Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Def Leppard (Page 3 of 17)

Gratitude at Gashouse

Gashouse 11/5/22
Rainy days usually turn many a Pax into fartsackers but a very nice sized crowd. I have a few quotes about gratitude “sprinkled” throughout the workout today.

Warmup with the Painlab Pax.
SSH x 15 IC
Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
Right over left, left over right
Low Slow Squats x 15 IC
MNC’s x 15 IC
5 Burpees


Pain Lab goes to their work and us bootcampers mosey toward Presbyterian Church stopping a couple of times along the way for 3 burpees.

“Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty.” – Doris Day

10 perfect-form merkins at bottom under a nice dry breezeway, run the steps to the nice dry overhang for 1 Imperial Walker Squat each side = 1, then 9-2, 8-3 etc. Let the bat flippers flip! I did 11’s while several may have done 13’s or 14’s waiting on me.

“This is a wonderful day. I have never seen this one before.” – Maya Angelou

Mosey behind and back around the church to another nice dry breezeway for…
an Ab Circle.
LBC’s x 10 IC
American Hammers x 10 IC
Flutters x 10 IC
Freddie Mercuries x 10 IC
Reverse Crunch x 10 IC
WW1’s x 10 single count
In solidarity with the Royal Nantan Elbow, Elbow Plank 1 minute or so.

“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson (I like this one).

Mosey to the sidewalk and up to the far side of the Parkwood parking lot for…
Rugby Sprints
Exercise until I say Sprint, run 1 section out then 1 section back and then walk 1 section.
Exercises Plank Jacks, Squats, Merkins, Seal Jacks.

“When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.” – G. K. Chesterton

Mosey back across the road to Grier parking lot for…
Route 66 with 1 CDD, bear crawl to next space 2 CDD’s all the way up to 11. That one always gets me.

“Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.” – Karl Barth

Mosey back to flag as the bell rings.

Christmas town 5k 11/26
Christmas Party 12/3

Prayer Requests
Gumby’s mom
Haze’s mom
Timeframe’s Dad
Sledge’s friends with cancer
Pizza Man’s pastor

Broke took us out.

*NMM As we begin the countdown to Thanksgiving, I thought a few quotes about gratitude would be good. Turns out we had a little discussion about Joy and Peace and Happiness as these guys had some great insights. JJ had been recently teaching a lesson to youth about gratitude. It’s always good to be back where I had my first post around April 2016 and as a certain puddle-jumping Pax recently said, “TRANSFORMATIONAL” is the word to describe it. Broke was sweating before we started. Shout out to the Pizza Man for crossing the river to visit. Always good to have him back pushing the pace as always. I heard Seuss preaching the Word at one point today during 11’s and he almost had a sweat going today. I tried to catch Roscoe using some bad form today and it never happened. Dude is a machine. We discussed the famous Gumby hat he usually wears. Works well in rain and sun. Oompa is trying to recover but as I am finding out it takes longer these days but he’s still posting and doing what he can. I think that’s a great way to keep motivation. We saw Stroganoff putting in some OYO EC. He is easy to notice wearing that color of shirt. I am not sure why he wears those. I appreciate all the guys who came out.

And again…
“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Me too Ralph!

What We Doin?

Old School 10/22/22
Lively group of smack talkers gathered on a brisk morning. Most guys still rocking the shorts except Slaw is ready for winter with the sweat pants, hoodie and (I looked this up) a toboggan/beanie/Knitted winter hat/Snookie/Sherpa. We always just called them toboggans when I was growing up. Let’s get the blood flowing… with a lap around track.


Warmup: Cotton pickers, Right over left stretch, Left over right stretch, Low Slow Squats, MNC’s, let’s go!

Mosey toward Court Square stopping at intersections for 3 burpees.

4 corners: 10 military merkins (elbows in tight), next corner 10 military merkins, 20 CDD’s. Next corner 10 military merkins, 20 CDD’s, 30 overhead claps. Next corner 10 military merkins, 20 CDD’s, 30 overhead claps, 40 MNC’s.

Mosey to gazebo for ab circle. 15 single count of each:
Flutters (Count right side)
American Hammers (Count right side)
Freddie Mercuries (Count right side)
Reverse Crunch,
Oblique crunch right and then left, corrected to be called Pretzel crunch.
Elbow Plank in honor of Sargento’s royal elbow having surgery Monday.

