Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Dirt (Page 8 of 8)

Anniversary Q – 5/4/19 @ The Yank

We had 13 PAX for this workout but due to a Q fail, I didn’t get everyone’s name.  Sorry to those I didn’t list above.   Let me know if you were there and not listed and I’ll add you to the list.  SORRY.

My first F3 workout was on the first Saturday in May of 2018.  I was horribly out of shape.  I am indebted to all of the PAX who have led the workouts and encouraged me throughout the past 12 months.   I once again have confidence in my physical abilities due to these great workouts!  Thank you for your friendship.  Life is Good.




Mosey to the top of the pit

Goofballs x 25 IC

Monkey Humpers x 25 IC

Don Q’s x 25 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs x 41 IC

Mosey to Hawthorne Hill

1st Lap – 10 Merkins at each marker – Mosey to start

2nd Lap – 25 LBC’s at each marker – Mosey to start

3rd Lap – 30 Squats at each marker – Mosey to start

Rinse and repeat


Mosey to the field of Dreams

Bear way to Heaven –    Bear Crawl 10 yds 10 Burpees – Mosey back to start

Bear Crawl 20 yds 8 Burpees – Mosey back to start

Bear Crawl 30 yds 6 Burpees – Mosey back to start

Bear Crawl 40 yds 4 Burpees – Mosey back to start

Bear Crawl 50 yds 2 Burpees – Mosey back to start


Time is running short so I gave the PAX the choice between Triple Nickles or Ab Lab.  They chose Ab Lab so Mosey to the Pad

Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercs, LBCs, American Hammers, Big Boy Sit Ups – all x 20

Jump Lunges x 10 – run to the top of stairs and back

Mosey to the Stairs for Calf Raises x 50



I hope everyone got their monies worth.

Dirt is out

STORM 1/15/19

10 Pax showed up to workout at the Storm on a rather cool Tuesday morning.  Dr. Seuss and Roscoe ran while the rest of us enjoyed the boot camp workout.  Welcome to Pit Boss from Charlotte.  I hope you come back often to work out with us.



Warm up

Seal Jack x 25 (IC)

Peter Parker x 20 (IC)

Copperhead Squat x 26 (IC)


Mosey to the school

Run around the practice field stopping at:

1st corner             Burpee x 5

2nd corner            Dips x 20

3rd corner            Jump Squat x 20

4th corner             Flutter Kick x 20 each leg

Rinse and repeat x 5


4 Corner Merkins

1st corner             12 Merkins

2nd corner            11 Merkins

3rd corner            10 Merkins

4th corner             9 Merkins

Continue until finished


Partner up for AB Lab

Partner 1 runs to the garbage can and back while partner 2 AMRAP’s the following then flap jack:


Flutter Kicks



Freddie Mercury’s


Lunge to the garbage can

Mosey to the Flag

Mary – Any Exercise

JoBoo    Imperial Walkers x 15 (IC)

Gilligan 4×4 Burper x 3 OYO


Q took us out with prayer

Thanks for pushing today gentlemen.  It was a pleasure to lead you.

Dirt is OUT!

Saturday at the Yank

A beautiful cool morning at the Fighting Yank brought out 14 men including one FNG for a fine workout. Welcome FNG Bill McInerney. I hope to see you again next week! Thanks to Tiger for getting him out to the workout.

Short disclosure and review of the F3 Principles for the FNG.


Warm up:

Moroccan Night Clubs (IC) x 31

Planks Jacks (IC) x 20

Mosey to the corner across from the clock where the webcam is. Hopefully someone was watching as we did Goof Balls and Monkey Humpers in cadence. Of course our six was facing the camera.

Mosey to the corner of Catawba and Glenway. Instruct PAX to Mosey to Park St, stopping at each pole and do 5 merkins. Return doing 5 squats at each pole. Heard someone say Quiche was twerking at each pole. Glad I missed that sight. Plank for the six.

Mosey to parking lot were Glenway does a 90 degree turn. Q fail here for picking a lot with lots of trash. Sorry guys. Circle up and count off. (Another Q fail for not instructing Pax to count off but count by 3’s)

AMRAP – LBC’s, flutter kicks, windshield wipers, rosalita’s, leg lifts and Freddie Mercury’s while each PAX runs the circle in duck-duck-goose fashion.

Mosey to the picnic shelter. Dips (IC) x20, Bulgarian toe touch x (IC) 15, inclined merkin w/reverse grip x10 OYO. Rinse and repeat x 3.

Mosey to the school for BTW Hip Slappers and wall sits.

Pair up for Catch Me If You can around track. Partner 1 does 5 burpees while partner 2 Nurs. Partner 1 then runs to catch partner 2. Tiger took a spill while Nur’ing. Sorry Tiger.

Q fail for not noticing group of PAX at the other end of the track when finished. Thanks to Boudin for pointing them out to me and going to retrieve them.

Call LBC’s while waiting.

Mosey to the stairs for bear crawl and calf raises x 100 OYO.

Circle up at the Yank for some Mary. Q calls another 20 LBC’s, Orangeman called 6 shooters, Pockets called pretzel crunches. Had a few others but don’t remember specifics.

Yahtzee said we ran over 3 miles. Thanks for the data Yahtzee, that’s good to know.

Welcome to FNG Bill McInerney (F3 name Flipper). He is a big patriots fan since he is from the Foxboro, MA area. It was nice getting to know him.



Thank you all for coming out to better yourselves. It was a learning experience for me and a pleasure to lead you.

