Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Def Leppard (Page 9 of 17)

Folsom Legacy

There is nothing better than a early morning workout in the fall and where better than Dallas, N.C. at Folsom! 13 strong ready to roll. There had been a tweet about us older gentlemen having a taste for Werthers Original candy and I just happened to have some so I handed the candy to the guilty, tall, former site Q tweeter. You know who you are! No Slaw. No Sister Act. Let’s go!

Warmup: SSH x 15 IC, Cotton Pickers x 15 IC, Right over Left leg Stretch x 10 then Left over Right x 10, Hillbillies x 15 IC, MNC’s x 15 IC.

Mosey up the hill and stop at the fork in the road for 20 LBFC’s appropriately called by Freight since he loves them so. Mumblechatter starts in full force. Mosey up to the flag for 20 American Hammers. Pledge. Mosey back to the fork for 20 more LBFC’s. Mosey to the tennis courts.

The Thang: I borrowed this from Manziel in F3 Suncoast called “3 Way”. Mumblechatter continues. This was made for a field but the tennis courts work just fine starting at one end, go past the 3rd court for the Center and then to the last court for the 2nd line. You also had to repeat the Center and 1st line exercises on your way back while using the announced method of transportation between lines. All 10 reps IC. Mumblechatter continues. After each Set, I decided to read a quote from various people about legacy. This was the excellent Q Source topic last week.

Set 1) 1st Goal line: Merkins, Center: CDD’s, 2nd: Lunges, Transportation: Duck Walk (Where is Roadie when we need him?) Several Pax were disinterested in duck walking. You know who you are.
“Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.” Taylor Swift

Set 2) 1st line: Flutters, Center: Mountain Climbers, 2nd: Monkey Humpers, Trans: Toy Soldiers
“Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.” Francis Chan

Set 3) 1st line: Freddie Mercuries, Center: Parker Peters, 2nd: Plank Jacks, Trans: Butt Kicks
“Outlive your life.” Max Lucado

Set 4) 1st line: American Hammers, Center: Shoulder Taps, 2nd: Big Boys, Trans: Nur (Some unnamed Pax questioned my American Hammer form and he may have been right.)
“Please think about your legacy because you are writing it every day.” Gary Vaynerchuk

Set 5) 1st line: Box Cutters, Center: LBC’s, 2nd: Burpees, Trans: High Knees
“Carve your name on hearts, not tombstones. A legacy is etched into the minds of others and the stories they share about you.” Shannon Adler

Set 6) 1st Goal line: Imperial Walkers, Center: Overhead Claps, 2nd: MNC, Trans: Carioca
“The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things, but rather a legacy of character and faith.” Billy Graham

This was where I made time for Huckleberry to put us through some wall work but I don’t see him so we ran a while down to the lower shelter around the small pond and back to the start to get in just over 2 miles for the day with Dr. Seuss picking up the six.

Announcements: Convergence on Saturday, October 19th at the Yank at 7:00 am with Broke speaking for a few minutes after the workout. Every F3 man should be there for this if at all possible. It is the chance to connect with many of the great Pax in the F3 Gastonia region.
Christmas Town 5K Saturday, November 30th at 6:00 p.m. This is a Speed for Need event and we would like a big group.

COT: Broke’s Sister in Law, Stogies dad, Bedpan has a few interviews this week. Freight took us out in prayer.

Thanks for the chance to lead today!

Happy Birthday Freight

13 strong men including our young, Gen X-er Freight who will soon turn 40, so Happy Birthday to him as he showed up at his last workout in his thirties. I was hoping for a cooler afternoon for the Pax and myself but it’s still kind of warm at the region’s premier afternoon JV workout. Held outside, rain or shine, hot or cold, so let’s go!

Warm Up. SSH x 10 IC, Don Q’s x 10 IC, Hillbillies x 10 IC, 22 Single Count Merkins for the Vets called by our own crusty, old veteran Oompa Loompa (war daddy). Thanks Oomp!
Pledge to the flag. Merica.

Mosey to the small soccer field. Get a coupon (block or 2 bricks) and line up along the baseline.
Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
Run with your coupon 25 yards to the cone, 25 single count Merkins. Nur back. Run 50 yards to the next cone with your coupon, 50 Squats. Nur back. Run 75 yards with your coupon, 75 Mountain Climbers. Nur back. Run 100 yards, 100 SSH. Nur back. Distances may have been exaggerated for effect.

