Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Freight (Page 18 of 31)

Keep it moving

11 PAX posted at Midoriyama on Tuesday. YHC asked if anyone had just woke up….nope. Has everyone been up and working today…..yep. Ok then you should be loose. Let’s go!

Mosey to the lake hill.

The Thang:

Run the hill, 10 Hand release merkins at the bottom and 10 lunges each leg at the top. Do it until I say stop. 8 minutes and I believe 4 trips later we stopped.

Let’s mosey back to the parking lot on the left.

Line up on the curb. Broad jump across, 10 WWI’s, Crawl Bear back, 10 Freddy Merc’s ic. Rinse and repeat until I say stop. About 10 minutes.

Let’s mosey to the playground.

11’s-burpees and pullups!!!!!!! Yes this was awesome!

Let’s mosey to the T-shack.

30s wall sit followed by 30s dirty hookup. Again at 45s. Then again at 1:00.

I went over 15s and people started to get angry.



Announcements-Mt Mitchell Hike 5/3, SFN 4/4, Convergence 3/21.

Prayer Request


YHC asked how many of us deal with people every day we don’t really like. Whether at work, F3, or even church. Is that being Christ like? Is that how we are called to be? We are called to love one another.

Luke 6:32, Romans 12:10

Men on a pole

9 showed at Folsom on Saturday at 0530 for some Goruck training. Thanks to Roadie we had a piece of telephone pole  to use for practice.

Warmup: We don’t need no stinking warmup!

The Thang:

PT-2 min amrap of merkins then situps

Let’s ruck carrying one sandbag and the pole. Off to the parking lot at the college we went.

At the parking lot we partnered up. P1 does mtn climbers while P2 farmer carries both rucks to the other end of the parking lot. P1 then runs to P2 get the bags and they reverse roles. We did this 5 rounds.

Let’s ruck some more. Around the college to the parking lot near the auto garage.

20 ruck thrusters then speedruck to the end of the parking lot. Switch the bag to your front side and speed ruck back. Each round drop the thrusters by 5. This sucked!!!!!

Let’s ruck some more.

Stopped off at the Ag Center building for some team assessment PT. 1 minute butterfly situps(40 to qualify). 1 minute hand release merkin(30 to qualify), 1  minute clean/squat your ruck(during assessment this would be an 80# sandbag min of 15 reps)

At this point we made our way back to meetup with the bootcamp and COT.



13 posted at Crossroads on Sunday. Strong showing, Strong group!

You know what we did? We did work! We ran, we rucked, and we got better. Well maybe not Pizza Man. It was a rest day for him since he decided to run with me.

After words we discussed Leadership Development Processes. Don’t know what that is? Show up at one of two Q Sources held in our region every Sunday.

Goruck Training

This is an informational post to share what we did at our first Goruck training session at Folsom last Saturday. We will be doing these workouts for a while on Saturday’s going from Saturday AO to Saturday AO. We will start 1 hour before the normal workout and end with the normal COT.

4 PAX carried 5 coupons to the lower lot at Folsom. Each was placed in it’s own parking space with one space open in the middle. Each PAX lined up with a coupon and took their ruck off and did 10 thrusters. They put their ruck back on, picked up the coupon, and carried it to the top of the parking lot and back. Rotate to the next coupon. We did this twice through all of the spaces. The open space was for a break from carrying something. The coupons were 40# sandbag, cement block, 30# slam ball, a set of 10# dumb bells, and a single 20# dumb bell. All in all we did 120 thrusters and covered about 1.5-2 miles carrying the coupons.

Next YHC let the PAX choose a coupon to take turns carrying on a ruck. The 30# slam ball was chosen. Bad choice! Balls are awkward to carry. That’s what she….any way we went to the courthouse and back. Total miles was 6 for the workout.

Next week 1/18 we will be at Gashouse 0600 to see what Whoopee has cooked up for us.

