Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Freight (Page 7 of 31)

Punctuation Matters

13 posted for the Gashouse bootcamp on Saturday. Some came because they signed up for the adopt a street cleanup and some came to check out a Q voted as the best in 2022(not SA). We did a little warmup with the Painlab guys then we hit the asphalt for the thang.

The Thang:

At the track we partnered up for what I called the Partner Mile. P1 starts doing an exercise while P2 runs 100 meters. P2 then starts doing the exercise while P1 runs to catch up. Keep switching back and forth for 4 laps or a mile. So let me break this down for you a little. 4 laps, 4-100 meter runs per lap, 4 exercises per lap. The exercises were merkins, squats, WWI situps, and lunges. Rinse and repeat these exercises each lap.

Mosey over to the back side of 1st Pres. Bearcrawl 5 spaces, Crawlbear 5 spaces, rinse and repeat the length of the parking lot. This sucked and most let me know it.

Mosey over to Parkwood and line up on the curb for dirty 11’s. Mike Tysons, burpee in the center, and Freddy Mercury’s(count one side). So I had been reading quotes about leadership along the way and I read one here that stumped me a little when I read it. It’s all about the commas in the quote. In hindsight maybe I didn’t pause enough when I read it. If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you. If you really make them think, they’ll hate you.-Don Marquis

Mosey to the front of 1st Pres. Crabwalk the parking lot stopping at each line to do a crabcake. Yet another favorite. We got to hear the famous Stroganoff growl! Love to see it.

Mosey down to the wall at the Perio office. Well at least def and I did. The rest of the group took it upon themselves to cross the road. I guess they thought we were done. So instead of following the leader they ran off and got themselves a failure. While insignificant in our setting it is important to learn to follow just like we try to learn to lead. How are you helping the leader if you refuse to follow. You know what happens if someone refuses to follow? Eventually you have to bring in the black tahoe. So thank you Def Leppard for leading by following! At the wall do a burpee then a muscle up x 5. Some meows stayed on the low side and didn’t really do anything.

Mosey to the corner of the Schielle for some wall sits and planks. Mosey back to the flag.




Prayer Request


The Ultimate, Ultimate Frisbee Tournament

Well, everyone showed up by 7:02 for the 7:00 players meeting. We did things a little backwards in case people had to leave.

Count off-Vinny Cherry…….I said count! 1 Nantan, say 1!

Namerama-1. I respect the sarcasm Vinny.

Switzer. Good job on how this works. Most people get confused. I shared a word about gratitude and how it is the outward showing of thanks. It is thanks in action. Don’t just say what you are thankful for, show it. We then covered how to play and how to play like a big boy. There were some big boy plays and reactions today so good job.

There were some good games and some not so close but none really mattered because they weren’t the championship game. Blart’s team went undefeated meeting Pillager’s team in the championship game. Wojo’s team may have been there if SA wouldn’t have gone down with a pulled meow. I thought a cracked out Gearwrench would make up for it but it didn’t happen.

The championship game ended in a tie so we headed into OT. An error set up Blart’s team within 5 yds of the end zone. A throw was made and Blart with his reach got up after it colliding in the air with J2C. Blart got 2 feet just in and held on as he slammed to the ground. The captain gave it all!

It was a fun time and we got some work in. Even Mayor who reffed with an iron fist and sharpened silver tongue. Thank you all for all you do to make F3 Gastonia successful. I am thankful for each and every one of you and I hope I can show you with more gratitude in the future.


Good crowd for a Monday at what I’m calling Martha’s Sandlot. I rarely make here due to my early morning work schedule so thanks to Flintstone for reaching out multiple times to get it worked in. It’s getting cold so I asked everyone to do their part to help global warming.


You know….some stuff made up on the spot and a few burpees

The Thang:

Only two get the blood flowing fast when it’s cold. Running and burpees so let’s mosey to the park.

In the parking lot partner up for 11’s around the islands. Partner mtn climbers and booyah merkins. Balljoint noticed several pickle pounders out there. Hate to see it.

I told the PAX about my first F3 post on 6/13/15. 21 PAX were there and out of those about 5 are still regulars. As we ran off for the next thing we discussed the birth of Midoriyama and how it existed for about 7 months before it was made official.

