Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Freight (Page 19 of 31)


12 posted at Midoriyama on Thursday. Good crowd for a Thursday. Thursdays have been down a little lately. I was really excited to see Huckleberry post since he lost a bet to Pockets.  Oh wait….nevermind.

The Warmup:

Mosey to the soccer field. While SA lead the warmup exercises Slaw and I dug two tires out of the woods.

The Thang:

Partner up. P1 does burpee box jumps on the bleachers while P2 NURs up the hill. Do 5 rounds.

Split into 2 teams. 1 person starts flipping the tire around the field while everyone else runs a lap. When someone gets around they take over flipping. Keep doing this until you get the tire back to the starting position. It was noted upon completion that one tire was a little heavier than the other.

Time for some ab work.

We got back in our teams for tire flip sprints. Same as before except down the field and back. Some concept. We swapped tires to make a it fair.

Time for some more ab work.

Tire flip sprints again and we swapped tires again.

That’s about time so we put up the tires and moseyed back to the flag.

6:15 done right on time… know who I’m talking too.


Announcements-Christmas town SFN race,  F3 dads Frisbee golf see Mayor, Some more stuff I probably should have recorded but if your getting your news from me your in bad shape!


Prayer Request


It was duly noted the push I saw out there today. Everyone was pushing to get around the field to flip those tires! One of the batflippers seemed to be off his game a little but I think it’s due to malnourishment.

I talked a little about sharing the gospel and how we should all just pick one person and share it with them. Think about the impact that could make. Don’t wait! tomorrow could be too late

Sua Sponte

11 PAX posted at Crossroads Sunday morning. There wasn’t a Q as far as anyone knows. So Sua Sponte kicked in and since I had Q source I figured why not. I slid in right at 6:30 despite what Dr Seuss says and we were off! Most stayed for Q source. Great job everyone1

Round and Round

4 PAX posted at The Yank on Saturday. With the SFN race happening I assumed it would be a little light. Tesla wasn’t there though. I guess he got scared when he heard I was coming. Anyway 4 PAX got better and had some good 2nd F at the same time.


Let’s mosey! Up to the ball field we went. Circle up. Did a few warmups exercises and stretches.

The Thang:

Do a set of exercises and run a lap after each set.

50 merkins, 50 squats, 20 WWI situps, 20 burpees, 50 lunges, 50 in/out, 25 hand release merkins, 25 miranda rights ic, 50 lbc’s, bearcrawl 30 steps and back, crab walk 30 steps and back.

That’s time so let’s mosey down to The Yank for the pledge.


Announcements-nothing new other than the races on the schedule

Prayer Request

Doodles took us out


Great work by everyone this morning. Especially Orangeman who seemed to get faster as the workout went on. Or maybe the rest of us got slower? Either way he was killing it. It was nice to meet 5 Degrees. Keep posting sir! I will try to get back to The Yank more often.


4 FNG’s

1 PAX posted at Crossroads at 6:30 on Sunday. YHC arrived to a parking lot full of cars but no PAX in sight. There were 4 FNG’s that walked up so I told them it didn’t look like this AO existed and they should probably leave and go to SOGA for the Coconut Horse. By the way I was not the Q and no Q showed up. This is not the first time this has happened to me at Crossroads! The last time I was told I gave everyone  a tongue lashing but I don’t recall it that way. I just reminded everyone that the actual start time is 6:30 and if an FNG came it would be nice if people were there. At the very least the Q needs to be. I can appreciate all the EC people are putting in but there is more to this than our personal gains. Try to circle back for the actual start time. Ok so I fudged a little in the beginning. There was actually 2 PAX. Bedpan was there also but this was a close call. What if he or I didn’t show? That would leave a PAX without any support.

The group decided this BB would be right up my alley(constructive sarcasm and all) so I picked up the Q. This is usually not an issue at any of our AO’s but this was a failure of the Q(if there was one) and the site Q. This is a leadership group guy’s! Lead and fill up the Q sheet. If you need help ask!

Anyway Bedpan and I took off for a run. I’ve been struggling getting my run game back lately and could have used a push or someone to chase. There wasn’t anyone out in front of me so I gave in and stopped shy of 3 miles. I’ve said I’m a recovering sad clown because even though I’ve been doing this for 4 plus years I have to fight with Fat Ricky everyday. He is lazy, likes to eat bad and he will not shut up! They say to get faster you have to run with faster men. Well they weren’t around and Fat Ricky won.