The long road

10 PAX got a little better or worse, depending on how you look at it, at Midoriyama Thursday night.


Seal Jacks, Don Q, Merkins, Morrocan Nightclubs, Arm Circles

The Thang:

At the first light pole out on the road I explained we needed to get to the far parking lot to do some of our workout. We could easily run there but that would be to simple. Instead we bear crawled, crawl beared, crab walked forward and backward, lunged, hopped, broad jumped, burpee broad jumped, and chilly broad jumped(look it up) our way down the road. This caused a lot of grumbling right out the gate!

At the parking lot we did Billy Madison(look it up) with various exercises I listed out. Some in cadence, some not. Burpees were for graduation. I really enjoyed the conversation about what life was like for each of us during those years. Well except for DL’s junior high days! Don’t ask him.

Next we circled up for some howling monkey’s.

Back at the flag we crunched in some Iron Hulk up to about 7 or 8 I think.



Announcements-Goruck training Saturday 0530 at Folsom, More rumors about a Nantan Impeachment


Little Robbie

15 was the number at Folsom on Saturday. 1 did some EC rucking and about 6 were out running the streets early.

Warmup: Waiting for the new Nantan to get to the circle. Sparky was already there! Let’s mosey.

The Thang:

We made our way to the gates at the entrance of The U of D! Stopping along the way for some exercises. Partner up. P1 runs the hill and back down while P2 does an exercise. Switch. We did this three times each with exercises being squats, Freddy Mercury, and Corkscrew. YHC talked about the challenge the hill presents and getting past it.

Let’s mosey back to the park. On the way back we stopped again for a few exercises. At the parking lot partner up again for 11’s. Booyah Merkins and burpees. At this point there were several douchee comments which I will admit I likely deserve during my Q. I dish it so I must take it! Golddigger was upset by my description of counting during the merkin portion. We were saying the same thing he just refused to see it. He even carried the argument into the party Saturday night. I finally just had to concede hoping he would find peace about the situation. Anyway sometime during the exercise I decided to call him Little Robbie and honestly I’ll probably never call him anything else.

Moving on we moseyed to the tennis courts where I had everyone gather in the center. YHC had stashed 4 papers at each end of the courts, so three courts away in either direction, with exercises on them. We raced to get to the papers. If you made it to one you did the exercise. If you didn’t get to one first you had to do 5 burpees. We did this for about 5-6 rounds. Those that didn’t get to a paper the previous round received a half court head start the following round.


YHC talked a little about pushing through with the help of others and sometimes on our own. Even when we are on our own we are not. We have your back no matter what!

Announcements-Party, New AO at New Hope Elementary, New Nantan impeachment trial

Prayer Request-Little Robbie took us out


Fun crowd of bat flipping rock pushers! Even though I did have to bleep myself a few times it was a good morning to be out!


5 PAX posted for the end of the 40/50 challenge and swept the streets of Belmont clean for the CSAUP! We challenged ourselves to see who could find the weirdest thing. There were a lot of weird items we made up and lied about but it was decided the diaper was at least the worst thing.  Despite being grossed out we got it of the streets.


13 was the number for the boot camp. I’ll let you do the math here but by my count a lot more trash could have been cleaned up. Just sayin/not sorry!


Mosey to a nearby parking lot for some SSH and Don q’s. I didn’t have anything planned here so let’s get on with it.

Mosey to the bottom center area of the park.

The Thang:

Run the path all the way up to the middle school field and do 10 each of merkins, lunges, and WWI’s. Run back down and repeat. That’s one round….do 4 rounds.

Super quite this morning.

Mosey up to the field. Run a lap while the Q sets up some cones.

Bear crawl to each cone and at the cone do the exercise. Exercises at the cones were in this order 20 squats, 20 merkins, 20-4 count flutters, 20-4 count mtn climbers.  Run to the other end of the field and run the lap back to the start. Rinse and repeat. Do 4 rounds.

Still really quite. I guess these guys are just here to work. Tiger recognizes how weird it is when I don’t mummblechatter.

Mosey to the wall at the school.

