Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Defib (Page 14 of 16)

Mt. Mitchell to Midoriyama

Kudos to Def Leppard who allowed me to hijack his Q today – I was talking to him last week and complaining that I have not been very good at Qing Midoriyama lately so he graciously allowed me an opportunity to lead today


9 brave Pax posted in the heat and humidity this afternoon – Several pax were just coming off the Mt Mitchell hike and were excited to exercise away their soreness (!)


10 each:  SSH, Imperial Walkers, Don Q LBC and Merkins (with ascending Burpee count between each starting with 3)


Mosey to parking area next to playground and line up for 11’s with Squats and Mountain Climbers, then quick round of Dora with 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 Squats.  Finished off with some Murph training. As many sets as possible of 10 pull-ups, 20 Merkins and 30 Squats then run in parking lot approximately 200 yards.  Finally moseyed back to start for “Cool Down” in which we repeated the warmup but did decreasing Burpees between sets starting with 7.  Oompa took us out with 22 for vets



Freights Grandmother, Def Leppard’s Aunt recently passed, Def Leppard’s son with Kidney stones, and Broke’s Daughter with GI problems.

Thought for the day – After giving yourselves 45mins to become better – take that strength and give it back

Philippians 2:3-4  Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Thanks to all who posted and allowed me to torture them in the heat today – It was my honor to serve


Until next time Defib – out!



Around with Blocks

It was a crisp spring morning perfect setting to get some quality work in. So without delay Yhc and 11 friends gathered at Marthas for a fun filled morning. Quick disclaimer and warmup with 10 each SSH,  Merkins and LBCs.


The Thang:

Several years ago Santa left me extra blocks from a wall built for my garden. These make great gifts which I was ready to share.  According to  Rudolph our weight expert each block weighed at least 100lbs (at least that what I heard him say).  With block in hand we ran to the old Harris Tetter parking lot where we did three exercises at each of the four light poles on the corners.  First round was 5 Blockees, 5 Squat thrusts and 5 Jump squats.  Mumblechatter almost non-existent – probably because everyone was so happy I wasn’t running them 8 miles this morning.  Next round was 10 curls, 10 overhead presses and 10 tricep extensions.  After these two rounds I was ready for a break but pushed on with a round of Dora inspired with blocks – 100 merkins (on the block made it more like diamond Merkins), 200 LBCs and 300 squats with blocks.

Noting that time was on our side we did another round of Around the Lights this time with 15 Rocky Balboas, 10 straight arm block raises and 15 flutter kicks with block in air.  Time was quickly running out so  fellowship mosey back to start for COT and namorma


Thought for the day:  Put as much effort into spiritual growth as we do strengthening our bodies

1Timothy 4:8 – “For physical training is of some value, but Godliness has value for all things, holding promises for both the present life and the life to come”



This Sunday March on Mt Mitchell

May 25 Speed for need – Belmont 5 K

Memorial day Murph at Marthas 7:00 am

May 31 sendoff for Monk

Prayer requests: Roadie, Mayor, JJ’s father (heart cath), Medicine Woman, Pizzaman and family, Gastone and family


As always it was my honor to serve and be served by these fine men.


Until next time Defib- out!


Pub post Christmas

10 posted for post Christmas run/ruck. Usual path down Armstrong to New Hope, around bank and back. HIPAA is ready for Disney! Strong work by Whoopee, Bedpan and Stroganoff! Inspired by Mayor posting early and Oompa pushing the rock. Good to see Utters in from Greensboro – always a pleasure my friend. Thanks to Slaw and SA for the push especially at the end.

Until next time Defib out!

11 for 11’s

As I told the Pax during the workout the mighty site Q enlisted my leadership late Tuesday and asked if I would Q this workout – As always I was honored he’d think of me especially since I’ve not posted at Marthas in 3 weeks due to work commitments.  The morning was cold and the rain was just ending as I pulled up.  Seemed as if there were several out for EC this morning with several cars in the parking lot and no pax around.  As the time to start approached we collected 11 pax to have a nice little Defib beatdown


Warmup -SSH – 15 IC

Merkins 10 IC

Imperial wakers 10 IC


Gastone challenged me to get 4 miles of running in during the beatdown – as such we moseyed – stopping at each corner for 5 burpees OYO.  When we got to Gastone’s Hill we alternated Nur/Run/Nur to top.  At the top we did 10 Peter Parkers and 10 Parker Peters IC.  Next mosey to Dollar General for 11’s with merkins and squats with some bear crawling in between.  Mosey to Food Lion for dips in the cart return area followed by some wall work at Harris Teeter – 10 Hip slapper IC and 10 donkey kicks OYO with running the length of the parking lot in between.  Someone called out 15 mins of wall sits – so we did wall sits while each pax ran the length of the parking lot (7 mins)  Finished off with some sprint work (suicides) and dips on the way back to Pelican’s.  Didn’t quite get 4 miles in  but t Pax gave it great effort!