Dirt is OUT

No Room At The Inn

I was suppose to Q at the Yank on Dec 15th, but the Natan had the convergence on that day, so my Q was pushed to Dec 22nd.  I was excited to plan the workout the week before Christmas!  We moved the AO to Kevin Loftin Riverside Park because Belmont was sponsoring a 5K and 1/2 marathon at the time of our workout.  Toto was already in the parking lot as I rolled in at 6:50 am.  It was nice to see him at a Saturday morning workout.  Special thanks to Virus for hanging out in Belmont to direct any PAX, that showed up there, to the new location.



No FNG’s



Warm Up:

Elf Jacks- also known as Smurf Jacks or Gumby’s  x 20 (IC) switch to side straddle hop x 30 (IC)

Toy Soldiers x 25 (IC)   Do you see a theme here?

Finally, to reference the creepy wind up monkey that beats the cymbals together – Monkey Humpers x 26 (IC)


The Thang

Mosey to the amphitheater for AB Lab:

Circle up and AMRAP the following AB exercises while each PAX runs around the amphitheater:


Flutter Kicks

Windshield Wipers


Freddie Mercurys

WWI sit ups

Time to travel to Bethlehem.  Mosey up the hill along Catawba Street to the first traffic light at 10th Street and back.  Meet up at the far end of the park near the boat ramp entrance.

The trip wasn’t easy for Joseph and Mary and just got tougher for us.  Pair up and Wheelbarrow the length of the fence.  Flap Jack at the end x 2.

Now that we have arrived, we need to find a place to spend the night.  Mosey to the first inn at shelter #2.  Do 20 Step Ups (each leg) while the innkeeper checks to see if he has room.  No luck.

The next inn is shelter #3.  Do 20 dips (IC) while the innkeeper checks to see if he has room.  No luck here.

Inn #3 are the picnic tables at the bottom of the hill.  Do your choice of inclined merkins, derkins or diamond merkins x 20.  I choose inclined merkins with fingers pointed down.  Thanks to Eminem for Q’ing this a few weeks ago.  No luck here.

The final inn to check it shelter #1 on top of the hill.   Do Bulgarian ?? x 20 each leg.  Can’t remember what these are called.  (Help me out here Tesla)  One foot  on a bench start with arms raised.  Touch hips, toes, hips and raise arms.  This is a large inn and the innkeeper hasn’t returned.   Do hip slappers x 10 counting one arm while we wait.

He returns and says we can stay in his stable where he keeps the animals.  Here we did:

Calf Raises x 50 (IC)

Stork Squats (one legged squats) x 20 each leg

Bear Crawl the perimeter of  shelter #1

Alligator Merkin x 5 each side

Donkey Kicks x 20

Dying Cockroaches x 20 (IC)

Pause for a minute to reflect on the conditions in which the Savior of all mankind entered the world.  He was born in a barn with the smell of animal urine and manure in the air.  It was cold and damp.  He came here as a poor vulnerable baby.  He grew up to perform miracles, teach us and be an example for us.  Then he suffered for us, took our sins upon himself that we might repent of our sins and dwell with him in our Heavenly Father’s Kingdom!!

Mosey to the parking lot.   Three Wise Men or Kings followed a star to see the Christ child.  Do X’s and O’s x 10 to represent the star.

Zombie walk the length of the parking lot to the flag.    Remind the PAX to zombie walk with dignity since we are representing kings.

One minute left.  Jump for joy for the arrival of the Savior.  Jump Squat until 8:00 am timer goes off.  It was a long minute!


Martha Rivers and Mt Hollywood will meet at 7:00am on Monday 12/24 at their respective AO’s.

Prayer request for Virus’ friend who is having a tough time with his M.

Thank you Tesla for allowing me to Q the Saturday before Christmas.  Thanks to all who came out on  a beautiful morning to better themselves and to push me.  Everyone pushed hard.

I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas!

Dirt is out.

Happy Birthday Max and Jenny!

When Dr. Seuss asked me to Q sometime in November, I asked what dates were open.  He said that the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th were open.  I though of how perfect Nov 15th would be for my VQ since it’s my daughter and grand sons birthday.  So I started working on my winkie right away and came up with some good ideas using 11-15-16 (my grandson’s birthday) and 2 for his age.  I also came up with ideas for my daughter, who was born on 11-15-89 and is 29 years old.  Having lived here for 37 years, I knew that rain was a strong possibility.  I wanted to use the picnic tables on Goat Island and arrived a few minutes early to find that the gates to the bridge were closed.  It was raining pretty hard, so in my best Peyton Manning voice…….. OMAHA, OMAHA!!!

Since it was raining and 36 degrees, I figured it was best to stay dry today so to my disappointment, no running.   I hope my fellow HIM’s appreciated staying dry under the pavillion.


Warm up:

Goof Balls

Monkey Humpers

Moroccan Night Clubs

We did these until YHC got tired or bored.


Ab Time Without ToolTime

LBC x 30

Freddie Mercury Forward x 15

Freddie Mercury Reverse x 15

Six Shooters x 6 each side

Crunchy Frogs x 10 oyo

Obliques x 15 each side


For my grandson Max Irvine

11 Burpees

15 Merkins

16 Leg Raises

Run in place for 2 mins

Rinse and repeat x 2


Merkins x 10 right hand forward, x 10 left hand forward

Aiken legs – jump squats x 30, copperhead squats x 30

X-factor sit ups x 15

Rinse and repeat x 2


For my daughter, Jenny Irvine

11 shoulder taps

15 Donkey kicks

89 LBC’s

Rinse and repeat x 2 (substitute calf raises for LBC’s)


6:12 – 22 WWI’s for the Vets


Wanderer calls for high knees

Virus calls for jump lunges


Thank you Dr. Seuss for asking me to Q today.  Special thanks to all who showed up on a cold rainy morning in the gloom.

Closed with COT

Dirt is OUT!









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