Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Dr. Seuss (Page 3 of 14)

Character(s) at Crossroads

9 bike riders and 3 runners got together at Crossroads for cardio, fellowship, and our leadership lesson featuring General Eisenhower.

First of all, Happy Birthday to Mayor!

Slaw wins the award for best dressed; Haze..well..

Broke’s broken in my bike already. Looks like it finally has found its home.

Gearwrench wins the survival award for making it back alive despite a close clip.

Freight was doing some Father’s Day shopping for himself..just in case;)

Gumby tried for a free drink.

Wirenut seemed a little lost for words when Mayor suggested that he lead a Q Source.

Wik and I had great fellowship as we ran the Blart loop. Blart runs this consistently.


and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith—Phil. 3:9 

“God himself, through his Son’s atoning work, sets everything right between him and us by counting Christ’s righteousness to us – the actual righteousness of His Son.” 

Wik took us out!

So much to be thankful F3 guys are very much amongst them!



All That Folsom Has to Offer

7 HIMS joined YHC and pushed themselves today. Achey Breaky has been coming back out. He did great..despite the fear that he would splash merlo. He didn’t! Keep on pushing! Blue Print surprised me and came up from Mt Holly. I hope he wasn’t too disappointed that we stayed within the confines of the tennis court, and that some of the workout was a little familiar.

But, we explained that we had done Heartbreak Hill 5 times with Westside on Tuesday, that there is a field with a hill to slip on, hidden coupons, rocks to pick up, trails to blaze,  enough area to get in a good 4 mile run, restrooms to maintain. Gear Wrench said there were some guys there to fix a toilet already, then said it was on account of one of our guys..haha. Ball Joint wants to see if he can get the water turned on so that we can have a “Splash Pad” workout one day. I don’t know about that, as Gear Wrench expressed some concerns about pee on the pad. So, come back again Achy, Blue Print, and others that haven’t been to Folsom for awhile. It has a lot to offer; best of all, it has  guys to push, encourage, chide,  and “run” you!



10x IC Gravel Pickers

10x IC Hillbillies

10x IC Toy Soldiers



100 Werkins

200 Monkey humpers

300 LBCs

400 Flutters-count both legs

1 PAX member will execute as many reps as possible while PAX 2 sprints to cone 1 (or use a pole, tree, etc. for your point of turnaround), 1 Perfect-form Merkin, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 2, 2 Perfect-form Merkins, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 3, 3 Perfect-form Merkins, sprint back, switch with partner.

Del Brown: 10 Merkins then 25 yard Crab Walk then 10 Diamond Merkins then 25 yard Crab Walk then 10 Merkins. Repeato.

Four Corner Escalator: 10 SSH, 20 American Hammers, 30 CDDs, 40 Calf Raises

Harley Quinn’s: Suicides: 10 yards/10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 LBFCs, 30 CF, 40 LBFC, 50 CF

Elevens: Squats/Big Boys


Lunch 21st

Dad’s 17th Yank

Prayer Requests:

Jackson Hall 

Malley-child Pallbearer brought to our attention

Eli- Big Pappy’s boy- med mix up- observation


do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6‭-‬7 ESV

“The wonder of God’s grace in His Son is that we may be at much at peace with God as our Lord Jesus Christ himself is. As we experience His grace, we are able to pray, and to pray about everything. The exercise of prayer becomes then a path to peace of the deepest kind, a peace that passes understanding.”


Enjoyed it!


Not an FNG Anymore

4 Pax joined YHC at Mt Hollywood. I love coming to this site, and is nice to be able to get back! I would encourage more guys to post here on Mondays! These men put in some strong work! Nice to have a newer HIM, Choo Choo..glad he is back.


Warm Up: Gravel Pickers, Toy Soldiers, Plank Stretches


Bear CrawL 1-2-3 With partner: 1 crawls around while other does exercise:

100 Step Ups

150 Glute Bridge

200 Dips

Harley Quinns

Suicides: 10 yards/10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 LBFCs, 30 CF, 40 LBFC, 50 CF

Del Brown

10 Merkins then 25 yard Crab Walk then 10 Diamond Merkins then 25 yard Crab Walk then 10 Merkins. Repeato.

Jacked Up: SSH x 50 IC, Seal Jacks x 40, Plank Jacks x 30 OYO, Crossover

Jacks, Smurf Jacks x 10 OYO

Elevens: Squats/Big Boys

Announcements: See Newsletter



Friend of Anchorman

Friend of Seuss, looking to begin F3 


Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.   Isaiah 65:24 ESV

“God is the giving God. It is God’s character to give us the best gifts. He makes sure that help is always on its way, even before we call upon him for it. God’s comfort is significantly present tense. It is not simply that he has comforted us in the past, but He comforts.

Anchorman took us out.

Great to be back at Hollywood!


