Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Freight (Page 11 of 31)

7 Hard

10 Pax total at Old School this morning. 7 got in some run or ruck EC. Blart was late. It was noted that Belmont invaded Dallas this morning. Where my allegiance would fall was questioned.


does it matter?

The Thang:

I informed the PAX we were going to do a 7 minute circuit and since it was only 7 I wanted them to go hard. Well you know she said that! Exercises were squats, half burpee, reverse fly, and merkins. Do a round of 10 each. Then a round of 9 each and just keep working down from there. Once you’re done do a hollow body hold for the remainder. This turned out pretty good. On the track we did 7 minutes of run work. 2 minutes at 80% then a 30 second break. 1.5 minutes hard then a 30 second break. 1 minute working our way down to a final 30 seconds hard.
After  this it was time to hit the town. We moseyed over to the First Pres church and did some reps. We made our way through town stopping at churches and runnings through the exercises from the previous churches. All of which  spelled church.
C-Cdd’s x 10ic

H-Hallelujah Squats x 20

U-Up straddle hop x 30

R-Reverse crunch x 40

C-Chillcut Peter Parker x 50

H-Hand release merkin x 60

That last one hurt a bit and may have driven some PAX into the valley as they just refused to do it.
Getting low on time we made the hard push back to the AO.




Prayer Request-Roundup, SA’s family,


Churc Hill

4 PAX posted to Gashouse on Saturday. All the regulars were out running from one dam to another. Maybelline was one of the bootcampers and I don’t believe we had ever met so it was nice to get to know him.


We followed Tube’s lead on that

The Thang:

Lets mosey up to the front of Grier for route 66 WWI’s with a crabwalk from line to line.

Mosey over to Parkwood’s The Porch on Dixon for some seal jacks, LBC’s and Mtn climbers.

Mosey down to the track at Sherwood elementary and partner up. P1 does hangs from the bar while P2 runs across the field and back. Switch and do 3 rounds. We kept the same format for 6″ hold and planks.

We left Sherwood and headed down Dixon to “Churc” hill stoping at every pole on the left and right to do 1 burpee and every driveway on the left to do 5 jump squats.

We took a right on Churchill and followed it back to Garrison stopping at every pole for 5 hand release merkins and every driveway on the left for 1 set of jump lunges.

Back over to the corner of the Shielle we did several rounds of 1 minute wall sits and 30 wall taps. I think we threw in some Mike Tysons as well. This being the spot the Mike Tyson was introduced to F3 Gastonia by Carrier.

We finished up in the parking lot with some howling monkeys, ring of fire, and iron hulks. All being much easier when you only have 4 pax!


Tube lead the way to close us out.


All in all a good morning out. We did some work and had some good conversation along the way.

Get my drank on

8 total this Thursday at Midoriyama. A couple better than last Thursday. Why is our number on Thursday lower than Tuesday? Is it that the week is wearing on people so they stop posting? Are they posting in the morning? Evaluate why you are posting. Are you posting for yourself or your brother? Just some thoughts from someone that doesn’t matter.


Did some stretch/back work I saw on a runners world tweet. No I do not follow them because I am not a runner. It just showed up in my feed.

The Thang:

Mosey over to the parking lot for some ladders. The rep count on one side of the parking lot ascended 1-10 single digit at a time and on the other side descended from 20 to 0 by 2’s. Round 1 was Merkins and Squats doing a side shuffle in between. Round 2 was burpees and cdd’s with a high knee skip in between. It was supposed to be plank jacks but someone stole my paper hoping I would forget it had burpees on it. We took a slow mosey around the parking lot for recovery. Round 3 was jump lunges and mtn climbers with just a run in between. Mosey back to the turd shack. We set the timer on 1 minute intervals and did several rounds of wall sits and planks.


Prayer Request-Roundup, Gumby, Slaw as his daughter nears the age of 21,



Hendo Ruck

Errrbody that went on the retreat over the weekend headed out on a 8ish mile ruck hitting 4 of the local brewery’s Saturday . It was a sketchy start since the first .8 miles had now sidewalk and YHC wasn’t sure of the traffic on that road. Turns out it may be the busiest road around there! Latter in the day we talked to several people that noticed us and said something to the effect of “you’re the idiots we saw on the side of the road earlier”. Sketchy but we made it. I mean if there isn’t some risk taken are you even living? Bos set us up with some poker cards we used to create a hand as we went. Mayor ended up winning but had to use his winnings to pay down his debt. Rucking was done and beers were tasted.