Wall sits, then donkey kick ic and hold feet on the wall at the end(thank Pacman for this), rinse and repeat a few times. We threw some derkins in upon Boudin’s request. I introduced the dirty hookup to the crowd as well. That’s about time so lets mosey back to The Yank.

Finally a little trash talk began.



Announcements-Christmas party 1/4 get signed up to bring something, convergence 12/28 at Gashouse(Schielle) all other AO’s closed.

Prayer Request-Several family members battling sickness


I’m a nice guy!

8 PAX total at Midoriyama Tuesday night. Some regulars weren’t there and they were missed dearly. You had to be there to get the title.


Some stuff I made up on the spot. This was noticed and I was criticized for it.


The Thang:

Mosey and AMRAP.

Mosey to the picnic shelter at the lake.

AMRAP for 5 minutes. 5 different exercises with a 20 second break in between.

Mosey to the playground

AMRAP for 5 minutes. 5 different exercises with a 20 second break in between.

Mosey to the end parking lot

AMRAP for 5 minutes. 5 different exercises with a 20 second break in between.

Mosey back near the playground

That’s time


Announcements-Christmas party questions?, Convergence 12/28 at Gashouse

Prayer Request-Broke’s wife, Tiger’s dad, YHC Grandfather(family) as he nears the end of his life, Tater Holes family.


As always it was a pleasure to lead you fine gentlemen. T-claps to Herme? who came out for his 2nd post at 67 young years of age. He came after Linus’s rotary breakfast presentation.


Family Tree

9 PAX joined YHC for the boot camp at The Yank on Saturday. Wet Nutz originally had the Q but called in sick. Pockets had Q’d about every workout he could the past week and since I was leading the Food Ruck that morning he asked if I’d like to take the reins.


Let’s mosey. Stopped off at a Baptist parking lot for some warmup exercises I came up with on the spot. All I remember was Golddigger renamed In/Outs to penetrators.

Let’s mosey some more.

The Thang:

We found ourselves at the Greenwood cemetery.  There are three roundabouts and we did bear crawls, crabwalks, etc around them. Mosey to the bottom of the hill where I explained my Grandmother lived next door to the cemetery, our family has a plot here, and as kid I learned to ride  a bike here. CDD’s for when I flipped over the handle bars. Mosey to Grandma’s house. Her husbands name is Bob and he was a Marine for close to 30 years so 22 for the Vet’s. Over to my Great Uncle/Aunts house for more family stories and some zombie walks. Now for the hill on Faires Ave! This hill was terrible and we did it about 3 times. The third time we went to the former home of my Great Grandparents and Quiche requested we run the hill again. Mosey back to the cemetery to my family’s plot. Time to head back. Some PAX just love to run so they kept going while the rest of us stopped off for more exercises at the Baptist parking lot. Time.



Announcements- you know



It was a pleasure to lead this morning. Great group of rock pushers out there this morning. We would have hit a few more family members if we had time. Of course we would have to climb the hill on Julia! All in all we put in about 3.5 miles. The word on the street is some PAX didn’t think I had that kind of mileage in my Q set. Well ya know I’ve been around for a while and just might surprise you sometimes.



Service Ruck

As a part of the 40/50 day challenge I will be rucking for my service to others. This informational post is to invite you to do the same. Every Saturday that I’m able between now and Christmas I will be posting 1 hour before the main workout for an EC ruck. The service part comes in the form of what I will be carrying. I will be carrying food to donate. Hopefully 20-30 lbs or as much as I can fit. Can foods weigh different amounts and not all needs are canned food. I plan to bounce from Saturday to Saturday AO’s so please feel free to join me. If you would like to participate and I’m not going to be at the AO you are then please proceed anyway.  I will collect from you next time or you can donate to whomever you want. Right now I’m looking at donating to BREAD inc.  in Gastonia but this is also up for suggestions. Don’t have a ruck sack or bag? Well I have a sandbag we can fill up with food and carry together so come on out! I will start this Saturday at Folsom at 5:30. I will post on twitter and Slack where I’ll be after that. Come get your service ruck on!

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