Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Def Leppard (Page 7 of 17)

Prison Break Soup

Round Up asked for someone to take the Prison Break Q while he is attending to the newest family addition so I did. 6 guys show up and run. Various routes, various paces on a warm, humid, soupy morning. We did discuss the need for staying consistent during the warm summer months. Nice work guys!

Rock Pushing at The Sandlot

I volunteered to Q at The Sandlot to start off the week right so I drive from NOGA to SOGA to get some work in on a muggy 75 degrees with 80% humidity. That’s why it is called The Gloom!

Warm Up
SSH, Cotton Pickers, Low Slow Squats, MNC’s all x 10 IC


Mosey around the new Planet Fitness parking lot and back to the rock pit. Everyone select a rock and fellowship mosey to bank parking lot.

Partner Up for Rocky Dora (I made that up).
100 Triceps Extensions, 200 Chest Presses on your six, 300 Curls while your partner runs around the bank and back and switch after each lap. Use your own block and Slaw chose poorly. Hard working group this morning with not a lot of mumblechatter. It could be possible that I have gotten used to a ridiculously high amount of mumblechatter and this morning was closer to the norm.

Mosey to the bottom of the Park’s parking lot for four corners.
5 Burpees, mosey to next corner.
10 LBC’s IC (called by Slaw), 5 Burpees, next.
15 Squats IC (called with varying degrees of speed by Watts Up), 10 LBC’s IC, 5 Burpees, next.
20 Merkins IC (Yes I said in cadence, called by Gastone), 15 Squats IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 5 Burpees, back down.
15 Squats IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 5 Burpees, next.
10 LBC’s IC, 5 Burpees, next.
5 Burpees. That may be a record number of Burpees in one of my Q’s. I’m not happy about it but Sister Act has been pushing me lately.

Mosey to a picnic shelter for what was supposed to be 80 D’s but modified to 40 D’s for time.
10 Dips, 10 Derkins, 10 Dying Cockroaches, 10 Diamond Merkins.

Mosey back.

Quick word about F3 stance on recent events that you may have seen but is worth repeating.
F3 Core principle. F3 is open to ALL men.
“A statement is not needed, our leadership is what’s needed… we’ve got to figure out, in each of our spheres of influence, how we will step into the void that exists where leadership should be. I’m not saying we should run for office, though that may be one way to do it. I’m not saying we shouldn’t pray, as certainly there is power there. I’m saying we must become something different. We must learn from these things that we are facing and strive to be better. We must embody grace and mercy and love, as that is what virtuous leadership should be built on.”
Now get missional, quit worrying about your little baby feelings and your ego, AND GET TO LEADING! We have been preparing for the times like these, men! This is our day. A few weeks ago when F3 made shirts that read “The Gloom Belongs To Us” ….that wasn’t just the morning Gloom we were talking about. Look around, the leadership situation in our world is GLOOMY. This is what we’ve been knowingly or unknowingly getting ready for. If you believe in what F3 stands for, then let’s get invigorated and get to work.”
Again… Core principle. F3 is open to ALL men.

Prayer Requests Dry Rub’s M is doing better. Clavin’s M, Sister Act’s daughter, Whoopee’s daughter, Stinky Bird’s foot, Roscoe, Stone Cold, Allen Tate and all police officers and our country.

COT Gastone took us out!

**NMM Thanks for coming out this morning guys! It was a nice time. I asked Slaw to pick up the six for me but everyone was right with us the entire workout. Way to push the rock!

Q Source at the GOAT?