While I do not think that the guy’s weren’t around because they didn’t want to run with me it did get me to thinking and looking inward. I know I have a reputation of being a sarcastic A-hole because….. well I can be. Most of the time it’s just smack talk. I do enjoy the trash talking! I don’t have feelings for the most part so I don’t mind it coming back at me. Truth be told I usually smack talk to the ones I like and respect the most(I’m looking at you SA)! However I’m sure this is a turn off to some people. So I got to wondering who dislikes me because of something I’ve said? Who have I hurt or pissed off or they just don’t care that much for me because of this? Part of me(probably Fat Ricky) wants to say who gives a shit(sorry Leppard) but the other part of me wants to be the bacon. My friends have always been a huge part of my life, I guess mostly due to me having a screwed up family and now most of my friends are people I have meet through F3. So if my attitude is that much of a turn off I would hope someone would correct me with candor. That’s where the shield lock comes in right? So then I started thinking about who my shield lock is. I’m close with some guys and talk to them fairly regularly I suppose but will those guys call me out when needed? I’ve been mulling this over for a few days and while I was thinking about this(struggling with it a bit) a PAX randomly text me and said “hey brother I was thinking of you. Hope you are well. Is there anything I can pray for you”? That message at that moment felt like God talking to me. One of the few times in my life I have felt that. What I heard was you are not alone in your struggles. See I know this PAX cares and I in fact know he will call me out when needed. Whether we realize it or not we all need that in our lives. So thank you for that text Sir! Ok I’m done. All of this is starting to make me feel something.

So in conclusion…..I don’t know. Sorry for the rambling.



14 joined YHC at Midoriyama on Tuesday. F3 Royalty was all over the place.  There were some comments about what it means that these guys showed up for my Q. Let me just say…..I know I can be an A-hole/Smart-A, etc. Some of y’all be ackin like y’all don’t like it but I be seein ya(SA). Anyway it was my 1st “real” post in a month and my first “real” post at Midoriyama all summer. Having dang near died during a run the day before I knew it was time to step my game up and get back after it. I devised a workout that would push myself and hopefully others all the while keeping those batflippers moving.



Nah let’s mosey

The Thang:

At the far soccer field. Do some exercises OYO then run a lap. Try to step your pace up on the lap then once you are finished everyone go back at a slower mosey to get the 6. Once everyone was back we took a 1 minute breather before starting the next round. Here’s the exercises we did with a lap after each.

50 merkins

50 squats

20 WWI

20 Burpees

50 lunges count one leg( so this equals 100 total lunges for those that struggled with this)

50 in/out

25 hand release merkins

Run back to the flag


Announcements-PM needs some help on the Stop soldier suicide race, JJ5K, Golf tournament for a charity Shocker works with reach out to Tiger if interested, Murph on Monday, Mt Hollywood will be open for usual business.

Prayer Request-Kid named Asher with cancer, Tooltime, Me, those battling addiction



Man I have missed the trash talking and even the whining a little(you know who you are). It was great to be out and actually be working out! A lot of rock pushers showed out today. I could see them all from back in the back where I was. Thanks to all for picking up the 6. This setup worked really well keeping everyone moving and everyone picking up the 6. It’s great that we don’t leave anyone behind but it’s even better when we all pick them up. We covered anywhere from 2.7 miles to the batflipping 3.4. Good work guy’s! See you Thursday for a Def Leppard concert.


Gym Class

8 PAX joined YHC at Midoriyama on Thursday for my first post there in 2 months. Man these last 2 months have been tough. My daughter has had swim practice on those days and I’m the chauffer. I cannot explain how much I’ve missed these guys. Between that and summer vacations I’ve been limited on my post all summer. I had Blart put me down for the Q on the day I knew I could return not knowing I would severely injure my shoulder in a Mtn Bike crash. Well I guess there is always a good chance for that but this one was a little different. I’ve wrecked a lot of stuff. 2 wheels, 3 wheels, 4 wheels, homemade carts and what not. One even involved someone being transported in a helicopter and having some organ parts removed but this may have been as hard of an impact as any could be. So a week and a half later it still hurts to breath so instead of handing over the Q I decided I would lead it anyway all the while not performing any exercises. I know the whole don’t Q it if you can’t do it but I really just needed to be out there. This really seemed to bother a few PAX. Going into it I knew there would be a lot of mumblechatter and that is really what I was hoping for. I was a little surprised by the ones that took it and the ones that didn’t. Anyway you vs you so…..