Announcements:  Christmastown Saturday 11/24.  Come out to support pax and track commanders

Christmas Party at Quichee’s 12/15

40 days of discipline – continue to pray for pax

Order new AO T-shirts online now for Bulldog and Hollywood – also T-shirts are available for M’s

Prayer requests for Nickie Bailey, Turtleman and M running Spartan, firefighters and those effected by California wildfires.


As always it was an honor and pleasure to lead this fine group of HIMs this morning

Until next time Defib- out

Burpees for breakfast!

I was fortunate enough to lead the group of pax for a Monday morning beatdown.  After a restful Sunday YHC was ready to get some.  All 12 pax arrived on time and no FNGs so quick disclaimer and then pledge…


Warmup – NOT – Started with a fast paced mosey down the street to first intersection.  Surprisingly there was very little waiting on any six – This group came to play.  Stop –  10 LBCs .  Run some more – Stop – 10 Merkins, run some more to “Gastone’s Hill”  Up we go stopping at each light with 5 Merkins.  At the top gather up and Indian run to Robinson elementary for some big boy setups then to parking lot for some 11’s.  I had not really written anything down so I asked for volunteers to call out exercises – Island called Mountain climbers on one side and Squirt called ….Hip Slappers – well that wouldn’t work so Gastone pipped up with Burpees (uh oh ) So 11s were completed with very little mumble chatter.  Then cross parking lot with lunges and burpee long jumps x2 (planned on three but had to omaha )  Moseyed back to Food Lion to shopping cart return to hold dip position for 10 count x 4 ( a real crowd pleaser – hey at least we weren’t running).  Finally Mosey to old Harris Teeter for some wall work – I didn’t forget you Squirt!- hip slappers ! and wall sits.  Finally moseyed to short wall for dips IC before arriving back at snoballs.  All in all it was a real ball buster workout with very little rest between sets and this group knocked it out.  Its a real testament to F3 to see everyone pushing and improving so much.


Prayers for Gastone’s family dealing with the ravages of Alzheimers


As always it was my honor to lead – Until next time – Defib OUT

This will not be fun

As the pax began to gather for another Monday morning beatdown the air became thick with anticipation.  With the dawn of 5:30 and no FNGs the disclaimer was made  “This will not be fun”.  Lots of disgruntled mumblechatter was sensed in the background but YHC was on a mission – wake this pack of men up and get them a good workout in to start the week – so without further delay…

Warm up:


Merkins x 20IC

LBC x 20 IC

Don Q x 20IC


Warm-up continued:  Mosey to the KFC rock quarry for some coupons.  Mumble chatter was overhead about size mattering and I reminded them that size always matters unfortunately I’m not sure all pax took this to heart as rocks were selected.

Then across the street for 11s – Overhead press and Merkins – a real crowd pleaser

With the pax starting to sweat it was time to mosey to old Harris Teeter parking lot for some wall sits with coupon – overhead press and straight out presses x2

The quads were really burning so it was time to shake them out with some Dora but with a twist – “Descending Dora” – 300 squats (with rock) 200 Merkins and 100 “Rockies” (Burpee with Rock).  This was quite ambitious and YHC was humbled by the rock – so time to Omaha after 50-70.  I felt it was quite the accomplishment so why not take a victory lap around the parking lot before heading back to return rock to its home and mosey back to pelicans. But wait whats this – a lonely little wall – how about some attention for this wall with 2 sets of dips x20 IC.  Astonishingly we still made it back for some Mary with Freddy Mercury, flutters and WWII sit ups.  At this point time was called and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Announcements: – convergence at Midoriyama 7am this Saturday


Prayer requests: T-square’s friend who recently lost her battle with pancreatic cancer

As always it was my pleasure to serve – Until next time


I can’t

The pub was filled Thursday morning with veteran runner looking for a new route.  Luckily YHC was ready with a challenging route.  In order to train for the BRR you need to think like the BRR. Unfortunately one nantan was not quite feeling it with lots of “I Can’ts” being  heard as we headed out.  However with grit an determination all PAX were able to complete a run characterized by significant hill repeats as we meandered through Gastone’s neighborhood before returning to the pub.  Runners chalked up approximately 600 feet of elevation gain.  When all was said and done no one was saying “I can’t” anymore.


Good Job men!!