14 manly men circled up at the Goat on a muggy morning ready for some work. No FNG’s.
Warm Up
SSH, Cotton Pickers, Low Slows, MNC all x 15 IC
Mosey under the bridge down to the basketball court parking lot. Circle up for…
Dirty MacDeuce: 3 exercises to 12 reps IC (if possible) Arms, legs, Core
I also asked how many guys were familiar with Q Source and to my surprise, less than half were. After each set, I told the quadrants (only 4) of the Q Source.
Set#1 Werkins, Low Slow Squats. Flutters, All x 12 IC, Run a lap around the extended parking area.
Q1 GET RIGHT. Each man must get himself right if he is to make the proper impact he should be making.
Set#2 Burpees x 12 OYO, Monkey Humpers and Freddie Mercuries x 12 IC, Run a lap.
Q2 LIVE RIGHT. To Live Right each man must have an ultimate purpose in mind.
Set#3 MNC’s, Mountain Climbers, Amer Hammer x 12 IC, Run a lap.
Q3 LEAD RIGHT. Practicing virtuous leadership in each man’s area of influence or as Q Source Leadership is influencing movement to advantage.
Set#4 CDD’s, Calf Raises, Dyeing Cockroaches, All x 12 IC, Run a lap.
Q4 LEAVE RIGHT. Each man is constructing his legacy by his daily virtuous leadership. Be mindful of the legacy you will leave to your family and others that you influence.
Set#5 Diamond Merkins, Lunges, Big Boys x 12 IC, Run a lap.
Mosey back up the hill and down to the gazebo for a ten count. Mosey up the road to the Baptist church parking lot. I’m pretty sure it was a Baptist church. Circle up for…
Core Time 7’s
Flutters x 7 IC
Flutters, Am. Ham x 7 IC
Flutters, Am. Ham, Freddie Mercuries x 7 IC
Flutters, Am. Ham, Freddie Merc, LBC’s x 7 IC
Flutters, Am. Ham, Freddie Merc, LBC’s, In & Outs x 7 IC
Flutters, Am. Ham, Freddie Merc, LBC’s, In & Outs, Dying Cockroaches x 7 IC
Flutters, Am. Ham, Freddie Merc, LBC’s, In & Outs, Dying CR, Reverse Crunch x 7 IC
After each set of these I read the first 7 topics of Get Right in Q Source.
1) DRP Daily Red Pill (getting better daily)
2) King (Man’s right relationship with himself, fitness)
3) Queen (What a man puts into his body)
4) Jester (Temptation that hinders Acceleration, food, anger, jealousy)
5) M (Relationship between Man and Woman, most important)
6) Shorties (sacrificial relationship with children, give all)
7) Shield Lock (Man hunts best in a pack, accountability)
Buckeye reminded me our time was up, so mosey back.

Announcements: Get out and post for yourself and all the men beside you. It means a lot.

COT: Breaker’s mom, Clavin’s M, Sister Act’s daughter, T Square’s dad. Broke took us out with a prayer.

**NMM Thanks to all of the guys who came out today. Good to workout with a few guys I haven’t seen in a while.

Surprises at Folsom

YHC was listed as the Q but Folsom Site Q Big Pappy (A HIM I will talk about in a minute) had texted me earlier saying long time former Gashouse Nant’an Tool Time (who has since moved up north to Mooresville) would like the Q so I gladly deferred. So after a fake out warm up of 5 Don Q’s (one of his favorites), Tool Time took over and gave the disclaimer for our FNG and then we ran! We took a tour of Folsom and then to Gaston College (or UNCD as we alums call it) and we stopped every so often so Pizza Man and Round Up could gather the Six and get a few exercise reps in. We stopped at the flag for a pledge. We got in a little Core Time and ran back to the flag with Big Pappy leading us in. Tool Time talked about F3 being a men’s leadership group and that we should be on the lookout for opportunities to lead during the current circumstances. We clocked over 4 miles today and everyone got better.

Announcements: 5 Year Convergence next Saturday, March 21st from 7 a.m. – 9:30 a.m., Run or Ruck followed by Bootcamp followed by 2nd F (food) and 3rd F.
Speed For Need at Community Foundation 5k on 4/4 at 9:00 a.m.
Annihilation (New High Intensity Workout) on 4/4 at 6:30 am at Folsom happening at the same time as the usual weekly Folsom Workout.
Walking Only AO Saturdays weekly at Gashouse at 7 a.m. with the hopes of getting a few more “Respects” involved. Linus and Bandit are trying to get this going to possibly open up F3 to a group of men we may never have reached before so spread the word.