Mosey back near to the entrance of Court Square for triple nickel, 5 perfect form merkins (Broke was the first one I heard call these as they are hand release and then shoulder taps on each shoulder is one and they require full extension to complete). Run over the court house steps to opposite side near the electric car chargers for 5 low slow squats, 5 times. Freight was leading and Mayor and Blart were close.

Mosey long way around the court house square and cross the street to fairly new parking lot for Route 66 with CDD’s and bear crawl eleven spaces. I am not good at bear crawling and I am told that means I need to do more to get better but I am not sure that is working. Several of these guys make it look easy but it is not for me.

Mosey the long way near Country Kitchen by the old textile plant back up to Kotter’s Korner to the start. Still some time left.

Partner up. Partner 1 runs the parking lot and does 10 merkins and runs back while partner 2 flutter kicks. Switch for 3 turns each. Then change the exercises to LBC’s and SSH mainly because I was merkined out.

As someone once said (Freight today): “Nobody cares what you can do when your fresh”, so one sprint around the track. I took an early lead and faded on the back stretch. Wirenut rolled his arse past everyone to finish first. I was first in my age group.

Word: Be sure you are doing the things today with and around your child that you will be glad you did when they are grown because it will be here so soon. My daughter is getting married next Saturday and will live in Shelby and while I am so happy for her and I will miss seeing her every day as she is one of my favorite people!
Thanks to all the guys who came out and always push me to do more than I thought I could!

Christmas Party 12/3
Christmatown 5k 11/26

Gumby’s mom
Pallbearer’s son Luke
Pockets dad

Blessed at Midoriyama

Very warm day at the greatest afternoon AO around and 10 strong Pax came out to evidently what was expected to be an easy workout from the old man Q. Let’s see what we can do to change that notion!

SSH, Abe Vigodas, Right over Left, Left over Right, Moroccan Night Clubs, Low Slow Squats.


Mosey toward dog park hill stopping at each light pole for 3 Burpees for about 10 light poles stopping to wait on the six at each pole. Burpees? Yes Burpees. I hate them but probably need a few so I called them.

At dog park hill, partner up for Dora 123. Partner 1 runs the hill while partner 2 begins:
100 perfect form merkins (Hand release Merkins with shoulder taps, hate these too)
200 flutter kicks (count right leg)
300 LBC’s. Several “dogs” in the dog park seemed to be paying attention to the guy with perfect hair.
This was tougher than expected but luckily I had Defib as a partner and he did more than his fair share of the reps. These dudes worked that hill! Several finished by bringing in the six for a nice group effort! At this point Sister Act’s name was brought up in a negative light but I shut that down and will not hear of this during my Q!

Mosey to the lower parking lot for Route 66 with 1 CDD, bear crawl to the next space, 2 CDD’s and continue through 11 spaces. Some comments about CDD form but I am not sure who it was directed toward. Freight, Slaw, Defib and Wirenut made this look easy but it was not!

Mosey to the parking lot back near the flag for one last thang.
Elevens with 10 Big Boys on one side and 1 American Hammer on the other. We almost completed before time.

During the workout I read a few quotes about blessings from various people as I have been feeling very blessed in many ways lately. I think most of us are so very blessed in many ways and it is good to have gratitude for those blessings. Here are the quotes.

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” – Willie Nelson

“Gratitude lifts our eyes off the things we lack so we might see the blessings we possess.” – Max Lucado (I can recommend his books as they are easy reads and very practical).

“When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” – C.S. Lewis (His books are a bit more difficult but I have enjoyed the ones I have read).

“Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks.” – Thomas Goodwin

“Don’t just count your blessings. Be the blessing other people count on.” – Anonymous

I relayed the story of a friend who passed away last week who was always a blessing to others. His name was Bud Jonas and I have known him over 40 years. His visitation was full of laughter and funny stories and the church was over capacity with people standing. The pastor even said funerals like this are easy because his life speaks for itself. We should all be striving to live so that our life is a blessing to others.

Mayor is available for skate parties.
JJ5K 9/24 at 9:00 a.m.
Canned food collecting at Crossroads for Dallas Christian Ministry.
Street cleanup on Garrison near Lineberger Park after Gashouse on 10/1.
Convergence 10/15- at Bulldog I think (W.A. Bess Elementary)

Camelia traveling
Oompa Loompa took us out!

