Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Dr. Seuss (Page 11 of 14)

Safety Third at Hollywood

10 HIMS came out on a cold, clear Monday morning and all came out in one piece. I think a few may have questioned that as we sprinted and nurred down the middle of the road.

Warm Up: 

Seal Jacks x 20 IC

Don Q x 10 IC

Peter Parkers x 10 IC



Mosey to Downtown 


Quarter Pounder: 

Sprint to the 25 yards and Do 25 merkins, Nur back to start

Sprint to the 50 and do 50 Squats, 

Sprint to the 75 and do 75 Mountain Climbers

Sprint to the hundred and do 100 SSH.


Route 66:

Hand Release Merkins at each pole.


Doc Ock’s Octagon of Pain (Modified)  Station 1 – Incline Merkins; Station 2 – LBC’s; Station 3 – CDD; Station 4 – American Hammers; Station 5 -DIPS; Station 6 – Lunges; Station 7 – Plank Jacks; Station 8 -Big Boys. Rinse and repeat adding 8 to each exercise each trip around the Octagon of Pain 8, 16, 24, 32 Take a lap after each set.



One-arm planks



1 Peter 1

13 Therefore, preparing your minds for action,[b] and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, 15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

18 knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. 20 He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you 21 who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.



Look into and sign up for races:

P200 Meeting Jan. 26

Rooster-Feb. 29

Spartan Race

Sign up for Q’s



Slaw’s health

Gumby’s Recovery

Lil Sweet Health

Red Ribbon’s child tonsillectomy



Broke took us out.

Thanks for your hard work!



Accelerating at Crossroads

13 Pax came out for Crossroads Run or Ruck. 13 for Q Source

These HIMS pushed themselves..and me!

Pizza Man paced me for 5 and encouraged me spiritually. We also got a Rooster roster about set.

Broke lost it at the college (glad you found the phone), but came through in leading the long run and in helping me navigate this camera-phone thing.

Gump joined us for hopefully the first of many of the long runs.

SA is a rock-pusher and an inspiration.

Freight held me accountable on my timing..and is accelerating spiritually and physically.

Passed Leppard going the opposite direction for 10 miles. Next time, come WITH.

Montross went the extra mile..or two..on his birthday!

Blart, Taterhole, Mayor, Big Pappy are consistent Rock Pushers.

Roadie and Gumby joined us for Q Source.

Leppard had to leave after taking us out.



Death of Freight’s coworker

Mayor’s sister-in-law-cancer

Praise for Purple Haze’s wife’s test results


Thankful for you guys!

Keep such thing as stagnating.


Keeping it Moving at Midoriyama

8 HIMS came out on a warm Winter evening for my second Midoriyama Q .


Mosey to far parking lot.

 Oscar Temores-

    • 8 Rounds: with a lap after each round:
    • 11 Hand Release Merkins
    • 30 Walking Lunges
    • 19 LBC’s



DMC Routines– Sprint to the 10 yard line, 5 Werkins, reverse NUR back to goal line. Repeat to the 20, 30, 40  yard lines increasing # of Werkins by 5.


Dominoes-Lineup, side plank, right hand high, each Pax 10 Merkins, go back, side plank, left hand high.


Mosey to next lot for Captain Thor-1 Big Boy/4 American Hammers up to 8/32 OYO


Mosey back to flag/curb.


Jacked Up

SSH x 50  

Seal Jacks x 40 

Plank Jacks x 30 

IC Smurf Jacks x 20 







Slaw’s health

Gumby’s recovery

Time Frame’s M’s recovery

Herme’s friend’s daughter




YHC took us out.


Truly an honor to lead!



“The Chase” at Crossroads

11 Pax for a Pre-Christmas Crossroads:

1 came in hot; 1 departed in silence (We missed ya, Goldigger)

1 Rucked (You were missed, Mayor and Freight)

10 Ran (2 of us chasing Broke)

10 for Q Source Review

Thanks for the participation, the push, the encouragement!