Big Pappy thanked everyone who helped him and his M deliver 3 suitcases of clothes and other items to needy kids on his recent “vacation”. Most people plan vacations 100% for themselves. He collected clothes and other Items, lugged around extra suitcases and took time away from his vacation to deliver and spend time with needy kids. You may not know Big Pappy. He rarely says anything. He is sometimes even the Six in our workouts, but he is leading the way to show us all how to be a HIM (High Impact Man). Thanks Pappy!

Prayer Requests

Tool Time took us out. Great to see him back in F3 Gastonia. His enthusiasm is, shall I say “contagious”!

Love at the Storm

16 hard chargers got in some work on a mild February morning around 47 degrees. Q coming in hot so let’s go. NO FNG’s. Warmup: Seal Jacks x 15 IC, Low Slow Squats x 15 IC, MNC’s x 15 IC, Imperial Walkers x 15 IC, Pledge.
Mosey to a well-lit area at the back of the parking lot. Circle up for…

Dirty Mac Deuce.
3 exercises x 12 reps. Arms, legs core, mostly in cadence as follows:
Set #1 Werkins, Low Slow Squats. Flutters, All x 12 IC, Run a lap around the parking lot.
Set #2 Burpees x 12 OYO, Monkey Humpers and Freddie Mercuries x 12 IC, Run a lap.
Set #3 MNC’s (someone said this was not a real exercise but I think it is), Mountain Climbers, American Hammers x 12 IC, Run a lap.
Set #4 CDD’s, Calf Raises, Dyeing Cockroaches, All x 12 IC, Run a lap.
Set #5 Diamond Merkins, Lunges, Big Boys x 12 IC, Run a lap and then mosey to the school entrance.

Find some wall for Lovely 7’s. 7 exercises starting with 1 exercise x 7 IC reps and adding an exercise after each one. I stole this routine from Whoopee a while back after he had watched Fast and Furious 6 and I added 1 to make it my own. Thanks Whoop!
I chose to read some quotes and scriptures about love after each set as Freight has inspired me with his tweets on this.
Hip Slappers x 7 IC.
Hip Slappers, LBC’s (called by Slaw).
Hip Slappers, LBC’s, Low Slows Squats (called by the big deal Boudin).
Hip Slappers, LBC’s, Low Slows Squats, Merkins (called by Sister Act).
Hip Slappers, LBC’s, Low Slows Squats, Merkins, Donkey Kicks (called happily by Sargento).
Hip Slappers, LBC’s, Low Slows Squats, Merkins, Donkey Kicks, Flutter Kicks (called by Watts Up).
Hip Slappers, LBC’s, Low Slows Squats, Merkins, Donkey Kicks, Flutter Kicks, Monkey Humpers (called by Top Hat).
1) I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. Martin Luther King, Jr.
2) Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Eph. 4:2.
3) And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is Love. 1 Cor 13:13.
4) Love is a game two can play and both win. Eva Gabor.
5) Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Martin Luther King, Jr.
6) If you would be loved, love and be lovable. Benjamin Franklin (Somebody said, yeah Sister Act).
7) Beyond all theses things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. Col 3:14.
8) Do everything in love. 1 Cor. 16:14.

Mosey back to the flag.
Announcements: F3 Gastonia 5 Year Convergence March 21st, 7:00 am at Martha River’s.
Sargento mentioned a race on May 3rd in Pittsburgh (I hope I heard that one wrong but maybe not).

Prayer Requests: Lynn Hamm, All the guys in F3. Top Hat took us out!
** NMM Great to be out at the Storm again. Those guys are putting in some work as I was the six for most of the morning. Several “respects” in the crowd leading the way today. I urged everyone to try to post as much as they can as they won’t regret it and the guy next to them needs them. Q Source says it and the Bible says it “Do everything in love.”

Thanks for the opportunity.
Def Leppard.