Mosey over to the center of the ball fields. Back in the day there were lights on out here. It’s tequila sunrise dark now. At each walkway opening do squats 10, then 20, 30, 40 and bear crawl in between.

Mosey around the ball field stopping to do exercises at each corner. 10 flying squirrels, 20 Freddy Mercury’s, 30 Seal jacks. Thats the most exercise a baseball field will ever see.

Back to the parking lot for some dirty triple nickel. Tiger squats and derkins with a burpee each time you pass the middle line.

Heading  up the road out of the park we did a burpee. Here I told the PAX about my first official Q(7 months of Midoriyama not counted) at Gashouse on 2/6/16. 18 PAX were there. 8 of which are still regulars. This would be my 216th official Q. To my knowledge I have never failed to do a BB.  We talked about how I was looking for excitement or adventure in my life when I found F3. Life just seemed to be dull and uneventful. The workouts and CSAUPS supplement that need for me. I’m currently HC’d for my 16th,17th, 18th, and 19th relay races next year(not including any we have done around here). That is all thanks to Whoopee who brought up doing the first one, the BRR.

Back at the start we knocked out 1.5 minutes worth of ab work.



Announcements-Frisbee 0700 Thanksgiving morning meet at the soccer fields, Christmas Party 12/3 please HC and vote

Prayer Request-Several family members going through struggles


I’m thankful for the men that started this group and the ones that have kept it going. It takes each and every one of us so don’t ever think your presence doesn’t matter. Without you there is no me!

The People’s Elbow

Ruled by an iron elbow the people are rebelling. The royal elbow set a decree that no man can Q in the month of November if they have more than 10 Q’s. Unable to influence men to move he has resorted to Putin type tactics. If you can’t influence to movement then restrict other’s freedoms. Well I for one have had enough! I convinced Slaw to give a middle finger to the ruling upper class and allow me to Q at Midoriyama. Break free men. You too can Q again without fear. Stand with me and fight against tyranny, injustice, and government overreach. See many of you don’t realize what has happened behind the scenes. Sargento recently jumped ahead of me in the all time most Q category. Then he fell and broke his elbow, limiting his ability to Q. Suddenly he restricts my, along with yours, ability to lead other men. Obviously to hold me back while he is on the mend. Is this starting to feel a little Kim Jong-unish? As Rage Against the Machine screamed “WAKE UP”! I didn’t Q yesterday for myself. I did it for you. I did it for the oppressed and downtrodden. See it isn’t about what F3 can do for you. It’s about what you can do for F3. Men I fully support more of you stepping in to lead but not at the expense of other’s freedoms. In a rebellious fashion this is what we did.

Warmup: I didn’t need it because I was already fired up!

Sealjacks ic

Don Q’s ic

Merkins ic

Arm circles both directions

Let’s Roll!

The Thang:

In the parking lot we set a timer for 3 minutes. Run a lap then do burpees until the timer goes off. Rinse and repeat for 5 rounds. It was chilly out and this got everyone warmed up quick.

Partner up for 11’s. Start with 10 partner mtn climbers(facing each other in the plank position, reach out and grip  each others forearm with one hand, like your doing a viking hand shake,  and do mtn climbers). Then do 1 booyah merkin. Doing this 11’s style sucked!

After that it was time to move again. Do some reps and run a lap.

10 Bonnie Blairs


20 hand release merkins


30 WWI situps


40 monkey humpers


50 LBC’s


With 6 minutes left we set the 3 minute timer again for 2 rounds. 1st round was just 20 squat jumps. 2nd round was 40.




Announcements-2 more days to sign up for Thanksgiving day Ultimate Frisbee-let me know, Christmas party 12/3 0600 Lewis Farm.

Prayer Request-PH’s mother, PB’s parents.