Minus 50

With the Annihilation, Vacations,  and Forest City Event, I knew the Old School crowd would probably be small. But these guys put in some good work today! Blart was happy for the core, Montross gave me form advice, since SA wasn’t there to do it. I gave some advice right back. Good, even number today for partner work! As we were doing the Name-0-rama, I discovered that no one was over 50 today, but me. Great to be able to participate with the younger generation..keeps ya young. Strong work as we ran around town!


Warm-Up: Gravel Pickers-x10, Toy Soldiers-x10, Plank Stretches


Route 66 -Burpees

Heartbreak 1-2-3: 100 CDDs, 200 LBCs, 300 Monkey Humpers

ALARM: Courthouse: 50 Shoulder Taps, 100 Calf Raises, 150 Dying Cockroach, 200 Russian Twist, 250 Moroccan Nightclubs

Del Brown: Named after saltwater fly fisherman who developed spectacular Merkin Crab fly. 10 Merkins then 25 yard Crab Walk then 10 Diamond Merkins then 25 yard Crab Walk then 10 Merkins. Repeato.

Harley Quinn Suicides: 10 yards/10 Crunchy Frogs, 20 LBFCs, 30 CF, 40 LBFC, 50 CF

Announcements: June lunch-Logan’s

Prayer Requests:

Jackson Hall

Stepson- Happy Trees

Mom- Wirenut


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.   2 Corinthians 1:2 ESV

“God’s grace and peace may be constantly renewed to us; and it is on a daily basis- moment by moment-that we require them. The more we daily enjoy God’s grace and peace, the more like Paul we respond in gratitude and put God at the center of our life.”

Thanks for letting me lead,



Giving Goose the Tour

7 pax took at tour of the Goat today. Nice work!


Warm Up: Don Q, Toy Soldiers, Plank Stretches


Partner Elevens: Across the Bridge with Booyah Merkin/Hand Release Merkins

Route 66: Squats at every lightpole

W.A.S.H: Werkins (50). American Hammers (100). SSH (150). Hip Thrusts (200). 

Core: Call and exercise while a pax goes around circle.

One lap around the site.


When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

John 19:30 ESV

“‘Tetelestai’ means it is finished, it stands finished, and it will always be finished! The debt is paid in full! When He gave himself on the cross, Jesus fully met the righteous demands of a holy law. He paid our debt in full. The Lamb of God shed His blood, and that blood can take away the sins of the world.”


Snooze-6/2 in Mcadenville at 6:45

Forest City activities-6/3

Annihilation at Yank-6/3



Kids on Summer Break

YHC took us out.

Always great to Q at the Goat!




Hyper-Vigilance at the Pub

12 Pax enjoyed fellowship, a cool morning and opportunities to either run or ruck.

We had to be hyper-vigilant as we dodged cars on what seemed to be a busy traffic morning; and Roscoe and I shared how we both seemed to have a feeling of PTSD as he ended his career and I ended a year of constantly being watchful, aware of everything going on around, and ‘on stage’.

Stroganoff was far ahead for about half of the run, just to suddenly appear beside us in the neighborhood. He got a little lost. Suddenly, Defib and Waterboy, who were also ahead, passed us going the opposite direction..having gotten a little turned around, and returned a little late..having done some hill repeats. (Wow, I wasn’t the lost one for once).

Great fellowship and laughs today..much needed.


Snooze begins in Mcadenville on 6/2 at 6:45 am

Special Guest Q at Folsom this Saturday, if you would like that option.


Termite’s boy


When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

John 19:30 ESV

“‘Tetelestai’ means it is finished, it stands finished, and it will always be finished! The debt is paid in full! When He gave himself on the cross, Jesus fully met the righteous demands of a holy law. He paid our debt in full. The Lamb of God shed His blood, and that blood can take away the sins of the world.”

Always great being out there; thanks for the opportunity to lead,



And Then There Were 3

Good showing at the Pub this morning. Ruckers outnumbered the Runners 8-3,  that is, after Termite returned as YHC was heading out on a possible search and rescue.  Maybe I wasn’t the best at giving directions; but it was a terrific morning to be out.


Lunch next Wednesday, April 19

Midoriyama Convergence, April 29 at 7am


Ratchet’s boy

Flintstone’s parents

Clavin’s M

Stroganoff’s boy taking FAA test


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” John 14:6‭-‬7 ESV

“There is only one way to the Father, one way to Salvation, that is Christ- not good works religion anything else. He talks about if you know Him, you know the Father. There are different levels of knowing: knowing a fact, understanding a truth behind the fact, having a relationship, having a deeper relationship and a deeper communion. The desire of every believer should be to know God better. We read and study the Word of God that we might know better the God of the Word.”

YHC took us out.

Great work, men!



Midoriyama Math

10 Pax + 1 later arrival came out to Midoriyama and pushed themselves. I appreciate you all being there, as it is Spring Break week, and many pax are out of town. We did have some issues with counting: A “count off” is 1,2,3.. not 1,1,1; the Q sets the pace during Gravel Pickers..guess I went too slow; and though I had the Febreze count down to a T, something, or somebody, went awry. Well, despite that, and some differences of opinion on Chic-fil-A and Reece’s Pieces(yuck), each man pushed himself. (Missed you, Mayor; we got up to 100 Air Presses in Febreze today).