1 burpee, 10 x SSH ic, 2 burpees, 10 x Don Q ic, 3 burpees, 10 x Merkins ic, 4 burpees, 10 x Freddy Mercury ic, 5 burpees

I must say having stood and watched everyone’s form and their ability to follow cadence this group was….well let’s just say not going to make it in bootcamp!

The Thang:

YHC came equipped with a spreadsheet, clipboard and a whistle. I needed to see what kind of shape these guys were in since I haven’t been around. Time for a little PT test I found in Men’s Health magazine.

3 min hand release merkins-as many as you can

2 min reverse lunge-as many as you can

1 min of wall sits

2:30 min of side plank hold each side

Each category had a point scale of 1-3 points depending on how much you did or how long you lasted. Most of these guys fell in the top category of go out and crush life. A couple were in the keep up the good work category but I think that was mostly due to there rebellion of my Q.

Moving on. That took a little longer than I wanted so we improvised the rest in a smaller area.

Run drill with cones, bear crawls with cones, Red light/green light with the whistle(if you didn’t get stopped in time there was a 5 merkin penalty), This was also done with a NUR. T-claps to SA who figured out if he didn’t run as fast he could get stopped easier thus not receiving the penalty. Broad jump burpees multiple times. The PAX had to get to me and Broke accused me of moving backwards away from them but I think he was just seeing things in the heat.


Announcements-Pizza Man nieces remembrance this Saturday at Rankin Lake, Stop soldier suicide 5k in September, JJ5k in September

Prayer Request

I’m a little rusty so I failed to do the pledge

Naked Moleskin:

YHC spoke about I am weak but he is strong. This has nothing to do with my current physical state. This is about the grace of God. 2 Corinthians 12:9-11 “my grace is sufficient for you, my strength is made perfect in you weakness”. God’s grace is all we need!


Something Borrowed

9 PAX for a lovely morning at Gashouse. The weather was just beautiful. The temperature and humidity were perfect! That lie was even hard to type.  Anyway we didn’t stand around to long. Whoopee, who had been out rucking, had to hit the road but was going to stay for the warmup. Pledge, bye Whoopee! Let’s mosey. Off to the track we went and added in a lap for warmup.

The Thang:

So when I see things I’d like to do I take a screen shot on my phone and when I’m planning a Q I’ll glance back through these sometimes. So this one was borrowed from I think a Whoopee Q from about 2 years ago. Partner up, P1 runs one way and P2 runs the other. When you meetup do 10 booyah merkins. Keep running the same direction you were going but switch and NUR. Keep doing this until you get to zero. It was mentioned when this was done before it was at Sherwood and that track is smaller, yeah yeah whatever!

Once that was complete we tried something I borrowed from the honey badger in fort mill. Bear crawl 30 yds, turn around and broad jump back. After every 5 jumps stop and do 3 burpees. We did the style the recent record setter chose where you put your chest on the ground and hands out to the side. So this really sucked! Calls for an omaha were heard but ignored. I mean I wanted to but I had that moment of clarity that said this is why we are here. If we stop when it gets hard we won’t ever get better! So we did this for 5 rounds. Many were seen lying about the ground once we were done.

So we headed back to the wall at the Scheille for some more work. Walls sits, Mike Tyson’s, more wall sits with foot stomps and hallelujah’s. We finished off with a zombie walk and heard the bells ring as we made the turn in the parking lot.



Announcements- 7/20 F3 dads at Folsom, tubing. 7/21 Tronmoss 5k.

Prayer Request

Moleskin: T-claps to all for the hard push today. I definitely would not have done that on my own. Good to see Gump drinking the koolaid. Roscoe beasted a 7 mile run EC





3 posted at Boars Nest this fine Sunday morning. YHC had the Q. Let’s get to work!

The Thang:

Ruck 1 Mile

Back at Ingles we did the following for 10 sets or close to it. I was really watching the time instead of counting.

50 yd suitcase carry. 25 yds with one hand then switch hands.

