Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Def Leppard (Page 1 of 17)

Moist Crossroads

9 Pax attended Crossroads with the season-opening ride for 3 of the DBC (Dallas Bike Club) starting early even though the moisture may have hindered full attendance. I heard there were puddles in some neighborhoods so safety first! 6 runners, no ruckers. Where you at ruckers? Runners mostly got in at least 4 to 5 miles and some were much sweatier than others. Freight running 5 after his 10 mile trail run yesterday. The DBC got in almost 20 miles as they made it to Lincoln County and back. Slaw was breaking in the nice new bike. Defib has some sort of radar on his bike to detect cars and maybe speed traps by police. We all stayed for coffee and a discussion on Missionality. Find what you are meant to do and practice it to be the best you can and serve your greatest purpose. The group helped me through this lesson with great insights. Things discussed were spaghetti, Sports Illustrated, Dolphins, the best Q’s, Valerie Bertinelli, Daffodils and the worst Q (we all know who)!

Announcements: F3 Lunch at Bubba’s 33 June 19th at noon.
Annihilation Workout at Gashouse with Heihei Q Saturday June 8th at 7

Prayer Requests: Turtleman’s family, Freight’s dad, Guffey family, Camm family, Gumby’s mom, Huckleberry. Broke took us out!

Whitlocking at Crossroads

10 Pax running various routes and distances and paces on this beautiful, cool Spring morning. Nice size crowd but missing a few who will likely be called out with an empty chair pic. Afterward at Coffeeteria we had a lively discussion about Shieldlock. Life is tough but always better when you have a few guys to help you through the difficulties. I am thankful for the ones I can and have counted on.

Announcements: Community Foundation Run April 13th with a workout at the Gastonia baseball stadium at 7:00 am. This is a Speed For Need event where we are pushing kids in race chariots and it’s a great time.
The Gastonia Goonie coming up 5/4/24 at 3:00 am (yes, Defib said 3 a.m.) What you need to bring is yourself, a rucksack, and a good attitude (you know who you are).

Prayer Requests: Huckleberry, Turtleman, Anchorman, Wirenut’s family, Gumby’s family. Broke took us out.

Group Dynamics at Crossroads

13 runners and ruckers at a nice, breezy morning in big D. I chased the running group for a while but never caught them. Freight was rucking at a 14:20 pace for some reason. Most stayed for Q Source on Groups and Wirenut joined us. The main points have been discussed several times at Crossroads through the years so I wanted to emphasize a few specific points today. One was to be sure you are moving your groups to ADVANTAGE. Another focus word was DYNAMIC which in a group setting means always changing which most groups have to deal with constantly, especially the group of our family. Questions were asked. Examples were given. Stories were told. Jokes were made. Quotes from some famous people about family and friends were told.

Questions we discussed:
1) In each of your teams (family, work, church, friends) do you have someone who will tell you that you are wrong or right?
2) What would you do to help any of your teams if the worst happens?
3) Are you the person in your team who tells or listens or maybe not even engaged? Why?

Thanks for coming guys. Lots of HIGH IMPACT MEN in this GROUP.

No Quotes Today

Midoriyama 1/4/24
Cotton Pickers
Leg Stretches
5 Burpees for Slaw (Pax were not agreeable that Slaw should have burpees called)

Pledge (Discussion about pledging immediately after Burpees)

The Thang
Run to three different locations to work on the full body, upper body, Ab’s and Lower body.

Run to the far soccer fields parking lot for Upper Body exercises.
20 Merkins
20 CDD’s
20 MNC’s
20 Mike Tyson’s (crowd favorite)
Bear Crawl across parking lot.

Run to middle parking lot for AB’s exercises.
20 Flutters (Count right or left)
20 Hammers (Count right)
20 LBC’s. (Single count)
20 Reverse Crunches (Single count)
Al Gore Walk across parking lot or just regular Duck Walk.

Run to parking lot close to the batting cages for Leg exercises.
20 Rocky Balboas
20 Calf Raises
20 Low Slow Squats
20 High Knees
Lunge Walk across parking lot.

Run back to soccer fields parking lot to repeat the Thang.

After repeating the earlier Thang. Mosey to Softball Field #1 for Triple Nickel with 5 Mike Tyson’s and 5 Squats for 5 times coming back up the hill using the steps.

Announcements: P200 needs runners, See Pockets.
F3 Lunch at Whiskey Mill on Wednesday, January 17th.
Pushing Rocks is coming…..Feb 1.

Prayer Requests: Slaw, Jackson Hall, Ball Joint, Turtleman, all of the many sick all around.