Daily Red Pill at Crossroads

Crossroads had several running EC. Broke and Seuss ran 12! Slaw ran 9. Gumby got in 5 as he recovers from surgery. Stogie was rucking. Volt did a Murph!Mayor was running intervals and the speed must have broken his earphones. Purple Haze and I discussed the problems the world throws at us. Most stayed for Q Source (Roadie and 2.0 came) about DRP Daily Red Pill. This continues our discussion in the Get Right quadrant. Tater Hole was supposed to have it but he is sick so I volunteered. I had notes and everything except they were on my iPhone 1 (the original) which doesn’t have good battery life and decided to die taking away all of my notes. I borrowed Mayor’s phone and proceeded without my notes and the guys helped me through the discussion about building the guardrails in our lives to help us accelerate. Take the Daily Red Pill and build those guardrails, brick by brick. F3 Gastonia is doing that everyday, somewhere in the region.

Sweating at Midoriyama

The forecast was for 95% chance of rain so the rain Weinke was ready. Around lunch, I noticed the weather was clear and warm so adjustments were made. 9 men gathered around the shovel flag. Termite back after crushing his half marathon. Tyson rolling in fast after running some EC. Slaw back after being down for a while. Swimmer with some rucking EC with a 30 pound vest. Here we go!
Warmup SSH x10, Toy Soldiers x 10, Arm Circles forward and backward and Seal Jacks x 10.
Mosey to the entrance and across the road to the parking lot for Dirty Mac Deuce. 3 exercises to 12 reps, arms, legs and core. 5 sets.
Set 1 – Werkins, Low Slow Squats, Flutter Kicks, all x 12 IC, run a lap down to the cul de sac and back to the entrance and back.
Set 2 – Burpees x 12 OYO, Monkey Humpers, Freddie Mercuries x 12 IC, run the lap.
Set 3 – Moroccan Night Clubs, Mountain Climbers, American Hammers, all x 12 IC, run the lap.
Set 4 – CDD’s, Calf Raises, Dying Cockroaches, all x 12 IC, run the lap.
Set 5 – Diamond Merkins, Lunges, Big Boys Sit Ups, all x 12, run the lap.

Mosey back across the road, right turn to the next parking lot on the left for Dora 123. 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s. Partner 1 runs about halfway up the parking lot and back while partner 2 performs exercise, then switch.

Line up on the parking spot line for Route 66 with an exercise some call by a name that rhymes with Hobby Burleys but I refuse to use that name so I just told everyone to bend down to the ground and then pretend to shoot a free throw starting with one, then two at the next line, up to 11. There was an attempt by Freight to impersonate the state’s favorite college basketball team during this exercise. Not funny. Back to the flag.

“Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray,” Proverbs 10:17
A word about Discipline. Discipline is my Word for 2020 because I need it in all areas of my life. A disciplined life can lead to freedom in many ways. Most F3 guys are disciplined to make it through our workouts. That type of discipline can lead us to excel in others things as well. I heard Dredd talk about getting up at 2:50 am and writing for an hour, then reading and praying then going to a workout. He does this 6 days a week. He said he needs that discipline to be sure he writes as much as he needs to and he will not write that much at the end of his day so he does it early. Discipline is the key to achieving success in most areas of life.

Announcements: Wichita’s VQ at Folsom Saturday, February 15th. (I’m betting on lots of Merkins)
Axe Throwing Event on February 22nd, let Huckleberry know by Feb. 15th.
Convergence on March 21st at 7 am at Marthas. Everyone should try to attend.
Shoot ‘Em Up Fellowship at Allen Tate’s also on the afternoon of March 21st.
Look for the February Newsletter in your email. It is awesome.

Prayer Requests: Slaw’s daughter has the flu, Swimmer’s Father-in-law, Broke mentioned someone in a serious car accident, Freight’s wife grandfather.

COT Slaw took us out.

Stand Firm at The Sword

Chilly, clear morning in Dallas N.C. Some guys were rucking. Some guys were running. Some guys showed up for the Verse of the Week. Excited to have the Q at the new AO. I knew the verse(s) I wanted to share this morning. “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith. act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14. I use this verse to remind me to “Stand Firm” when things don’t go as I planned or hoped. We need to be there for those who count on us. We also need to “Be Strong” in all 3 F’s since we never know why we may need that strength, but we will need it. The last part was another verse but it goes along with the first verse. Love will be what helps us lead others. At Q Source a few weeks ago, one of the points was a leader’s legacy is built on love and this verse tells us the same.