Naked Moleskin:

The other day I saw the royal elbow walking out of his office as I drove by. I stopped in the street and yelled for him to be careful with it as he was in close qtrs with another car. Not knowing who was yelling he turned and looked with sheer disgust. Mt daughter pointed that out quickly. It was funny. I imagine he will have the same look on his face as he reads the first part of this BB. This pleases me. I’m a bit of a trouble maker if you haven’t noticed(I’m sure you have). After reading Dredd’s writings I prefer the term Mr Vice. In all seriousness I love Sargento. I think he is a great guy. He is committed to F3 and F3 Gastonia and genuinely wants as many men as he can reach to participate and become better versions of themselves. Long live the elbow!

The Future

A good crowd at Midoriyama today. Several PAX were out getting in some EC. Golddigger was out pushing Nugget in the stroller. The Nanatan rolled through fresh off of the royal elbow’s surgery. He seems to be doing fine. He rolled through to bring some of the devil’s elixir to a PAX formerly known as a good Baptist. Being watched by the royal XX chromosome from the car we got started.


Sealjacks, merkins, and some monkey humpers as the royal family drove away.

Let’s go get some blocks.

The Thang:

We lined up out in the street at a light pole and this is what we did. At each light pole do 10 burps, 10 thrusters, and 10 overhead presses. Rifle carry to the next pole, set your block down, and sprint back to the pole that you just come from and back to your block. Rinse and repeat this to the end of the road-7 poles. This was way worse than I thought it was going to be. Shoulders smoked! Nugget seemed to really enjoy this. Oh yeah if you are wondering GD was toting a block and pushing the stroller.

We left the blocks and headed over to dog park hill for a triple nickel. 5 Freddy Mercurys ic at the bottom, Nur up, 5 corkscrews ic at the top, and run down. Legs are now smoked. Nugget got out of the stroller on this one and attacked the hill. He passed Leppard at one point. Time to mosey back to the blocks. Nugget refused to stroll and chose to run getting several kills in route.

So the plan was to rinse and repeat the block work but that wasn’t going to happen and we didn’t have the time either so I changed that up. 1 blockee at the first pole and add one at each pole to pole 7. Good times!



Announcements-Christmas party 12/3

Prayer Request-Tophat knee surgery soon, Gumby’s mom, Mayor’s friend’s child, Leppard 2.1 wedding coming up


Golddigger and Nugget give me hope for the future! I read the Q’s Creed of which I’ll post on the Slack channel for those that haven’t seen it.


Without Love

You have nothing. 11 pax at The Sword this morning. Good job starting the week off right! Some ran, some rucked, one even run-rucked(bat flipper). After words we talked about love. I didn’t have just one verse to share. I also shared some exerts from a book I’m reading and a recent devotional. We have to take a moment and put ourselves in others shoes before we let our anger loose. We need to understand each others viewpoint. We may still disagree but I bet we won’t be as angry.

1 John 4:7-11, 18-19

Ephesians 4:2-3

James 1:19

Matthew 18:21

1 Corinthians 13:1-8

Come Correct

11 pax posted to Crossroads on Sunday for varying miles. Slaw wasn’t there. The normal start time group headed out on a new out and back route towards my house. It was met with some complaints because of the hill but it wasn’t that bad. Afterwards we dscuss correction over coffee. Haven’t been there in a while like Slaw? Then join us next week. The discussions are always lively.

Lord of Dance

8 PAX showed at Midoriyama on Thursday. This is exactly how it went down. Before we got started we were talking about a move Blueprint introduced called soccer kicks. Picture kicking a hacky sack to yourself using the inside of each foot. Leppard gave it a try and it looked like he was trying to do some slow motion discount river dance. It was like you could watch the information drip from his brain to his feet.


SSH, high knees, butt kickers, soccer kicks-these were cut short after I saw Leppard trying again. It was really to much to handle let’s just mosey.