10 Ruck High Pulls

25 yd Bear Crawl

Ruck 1 mile to finish

COT with the runners


This was a good one. Sweat was pouring. Hacksaw was pushing as normal. When he was pushing through on the bear crawls it sounded like he was attacking the poor bear! Big Pappy was getting it done as well pushing on the ruck pace.  I’d like to see more guy’s try out the ruck workout. There’s a lot more to it than just walking with weight. My calorie burn this morning was solid and I worked on muscle gain. Come out and join us sometime. Also I’d like to see Huckleberry post again! #MHPA


10 PAX total for a Saturday at Folsom. YHC advised the PAX we would be working on failure today. Failure is a good thing. We learn from failure, we get stronger when we fail. I knew there would be failure because we were going to be doing a lot of AMRAP and most everyone has to stop during some exercise when doing this.


SSH x 10ic

Ab Vigota? Bigota? Whatever slow Don Q’s x 10ic

Something else I did on the fly

The Thang:

Run from the parking lot entrance to the entrance at the animal control x 5 (all hill)

Back in the parking lot for AMRAP, 1 minute of each exercise with a 30 second break between

Alt shoulder taps, Bobby Hurley, Merkin, Star Jack, Calf Raises

Run the hill again x 5 (every other one switch and NUR up)

AMRAP again-Dolly, Bear Crawl, Back Plank, Monkey Humper, CDD’s

Run the hill again x 5

AMRAP-IN/Out, 8 count body builder, Crab Walk, Broad Jump, Dying Cockroach

We had just a few minutes left so we did a few more AMRAP-Al Gore, Plank



Announcements-Convergence, tubing

Namerama-2 FNG’s-Bondo( long time associate of Gumby), Staypuff(Stogie’s 2.0)


Good work by all today. I’m fairly certain we all failed to fully complete every minute of every exercise today. However we are all a little stronger for trying!


Who is Floppy Disk

13 PAX hit Midoriyama for the premier afternoon workout. Recently I’ve heard quite a few people mention they don’t know who Floppy Disk is. This is because he hasn’t posted in quite sometime because as he puts it “we run too much”(he likes to mtn bike).  So today I decided to introduce everyone to Floppy disk. Below is a workout he Q’d back in 2016. We modified a little-blockees were burpees and we added an extra lap at the end. This workout sucked!!!! I think everyone was quite surprised! Below was copied and pasted from that workout.


What is 2 + 2 yelled Floppy Disk, today’s Q. In unison, the men grunted four. Floppy retorted, NO! It’s three and I’ll prove it!

With a round of laughter, no one believed and they knew he was crazy.

Floppy took the pax to the ministry of love to prove to them that it indeed equaled three. Firing up a timer with intervals set at three minutes the first thang was yelled out. “Blockies”!

When that three minutes of horror ended, plank was shouted. Then squats, air jump ropes,  plank jack to sit-ups, star jacks, lunges, LBC’s, merkins and more. The onslaught of three-minute exercises didn’t stop until time ran out.

By the end, all were in agreement. “2+2=3” and love is hate.1

The Thang


  • Mosey a lap around the parking lot
  • Short break to fix the flag
  • Side straddle hop (20 IC)
  • Moroccan Night Club (20 IC)

The Thang

  • 3 minutes of blockies (30 second rest)
  • 3 minutes of low/high plank (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of squats (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of air jump rope  (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of plank jack to sit-up (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of star jacks (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of LBC (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of merkins (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of lunges (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of mountain climbers (should be renamed to Madoriyama  climbers)
  • 3 minutes of side plank alternating sides every 30 seconds.


Pledge, prayer, and while leaving we talked about some of the places in the bible that mentions the number three. Jonah in the belly of the fish for three days, Jesus’s ministry lasted three years, Peter denied him three times, the rooster crowed three times.



Who is Floppy Disk? FD is a good friend of mine. He is the guy who helped kill Fat Ricky. He got me tracking my food and going to the gym before F3. He was one of the founding 3 that started Midoriyama. He has and does a lot with our website. He covers the $100 server fee for us every year. He’s a great father and husband, a bit of an introvert but will talk to people if they will bother Def Leopard. He loves to ride bikes and hate’s to run. Between motorcycles and mtn bikes he’s broken about every bone in his body twice! You would think he would just give up and run but he falls down doing that too. All in all he’s just a good guy.

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