Coupon work. Everyone circle up and do Curls until Slaw can’t do anymore. I was counting on the fact that he had a heavy block and he had been out of town so this wouldn’t take too long but the old guy kept cranking way past when everyone else had to stop. Suns out, Guns out! Nice work Slaw! On your six for “Chest Presses” which I mistakenly called something like “trespasses” which immediately led to Freight reciting some version of the The Lord’s Prayer about forgiving our “trespasses” as we forgive those who “trespass” or “chest press” against us. Next was everyone’s favorite. We did Curls again, but this time as long as Sister Act was quiet! He churned away but eventually the need to provide “commentary and instruction” was too much and he stopped the curls and resumed his discussions. Watts-up and I decided our arms and chest were big enough so we put up the blocks.

Mosey to softball field #2 and a previously, unused hill on the 3rd base side. Partner Up, run down the steep, long hill and back up, then Booyah Merkins x 7 in cadence, yes I said in cadence. We repeated this 3 times. Dudes were getting it done!

Mosey to a shady tree between the softball fields for BLIMPS. 10 Burpess, run to another shade tree, 20 Lunges, run back to the other shade tree, 30 Imperial Walkers, run back, 40 Merkins then 50 Plank Jacks, run back for 60 squats.

I discussed my Word for 2019: ACCELERATE. I listed where I thought I stood in several areas as I tried to ACCELERATE. This is where I reminded everyone that this week’s Q Source topic is CANDOR. I had to admit that I have to say to myself to be better and do better if I am to ACCELERATE in 2019. Each of us should ask ourselves if we are improving or accelerating in our fitness, fellowship and faith and if the answer is no or even maybe, we should focus on what we can do to get better for those around us.
Mosey back to the flag.

Huckleberry issued a 40 day challenge beginning Sept. 3rd.
Mt. Hollywood at regular time of 5:30 am on Labor Day
Labor Day Murph at Marthas at 7 am
Huckleberry issued a 40 day challenge beginning Sept. 3rd.
911 Memorial Stair Climb, Sept. 14th opening Ceremony 8:15 am
Stop Soldier Suicide 10K/5K with Speed for Need in Belmont, Sept. 21st 7:30 am
JJ5K Trail Race in Stanley, Sept. 28th 9:00 am
Ragnar Trail Run Oct. 5th
Tuna 200 Oct. 25th – 26th
Christmastown 5K, Nov. 30th 6 pm

Prayer Requests
Dry Rub’s Step mom passed away in Missouri
Boy named Asher with cancer, friend of Madoff’s family
Travel plans for many Pax
Broke took us out!

Cooler at Crossroads

Cooler morning at Crossroads. Some ran. Some biked. No ruckers. Broke ran 7 and coughed after being stuffy. Most ran 5. SA and Seuss were leading the way. Hacksaw got an early start as he often does. Freight and Mayor are hardcore road bikers now and they seem happy about that. Oompa is getting over the crud but still getting after it. Mr. Garvey is making it look easy. Nice work young man! I chased Blart but never caught him. Gold Digger was taking it slow and easy after logging a lot of miles the day before. It was a good morning!

Q Source was on Exhortation which is defined as “Encouragement on steroids.” and my favorite part of the lesson on this was the last part.
“Can you name a man in your life who is an Exhorter who exists outside of a celluloid fantasy? If you can, you are lucky. If you can’t, maybe its high time you became that kind of man yourself. They are in short supply.”

Without ALL of us F3 guys being Exhorters, F3 will not grow or even remain the same. It will go away. Push yourself to be that “Encourager on Steroids” to every man in the gloom and the many who haven’t realized they need to be there too!

Persistence at Folsom

10 Strong at a warm, humid Dallas N.C. AO ready for an old man Q. No FNG’s, let’s go!
SSH x 15 IC
Low Slow Squats x 15 IC
Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs x 15 IC
Mosey down to the bottom picnic shelter where an obese Chihuahua had taken over while his owner read a book. Despite the dog’s protest, we started our Arms and Cardio Laps. It went like this.
Dips x 10 (in shelter)
Mosey to bottom of parking lot SSH x 10
Mosey near the ampitheatre sidewalk for 10 burpees
Mosey to the top of the parking lot for 10 Monkey Humpers
Mosey into the top picnic shelter for 10 Derkins
Mosey back out to the parking lot for 10 Seal Jacks
Mosey a little further down the parking lot for 10 Mike Tysons
Mosey to the bottom rest room steps for Step Ups or Calf Raises x 10
Back to the bottom picnic shelter to repeat the lap.
All exercises in cadence except burpees and Mike Tysons.
We did 4 laps and stayed together and several guys helped me call the cadence.