Thanks to all the Pax who showed on a chilly, windy, winter afternoon. No quotes or themes today just running and exercising but maybe next time. If you haven’t been to Midoriyama in a while or ever, come on out and join the fun. There is always a good group, lots of mumblechatter, and usually a tough(ish) workout!

Downtown Do Gooders

I have the Q Downtown in place of Slaw who has some sort of fungus they haven’t identified yet. I always expect a large crowd at Downtown but alas, many Pax are no doubt resting for a strong 2024 so with a solid 6 strong men, we endeavored to persevere!

Cotton Pickers
Leg Stretches
In honor of Slawbag, 5 Burpees OYO.

Mosey to back of truck for quick block work, or as I was reminded, these are half-blocks.

Curls x 30
Triceps x 30
Shrugs x 30
Swings x 30 and Repeat.
There was a train and we obliged with 5 more burpees.

Mosey to top floor of the Parking Deck running up the ramps.

20 merkins and 24 LBC’s then run to the bottom floor using ramps for 20 Mike Tyson’s and 24 Reverse Crunches and run back up using stairs as yet an unannounced number of cycles. I think Wichita and Clutch did 5 and the rest did 4.

Mosey back to the truck for a one more round of half-blocks.
Curls x 30
Triceps x 30
Shrugs x 30
Swings x 30 and back to the flag for time.

I was studying the Book of Titus and noticed a theme that is good for everyone to employ. Do good. There are many verses in Titus all pointing to this simple but powerful lesson. DO GOOD.

“Rather, he must be hospitable, ONE WHO LOVES WHAT IS GOOD, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined.“ Titus‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬ ‭

“In everything set them an example by DOING WHAT IS GOOD.”‭‭ Titus‬ ‭2‬:‭7‬ ‭

”….. a people that are his very own, eager to DO WHAT IS GOOD.” Titus‬ ‭2‬:‭14‬

“Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to DO WHATEVER IS GOOD” Titus‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬

“And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to DOING WHAT IS GOOD. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.“ Titus‬ ‭3‬:‭8‬ ‭

“Our people must learn to devote themselves to DOING WHAT IS GOOD, in order to provide for urgent needs and not live unproductive lives.” Titus‬ ‭3‬:‭14‬

Beer Mile at Sargento’s Saturday 12/30 at 11 am
Convergence at Martha’s 1/1/2024 at 7 with EC run or ruck at 6.

Prayer Requests:
Slaw, Jackson Hall, Turtleman, Oompa’s coworker’s family, Wichita’s dad, Clutch’s coworker’s daughter, GUmby’s mom, Broke’s mom and Wirenut’s mom and also remember our guy Ball Joint.

*NMM Lots of discussion about getting older, taking naps, antique shopping, the idea of being a grandpaw someday and inflation. Problems were solved.

Old School Christmas Movies

Old School 11/25/23
Lively group of 13 mumblechatterers. A difficult part of a Q is being sure the bat flippers get enough work to do while not killing the non-bat flippers and any newer Pax. It’s a delicate process with lots of discussion along the way. Here was my attempt.

Seal Jacks x 10
Hillbillies x 10
Calf Raises x 10
CDD’s x 10
Low slow Squats x 10
Cotton Pickers x 10
MNC’s for a while. SA stated that the warmup was longer because the Q likely didn’t have enough Weinke so we shall see.

Mosey to Dallas Baptist Church intersection, 10 Mike Tyson’s IC called by SA.
Cross street, turn corner to Philadelphia Church Road, 10 Mike Tyson’s IC called by SA.
Cross road, go by Pelicans to Old Dallas Jail parking lot.

Partner up. Partner 1 performs the exercise written in the parking space while Partner 2 runs a lap around the outside of the parking lot. Partner 2 then performs the same exercise in that space while Partner 1 runs. Team must complete each exercise for each parking space. Bonding was accomplished. Crowd pleaser for sure!
9 Exercises are:
HR Merkins
Low Slow Squats
Flutter Kicks
Monkey Humpers
Freddie Mercuries
Toy Soldiers

Mosey back to Pelicans intersection for 11’s starting with 10 Imperial Walker Squats (do right crunch, squat, left crunch as 1 or whatever you feel like is what really happened) run to the top of the road for Mike Tyson’s at the top. Seuss and Wiki leading the way with a big group right behind them. As seems to be increasing common these days, I was the either the six or right with the six.

Mosey back across the road to the Court House Steps for a Triple Nickel as time was running low. 5 LBFC’s, run the steps, 5 Mike Tyson’s for 5 cycles. I think we only had time for 4 sets.