Kotter at Midoriyama

I haven’t Q’d in a long while so Wojo needed a stand-in, I volunteered and developed the weinke and knew a few may be missing but 8 strong showed up for the old man Q. Slaw is on the IR but still brings us water and a flag and emotional support! Freight was likely celebrating his forty-somethingth birthday. Warm, muggy day at Midoriyama and I see a truck pull in I don’t recognize. Who gets out of this truck but the one and only ALLEN TATE! Yes, that Allen Tate! I haven’t seen him in a long while and he looks ready to werk! Always good to have a Kotter back in the fold. Let’s get to it.

Warmup – SSH, Don Q’s, Couple of Stretches since this was supposed to be a Wojo Q (no fire hydrants though), Imperial Walkers, Low Slow Squats, 5 burpees OYO.


Mosey to small soccer field
Corner 1 – 10 perfect form (PF) merkins, (hand release w/shoulder taps at top)
Corner 2 – 20 American Hammers (count right side as one), repeat 10 PF merkins
Corner 3 – 30 Imperial Walkers (count ride side as one), 20 hammers, 10 PF Merkins
Corner 4 – 40 Flutter Kicks (count right side as one), 30 Imperial Walkers, 20 hammers, 10 PF Merkins
Corner 3 – 30 Imperial Walkers (count ride side as one), 20 hammers, 10 PF Merkins
Corner 2 – 20 American Hammers (count right side as one), repeat 10 PF merkins
Corner 1 – 10 PF Merkins.

Mosey around the soccer field sidewalk to Dog Park Hill.
Triple Nickel: 5 LBC’s at bottom and 5 Low Slow Squats at top 5 times.

Mosey over to the soccer field line for some sprints/suicides.

Sprint about 50 feet to a line and sprint back when I say go. We did this 7 times. Broke left early once but Tonka was way ahead on most of these. Old geezer Oompa got pretty swift on at least one of these. After each sprint while we were catching our breath I would read a quote about kindness. Kindness is a great attribute to have especially when dealing with our families. Listen to each quote and think about where you are right now on a kindness scale and how you can improve.
1. Love is patient and kind. 1 Cor. 13:4
2. Less is more unless it’s kindness, sleep or toilet paper.
3. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
4. Kindness goes a long ways sometimes when it maybe should have stayed at home.
5. To err on the side of kindness is seldom an error.
6. Kindness is more than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.
7. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34 The ultimate in kindness shown to us all!

Mosey back to the flag.

Announcements: 50 mile relay 9-10, Skating with Mayor 9-17, JJ5K in Stanley 9-24.

Prayer Requests:
Defib’s friend in Louisiana
Dean Carpenter

Broke took us out!

Midoriyama Heat

11 Pax braved the afternoon heat of Midoriyama for a simple workout from a simple Q.
SSH x 15
Right over Left
Left over Right
Cotton Pickers x 15
5 burpees for Slaw
Mosey to the far Turd shack to find some shade.
Got Defib to call 20 Merkins in cadence, yes in cadence.
Got Freight to call 20 LBC’s in cadence.
Got Slaw to call 20 Low Slow Squats in cadence. He added a little extra at the top.
Mosey to the playground. Repeat the three exercises.
Mosey through the pump track to the picnic shelter. Repeat the three exercises.
Mosey through the woods down the hill by the volleyball court toward the parking lot. Repeat the three exercises except x 10 due to time and the Q juice running low.
Mosey across the road. Repeat exercises x 10.
Mosey back to the flag area and go get a block.
Curls x 30
On Your Six Chest Press x 30
Overhead Tricep Extensions x 10
Shrugs x 10
Curls x 30
On Your Six Chest Press x 30
Overhead Tricep Extensions x 10
Shrugs x 10
Curls x 30
Put up the blocks. Out of Time.

PT Test at Gashouse Saturday
Clean Up our section of Garrison Blvd after PT Test.
Tubing July 30th

Prayer Requests:
Haze’s Sister In Law and mom
Defib’s friend

NMM- Thanks to all who came out today. Hard work was done by all. I read a few cleaned up versions of David Goggins’ quotes. He certainly has figured out how to push his body past what most anyone can do. A reminder to take the hardest step of the workout which is the first step out the door. Plan ahead and be consistent.