Mosey to the tennis courts for Rugby Sprints (Abs and Core).
Start on 2nd court, exercise until I say Sprint then sprint 2 courts, sprint 2 courts back and then mosey 2 courts for the next exercise. We did Flutters, Freddies, Oblique Crunch Right, Oblique Crunch Left, American Hammers, Hello Dollies, Dying Cockroaches and penguins always more than 10 reps. Gump was flying on the sprints! It is sometimes difficult to yell “Sprint” loudly this morning. This would have been the perfect occasion for using Freight’s gym teacher whistle.

Mosey to the fork in the road and get a modified Dora in. Partner up for 100 CDD’s, 100 Hillbillies and 100 Squats with running a short lap around the fork / triangle in the road. Back to the flag where Pizza Man led 22 for the vets and we’re done and Buckeye changed his sweat-saturated shoes.

I spoke about persistence and how nothing in the world can take the place of persistence to solve problems. Keep pushing to be better men in fitness, fellowship and faith!

9/14 911 Memorial Stair Climb in Charlotte
9/21 Stop Soldier Suicide 5K
9/28 JJ5K Trail Run in Stanley
F3 Iron Pax Challenge in September
Sparky, who had been running took us out! Thanks Spark!

Hills and Heat

It was a typical hot, summer afternoon at Midoriyama. 10 men showed to get better. Let’s go.
SSH x 10 IC
Right foot over Left and stretch to touch the toes 5 times.
Left foot over Right and stretch to touch the toes 5 times.
Cotton Pickers x 10 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10 IC
Mosey to the entrance of the park for Squats before we cross the road to the new path area. Count off to verify 10 strong. Mosey across the road to what I call the Cul de Sac. A paved section of new path that goes about 200 feet and ends just below the parking lot.
Partner Up for 5 and Dime (I made that part up but borrowed the routine from Stroganoff)
P1 does Flutters while P2 runs to the corner of the parking lot (shade) for 10 merkins. Switch until each partner completes 3 rounds (was supposed to be 5 but time was short).
Repeat with P1 doing Squats but continuing the 10 Merkins after the run and switching for 3 rounds.
Repeat with P1 doing Freddie Mercuries but continuing the 10 Merkins after the run and switching for 3 rounds.

Mosey back across the street to the picnic shelter for half of 80 D’s I guess this would be 40 D’s. 10 Dips IC called by SA, 10 Hello Dollies IC called by Slaw, 10 Dying Cockroaches IC called by Blart and 10 Derkins IC called by Broke.

Mosey past the new Pump Track. Didn’t see Medicine Woman but he has been there lately. Mosey across some rugged terrain and come out behind Softball field #1. Catch our breath and mosey to the right field side where a new hill awaits.
Mosey down the hill, sprint (or mosey) back up the hill and perform 10 oblique crunches right side and 10 oblique crunches left side and repeat I think we did this 4 times.

While we had a bit of shade, I asked for the F3 Mission and Blart recited it. To plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. Leadership is the mission. I asked each man to think about where he needs to be leading. In F3, it starts with showing up and then Qing a workout and then possibly leading as a Site Q but you are missing the mission if you are not leading anything.

Mosey back to the flag.

Announcements (Get out and support our events)
Pizza Man’s Remembrance Walk/Run on Saturday, August 17th 10 am at Rankin Lake park
Stop Soldier Suicide 10K/5K in Belmont on Saturday, September 21st
JJ5k in Stanley at Common Ground Trail on Saturday, September 28th
Ragnar Trail Run Saturday, October 5th
Tuna 200 October 25th – 26th
Christmas Town 5K Saturday, November 30th

Prayer Requests
My wife’s surgery in September
Big Pappy’s family
Each man’s silent concerns
Blart took us out. Thanks Blart!

*NMM We got in 2 miles and a bunch of reps. Maybe a little too many Merkins for my liking but everyone got better. Thanks to all of the guys who posted. Thanks to Broke for picking up the six today. Thanks to SA for pushing everyone in own his special way. Thanks to Big Pappy for coming out to push on a hot day when he had a lot on his mind. Great to see Vanilla Ice showing in Gastonia as he has been posting in Lake Wylie for about a month. Slaw should not have worn a white shirt. I believe I saw Dr. Seuss sweating! CPAP and Tater Hole were pushing the rock today.