Pre-Christmas Calorie Buster

17 Pax rolled in for my VQ at Folsom. Great teamwork, camaraderie, mumblechatter!


Warm Up: 

Don Q x10

Morrocan Nightclubs x10



Mosey to flag for:

Growing Pains: 

30 LBCs– 4-count, I.C.

30 Big Boys I.C. 

Superman-4 count 30 seconds . 


Mosey across lot for: 


Grab a partner: One partner runs a lap while other performs:

Werkins (50). 

American Hammers (100). 

Squats (150).

Hillbillies (200).


Mosey to far building for:

Partner Forties:

I.C. with Partner:

30 Dips/10 Pattycake Merkins






Mosey to tennis court for:

Red Barchetta:

100 Yard Dash then 100 SSHs, run back to start point to plank/wait for six; 

75 yard dash then 75 mountain climbers, run back to start point to plank/wait for six;

50 yard dash then 50 LBCs, run back to start point to plank/wait for six; 

25 yard dash then 25 CDD’s, run back to start point to plank/wait for six;

10 yard dash then 10 burpees, run back to start point and plank/wait for six.


Triple Nickel:

Plank Jacks/Hand Release Merkins



Convergence, next Saturday, December 28, 7am, Gashouse; All other AO’s closed

Christmas Party, January 4



In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Matthew 5:16 ESV

This only in God’s power and minute by minute with future grace.

Consider the fact at Christmas, and each day throughout the year, that at salvation, “Jesus takes our sin, and we take His righteousness”. Jesus’ sacrifice and righteousness are the ultimate gifts, and these gifts are free; we don’t have to do anything to earn them.

This is the gospel — the good news that our sins are laid on Christ and his righteousness is laid on us, and that this great exchange becomes ours not by works but by faith alone. “By grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8–9). (John Piper, “The Great Exchange”)


Prayer Requests:

Volt’s Father- in- law

Solomon flu

Huck illness

People battling addiction

EZ Rider request

Medicine Woman as he is on the mend

Montross’ neighbor’s dad



Sparky took us out!

I’m thankful for you guys daily! Thanks for coming out!



Don’t be ALARMed!

8 Pax with a whole parking lot to ourselves, as then entrance was blocked off.


Warm Up: SSH, Goofballs, Peter Parkers



Mosey to gazebo

Alarm 1: oyo

A- Pull-ups x 5 

L-Lunges x 10 (Count one leg) 

A-Crunchy Frogs x 15

R-Rocky Balboa’s x 20

M-Merkins x 25


Alarm 2: with partner: one Pax does a lap; other performs the exercise; flapjack 

A- Dips x 100

L-Imperial Squat Walkers x 150

A-Flutter Kicks x 200 (Count one leg)

R-Russian Twists (American Hammers) x 250 (Count one side)

M-Mt. Climbers x 300 (Count one leg)


Mosey to Fire Station for Route 66: CDD’s at each pole

At the top, Dominoes: Left and Right Plank x10 Merkins 

Across the road in the church lot, Elevens LBC/ Hand Release Merkin

Mosey back to parking lot.



David Platt: “God has made a way of salvation for you! And the way is faith in Jesus! The way is not you working your way to God. The way is trusting in what God has done to make His way to you!”

Everyone pressed on and worked hard! The prior word reminds us that salvation is not something we have to, or can, work to achieve. It’s free, through Christ’s blood and by grace alone through faith alone.

Always an honor to lead such a great group of HIMS! Welcome Stinky Bird to your first time at The Goat. It’s great to have El Tigre as a regular; Sister Act back with us after a period away; Tophat pushing through; and Virus, Dirt and Time Frame giving their all!



Stop Soldier Suicide Speed for Need Event

It was a beautiful morning with perfect weather as 95 runners participated in this year’s Stop Soldier Suicide run. The course was set up in reverse of last year’s course.

14 F3 Members participated:

5 Pax ran Speed for Need

9 Pax ran either the 5K or 10K.

Pizza Man pushed an empty chair, which was kind of fitting as it could represent all of those who have served, or are currently serving, our country.