The Thang:

At the small soccer field we paired up for some Dora. 100 WWI’s, 200 Flutters count one leg, 300 overhead claps. Instead of run do 10 step ups on the bleachers then switch. After this we split into teams of four for some soccer. We are all pretty terrible. Some due to inexperience and others due to not playing in years. Def Leppard didn’t realize that soccer is a very physical game and expected it to be played like some new age ussy with a p sport. He wanted a safe space to decide where he would like to kick the ball. I let him know that it was ok to put some body into it when competing for the ball by doing so. Well this really upset his soft demeaner. Some time later as I attempted to steal the ball away from him he reached directly out with a push. While I’m tough and play that way this didn’t stop me. He continued to grab, hold and lean against me. All still ok with me. We are competing and that’s a part of it. I still managed to steal the ball away and as I made my exit away from him he fell down. That’s what happens when you put all your weight against something that moves. He seemed to get a little, we will say frustrated at this point. Blaming me for the whole exchange. It would seem Leppard has watched some modern day soccer and thought the flopping and crying was just a part of the game. While he has threatened a fight many times this was about as close as he has come. Hate to see it! Any way I think 7 of us had a good time and all the sprinting made me want to throw up. Fortunately team Broke, Blart, Pall Bearer, Freight won 7-6 or was it 5? Doesn’t matter, we won.



Announcements-Convergence Saturday, Need some SFN commanders for Christmas town

Prayer Request-PB’s son is sick, Montross’s nephew, Huck


At Gashouse Saturday we had 6 for the normal bootcamp, 3 from across the river on the east side doing the ironpax challenge, 4 out running 18.5 miles, and several more for painlab. Gashouse is getting complicated. Tighten it up Whoopee! All I was responsible for was the bootcamp so this is what we did.


Some stuff

The Thang:

Mosey up the street to Parkwood. Tesla was with us until he realized he was with the wrong group. In the parking lot it went like this. Bear crawl 5 spaces, do 5 squat jumps, run back to the start and do 5 burpees. Run back to where you left off bear crawling and bear crawl 5 more spots. I mentioned I was going to mark these off for them but decided they needed the mental challenge as well. Rinse and repeat this the length of the parking lot. 32 spaces. I thought this went well. I may have heard some grunting and a little yelling at one point.

Mosey up to New Hope to the hill across from Milano’s. at the bottom and top diamond merkins 5 ic, squats 10 ic, flutter kicks 15 ic. During this I changed the count up a few times for some more mental training. After this we ran around the back side of whatever this facility is back to Dixon. Down Dixon to the Presbyterian Church we stopped at each telephone pole for 5 monkey humpers ic. By this point the talk of NC State vs Clemson was heating up between SS, Strog, and Watts up. JJ keep trying to get involved but he’s a Carolina fan so what he had to say wasn’t relevant. The Duke fan, while in a good year, stayed quite.

At the Pres front parking lot we broad jumped from one parking space line to the other and did a burpee at each line.

We moseyed down to Akers Pharmacy and did 10 Freddy Mercury’s ic at each corner.

Back at the Schielle we stopped at the corner for a few rounds of wall sits and Mike Tyson’s.


Announcements-Ruck 10/8, Convergence 10/15, Rumor is there’s a Christmas Party on 12/17, Dredd has the Gashouse Q next week


Rescue Mission

10 of the faithful posted to Old School on Saturday. Launch point was relocated to Ingles due to a 5k in the area. This is what happened.



I don’t know the usual stuff

The Thang:

Mosey over to Pine st and partner up. Bear crawl catch me if you can with 10 in/outs for 1 block.

Wheel barrel for 1 block, switch as needed.

Stopped off at a parking lot for some ab work.

Mosey to the back of the school to a wall. Do a wall-up(climb all the way up on top of the wall), get back down and do 5 diamond merkins. Do 10 rounds.

On the track we split into 2 groups. 1 person is injured and we as a group must carry him. We did this for 1 lap rotating positions. 4 to 1 isn’t bad. During growruck they usually make us do this toward the end. You have your rucks, 1 person will take the injured persons ruck, and 3 people will carry the person.

Mosey over to the playground parking lot. We discussed some cones that were there and did some more ab work.

Partner up, on the playground 1 partner does a hang while the other does 5 burpees. Switch x 5 rounds.

Back on the street crab walk catch me if you can with 10 hillbillies for 1 block.

Partner carries for 1 block. Wirenut took most of this for our team as if I wasn’t even on his back.

For the final block another round of bearcrawl catch me if you can with 10 imperial walkers.

We finished up with some more ab work at the flag.


Announcements-10/1 adopt a street cleanup need some volunteers, 10/8 ruck csaup, 10/15 convergence at bulldog

Prayer Request

Namerama-you hate to see this order of closing


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