Storm at Midoriyama

We pulled up to Midoriyama and it was raining. This has happened before and we just proceeded with our planned workout but the lightning and thunder forced us to move our little party to the picnic shelter. Pockets had the Q but planned on using parts of the vast expanse normally available to us so I told him I would come up with something while the storm raged around us. A completely soaked Swimmer joined us after surviving a rain-shortened mountain bike ride. No Blart or Slaw. I guess a little rain scared them off! Let’s go!
Warm Up
SSH x 10 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
Don Q’s x 10 IC
Low Slow Squats x 10 IC
The Thang
In Cadence exercises all x 15. It went something like this with various Pax calling cadence.
Tempo Merkins, LBC’s, Squats, Regular Merkins, Step Ups, Dips, Flutter Kicks, Stagger Merkins (Right hand forward), LBFC’s, Calf Raises, Stagger Merkins (Left hand forward), High Knees, Imperial Walkers, Irkins, Jump Squats, More Dips, Goofballs, Derkins, Dying Cockroaches, More Step Ups, Nolan Ryans (right), Nolan Ryans (left), Imperial Walker Squats, Monkey Humpers, American Hammers, CDD’s and 15 Burpees OYO. I may have missed a few in there but the goal was to work all the muscles and we did. I hoped to be able to run a few laps between the exercises but it never seemed safe enough to allow that so we didn’t take that chance. Great work from all the guys.
This Saturday, August 3rd at 6 p.m. is Tool Time’s going away party at Sargentos.
Saturday, August 17th at 10 am at Rankin Lake, Pizza Man’s family having a walk in memory of his niece.
September 21st Stop Soldier Suicide 10K/5K with Speed for Need, Pizza Man would like to find a veteran for SFN to push.
September 28th JJ5K Trail Run see Sister Act if you or your business would like a sponsorship on the shirts.
October 5th Ragnar Trail Run
October 26th-27th Tuna 200 Relay
October 26th Ocean Isle Half Marathon

I had a word about being strong and asked each guy who do you need to be strong for? It could be your wife, child, parent, neighbor, friend or coworker but there will always be a need for someone to be strong. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually strong. We need to work to be ready to be that guy who can be strong and lead when called upon!

COT Ashhhhhh Pond took us out!

America at the Goat

07/04/2019 Goat
PAX: Buckeye, Sister Act, Gumby, Bondo, Dirt, Dr Seuss, Orangeman, Doodles, Def Leppard.
9 strong at the humid, moist Goat where I have never Q’ed before. Nice crowd, let’s go!
Warm Up with 7-4-17-76
7 Burpees
4 Don Quixotes IC
17 Merkins
76 American Hammers (mumblechatter started)
Pledge to the American Flag. (For me, it is always an honor and a privilege to pledge).
Mosey across the road, across the bridge, turn left down the path to the other bridge, then mosey to an outlying, somewhat lit, parking lot where instructions awaited in several parking spots with sidewalk chalk.
Partner up for this one for no apparent reason, but is there?
Each parking spot has an exercise and each group starting in a different parking spot. After the exercise run back to the bridge and return to the next spot. Exercises were:
10 Burpees
20 Diamond Merkins
30 Carolina Dry Docks (insert Leppard joke here)
40 Squats
50 Seal Jacks
60 LBC’s
70 SSH
10 Flutters
20 Merkins
Everyone moved through this pretty well. I was hoping to catch Buckeye and/or Sister Act with bad form somewhere during this but it did not happen! Believe me, I was looking for it so nice work to them and everyone! The point was made that even though other guys seemed to be ahead of us, each guy was going through the same stuff. I wanted the guys to see one of the many great effects of F3 is usually there is a guy who has been through whatever situation you are facing. I also wanted them to realize there is also a guy right with you to help you make it through. I encouraged each man to talk to someone if they have a problem and also to be open to listen to someone. Mosey back across the bridge to a picnic shelter.
80 D’s
20 Dips IC
20 Dollies IC
20 Derkins (plan was for IC but we may have changed to single count)
20 Dyeing Cockroaches IC
Back to the flag for guess what…
7 Burpees
4 Don Quixotes IC
17 Merkins
76 American Hammers
Announcements: July 20th the 2.0 workout at Folsom, July 20th tubing.
Doodles took us out.
Thanks to each man who posted and see you next time!

