys were ahead of me doing LBC’s.

40 Flutter Kicks on my count.

50 LBC’s

Mosey back to start because we are out of time.

The Moleskin:

Good morning and everyone worked hard including me. Boudin is a beast, this guy is killing it all the time. Kudos. Davinci, it was good to have you back in the gloom. Whoopee finished the hard part and headed out to make work.  Finishing the workout is one thing but finishing with good form makes it even harder.

Prayers for Belmont Abbey student and for Hushpuppy’s son who is starting to date.

Iron Sharpens Iron, who are you going to sharpen today?

It was an honor and always is,

Gastone Out!

Pocket Clock

7 Men came out for a Sunday morning run at the Coconut Horse.

The Thang:

We ran a reverse of the normal route.

The Moleskin:

Pocket’s was obviously affected by the time change. The text to Tooltime was an indication of a great fartsack had.

The rest of us had a great run and then sat around in the Harris Teeter drinking coffee.

Until the next, Gastone Out!

5 Miles Strong and Fellowship

9 for Coconut Horse.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles, some a little more, and one did a Ruck.

The Moleskin:

JK2 with the Ruck on a solo mission.

Tooltime really picking up his pace.

Followed with some coffee and fellowship.

Thanks for coming out.


Table for 2

2 showed and the rain stopped.

The Thang:

We rain 5.5 miles. Out and came back the Robinwood Road way.

The Moleskin:

Rain, Wind, or whatever. Life is not perfect and neither is the weather. But, it was actually a perfect weather for running.

Gastone Out!

Gastone’s Hill

14 of Gastonia’s finest men showed for Snoballs with some rain in the forecast.

The Thang:

On my Count, SSH and Imperial Walker. (Billy Madison joined us around the end of Imperial Walkers)

Mosey to the bottom of Gastone’s Hill.

We stayed together but did 5 Burpee’s at every mailbox on the way to the top. 12 Mailboxes.

50 Flutter Kicks, count the right foot.

Mosey to the bottom. (Hippa joined us, how he found us I will never know)

Backwards to the top. (I used to be better at this one, it hurt)

50 LBC’s

Using the mailboxes on the way down.

We did a combination of Squats and Monkey Humpers that increased as we went down visiting every mailbox. (This sucked for all)

Once at the bottom just because we had not really done legs yet we did Lunge walks up the hill for 40 yards.

(Whoopee had told me before the workout to get it all in before 6 because he will have to leave, it is now 6 at this point)

Mosey around to the drug store.

Plank, right arm right leg, left. Then elbow plank for 1 minute.

Mosey in front of the Food Lion to the small staircase. We all squeezed in and did 20, 15, 10 calf raises with small breaks between the sets.

Mosey the the wall in front of Park Sterling. 20 Dips then 15.

Move the the grass and we did Jack Webb to 7 and then back down.

Mosey to the start and it is raining good now. So everyone on the ground to end with Flutter to 20.

The Moleskin:

I asked if anybody wanted to Q and people seemed to volunteer faster today for some reason. So next week is covered. Overall a great morning, was much warmer and not raining at the beginning. The rain actually felt good once it arrived. Lot’s of push in the crowd, even a couple wearing weight while we are doing these workouts. Kudos!

Kiwi was mentioned as a prayer request. He was in the hospital for a while in the ICU. He is out now and home recovering. As he is recovering make sure you reach out to him as he was new and make sure he knows we want him back..

Always and honor to Q, thanks for being around,

Gatone out!


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