5 PAX posted tonight at Midoriyama. 2 got some EC on the Mtn! I gave a Slaw a choice of wienkes. Leppard always says this is fake but I let him see there was indeed two. The other will be used next Thursday.

Warmup: it’s 5:30 you should be good by now!

The Thang: Mosey to the soccer fields for the Laredo WOD. 6 rounds of 24 squats, 24 merkins, 24 lunges(count one side), and run a lap. We headed back to the flag for 4 minutes of 30 second walk sits and 30 second lbc’s.


announcements-retreat tomorrow. Lots of races coming up. Slaw is considering the SMR if Leppard and SA will do it.

Prayer request-Gumby, Tooltime’s daughter, my girlfriend Cindy.

Comfort Crisis

Good size crowd at The Fighting Yank this Saturday morning. A few did some D2D training but I threw them in the BB anyway because they did the work! Good group for some EC as well. Despite some pretty good temps my hands got really cold during the ruck and it took until mid workout for me to get them warmed up. During the ruck when I complained Breaker started talking about the comfort crisis book and basically told me i was a wimp and my hands weren’t really cold.


SSH, Low slow squat, butt kickers, and high knees.

The Thang:

On airline st we lined up for some merkincides. Run to the first pole on the right, do 25 merkins, and run back. Rinse and repeat until you get to the 90deg curve(about 7 poles). Anytime you pass one of the three poles on the left you do a burpee.

That sucked, lets mosey. We stopped for a little core time. Some lbcs, flutters, and then added them together for LBFCs.

Over at the hill at Hawthorne we partnered up for some Dora 123. 100 hand release merkins, 200 lunges(count each), 300 flutter kicks(count one leg).  The run utilized the gravel trail through the natural area.

Up Hawthorne we stopped at each house for an over head clap. Adding one at each house(14 houses).

Mosey up Keener to Poplar. Orangeman mentioned it was unfortunate I was learning all the streets in Belmont.

Run Poplar back to Main. At each road opening do 5 squat jumps(6-7). At each power pole on the right do 10 seal jacks(around 12-14).

On our way back down Main we stopped at the church for some work. Howling monkeys, Ring of fire, 5 rounds of Captain America(1:4 ratio of burpee/lateral bunny hop).

Mosey back for the COT.


Announcements-retreat this coming weekend has room for more

Pledge-someone was very excited about getting to say the pledge


The last long one

4  PAX posted at Old School to log the last long run of half marathon training. I know what your thinking. Does this count as a post? Of course it does. There were 4 of us(where 2 or 3 gather), we were there for the start of EC, we put in the work, and we were there for the COT. What else do you want? I would have thought Dr Seuss would have given us credit in his BB but only gave us honorable mention. Do you disagree? Tough! The group was comprised of 2 former Nantans, a current Nantan, and a former 1st F Q. We are freed to lead :). Anyway it was beautiful morning and the run was pretty good to be so long! Enjoyed it men!


16 PAX posted to Members Only on Sunday morning. That’s a new record! We had ruckers and runners with mileage anywhere between 3 and 12. Rocks were pushed and we all made it back in one piece. Pilgrim brought out a neighbor who moved here from California and he was wearing a San Fran hat. You should’ve seen how happy Gavel got! We let him say his piece but it was inevitable that he was going to get the name Kaepernick. To be clear he said he wasn’t a fan of him. Most everyone stayed for the launch of Q-source at the new AO. We will be covering these topics inside over coffee starting around 7:30 so get back for the COT at 7:15.

Disruption-As leaders we must disrupt the status quo in order to move towards a new advantageous point. Otherwise we stay the same. Find something that will better and disrupt!