Bedpan’s uncle was our honored retired serviceman.

A little bit about this gentleman:

Terry Revels, Chief Petty Officer, Retired.

77 years of age

26 years military service: National Guard, Army, retired from Navy. 

1960 served with a recon unit in South Korea. Including 25 parachute jumps. 

Naval career: He served on several ships including: 

USS Belmont (a spy ship), 


Blue Ridge,



USS Saratoga (from which he retired as Air Traffic Control)

Bedpan said that he told him they followed France and watched them launch and drop their first Atomic Bomb. Said he was so close “He could see the flash”.  


We all share in thanking Retired Chief Petty Officer Revels for his service and for his willingness to participate in this year’s Stop Soldier Suicide Speed for Need Event!

Thanks also to Pizza Man for organizing and orchestrating the F3  Unit and to all who participated!



If Memory Serves Me

14 Pax, including 1 FNC newly named Gordon Ramsay, came out for a Tophat Q.

I didn’t realize that Tophat really doesn’t write Backblasts lol; so I am doing this by memory as I can’t find the notes I thought I took for this workout.

We did a series of squats,

we did Triple Nickle, I believe..I remember Moroccan Nightclubs-a favorite of our Q.

We got in 1.53 miles.

Nice work done by all!

Seuss (for Tophat)


Beginning and Ending

11 PAX showed up on a truly humid morning for a combination Birthday and handing over of the Site Q.


Warm-Up: 9/12/64 DOB

Imperial Squat Walkers x 9

Goofballs x 12

SSH x 64


Since Park was closed, Mosey to church lot for: 

Black Jack- Perform 1 Merkin – run to other sideline – perform 20 LBCs. Run back and do 2 Merkins. Run back for 19 LBCs. Repeat until you do 20 Merkins and 1 LBC, running between the sidelines. Always adds up to 21 – BLACK JACK!


Mosey to gazebo  for:

The W.A.S.H.– with partner

Werkins x 55..years of age

American Hammers x 100

Step-Ups x 150

Hillbillies x200

Partner runs a lap and flapjack

LBC’s x55 IC

Handing over of flag

Word:  Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Yes, we sharpen one another physically; but don’t forget to focus on the spiritual sharpening:

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace,
Ephesians 1:7 ESV

Announcements: Races: Bit of Hope, 9-11, Stop Soldier Suicide, JJ5K, Ragnar, Christmastown

Requests: Tophat friend’s surgery and his mom

Leppard’s wife

Clavin’s mom

Orangeman’s family member stroke and stress tests 

Name -o -rama

YHC took us out..after forgetting

Buckeye took the flag..after forgetting.

It has been a true blessing and honor to serve as Site Q at The Goat. It is really a great venue! And thanks to all of the pax for stepping up and Q’ing. I never had problems filling the Q schedule.

So, parting advise..step up and Q! If you don’t know where to begin, copy this Q..we did two things-Black Jack and W.A.S.H. and that burned about the whole workout..and probably some of our arms..haha.

So, come out and support Buckeye..shuffle or no one to whom I happily, yet with some sadness, hand over The Goat!



Here, There, and Everywhere

7 pax out for Labor Day weekend Q at Crossroads and Q Source on  “Candor”.

Broke took off..then Leppard was out of the gate, and I’m in the parking lot thinking I may have to run alone since my consistent running buddy is on retreat. Then Oopmah and Bedpan come in and ran together; I say I’ll run with Blart, but he hangs back to get his watch to sync; so I take off. Thankful when Pizzaman caught up to me and pulled me around Dallas.

Oompah left after the run, and Mayor joined us for Q Source.

We missed you, SA and Freight.. off on a retreat of his own to ponder a new decade. Happy Birthday!!

Prayer Requests:

Huck and his family

Dry Rub-Death of his step-mom

People traveling

Leppard took us out in prayer.

Thanks everyone for the participation!! Thankful for you all!



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