Backblast Yes or No

6/16/2019 Whitewater Center
There is an F3 Gastonia mountain bike text chain that goes out from time to time whenever anyone in the group decides to ride somewhere they can alert others to see if anyone would like to join them on their ride. On a sort of regular basis, someone in the group will announce a Sunday afternoon ride at the Whitewater Center around 2:30ish and a few guys will show. Some will say this is not and official AO so a backblast shouldn’t be allowed. You know who you are. Some will argue (sarcastically maybe, but it is difficult to tell) that F3 is a starfish organization where leaders can go out and start a workout and that doing so is the essence of F3, invigorating male community leadership! This post isn’t designed to settle that debate. It is merely to say if anyone wants to know about mountain biking in F3 Gastonia, here is kind of what happens. We usually meet just past the rest rooms about halfway down the last row before the hill but the lot was full so we parked near the Lake Loop entrance. Swimmer was running a little behind so Floppy and Freight were discussing the planned routes. Floppy and Freight go way back to at least middle school (I have the pics) and this extended relationship has determined certain strengths and weaknesses. One of Freight’s many strengths is planning and logistics. Somehow he knows the names of all the trails, where climbs are, where there are rocks, roots, signs, creeks, connections, etc. It is impressive. One of Floppy’s strengths (could be considered a weakness by his doctors but I would say it is a strength) is he is fearless on a mountain bike. No terrain is too tough, no hill is too high. He can put that bike wherever he wants and it is a sight to behold. Swimmer is another fearless type. They both attack a trail like they are racing for a prize. I digress. The route was announced and I hear East Main (which I vaguely remember as being terrible) and I hear Swimmer groan. Swimmer is not much of a talker so that groan told me a lot. Off we go to East Main and I realized why Swimmer groaned as I am pushing my bike up a curvy hill of a thousand rocks, hoping the others are waiting for the weak link in the group as I catch my breath. After East Main, we connected to Tributary, then out across the road to the newer trails, Panda, Smokey and Bandit which somehow connected back into Carolina Thread Trail. We took a shortcut off of that back to the road around the rapids and back to the parking lot for a little over 9 miles. No injuries despite one of us trying to ride through a mud hole unsuccessfully (wished we had a GoPro) and a black snake sighting!

VQ at Yank

I have never had the Q at the Fighting Yank and Tesla mentioned an opening the other week at the Friday evening 2nd F event at The Station so I jumped at the chance knowing I would have to bring a tough one! Let’s go! One FNG (Chip Norman from Bessemer City welcome). Disclaimer was given.
Warmup at the stage area, nope. They were unloading something down there so change the plans to the parking lot behind Sammy’s that Broke told me was called the Pit.

Warmup SSH x 15 IC, Cotton Pickers x 15 IC, Hillbillies x 15 IC, Low Slow Squats x 15 IC and in case of a train… 5 Burpees OYO. Mosey the long way to the parking lot behind Glenway Pub where cones were marking lines about 40 yards apart.

Reducing Time Sprints. Start with 11 seconds to run the distance, 8 seconds of rest, 11 seconds to run, 8 seconds rest, 11 seconds to run, 8 seconds rest. After the 11 second set it reduces to 10 seconds for 3 runs still with 8 seconds rest, then 9 seconds and all the way down to 4 seconds if anyone can make it. Milton was the last man standing with Keeesh and Wet Nuts right behind. Nice work guys! Mosey around the park and up W Myrtle Street to Hill Street to find a nice sunny wall.