Tabata Hell

It was a perfect weather Wednesday Nov 29th at SnoBalls and the pax were out in full force with 16 #HIM ready to Get Some.  Don’t know if it was the weather or having Brownstreak back but the morning somehow felt special so I mustered all the strength I had to deliver a beatdown the pax would soon want to forget.  After usual disclaimer started with warm-up at Whoopee pace:


20 SSH

10 Merkins,

25 Flutterkicks


Pledge then time to Get Some

The Thang:

Mosey to picnic tables for some upper body Tabata work

3 sets of merkins, 3 sets of Dips, 3 sets of Derkins AMAP for 30 sec each with 20 sec rest in between.  It was a real crowd pleaser (pretty sure no one could raise an arm afterwards as if they could I’m sure I would have been jacked). Mosey to parking lot for some ab work in the form of 11s with Flutterkicks and American Hammers.  Tclaps to Short Sale. who made it look like childs play.  Then mosey back to turd shack for another round of Tabata 3 sets of wall sits, Sumo Squats and Burpees again 30 sec each with 20 sec rest.  Wrap up by moseying back to SnoBalls for Stroganoff Flutters to exhaustion.  Strong work today by all who went head to head in a battle royale of you vs. you and won!


Pizzaman and site Q’s collecting shoes for needy

Christmas Party at Lotus Friday at 7PM

Convergence Saturday at Schiele – Bring a toy for Operation Sweet tooth – Other AOs closed down

Prayer Requests:

Sherman-  dealing with suicide in family.   Brownstreak, T-Square and all pax dealing with loss of family members and the stress that the holidays will bring.

Thanks for all pax in F3 family and the  encouragement we get from each other.  Thanks for healthy minds and bodies to post.  And special thanks to have Brownstreak back in action!!!

Adventures with Dora

11 strong poured into Martha’s for a mid summer Defib beatdown.  No FNGs so usual disclaimer and then warm-up

SSHx25, Moroccan Nightclubx35, Imperial Walkersx15, LBCx15 and Merkinsx10



Mosey to concessions where YHC noted today’s date as being Mick Jagger’s Birthday so I promised “Satisfaction”  I heard somewhere that Mick Jagger’s favorite daughter is named Dora (I think) So we dedicated this workout to her with three different rounds of Dora


Round one: Doracides : 100 Merkins, 200 LBC and 300 Squats. Partner two runs suicides in -between exercises

Round two: – mosey to picnic benches for Picnic Dora – 100 Derkins, 200 Dips and 300 Step-ups (Omaha after 150ish step ups)

Round Three: Mosey to center of parking lot for “Lazy Dora” – no running plank between sets of 10 – in aggregate 100 CDD, 200 Flutter, 300 SSH (Omaha again – out of time)

Mosey back to Pelicans for announcements and BOM

Prayer requests: Monk’s friend illness, T-Square and family


As always it was my honor and privilege to serve …Until next time Defib out


Double Dose Deck of Death

It was a great warm, humid, gloomy morning for a beatdown and 12 #HIM responded to the call.  No FNGs so standard disclaimer with no takers to go home



SSH x 20

Imperial Walkers x20

Don Quixote x 15 (for Whoopee)

Moroccan NC x 30

Merkins x 10

LBC x 20

Thang: Mosey to grocery store parking lot (as YHC promised no running – this was it)

Then proceeded with Deck of Death (Spades= Burpees, Clubs = Bobby Hurley, Diamonds = American Hammers and Hearts = Merkins) with a twist – When it was time for card to be turned the PAX had the option of trying to predict the suit – If the suit was successfully foretold then the number of reps was cut in half. However, if pax were unsuccessful at predicting suit then the number was doubled.  Kudos to Spiderman for his ability to count cards and save pax from numerous burpees and Merkins.  Unfortunately, Whoopee and MacGreggor were not so lucky subjecting us to 26 Bobby Hurleys and 22 Burpees.  52 cards turned just in time.

Mosey back to Pelicans for prayers and announcements



Once again Whoopee is teasing us with a Christmas party – June 10th (not sure if this is a pre- Christmas or post Christmas party) It will be at his house (Shhh its a surprise – don’t tell his wife) details to follow

June 10th is also date of next convergence Downtown

Relay race to be put together by PizzaMan

Murph on Monday May 29th at Martha’s – 7am

June 3 Gastone to guest Q F3 workout in Charlotte at Indy AO – come out and post to show support for our homegrown brother

Reminder – Speed for Need campaign is in full swing – @F3SPEEDFORNEED is collecting money for F3 inspired racing wheelchairs for children who have some form of disability confining them to wheelchairs.  @F3SPEEDFORNEED will fund and then push these children in races around the region.  Goal is to give these kids a chance to enjoy things that we take for granted AND to help F3Nation invigorate male leadership in the community


Prayer Requests:

Sherman’s brother lost a 1 year  old child suddenly to an accident – prayers for him and his family

Roscoe and his family

T- Square and his family

MacGreggor traveling back to China this Saturday


As always it was my honor to serve today – Until next time … Defib out



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