No time for ABs at the Gazebo, normally an Old School tradition. Mosey back by the Dallas Fire Department and back to the start where we pledged quickly to the American Flag and Time.

At several spots I read a few quotes from Christmas movies and had the guys guess the movie name.

Movie Quotes-
1. “Surprised, Eddie?… If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn’t be more surprised.” – Christmas Vacation
2. “Merry Christmas you filthy animal.” – Home Alone 2
3. “Of course you’re not an elf. You’re 6’3″ and had a beard since you were 15.” – Elf
4. “I’m sorry, this is our family’s first kidnapping.” – Christmas Vacation
5. “My childhood was like the Shawshank Redemption, except I didn’t have some old, warm, black man to share my story with! “ – Four Christmases
6. “In The Heat Of Battle, My Father Wove A Tapestry Of Obscenity, That As Far As We Know Is Still Hanging In Space Over Lake Michigan.” – Christmas Story
7. “Boys, I don’t want to speak ill of your mother on Christmas, but she’s nothing but a common street whxxe (edited for language).” – Four Christmases
8. “Aaah! ‘Fra-GEE-Lay!’ It Must Be Italian!” – Christmas Story
9. “Remember, no man is a failure who has friends.”- It’s a Wonderful Life
10. “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. And when he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?” – It’s a Wonderful Life (My absolute favorite)
I told the guys to try to be a positive influence throughout this season and to try to be mindful of many who aren’t always happy during the holidays. We each can find ways to help.

Announcements- Christmastown 5K tonight by 5:30 and we are pushing 4 chariots. I believe this is one of the best things F3 Gastonia does and certainly is one of the most fun (other than the running part).
Christmas Party 12/2 and Convergence that morning
Beer Ruck 12/9
Prayer list- Medicine Woman, Turtleman, Huck, Purple Haze’s mom, Gumby’s mom, Wirenut’s mom, Jackson Hall.

*NMM – Slaw enjoys Monkey Humpers a little too much! I thought the extra running would quieten down Wirenut but it wasn’t happening. There was a discussion about which “supplements” he may have taken. Blart was back while still suffering through plantar’s which never seems to go away and Haze has had it for seemingly all year too. Good to have Gumby back after being sick for a while. Wiki ate enough food at breakfast to feed a family. Seuss did NOT order chicken in his omelet but ate it anyway as the server wasn’t accepting any feedback today. Broke and SA discussed the joys of raising girls when breakers start flipping because excessive hair tools being used. Slaw’s brother Chili is getting up to speed pretty quickly. That makes you wonder if Chili will also pass SA soon like Slaw did! Pall Bearer is quietly killing it lately with double posts, running and rucking EC plus will still talk some smack if necessary. Freight was out but some Pax were wanting to ask him if a wooly worm was seen in Greenville, SC and if so, is that 4 more months of winter! Not sure what that means.

MIdoriyama Movie Lines

10 strong Pax showed up for the first gloomy Midoriyama Q after the time switch. Various excuses were made from some no shows; hate to see it. Blart noticed three deer walking from the softball field to the horseshoe pits but they didn’t stay for the work.

Warmup: SSH, Low Slows, Monkey Humpers for tardy Montross, Hillbillies and MNC’s.

Mosey to the distant left side parking lot for…

crowd favorite Dirty Mac Deuce: 12 Reps, Arms, Legs, Core

Set #1 Werkins, Low Slows, Flutters x 12 IC, run a lap around the lower parking lot.

Set #2 Burpees 12 OYO (as promised in the warmup, but no Slaw), Monkey Humpers, Freddie Mercs x 12 IC, run a lap.

Set #3 MNC’s, Mountain Climbers, Big Boys x 12 IC, run a lap.

Set #4 CDD’s, Calf Raises, Dying Cockroaches x 12 IC called by Broke so I could catch my breath, run a lap.

Set #5 Diamond Merkins, Lunges, LBFC’s x 12 IC, run a lap.

Stay here for the next Thang.

Partner Up.

P1 runs across the parking lot for 10 Merkins at the sidewalk while P2 begins 100 Squats then switch.

200 Flutter Kicks (count right leg)

300 LBC’s

Mosey back for some Mary and a couple of Wojo stretches. Thanks Wojo.

Throughout the workout I would read a line from a few of my favorite movies and ask everyone to guess the movie. This didn’t go very well as most of these kids haven’t seen any movies made before 2010.

Some of my favorite movie lines.