Folsom Love

There was a time that I can remember when I had to remove a lot of running if I had the Q at Folsom but these days the Folsom boys are bat flipping. I knew I had to dial it up a notch. Weather was perfect. Cloudy and cool. Most guys did an EC run or ruck and 6:30 time to go! Throughout the workout I decided to read quotes about loving people since it is the Easter season. Ball Joint correctly noted afterward that the quotes were taking up valuable workout time and he is 100% correct. I use the quote time to allow myself to rest.

SSH x 25
Right over Left stretch
Left over Right stretch
Gravel Pickers x 10
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10
Low Slow Squats x 10


Mosey to Tennis Courts.
Line Up 10 Merkins, run to fence and back
10 Merkins, 10 American Hammers, run
10 Merkins, 10 American Hammers, 10 CDD’s, run
10 Merkins, 10 American Hammers, 10 CDD’s, 10 LBC’s, run. This was supposed to be 10, 20, 30 then 40 but I forgot. Q Fail but nobody knew.

“Lots of people love to ride with you in the limo, but you need people who will ride with you on the bus.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, only with what you are expecting to give.” – Katherine Hepburn (actress from before even my day)

Mosey down to the concrete pad near the dog park to previously placed Blocks. Only brought the 24 lb. ones. Sorry Westside and Wichita.

30 Curls
30 OH Presses
30 Swings
30 Chest Presses
30 Shrugs
30 Curls
30 Chest Presses

“I have decide to stick with love. Hate is too big a burden to bear.” – Martin Luther King

“I want to do good. I want the world to be better because I was here.” – Will Smith. Hmmm! Lots of discussion after that one given recent events. It was noted that just talking about loving your neighbor is not enough.

“Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good too.” – Yogi Berra. It was noted that he also said “I’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous!” and “That place is so crowded, nobody goes there anymore.”

Mosey to bottom of hill behind the dog park.
Time to let the bat flippers loose!
Triple Nickel Hill Sprint Style
5 Squats at bottom, 5 burpees at top near the sign, 5 times. Round Up and Tonka leading the way. Sister Act middle of the pack at best. Hate to see it! Hacksaw dragged me up the hill the last leg. That’s always a crowd favorite.

With all of these hard chargers, we are ahead of schedule so another round of block work.
30 Curls
30 OH Presses
30 Swings
30 Chest Presses
30 Shrugs
30 Curls

Mosey down to lower picnic shelter for BLIMPS.
Burpees x 10
LBC’s x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers Squats x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Squats x 10 IC

“God teaches us to love by putting some unlovely people around us.” – Pastor Rick Warren

“Our job is not to ridicule and hate but it is to love people to Jesus.” – Pastor Hugh Whitfield

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” – Jesus in John 15:12-13

Sprint back to the flag
1 minute left so 5 burpees

F3 Lunch at Ray Nathan’s noon Thursday April 21st

Tank’s family
Gump and family
Tonka’s coworkers
Gumby’s mom

*NMM Great to get to Q at Folsom in a coveted Saturday spot. Love to see the guys pushing so hard and still picking up the six. The Rev. Low Carb (Wichita) is embracing his new nickname and has plenty of work to do as the group seems to love sugary cereals, cinnamon sticks and biscuits. I didn’t know Tonka but he is a tough young man since he kept up with Round Up most of the morning. Seuss was throwing around the block pretty well today. Volt is not saying when his birthday is and also still hates Raisin Bran. Oompa is on IR but came to eat with us. There was some discussion about Slaw kissing and possibly dating a llama. Round Up ate 10 eggs at breakfast. “Somebody” put some used, hairy, sweaty KT tape on my mirror. The nerve.

Attitude at Midoriyama

8 strong Pax showed up at a breezy, warm Midoriyama. Broke was originally the Q but he asked for a fill in due to his back problems and I was glad to help out. The mumblechatterers started before the workout even began. Several jokes about how easy the workout was going to be, tapering for races, etc. Slaw ran a 5K EC. Coming in hot was Sister Act for a rare afternoon post. His arrival seemed to increase the mumblechatter. Imagine that. Broke wasn’t walking very well so he decided he would do some work on his own.

