Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Dolph_Gashouse (Page 3 of 7)

Burpeethon Training

7 #HIM enjoyed the Burpeethon training.  YHc was planning to go with BlockBuster and had nothing planned and Mayor made the call for no BlockBuster, sooo.

Warm Up; All x 15 IC

SSH, Mericans, Imperial Walkers, LBC’s

The Thang;

Mosey 1 mile cicle up at the weight room in the parking lot.  YHC thought with the BurpeeThon coming up we could use some training.  The parking lot is approx 100 yds with three islands. Island 1 perform 5 mericans, run to 2nd island perform 5 squats, run to 3rd island perform 5 burpees, sprint back and plank for the six.  Once all pax are in run a lap around the school, .25 mile.  Meet back at the start 30 flutterkicks IC and repeat exercises with 10 reps each island, plank for six, run lap around school.  30 FreddieMercury IC.  Repeat exercises for 15 reps at each island.  Plank for the six.  Stroll to the weight room wall and perform 10 Hip Slappers IC, run 200 yds.  Repeato.  Mosey to the flag for the pledge.

Moleskin; We covered 3 miles with plenty of burpee training.  Not much chatter at all this morning.  YHC will keep this one in the memory bank as well.  Nice work by all this morning.  Nice to see the push given by all this am, and the will to keep going.  #ISI #DFQ.  It was an honor men.

Thanks for taking us out Mayor. Continue reading

Spec’s VQ

7 #HIM showed up for the Spec VQ.  No disclaimer, all veterans present. Pledge.

Warmup; SSH x 10 IC, LBC’s x 10 IC, Morracon Night Clubs x 10 IC

Mosey to the Rec Center; Burp/ Mercs up to 10, Partner up for 1 min Dips and LBC’s for 2 rounds.  Mosey down stairs and box jump up the concrete bleachers, rinse and repeat.  Wall sit while one pax runs to top of stairs and back then the next man goes.  Wall sits, planks, and SSH were done until all Pax complete one round.  Hand off to YHC.  Pax gather at Rec center partking lot for 11’s with squats and CDD’s.  Mosey back to gazebo for one round of the Vern.  10 pull ups, run one lap around the grassy area.   Back at the gazebo 20 dips, run another lap.  25 mericans single count and 30 LBC’s.  Mosey back to start for COT.


BOM; Spec took us out

Moleskin; Spec nice job this morning sir.  Keep up the good work.  Nice push this morning men.  Took a little while but we did get the mumble chatter going.  We seemed to make it without waking any of the locals this morning.

Folsom Vern

YHC was thinking last night what to bring out to Folsom, then the Vern hit me. There were 2 in gloom when I arrived and 2 more showed up. There was short warm up and then the directions for the vern were given.

The Vern
Start at the play ground area.
10 pullups run 200 yrd
20 dips run 200 yrd
25 merican run 200 yrd
30 lbc’s
Repeat 5 times

The Q had a little trouble with the Imperial Walkers during the warm up and chose to stop and start over. Cadenece was a little off. The Vern is always a good one, this time was no different. It didn’t take long for the Pax and Q to get the sweat rolling. The Pax figured out pretty quick what was coming next after the first 2 rounds. Not to much mumble chatter, just knowing what was next seem to keep it at ease. Strong work by all. TClaps to Huck, well done sir.

Prayer requests, Announcements, Namorama
It was an honor to lead you men. #DRP
Thanks Huck for taking us out.

Coupons with a Circuit or 2

YHC showed a little before go time to place the COUPONS this morning. Mayor helped out with the sandbag and got caught dumping out sand by TinyTank. The tire was placed where most of the Pax would see it on the way in and get them excited or scared. No one seemed to comment either way. Oh well. 5:30 struck and we got started after Tophat tied his shoes.

No Warmup

Thang; Mosey to entrance gate at the Football field for 10 tire flips each pax and other pax perform Circuit of 5 burpees, 10 mericans, 20 SSH, 30 LBC’s, 40 Flutter kicks. All pax repeat circuit until each Pax flipped the tire. Mosey approx. 1/4 mile to 55lb Kettle bell for 10 curls each pax and rest of pax performing the same circuit. Once complete mosey 1/4 mile to 7′ log for 10 over head press by each pax while others performed the circuit. Mosey again to the sandbag for bearcrawl bag drags; out 5 and back 5, while others performed the circuit. Next Round was for speed, with time running out we modified to 5 reps at each station and had to skip the 2nd round of bear crawl bag drag. We almost had 1.5 miles. #DRP

Moleskin; This one still needs some tweaking but YHC will get it honed in. Next run will bust Pax into groups of 4 to 5. Not to much mumble chatter until the Pax were on the second round of the circuit while everyone flipped the tire. Once off to the kettle bell the chatter was constant. Tiny Tank called the Mayor out for taking his gloves off at the Log OHP, nicely done TT. The Mayor came back with the Tuna 200 call out and it led to Wheezy being called out to run the Tuna as well. The stations may or may not have been Too Far Apart. There were some sweat imprints left by all at each station as we performed the circuit. Constant moving is the main goal. Great work by all Pax.