Warm-up: Gravel Pickers, Plank Stretch, Toy Soldiers


1 PAX member will execute as many reps as possible while PAX 2 sprints to cone 1 (or use a pole, tree, etc. for your point of turnaround), 1 burpee, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 2, 2 burpees, sprint back to partner, touch, sprint to cone 3, 3 burpees, sprint back, switch with partner.

P1 starts with 100 HR Merkins  

Next, 200 LBCs

Finally, 300 SSH 


On your six, do 2 Big Boys. Remain upright after last BB and lift feet up 6″. Do 10 Air Presses.

ALARM: with partner: one pax does a lap or runs to end 

A- Dips x100

L-Squats x150

A-Flutter Kicks x200

R-Russian Twists x250

M-Mt. Climbers x300


April 19-Lunch

April 29-Midoriyama Convergence-7am


Gumby’s family

Ratchet, his boy and family


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

John 14:27 ESV

” People in the world walk by sight and depend on the externals, but Christians walk by faith and depend on the eternals. The Spirit of God teaches us the Word and guides us, not drags us, into the truth. He also reminds us of what he has taught us so that we can depend on God’s Word in difficult times of life. The Spirit uses the Word to give us his peace, his love, and his joy. If that does not calm a troubled heart, nothing will.”

Slaw brought water..and, I believe, a skillet challenge to YHC; brother despite his questionable tastes, took us out.

Thankful for you all,



M.A.N. in the Rain

6 HIMs joined me for a precarious weather morning at Tequilla Sunrise. I made a weinke which was weather friendly and could be Modified As Needed. We did get in some laps and a full-body workout. Febreze seems to be a real crowd-pleaser..haha.


Warm-up: Gravel Pickers, Plank Stretch, Toy Soldiers

Lazy Dora

P1 starts with 100 HR Merkins x20 while P2 planks, then switch. 

Next, while P1 does 200 LBCs, x40 P2 performs a 6″ leg hold until P1 is finished, then switch. 

Finally, P1 300 SSH x60 while P2 does Slide Plank, then switch.


On your six, do 2 Big Boy Situps. Remain upright after last BB and lift feet up 6″. Do 10 Air Presses…

Alarm1: oyo

A- Shoulder Taps x10 

L-Lunges x15 

A-Crunchy Frogs x20

R-Rocky Balboa’s x25

M-Merkins x30

Alarm 2: with partner: one pax does a lap  

A- Dips x100

L-Squats x150

A-Flutter Kicks x200

R-Russian Twists x250

M-Mt. Climbers x300

40’s: Dips/Derkins

that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:15‭-‬16 ESV 

This has really struck me that in these verses, Jesus is talking about himself. “Verse 15 says that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. Verse 16 is the most famous summary of The Gospel in the Bible. The purpose of giving his Son was to make God’s great gift of eternal life available to anyone to-whoever believes in him, that is, whoever personally trusts in him.”


22nd lunch

Community Foundation Run-April 1


Radar’s sister 


Tooth Fairy’s 2.0

Wirenut’s family

Ratchet’s 2.0 recovery from brain surgery

Tiger’s mom recovery

Termite’s brother cancer

Calvin’s M 

YHC took us out.

Thanks for your hard work, men!

No Fuss, No Muss

18 pax at Storm for a block Seuss. Thanks for coming out and putting forth all of the effort that you did. Plus, Broke said he had some fussy pax at Folsom today..none of that here!

Warm-up: SSH, Windmills, Plank Stretch


Round 1:

All pax partner up, and grab a coupon

100 Deadlifts – P1 does 10 Deadlifts. P2 does American Hammers. Flapjack.

200 LBCs – P1 does 20 LBC holding coupon high on chest. P2 holds legs 6″ off ground. Flapjack.

300 Chest Press – P1 does 30 with coupon. P2 does Flutters. Flapjack.

Round 2: Pr 1 does routine, Pr 2 runs a lap

100 Swings

150 High Pulls 

200 Merkins with feet on block

A round of Mary.


Viking Dash this Saturday

Extinction Run-next Saturday

Community Foundation Run-April 1

Prayer Requests:

Hayes family. Walker was a former student of mine; truly very sad.

Pax families: knee surgery, M’s, neighbor with cancer, 2.0’s


Remember your mercy, O Lord, and your steadfast love, for they have been from of old.

Psalm 25:6 ESV

” God’s character is faithfulness. He is trustworthy. He’s never broken a single promise. It’s this unwavering trust in God that takes that element of fear out of difficult situations. It’s that unwavering trust in God that takes away fear.”

Breaker took us out.

Thanks again for your hard work, camaraderie, dedication!

An honor to lead,



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