Warmup: SSH x 10 IC, Right over Left, Left over Right, Moroccan Night Clubs, Low Slow Squats.
Mosey to the far parking lot rest room building in the shade for a “modified” Walls of Jericho. We would do ONE exercise, run a lap around both parking lots, return to the shady side of the building to hear a quote about Attitude from various sources.
7 burpees
7 LBC’s IC
7 Merkins IC
7 Low Slows IC
7 American Hammers IC
7 Military Merkins IC
7 Big boys IC

  1. I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of attitude. -Charles Swindoll
  2. It is not the body’s posture but the heart’s attitude that counts when we pray. – Billy Graham
  3. We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars. – Oscar Wilde
  4. Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. – Helen Keller
  5. Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching? – Unknown
  6. Great effort springs naturally from great attitude. – Pat Riley
  7. Funny is an attitude. – Flip Wilson

Mosey to a never before used hill in F3 Gastonia history on the first base side of Field #3 for a Triple Nickel. 5 squats at the bottom, 5 Merkins at the fence at the top, 5 times. I was the six by the time this one ended and needed Slaw to give a ten count.

Mosey the long way behind all three ballfields on the side near the woods stopping behind Field #1 at a nice hill for another Triple Nickel with Flutter Kicks on top and Moroccan Night Clubs at the bottom. Once again I am the six and need another 10 count from Slaw.

Mosey back to the flag for some Mary. LBC’s, certain Canoe called 10 burpees, Dying cockroaches, some others to close it out.

I reminded everyone about how many times the father’s attitude can set the daily tone for the family and to be very mindful of this. I learned this probably much later in life than I should and it is good to be reminded.

Speed for Need Event at Community Foundation Run this Saturday April 9th beginning at 9 a.m. Check Slack for details.
Trash Clean Up on Saturday, April 16th after Gashouse workout on Garrison near Lineberger Park.
Honey Hunter’s Baseball Game with F3 Gastonia on Sunday, April 24th.

Prayer Requests:
My M
Gumby’s Mom
Mayor’s M
Blart took us out.

**Big thanks to all the Pax who came out today as it was a group of spirited, hard chargers. Blart was trying to sprint on the laps around the parking lot. Sister Act and Freight had lots of discussion about form and effort, who has it and who does not and also some who don’t care. Slaw found a softball while we were out and this led to a discussion of our church softball days where he and Blart and I played together for many years with many funny stories. Some did not appreciate all of the “attitude” quotes and disparaged some of them but I liked them all. The attitude quotes were mainly for me as I have been having some difficulties and need reminding to check my attitude. It was great to lead such a fine group!

Slippery at Prison Break

10 total Pax. 3 ran 7+ miles, 3 ran 4 miles, 4 rucked for 45 minutes. All got better. It was very slippery out there and sidewalks were in bad shape.

Announcements: Q School moved to Feb. 5th (Sister Act and Sarlacc encouraged to attend)
2nd F Lunch today at Buffalo Wild Wings at 12.

Prayer Requests: Gumby, Wirenut’s M’s family, Roundup and M, Huckleberry’s dad, Termite, Gearwrench’s friend’s 7 YO daughter. Sarlacc took us out.

Rules For Life at Old School

9 Pax roll in on a beautifully chilly morn in downtown Dallas, NC. Pizza Man, Seuss, Gavel and Wirenut ran some EC too. Too cold to stand around, so my adopted little brother Pizza Man says it is time, so let’s go!

SSH x 20 IC, Squats x 10 IC, Cotton Pickers x 10 IC, Right Over Left and LOR Stretches, Plank and then stretch right foot to right hand, then left, 5 burpees OYO for Slaw. I like to have some words of wisdom passed along in each of my Q’s and today I read 12 quotes from Jordan Peterson a Canadian clinical psychologist, author and YouTube personality that I enjoy reading. First 2 quotes.
1. “Make friends with people who want the best for you.”
2. “Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.”

Let’s mosey out to Trade street past Sammie’s to the newest parking lot in Dallas beside the old jailhouse for some sidewalk chalk work. 7 spaces had the following exercises written in chalk. Pick a space to start. Do the exercise (single count), run a lap around the hillier than expected parking lot and then move to the next space until all are done or time is called which was around 25 minutes in.
10 burpees
20 Merkins
30 CDD’s
40 squats
50 LBC’s
60 Lunges (count each leg)
70 SSH
Read 2 more quotes from JP.
3. “Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.”
4. “Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient).”

Mosey back across the street to Paw Paw’s pizza (inside joke for Slaw and Blart) then right to the Court House Gazebo and on your six for a shorter version of a Tool Time Core Time. Lots of discussion of fond memories from happenings in this same gazebo in days gone by. Love to hear the tales from all the locals.
In cadence x 15.
American Hammers
Flutter Kicks
Dying Cockroaches
One minute low plank
Read 2 more quotes.
5. “Tell the truth — or, at least, don’t lie.”
6. “Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t.”