Angry 7’s
Hipslappers x 7 IC (called by Broke).
Hipslappers x 7 IC, LBC’s x 7 IC (called by Sparkey).
Hipslappers x 7 IC, LBC’s x 7 IC, Low Slow Squats x 7 IC (called by Queechhe).
Hipslappers x 7 IC, LBC’s x 7 IC, Low Slow Squats x 7 IC, Merkins x 7 IC (called by Breaker).
Hipslappers x 7 IC, LBC’s x 7 IC, Low Slow Squats x 7 IC, Merkins x 7 IC, LBFC’s x 7 IC (called by Doodles).
Hipslappers x 7 IC, LBC’s x 7 IC, Low Slow Squats x 7 IC, Merkins x 7 IC, LBFC’s x 7 IC, Donkey Kicks x 7 IC (called by Buckeye).
Hipslappers x 7 IC, LBC’s x 7 IC, Low Slow Squats x 7 IC, Merkins x 7 IC, LBFC’s x 7 IC, Donkey Kicks x 7 IC, Monkey Humpers x 7 IC (called by Tiger).
After each step I read a verse and a thought about anger. Anger has been a problem for me for many years. I have to work very hard to stay ahead of anger. Here are the references I used:
1) Proverbs 15:18 A hot-tempered man stirs up strife,  but he who is slow
to anger quiets contention. Slow to anger.
2) James 1:20 For the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.
Anger keeps us away from where God wants us.
3) Ephesians 4:26-28 Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on
your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. Anger hinders all of our
relationships, especially M and family.
4) Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Our response to anger can often control how the situation resolves.
5) Proverbs 19:11 Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to
overlook an offense. Turn from anger toward forgiveness.
6) Colossians 3:8 But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice,
slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Turning from anger will lead
to turning from other bad things.
7) Proverbs 14:16,17 A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the
fool rageth, and is confident. He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly.
Turning from anger shows wisdom.
I mentioned to the guys that as men we can often set the tone for our families and not to let anger set that tone but let peace and gentleness.
Mosey back around the park to the Pit for a last thang.

Dirty Mac Deuce, 3 exercises x 12 IC using arms, legs and core with each followed by a lap around the pit and up the entrance and back. The Q was having difficulty calling these and was assisted by several of the Pax.
1.Werkins, Low Slow Squats, Flutter Kicks, Lap.
2.Burpees (12 OYO), Monkey Humpers, Freddie Mercuries, Lap.
3.Diamond Merkins, Mountain Climbers, American Hammers, Lap.
4.Carolina Dry Docks, High Knees, Dying Cockroach’s, Lap.
Back to the Fighting Yank statue.

June 22nd Tubing
June 29th Convergence at Gashouse (Schiele)
Prayer Requests:
Lynn Hamm
Guys traveling
All of our F3 guys going through tough situations
Sparky, who had never posted at the Yank until today, took us out! Thanks guys!

Blocks and Cooper

Midoriyama 06/06/19
Warm, breezy day at Gastonia’s premier afternoon workout and 12 rock pushers post for some work.
Goofballs x 10 IC
Don Q’s x 10 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10 IC
Grab a Block from Slaw’s truck
Curls x 30
On Your six Chest Press x 30
Shrugs x 30
Repeat then repeat again for a total of 3 sets.
Mosey to the big soccer field at the back right of the park to find some shade.
I announced The Cooper.
10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins, lap around half of the soccer field, then 9,9,9 lap all the way down to 1,1,1 lap.
Defib was a blur and Sister Act right behind him with Slaw, Tiger and Freight not far behind. I think everyone completed it and it was a tough one. I am not a big fan of the Burpee and I am kinda infamous for my Merkin “form” but I know Slaw and Sister Act are fond of these things so I tried to make them happy with the workout today.
While we caught our breath, I talked about a power lifter from Scotland named Stuart Wadley who had an illness and couldn’t compete anymore and got very depressed and thought of ending his life. He eventually sought and got the help he needed and now works with an organization similar to F3 that encourages men to be upfront and honest with other men and get the support that we all need. I talked about how none of us would push as hard without the others to encourage us. Defib reminded us to reach out to the Kotters that we all know need to be around our F3 group. We moseyed back to the flag.
Announcements: 2nd F Friday at the Station in Belmont at 5:00 pm, Tubing on June 22nd, 2nd Team possibility for Tuna 200 in October, Ragnar Trail run teams being formed for October 5th, Supplies for a local school program.
Prayer Requests: I hope he doesn’t mind me sharing this but Sidecar shared a great reminder about patience. He was in a hurry to get somewhere and things seemed to be happening to slow him down. Something tearing up and slow drivers in the way and he took a deep breath and was reminded to have patience. That is a good lesson for us all to remember. Tater Hole going through some things. Slaw, Defib and Stroganoff (and maybe others) have daughter’s graduating high school. Oompa’s family in the loss of his mother. Several of our guys (Lil Sweet and Blart) traveling.
COT Slaw took us out!
*NMM We wound up with 55 Burpees, 55 Squats and 55 Merkins after the block work and over 2 miles. Slaw, myself, Sister Act and Defib doubling up today after running the Pub this morning. You decide who the weak link is in that group (Hint: rhymes with Peppered). Termite doubling up on the Bootcamp workouts today which is always tough. CPAP and Tater Hole have both been pushing hard lately. Great work by all the guys!

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