COT; Namorama, Announcements, Prayer requests

BOM; TopHat took us out.

Men, the 3rdF that Roscoe shared with us on Saturday hit me pretty hard. Helping the fellow man. Each one of us has been one or the other of these 2 men or both. Helper or Helpee. It doesn’t take that much time or effort to be the Helper. I challenge us all to be the HELPER. As always it was an Honor to lead you men.


7 Pax took a red pill this am at the Goat. We started with the Pledge and skipped the warmup. Train = 5 Burpees

Run 1/2 mile
6 exercises x 10 IC all with Block
Run 1/2 mile; Train = 5 Burpees
6 exercises x 10 IC all with Block
Run 1/2 mile
6 exercises x 10 IC all with Block; 5 burpees after each exercise
Run 1/2 mile

Exercises were curls, squats, overhead press, good mornings, tricep extensions, front raise

Moleskin; Wheezy was the first to show this am and YHC was wandering if any other Pax were going to show, with 2 minutes we had 6 and Tophat made it about right after we left the flag. Prep last nigth didn’t take long as I thought about the BlockBuster, definitely one of my favorites. While skipping the watmup allowed enough time to possibly try for four rounds, YHC opted for 5 burpees after each exercise on the final round of exercises. Will remember this one. Strong work by all. We only had 2 casualties, but there were several other blocks in the back of the truck. We finished up with Mary; Rosalita, LBC’s, mountain climbers, Windshield Wipers, Plank Jack, 1 Min Plank, Dips. #DRP! Strong work brothers. It was a pleasure to lead you men.

Cot; Announcements, Prayer Requests; T-Square, Brownstreak, each other, graduates, each other.

BOM; Anthrax took us out.

Gashouse MURPH

The Gashouse Pax met up at Pelicans because the park gates were still closed. Several Pax were already getting loose when YHC arrived. Last year was a little later and we were able to park at the playground. This year we just started our mile run from the frozen snowcone parking lot.

The Murph is a special workout for YHC, never been in the military but have the utmost RESPECT for all that have served and are serving. Without these men and women we wouldn’t be able to enjoy our lives as we do. YHC gave a small intro and thanked the Veterans that were present. Whoppie mentioned he had something to say but left it in the car, so we would catch it when we got back.

The Pledge

No Warmup

Run 1 mile
100 Pull Ups
200 Mericans
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile


Moleskin; Umpa Loompa thanks for the count on 22 mericans brother; Nice work by all Pax; Tool Time, thanks for motivation brother, always a pleasure to post with you sir. Pizza Man, nice work brother. Thanks to Mayor for sharing the story of Nic Obrien, awesome. Men, it was an honor to lead you today. Thanks for oppurtunity. Remeber those today! #America

COT; Anouncements; Prayer Requests; Whoopee shared some Michael Murphy history, Thanks brother. Namorama and naming of FNG, Jobu’s 2.0, strong work Wildthing. No better work out to start with.

BOM; Thanks Hushpuppy for taking us out!!

Folsom Coupons

As YHC was placing the coupons, (280 lb Tire, 75 lb log 7′ long, and 55 lb KB) Huckleberry caught me and had an idea of what was to come. As we chatted and caught up others rolled in. There was a train but it was too early. Freight had caused some horn blowing on his way in, which we thought may have been another train. Hank asked Huckleberry where he could find a good masseuse. With 2 minutes to spare Sparky and Garfield made their way in.

Warm Up; SSH x 15 IC, Don Quixote x 15 IC, Mericans x 10 IC, Toy Soldiers x 15 IC.


The Thang; With the coupons already placed approx. 1/4 mile apart from each other we got started. First station was curls with KB, 10 OYO. While one pax performed the exercise the other pax were instructed that while they wait, the following were to be performed. 5 Burpees, 10 mericans, 20 SSH, 30 LBC’s, 40 Flutter Kicks until every one had completed the station exercise. If you finish round of exercises plank up or repeat exercises, good thought Bulldog. Once all pax completed their curls we moseyed to the next station for 10 tire flips and pax waiting performed the above exercises. Most all pax got in at least 2 rounds of the exercises for this one, thank Bulldog for the idea. Once complete with station 2 it was on to station 3. 10 overhead shoulder presses with the 7′ long 75 lb log, which was a little bit of a challenge. About an 8″ diameter log with no handles is a task to balance and get started. If needed squat press with one end on the ground. Pax waiting performed the exercises. Once complete with station 3 we moseyed back to station 1 for rinse and repeat. Good work men.