Mosey down the road a ways to Dallas Church of God entrance with a little hill for 11’s.
Hand Release Merkins at top
CDD’s at bottom.
Read 2 more quotes.
7. “Be precise in your speech”
8. “You’re going to pay a price for every thing you do and everything you don’t do. You don’t get to choose to not pay a price. You get to choose which poison you’re going to take. That’s it.”

Mosey back to flag and we planked while I read the last 4 Jordan Peterson quotes.
9. “When you have something to say, silence is a lie.” Freight really liked that one.
10. “You can only find out what you actually believe (rather than what you think you believe) by watching how you act. You simply don’t know what you believe, before that. You are too complex to understand yourself.”
11. “And if you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what weak men are capable of.” F3 is working to fix this one!
12. “In the West, we have been withdrawing from our tradition-, religion- and even nation-centered cultures, partly to decrease the danger of group conflict. But we are increasingly falling prey to the desperation of meaninglessness, and that is no improvement at all.”

Rice and Beans coming to Gastonia. Look for specifics on Slack.
Q school January 22nd at Gashouse (hoping Sister Act will attend)
Per New Nantan Sargento “Always Be EHing!”

Prayer Requests:
Wirenut’s Aunt
Roundup and M and babies
Pizza Man’s grandma in her new place
Freight took us out.

*NMM Thanks to all of the Pax that showed up. We got in over 3 miles and a lot of reps this morning with lots of rock pushers helping us all to get better. Pizza Man had to hurry home after the workout as he was obviously wearing his wife’s shorts! Wirenut was keeping us honest on our (mostly my) form today. A Blart CDD is an interesting sight and we hear he may be starting a book club soon! Slawbag had Mexican food last night and don’t ask how we know. Haze was kinda quiet this morning but he did manage at least two “C’mon Leppard’s” as he passes me! There was some story about Freight on a scavenger hunt and winding up engaged or winning $200 or something like that!

Agreements and Blocks

Unseasonably warm this afternoon for a holiday week workout. 7 strong Pax out today to get better and Defib brought out his 2.1 Eddie to enjoy the show. Found out Eddie was nicknamed for Eddie Van Halen as he plays guitar.


SSH x 15 IC, stretches Right over Left, Left over Right, Leg stretch in Plank position, Hillbillies x 10, a few Calf Raises, 5 burpees OYO for Slaw.

Walk through the horseshow pits to the Hidden Blocks.
Curls x 30, Chest Press x 30, Shrugs x 30, Curls x 30. Leave the blocks out. A while back, Stroganoff (as he is known to do) gave me a book entitled The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I try to remind myself of these frequently as they are wonderful goals to work toward. 1st agreement; Be impeccable with your word.

Mosey to top parking lot and partner up for Dora 123.
100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC’s, partner run across both lots and back. 2nd agreement; Don’t take anything personally.

Mosey to Dog Park hill where it was very dark by now.
Triple Nickel
Merkins at bottom, Plank Jacks at top, 5 times. 3rd agreement; Don’t make assumptions.

Back to the blocks for more. Curls x 10, Chest Press x 10, Shrugs x 10 , Curls x 10. 4th agreement; Always do your best. Return the blocks.

Back to flag.

Instead of resolutions, ask what disciplines will you do in 2022? The Four Agreements can be a great part of that.
1st agreement; Be impeccable with your word.
2nd agreement; Don’t take anything personally.
3rd agreement; Don’t make assumptions.
4th agreement; Always do your best.

Convergence here at Midoriyama on 1/1/2022 at 7:00 a.m. Everybody be there.
Rice and Beans on Jan. 4th with 10 slots.

Prayer Requests:
Freight’s wife’s grandfather and family
Broke’s mother
Tiger’s M and stepsons
Stroganoff’s Mother-in-law

*NMM Hard working group today in the warm gloom. Slaw took his shirt off as expected. Seuss was throwing that block around pretty good. Eddie was using his youth and energy to show us old guys how it is done. It was good to see the average age of Midoriyama drop for at least one workout. Gavel told about his boy’s Nerf guns and remote controlled cars and the fun they are having. I’m sure Tiger has some toys at his house too. Once again Sister Act is too scared to attend one of my Q’s. Maybe in 22.

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