“A real woman could stop you from drinking.” “It’d have to be a real big woman”. – from Arthur (I could’ve done 25 lines from this movie. Seems Defib may be the only one who remembers).

“The average Russkie, son, don’t take a dump without a plan” – from The Hunt for Red October

“Do or do not, there is no try”. – Star Wars

“A man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man” – Godfather

“Can you fly this plane and land it?” “Surely you can’t be serious.” “I am serious and don’t call me Shirley.” – Airplane

“You tell ’em I’m coming and hells coming with me” – Tombstone

“Do me this favor. I won’t forget it. Ask your friends in the neighborhood about me. They’ll tell you I know how to return a favor.” – Godfather 2

“It’s a hell of a thing, killing a man. Take away all he’s got and all he’s ever gonna have.” – Unforgiven

and one I forgot to read… “You’re not the man I knew ten years ago.” “It’s not the years honey, it’s the mileage.” – Raiders of the Lost Ark

Thanks to all who posted, Great to see Blart back while still going through the dreaded Plantar’s pain. Great to see Suess, Wiki and Radar back in the afternoon.

11/18 Freight’s Trail Run (sign up form)
11/25 Christmastown 5k
12/2 F3 Christmas Party (sign up form with year-end awards)
12/9 Beer Ruck

Prayer Requests:
Jackson Hall
Oompa Loompa
Broke’s Coworkers family
Injured Pax

Blart took us out!

Hill Climbing at Midoriyama

A perfectly warm afternoon at the greatest afternoon AO anywhere and a slight crowd of 5 showed up to put in some work. Pockets had to work so I picked up the Q so it was going to be a simple one.

Warmup: SSH, Cotton Pickers, Hillbillies, Low Slow Squats, MNC’s
Mosey down the road through the woods and to the picnic shelter where we find a nice couple sitting at the back table and a large dog who was not happy to see us.
The Thang:
10 Derkins
10 Step Ups
10 Dips
10 LBC’s
10 CDD’s
10 Reverse Crunches then
Run down the hill to the pier and return and do this 5 times.
Freight led the way despite his foot giving him some problems. Wojo passed me pretty quickly too but we all got in some tough work. One time I was asking which number we were on and the couple sitting at the back table said “That was three”. Dang, I had two more to go. That dog really wanted to join the hill run.

We mosey back through the woods and stop at the extra asphalt beside the road for a few AB exercises.
10 WW1’s
10 American Hammers
10 Flutter Kicks
10 Freddie Mercuries (Get on your bikes and ride)
10 LBC’s
1 Minute Plank
Repeat this doing 5 reps of each AB exercise and repeating the 1 minute Plank. Planking a minute is tough. The world record plank time is over 9 hours but I found a minute is plenty for me.

Mosey back to the flag and time is up.

Relay Trail Run on 11/18/2023. There is a sign-up form on Slack.
JJ5K is Saturday and is a nice local race we have supported for a few years now.

Prayer Requests:
Blart’s daughter
Jackson Hall and his family

Oompa Loompa took us out.

*NMM Calling all F3 Pax to give the afternoon AO a try. It is always a tough workout and the candor and mumblechatter are top notch. I know how easy it is to give in to the busyness and the laziness but I am always glad that I posted at Midoriyama. Thanks to all the guys who showed.

Age is Just a Number

Old School 9/16/23
Gumby brought an FNG so the disclaimer was given. No professionals, modify as necessary, these are just suggestions, don’t hurt yourself.
6 Pax ready to go on the coolest day in a while.
SSH, Cotton Pickers, Low Slow Squats, Hillbillies. Went through the 5 core principles of F3 as we warmed up.
Open to all men.
Always outside, hot or cold, rain or shine.
Led in a rotating fashion by a member of the group.
Ends with a Circle of Trust.

Mosey to Courthouse entrance where blocks had been dropped off for 30/10/5.
30 Curls with blocks run across the steps to other entrance for 10 HR Merkins for 5 times. The last time rifle carry block there and back. Slawbag and Broke leading the way.

Mosey over for ABs in the gazebo.

LBC’s, Hammers, WWI, Plank.

Mosey several blocks towards future new Aquatic Center site stopping several times for 20 merkins, 20 squats, 20 LBC’s.

When we arrive at site of the future Aquatic Center,
20 Michael Phelps (counted by renowned swimmer Slaw but don’t ask about biking)
20 Water Pickers (same as Cotton pickers but sticking with the aquatic theme)
20 Flutter Kicks

Time was running out so mosey back to the start and get in one more round of 20 merkins, 20 squats and 20 LBC’s.

