Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Dr. Seuss (Page 10 of 14)

Fake P200

9 Pax, with Broke and Goldigger on return from vacation, pushed themselves at Mt. Hollywood today.


Warm Up: IC x 10:Toy Soldiers, SSH, Don Q’s


Escalator-In school lot

10 Burpees, 


10 Burpees, 20 Dips IC 


10 Burpees, 20 Dips IC, 30 Flutters (Count Right Leg only)


10 Burpees, 20 Dips IC,  30 Flutters (Count Right Leg only), 40 Werkins


10 Burpees, 20 Dips IC, 30 Flutters (Count Right Leg only), 40 Werkins, 50 Big Boys

Mosey to top of Hill

“P200”- Three exercises that begin with “P” . YHC made this one up. Maybe we can add it to the new Exicon, but I think Freight is still waiting on “Wojo”. And, no Pillager, that does not mean you can skip the real P200. You need to be there.

Partner Nurs downhill, runs back while other partner continues 200 of each:

100 Pretzel Crunches-IC

200 Plank Jacks

200 Prisoner’s Squats

Triple Nickel in Rankin lot– CDDs/LBFCs

Mosey back to flag.


Word (which I forgot to share): Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Ground yourself in the Word, God’s truths and promises. Do not let the world and the media conform you to their ways and ways of your thinking. The Lord wants a relationship with You. Get with Him, get with each other, and let’s encourage and build one another up in God’s truths.


PT test this Saturday at Gashouse-7am. No regular Gashouse workout or Painlab. YAnk and Folsom will still be going.

Annhilation- the following Saturday at Yank-7 am. Regular Yank workout will still be taking place.

Getting organized for Oak Island Half or 10K in November.


S A daughter and family

Pillager’s aunt broke collar bone

Seuss’s dad cracked ribs

Name-o-rama: Thanks for the assist SA! Leppard and I will get this eventually. We were raised in the time of rotary phones and Kodak film cameras (I almost hate to reference that because it sounds old to many of you, but I still think of myself as in my 20’s or 30’s:}

YHC took us out.

Keep coming out, men! Don’t let the fartsack get ya..I am encouraged by you guys and am thankful for ya!

Seuss out (and Backblast in, Watts up..same day;)

Elimination vs Annihilation or Teacher vs Teacher

7 Pax pushed the rock at the first Annihilation with Gold Digger; 13 pax pushed the rock with YHC in what Purple Haze called “Elimination”. As there were two workouts at Folsom, I hope everyone felt they got a worthy beatdown. It was neat that the two Q’s are both teachers and that YHC got to, once again, lead one of his former students, Rabbit Ears. I have now gotten to workout with four of my former second graders; I am so glad they’ve joined F3, and I’m proud of each of them!! I’m also proud and thankful to lead such great HIMS!

Pledge- both Q’s


Mosey to tennis courts for Warm-up: 10 SSH IC, 10 Grass Pickers IC

Harley Quinn’s-Suicides on Tennis Court

Round 1:                                    Round 2:

10 yd- CDDs                              10 yd- Monkey Humpers

20 yd- LBCs                               20 yd- American Hammers (Count one side)

30 yd- CDDs                              30-MH

40 yd- LBCs                               40-AH

50 yd-CDDs                               50-MH

60 yd-LBCs                                60-AH

50 yd-CDDs                               50-MH

40 yd-LBCs                                40-AH

30 yd-CDDs                               30-MH

20 yd-LBCs                                20-AH

10 yd-CDDs                               10-MH


Mosey to front lot for:


10 burpees, 

1 Lap

10 burpees, 20 squats

1 Lap

10 burpees, 20 squats, 30 Crunchy Frogs

1 Lap

10 burpees, 20 squats, 30 Crunchy Frogs, 40 Werkins

1 Lap

10 burpees, 20 squats, 30 Crunchy Frogs, 40 Werkins, 50 Plank Jacks

Forties/Lindsays- In Front Lot on curb 30 DIPS/10 Merkins, 25/15, 20/20, 15/25, 10/30

Mosey to Flag


Gold Digger shared that he and Broke will have the opportunity to groom another Pax  starting in January. Congrats!!