Moleskin; Thank goodness Freight made the last minute correction on the way in and dodged a near head on collision. Hank I hope your lower back feels a little better now and there is no charge for the massage given courtesy of the coupons. Huckleberry nice work brother, keep up the good work. Bulldog thanks for the push this morning brother. Sparky had the log overhead and pressing with ease until he and Freight started talking about Donald Trump hands. Freight you broke his concentration. Hope you men enjoyed it. YHC will bypass the warmup next time and try for 3 rounds. As always, it was a honor and pleasure to lead you men. Thanks for invite Huck. #ISI, #DRP

COT; Announcements, Prayer requests

BOM; Sparky took us out.


4 #HIM showed for the Mayor inspired leg routine. The Mayor called in sick so YHC picked it up. The workout was already written and we took off.
Warmup; SSH x 15 IC, Toysoldiers x 15 IC, DonQuixote x 15 IC.


We moseyed to the steps of the VFW and read through the workout.
Partner up for Dora 123.
Exercises are the side lunge, the lunge and the low slow squat. The running will be the sidewalk around the gazebo.
Second Dora, Bobby Hurley, calf raises and mountain climbers. 
Next was the triple nickel. One side bridge windshield wipers, other side crunchy frogs. 

This was an awesome leg workout no doubt and I think we will it for a couple of days. Thanks for the push men. As Anthrax put it “The Mayor better have his tale out here the next time he has an idea like this.”

Announcement, prayers, nameorama, bom.

Nice work today men.

Thanks Anthrax for taking us out.

Monster Mile

7 Pax in the Gloom to start today. 2 showed up while we were 2 sets into the warmup. ShortSale and Westpoint you still owe 19 Burpees.

Warmup; 10 burpees, next exercise is 9 burpees; disclaimer for FNG. Welcome Westpoint glad you’re here. Next exercise is 8 burpees, next exercise is 7 burpees and you get the idea down to 2, on the last set which should have been 1 YHC called 10 burpees. Definitely heard some trains through this so I think we are caught up. AYE. Nice work men. Thanks OBT, appreciate you sharing this one.


Mosey to the football field and stopped at the bottom of the ramp for 15 Donkey Kicks IC. Continue to track for the MONSTER MILE. Run track, when you come to the home side bleachers hit the all the stairs (up and down same flight split by handrail) and continue lap, repeat for 4 laps. We had another train on the second lap in the middle of the stairs- 5 burpees- Strong work by all. YHC told Pax to plank it up at the goal line when complete for the six. Next pax were asked to partner up and fireman carry to the 20, switch positions to the 40. Bring it back with wheelbarrows. Circle up at endzone for SSH x 15 IC, Mericans x 15 IC, and WW1 x 12 OYO. Pax line up on goal line for 50 yd sprint. Mayor let out a “somebody cut him”. #DRP for all!!! Run back to shovel flag. Time.

Moleskin; Shadrap made the trip down to the Rock for their 3 year convergence and knew pretty quick what the warmup was, nice to have you back out brother. All pax enjoyed this warmup, think it will stick. The monster mile proves to be a challenge for sure. This definitely felt like hitting a wall. Thanks for push ShortSale. All pax pushed hard and got it done. Then the partner work we were at 9 and a fight almost broke out between Tophat and Mayor, but the Mayor lost and Tophat bear crawled and lunged. Way to push it Tophat, #TClaps. Couple of warmup exercises to keep things moving, then finished with an all out 50 yrd sprint. Westpoint got some wheels. We put in 2.25 miles, #DRP. Thanks for oppurtunity to lead you men, #ISI.

COT; Announcements, Prayer requests, Naming of FNG Westpoint. Namorama

BOM; TopHat, thanks for taking us out.


6 HIM showed up and beat the fartsack this am. Stretch and listen to the trains go by. 5:30 Let’s go.


Warm Up;
SSH x 10 IC
TS x 10 IC
Archer Mericans x 10 OYO
Squats x 10 IC
Burpees x 10 OYO

The Thang;
Mosey 1 Lap around the central grass area. Meet up at bottom of hill near bridge for the first round of 11’s. 10 burpees at the bottom of the hill, run to top of hill approx. 50 yds and 1 CDD. You know how the rest goes. About half way through someone says any AHole can call 100 burpees. AYE! Next was another lap around the grass area and meet at the gazebo for round 2 of 11’s. 10 pullups at gazebo, run to top of grass hill to the park benchs and 1 dip, repeat until done. Very little mumble chatter. Meet back at the gathering spot and circle up for Pax Mary. YHC 25 LBC’S IC, Mayor 10 Wipers OYO, TopHat Russian Twist x 15 IC, Juicebox Flutterkicks x 15 IC, Thrax Mountain Climbers x 15 IC, Madoff Spiderman Mericans x 10 OYO. Time

BOM; Announcements; Prayer Requests, our brothers on IR, T Square and M, each other.


Moleskin; Tough workout this am. Nice work men, not a lot of mumble chatter other than Mayor trying to beat up on the Q. TClaps to Madoff for pushing it hard this am. Strong work by all pax. #DFQ

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