Discipline at Sandlot

Clear, nice morning after the Super Bowl with 10 men starting the week off right! No Sister Act I guess, so let’s go.
SSH x 10, Cotton Pickers x 10, MNC’s x 10.

Mosey to the park and then back up to the top of the park parking lot for Blimps.
Burpees x 5, take a lap around the large parking lot.
Lunges x 10, Burpees x 5, lap.
Imperial Walkers x 15, Lunges x 10, Burpees x 5, lap.
Merkins x 20, Imperial Walkers x 15, Lunges x 10, Burpees x 5, lap.
Plank Jacks x 25, Merkins x 20, Imperial Walkers x 15, Lunges x 10, Burpees x 5, lap.
Squats x 30, Plank Jacks x 25, Merkins x 20, Imperial Walkers x 15, Lunges x 10, Burpees x 5, Mosey down to the picnic shelter.

80 D’s. 20 Dips in cadence called by Slaw, 20 Dollies in cadence, 20 Dying Cockroaches in cadence. 20 Derkins (single count) and Gastone had to pick up the count due to lack of breath by the Q.
Mosey back to the park entrance for Squats while we wait for the six.

Mosey to the bank with the rocks. Select a rock. Curls x 40, Overhead presses x 40, Curls x 40. Gently place the rock back where you found it. EZ Rider chose poorly!

Mosey back across the street to the bank with the well-lit parking area for a short version of Rugby sprints. Exercise until I say Sprint then sprint to the end of the parking lot, sprint back, then walk back. Only time for two exercises. I believe Hillbillies (which somehow may have offended Watts Up) and Squats. That Stinky Bird is fast!

My word for 2020 is Discipline. I need it in all phases of my life. My fitness, my diet, my faith and worship, my attitude, my finances, my relationships, my job. I didn’t want to drive 25 minutes from home to South Gastonia at 5 am to put myself through this workout so how did I get here. I saw where Stinky Bird asked for Q’s so I signed up. I knew that would make me set my alarm and get up early for an early morning weekday workout. I try to do the same thing signing up for races and relays so I have to push to train for them.
I’ve read this before but it always a good reminder from Jocko. Excerpts from Discipline Equals Freedom by Jocko Willink.

“Don’t worry about motivation. Motivation is fickle. It comes and goes. It is unreliable and when you are counting on motivation to get your goals accomplished—you will likely fall short. So. Don’t expect to be motivated every day to get out there and make things happen. You won’t be. Don’t count on motivation. Count on Discipline. You know what you have to do. So: MAKE YOURSELF DO IT. You do that with Discipline. It happens in the darkness of the early morning. In solitude. Where I try. And I try. And I try again. With everything I have, to be the best that I can possibly be. Better than I was yesterday. Better than people thought I could be. Better than I thought I could be. Faster and stronger and smarter. And claim one victory that no one can ever take away from me. Ever. A victory that is earned every single day. A victory of determination and will and discipline. A victory achieved because: I will not stop. Discipline Equals Freedom”.

Pledge (Thanks to Gastone for reminding me).

Announcements: F3 Gastonia 5 Year Convergence at Martha Rivers on Saturday, March 21st from 7 am to around 9:30 am with run/ruck options, bootcamp session and 2nd F and 3rd F. All F3 men should be here if at all possible!

March 21st at 12:00 to 3:00 pm at Allen Tate’s at 348 Loray Farm Road, Dallas, NC 28034 will be a Shoot ‘Em Up 2nd F event. RSVP if coming and bring your own drinks, guns and ammo.

February 22nd will be an Axe Throwing event. RSVP F3 Gastonia on Twitter if interested.

Dry Rub’s M, EZ Rider’s son, JK2’s friend.

I have been to workouts down there where I was close to the front of the pack but not today! The guys were pushing hard and leaving me behind. Thanks to the guys in SOGA for the push!

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