Announcements-Q School the 22nd following Gashouse, great out of town opportunity provided to us by our nantan in February(read his preblast)

Prayer Request-Tesla and Family, Gumby


I’d like to apologize to Sargento and Buidan. I’m sorry. I got carried away with my trash talking, as I am accustomed to do. It was nothing serious but it was uncalled for. As a result my word for this year has changed and I am currently working on putting some bricks in place to avoid it down the road. Just know that I mean nothing by it and I love you both. So to all my brothers if you are reading this and you catch me getting carried away with my words, not lifting someone up, then let me know.



EC Opportunity

9 Pax posted to Midoriyama Thursday night. 3 went out and got in some EC before. Seuss was not one of them. SA managed to become the local legend running to Lowell and back. That may be why he didn’t let Seuss know he would be doing EC. They used to be running partners. I don’t know what happened. Hate to see it.


SSH ic x 7 we had to stop because some people can’t seem to sink up with the Q. People don’t like to be called out like this and we all often do the same thing. I’m guilty. I get to talking and doing my own thing instead of following the Q’s lead. While it may not be that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things if we are developing leaders then we at least owe them the respect of following their lead. Also if you are in charge then take charge! Demand from the PAX that they follow you.

SSH ic x 10

Merkins ic x 10 now we’ve got some butt hurt people just refusing to follow my lead

Let’s roll

The Thang:

We headed up the road and circled around the long parking lot for a couple of rounds of some fartlek running. We picked up the pace for about half a lap then slowed it back down. We did this 3-4 laps then headed to the top of the parking lot at the soccer field. When I say we I mean some not all of the group. I could hear quite a bit of talking coming from back behind me and if the had picked the pace up like some of us did they would likely not been able to talk like that. Seuss was the only one that had permission to be talking due to his cardiovascular fitness.

At the top of the parking lot we partnered up for 11’s. Run around the island and do 10 burpees. Run back around to meet your partner for 1 booyah merkin. Continue on until reversed. I’ve done this one before and made the guys take turns carrying a block. This is a good one!

That eat up some time so when the batflippers finished up we called it and and moved on. From the top of the island to the curb, which about 2 parking spaces length, we did another round of 11’s. WWII’s, Ski burps, and duck walks back and forth. There was some grumbling and whining about knees when I said the duck walk. Of course before I could even say duck walk half the group of flippers had already taken off. Once again not following the Q’s lead. You know a good leader is also a good follower. During this exercise we had some good discussion about how SA just uses people over and over for his own personal growth but never gives back. This caused SA to lash out at #Hal. The long run this week may feel even longer!

I called for everyone to finish up where they were as we were running out of time. We took off running but Gavel being so very close to finishing refused to walk away without finishing it out. We circled back to get him then did a few more laps of fartlek run before heading back to the flag.


Announcments-lots of goof stuff coming from the new SLT. Leppard is not on the SLT this year if you didn’t know.  He seems a little sore about it. Watch your back Nantan!


Prayer Request-Gumby and his back issue

Neeked Moleskin:

I’ve said enough

Where three or more are gathered

Sundays are known to be the long run day around here. This past Sunday happened to fall the day after Christmas.  For a lot of reasons that is not a great day for a long run. Some of us are deep into half marathon training and others just run 10 miles every weekend so it was proposed to move the long run to Monday. All agreed but then there was some discussion if a backblast should be written since it was an unsanctioned workout. An unnamed future office holder didn’t think it should, however later he would request it to help him in his quest to reach 200 workouts. Sounds like a politician!  I politely informed him I would do what ever I wanted too. Not because I’m an a-hole, nantan emeritus, or PAX of the year but because I’m freed to lead.(narrator: sounds like someone is building a resume, also he says things like this just to get under peoples skin) It was once discussed doing the long run in Dallas due to traffic on the east side on a Monday morning. One canoe requested we do it anyway because it would help with his commute to Pineville. Of course then he didn’t show up because he has been down with the sickness(not covid per the test he didn’t take). We had about a 1 mile section where things got a little dicey but all in all it was fine. Hal made me run race pace which is very contradictory to his training plan. Of course we were chasing faster men so you’ll have that. I must say I really don’t like running this far but I do enjoy running with the men I’ve had the pleasure to do it with. We always have some good conversations and usually a good laugh.

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