Next Annihilation will be July 25 Pizza Man Q at Yank..along with regular workout

PT Test with Broke-see PreBlast

Prayer Requests:

T Square and his family

Sister Act and his family

Clavin’s M

Pizza Man’s M’s Uncle

Word: David Platt: “The christian life is a daily pleading for help and experience of help from GOD HIMSELF”. John 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. Phil 4:13 I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST who STRENGTHENS me.

Reach out to God, He knows we need His help and is there, so ask for His help and strength. And turn to each other. We are not in this alone. We often say “You vs. You” and that is true. But, I also look to you guys to push me, to help me accelerate. Turn to God, and to each other, to help you accelerate spiritually and emotionally.

Name O Rama

Leppard took us out

Great work everyone! We missed those who are on vacation or who “had to work”.  Orangeman, Welcome to Folsom!


Post-Father’s Day at Mt. Hollywood

2 Pax drove in + 2 Pax jogged in=4 Pax for Hollywood


Mosey to church..uphill

Quarter Pounder

Sprint 25 yards-25 Burpees-NUR back 

Sprint 50 squats-NUR back

Sprint 75-75 LBC’s-NUR back

Sprint 100-100 Plank Jacks-NUR back

7 of Diamonds

At each of 4 corners: 

Round 1– 7 Mike Tysons

Round 2-14 Flutters -In Cadence 

Round 3- 21 Merkins

Round 4- 28 Squats

Mosey back to school

Triple D:

Round 1:

Dips- In Cadence x10 

Dan Taylor- 1 Squat:2 Lunges, 2:4, 3:16, 4:8, 5:10

Dying Cockroach- In Cadence x10 

Round 2:

Dips- In Candence x15

Dan Taylor- 6 Squats:12 Lunges, 7:14, 8:16

Dying Cockroach- In Cadence x15 

Round 3:

Dips- In Cadence x20

Dan Taylor- 9 Squats:18 Lunges, 10:20

Dying Cockroach- In Cadence x20 

SA jogged around the parking lot for the even 2.50; Freon was too tired to jog much more..having had a rack o’ribs and sweet potato casserole on Father’s Day; Red Ribbon jogged off into the sunrise; YHC turned around and “drove” back to the school after forgetting the flag.


Annihilation begins this Saturday at Folsom with Goldigger taking the first Q.

Prayer Requests:

SA’s daughter and family


YHC took us out.

Thankful for this small, but terrific group of HIMS pushing themselves despite fatigue and maybe a little overindulgence!





Fast Paces at The Pub



Good crowd of HIMS at The Pub today for the ” Up-around-Snowballs and Back” run .

YHC couldn’t catch Diva, who commented that he ran a sub-seven. No wonder.

Stroganoff said it was one of his best.

Sargento ran a 7.37, which, he said, was the fastest he’d done in a while!

Broke said he wasn’t going to run all five, but he his new Saucony’s..and Breaker thanked him for the push!

JJ, Roscoe, Leppard, Defib, Oompah are all an inspiration!

(Hushpuppy citing, see Watts Up’s  2+1 Backblast)


First Annihilation- June 27 at Folsom-Goldigger Q

Coconut Horse-back to normal meeting this Sunday



SA family and daughter

Jennifer Davis’ husband’s death

Prayer: JJ took us out.


Always great to catch up at Pub with guys I don’t see as often..good camaraderie!




Team Momentum-Ville to Ville

A great time was had by all on Team Momentum! Round Up, Slaw, Love Boat, Gumby all expressed their excitement about being part of this relay. Their ability to push themselves, especially in the extreme afternoon heat, was truly impressive!

Round Up- Excited, quick, terrific attitude!

Slaw-His acceleration to the pace he’s at! Thanks for driving and for the humor!

Gumby-Wow! Super-consistent and has come back in a big way!

Love Boat-Truly embraced the whole experience and held his own..especially at the end!! Terrific work!

Seuss-Well, I accomplished at least one goal;) (I can just hear the Jaws theme in my head) and had a great time in the process!

Thanks so much to all Gashouse F3 for being a part of this! It was great to do another group race! Looking forward to more.