Back at the flag, 5 burpees OYO for Slaw and we pledged and time.

As I have been known to do, I threw out some funny quotes about getting older throughout the workout. I have been down in my back for a while and unable to do my normal routines and that will make you feel old. I am hoping to get back on track soon and appreciate the guys showing up for the old man Q.
1. “You can live to be a hundred if you give up all things that make you want to live to be a hundred.” – Woody Allen
2. “People ask me what I’d most appreciate getting for my eighty-seventh birthday. I tell them, a paternity suit.” – George Burns
3. “At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don’t care what they think of us. At age 60, we discover they haven’t been thinking of us at all.” Ann Landers
4. “You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.” – Ogden Nash
5. “I suppose real old age begins when one looks backward rather than forward.” – Mary Sarton
6. “The older I get, the better I used to be.” – Lee Trevino
7. “Most of the grumpy old people I know used to be grumpy young people. Don’t blame age.” – Dr. Ernie Perkins
8. “Lord thank you for opportunity we have to come out here and act like kids.” – Steve “Slawbag” Lawing
9. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. – Psalms 73:26

Announcements: F3 Gastonia Lunch Wednesday 9/20/23 at noon at Pita Wheel Gastonia
JJ5K at the end of September
Tuna 200 looking for 2 more runners

Prayer Requests
Gumby’s mom
Jackson Hall
FNG’s daughter surgery

Welcome to the FNG Dwayne Johnson who is a golfer so the name Putt Putt was given. He was aiming to be The Rock but no such luck. He works night shift and hopes to make some Midoriyama Q’s. We had a nice talk at breakfast with most all of the guys.

Sweating with the Oldies at Old School

Old School 7/8/2023
Standard stuff, SSH, Cotton Pickers, Low Slows, Stretches
Mosey around the former school house block doing 10 HR merkins and 10 Imperial Walker Squats at each corner to get loose.

Mosey to the truck and get a 24 lb. Block.
The Thang: 30 curls, 30 Chest Presses, 30 OH presses, 15 Tricep Extensions. Run a lap around track and repeat except next lap carry the block by farmer/shoulder/any. I got four rounds and a few others had more.

Mosey to the Court House gazebo for Mary. American Hammers, WWI’s, Penguins, Flutter Kicks, Rosalitas, Freddie Mercuries, LBC’s x 10 IC.

Mosey to the courthouse steps and 3 calf raises on each step.

Mosey around the block and back to the start for 10 burpees OYO for Slawbag and time is up.

Throughout the workout I read various quotes from various folks just to give us some things to ponder.
1. “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan
2. “Life is so darn short. For f***’s sake, do what makes you happy.” – Bill Murray
3. “Try not to become a man of success but become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein
4. “A man may conquer a million men in battle but one who conquers himself is, indeed, the greatest of conquerors.” – Buddha
5. “Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.” – Marcus Aurelius
6. “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” – Winston Churchill
7. “Stand true to your calling to be a man. Real women will always be relieved and grateful when men are willing to be men.” – Elisabeth Elliott
8. “It was men who stopped slavery. It was men who ran up the stairs in the Twin Towers to rescue people. It was men who gave up their seats on the lifeboats of the Titanic. Men are made to take risks and live passionately on behalf of others.” – John Eldredge
9. “Men want a battle fight, an adventure to live, and s beauty to rescue. That is what is written in their hearts. That is what little boys play at. That is what men’s movies are about. You just see it. It is undeniable.” – John Eldredge
10. “Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.” – Apostle Paul 1 Cor. 16:13

F3 Gastonia Lunch at Dallas Pita Wheel July 19th
July 15th F3 Dads

Jackson Hall
David Fraley’s FIL
Rusty Barker family

Dr. Seuss took us out in prayer.

*NMM I appreciate all of the guys who showed up today in the muggy morning air to get better. Great to see Hunchback on the north side. Plenty of rock pushers doing their thing this morning. Wirenut was throwing around the blocks like they were bricks. Slaw was having trouble with the AB work because his ridiculous “belt” was in the way. I saw Seuss and Wiki both had a few drops of sweat on their shirts this morning. Broke was not wanting to sweat but he was sweating before the warmup was done. Happy Trees is getting better each week and he posts more than SA. Oompa made it through the workout which is pretty amazing at his age! There were still some tales of the epic Frisbee Football at Midoriyama on Thursday. It was quite fun. We had breakfast later with the Folsom guys and a few other guys who have been training for a trail race. It was a tough morning but I can’t imagine being around a better group of guys!

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