It’s all Up Hill from Here

10 Pax worked our way up and down the hill at Midoriyama on this hot, but rain-free evening. I knew we would be doing hill work, so the options were: a smaller hill in the sun or a steeper hill in the shade. We went with option 2 and still worked up a sweat. Freight said he should have tapered..I’m glad he didn’t. Wet Nutz invited me to the Yank Saturday for a real beatdown, then told me his agenda…I’m glad to have an excuse. Having said that, with Ville to Ville on Saturday the AO’s may be light, so go support a workout if you’re not running!


Warm Up: 10 SSH, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Cotton Pickers

Mosey to a far, but shaded, hill.

Round 1:

Bottom: 10 CDDs

Middle: 10 LBCs

Top: Low Slow Squats

Run to Bottom: Repeato x15, Repeato x 20


After Round 1:

10 Plank Jacks

10 Peter Parkers

10 Burpees


Round 2:

Bottom: 10 Merkins

Middle: 10 Big Boys

Top: 10 Bobby Hurleys

Run to Bottom: Repeato x15, Repeato x 20


After Round 2:

10 Plank Jacks

10 Peter Parkers

10 Burpees


Round 3:

Bottom: 10” Werkins

Middle: 10: American Hammers 

Top: 10 Lunges 

Run to Bottom: Repeato x15, Repeato x 20


After Round 3:

10 Plank Jacks

10 Peter Parkers

10 Burpees


Round 4:

Bottom: 10 Diamond Merkins

Middle: 10: Dying Cockroaches 

Top: 10 Little Gumbys 

Run to Bottom: Repeato x15, Repeato x 20


Round of Mary

Mosey back to flag. Freight picked up the six.



Ville to Ville

Q’s available for the taking


Verse: Gal. 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

So many Pax are going through some things at this time, let’s truly pray for, and support, them.


Prayer Requests:

Sister Act’s daughter and family

Wojo’s Mom

Goldigger’s  Grandpa

Mayor’s M

Leppard’s boy

Clavin’s M

Freight took us out!

Thankful for you guys!


ABCs or What a Nice Breeze!

No storm at the Storm this morning as 9 Pax  came out ready to work. YHC had a plan for rain or no rain. It didn’t answer to prayer.

Warm-Up: Cotton Pickers, SSH

Mosey to front of school for ALARM (Arm, Leg, Ab, R, M):

From the Exicon: An exercise group of movements performed in successive fashion without rest; generally these are performed in multiples (e.g. ALARM 1 = Shoulder Press, Lunge, LBC, Run, Merkin). Notice the A, L, A exercises don’t have to begin with the letters A,L,A..just to clarify to pax who thought otherwise. Better I provide the clarification; you don’t want Freight on ya about it. He knows his Exicon front and back. Believe me, I know..yikes!


A-5 Burpees

L-10 Lunge

A-15 LBC

R-20 Rocky Balboas

M-25 Merkins




L-10 Monkey Humpers

A-15 Big Boys

R-20 Russian Twists

M-25 Mt Climbers



A-5 Derkins

L-10 Step ups

A-15 Crunchy Frogs

R-20 Reverse Crunch

M-25 Monkey Crunches  


Mosey to parking lot for:


 At each pole:

10 CDD

10,20 Squats

10,20,30 LBC

10,20,30,40 Plank Jacks

10,20,30,40,50 Flutters

50,40,30,20,10 Flutters

40,30,20,10 Plank Jacks

30,20,10 LBC

20,10 Squats

10 CDD


Doras around lot beside bleachers:

 One Pax runs, then switch until 100 Merkins

 One Pax runs, then switch until 200 LBCs

 One Pax runs, then switch until Calf Raises until 300 Calf Raises 



Mike Tyson’s/Star Jacks


Mary: Sargento called an “A” exercise: Alternating Shoulder Taps

SA sneaked in some Burpees


Word: Tozer.. Knowledge of the Holy “God never changes moods or cools off in His affections or loses enthusiasm “..”no unsuspected weakness in our characters can come to light to turn God away from us, since He knew us utterly before we knew Him and called us to Himself in the full knowledge of everything that was against us.”



Ville to Ville

Breaker’s son’s wedding



Sister Act’s family

Clavin’s wife




Dirt took us out.

So ends my three-day Q streak. No talk of hair today, but the welcome breeze was duly noted, as was an alleged Q fail;)

Thankful for you guys!


It’s All About the Hair

9 PAX came out to Hollywood as YHC substituted for Goldigger who is out of town. But, no worries, he’ll be back strong to Q at the Goat this week.

Much discussion around hair today: Pillager beat Sargento for “Best Bedhead”; Slaw crossing state lines today for cut; Tesla will do the same tomorrow, hoping his barber shows; Broke told me prior that he thought he would just keep his beard; Freon and SA, both neat and trim; Gump, we’re just glad you’re here, otherwise he kept his hair hidden; Dirt still looks like Spencer Tracy. YHC, well if it wouldn’t have been for a friend with a set of clippers, I considered-for two seconds- a trip to SA’s garage.

Now, down to business:

Warm-up: Don Q, High Knees/Butt Kicks, Moroccan Nightclubs


Mosey across street for 5 Rounds of: Stimulus Travel WOD 12

5 Lunges 

10 Merkins

15 Lunges

20 LBC


Mosey to top of hill beside school for: Red Barchetta:

100 yards: 100 SSH

75 yards: 75 Mt Climbers

50 yards: 50 LBC

25 yards: 25 CDD

10 yards: 10 Burpees


Mosey back to school parking lot for: 40’s

30 DIPS/10 Reverse Crunches

25 DIPS/15 Reverse Crunches

20 DIPS/20 Reverse Crunches

15 DIPS/25 Reverse Crunches

10 DIPS/30 Reverse Crunches


Line up along curb for:

Dominoes-Left hands high,1st pax 10 Merkins and holds plank

Hands of time-on six, all legs at 90 degrees, pax does 5 flutters, drops legs to 10 degrees until last pax counts

Dominoes-Right hands high, last pax 10 Merkins and holds plank


Across the lot for: Elevens (Abbreviated and Omaha’d for time)

Mike Tysons/Star Jacks



Ville to Ville



Leppard’s son

SA’s daughter

Each other



Thanks, Goldigger, for letting me pinch-hit..great time!



Adventures at Crossroads

14 HIMS ran, biked, or rucked Crossroads today! Tour Guide Freight lead his bikers around town; Hacksaw rucked; many ran(some from the neighborhood dog) and trained for the upcoming Ville to Ville. Great to see all of you guys!!

8 at Sparky’s for Q Source on IMPACT.  Remember, reach out to other guys you hadn’t seen since we started back. It’s great to see some FNGs this week, as well as some Kotters..come back..stick with it!

Thankful for all of you,


Titus 3:14..And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not to be unfruitful.

Verse at Q Source today..again, in Christ’s power and for His glory.

Boy, Oh, Boy!

16 HIMS came out to the Storm for a few Big Boys and a little humor due to the camera skills-or lack thereof- of YHC. Boy, Oh, Boy!



Black Jack- Perform 1 CDD – run to other sideline – perform 20 BB’s. Run back and do 2 CDD’s. Run back for 19 BB’s. Repeat until you do 20 CDD and 1 BB, running between the sidelines. Always adds up to 21 – BLACK JACK!

Heartbreak 1, 2, 3s- up hill

Teams of 2 pax working together to reach cumulative exercise goals of 100, 200, and 300 reps. Pax 1 executes as many reps as possible while Pax 2 sprints 100 yards uphill and back. Flapjack until team goal is reached. Exercises are a top-to-bottom of body progression, i,e, 100 werkins per team (chest), 200 LBCs per team (core), 300 Mt Climbers per team (legs).

Mosey to school for: Escalator 

25 Dips, 25 Step-ups, 25 Flutters, 25 Shoulder Taps, 25 SSH- oyo


50x of each oyo






Boudin’s brother’s back/health issues

Orangeman: Mom’s heart surgery recovery



God know our insecurities. He know what we need exactly when we need it. He cares for us today; have faith in Him for grace tomorrow.

Lam. 3:22-23

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;

    his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;

    great is your faithfulness.


YHC took us out!


Always an honor,



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