Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Clavin (Page 6 of 12)

It was Perry to Lee

Last weeks great accomplishment of finishing the full run to Snoballs under 45 minutes and several other notables during that run made me plan on today’s Q running an old route that I’ve never completed …. down to Lee …. uh Perry then Lee ( bad when a heart doctor has to correctly navigate for the mailman) over to New Hope and then Armstrong Drive to Armstrong Road and back home! Most of today’s crew would attempt the full run as well with Dr. Seuss Leading our newest pax member water boy off on a snipe hunt around Parkwood ( they zigged left instead of zagging right) at Garrison and Armstrong . Before starting breaker breaker asked if I was gonna be running sub seven today to which I just playfully laughed and said I don’t think I can achieve that much but I’ll certainly be shooting for sub nine!! Thanks to a cool refreshing Iced T being present, we were able to briefly achieve sub eight and then remained approximately 815 820 up until halfway through the course and Iced T burst a little bit ahead of me on a flat straightaway! After the course was done he said he really enjoyed all of the elevation changes he certainly help me to sweat a little more today than normal. Breaker breaker said he made it just passed the cemetery and headed back Oompa Loompa went as far as 2 miles and then headed back making him at four in the completion. All in all solid performance by all!

PT test next weekend

Prayers for a Breaker Breaker father-in-law

Defibs 2.0

Sister Acts 2.0


coworker of Iced T and Clavin ( Jamie Jones) family dealing with her suicide

Senior Pastor Ronnie Bowers of Flint Groves Baptist upcoming Heart Catheterization

addictions/ depression

todays word comes from the book of James

”Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”

today’s big Takeaway is that it was amazing to accomplish a goal that I had set a while back including last weeks goal… Unfortunately with Covid myself as well as many others have not advanced much performing or achieving goals and maybe that something we should work towards.

Rise of Skywalker

During the long dreary months of COVID I would still awaken ( albeit not at the previous 5am) but early enough to put in a workout in the neighborhood and a handful of times I even had Time Frame to join me . But on those days when my only company was birds squirrels maybe a dog bark or two and sometimes an early riser walking or just collecting their newspaper I created WO that would progressively get tougher …. I knew if I didn’t challenge my self I’d grow bored of the routine of it all . Today’s exercise was the Pain Lab creation that I used at least once a week.
Music was Faith No more ( except when phone selected Blackened 2020 ( Metallica acoustic !! Great version …. if you check it out … wait for the ending)
So we began with Toy Soldiers IC x 15
IW IC x15
Merkins IC x15
Plank jacks x15
Mountain climbers x15
New exercise time ( although this an older exercise but I’ve ever seen it in the exicon …. I’ve submitted it as Rise of Skywalker awaiting F3
Here’s what you do on six, roll onto shoulders , support back at hips with legs stretched up … one leg extended and one down and switch leg positions for a one count …. we did 15

Grab lighter weight ( bricks )
Upright rows, curls, piston from shoulder , fly, extend arms upright at sides, boxing , thrusts, cross chest all x 15
And lastly was a crowd pleaser holding objects in front of chest lunge forward lunge back on right side, then lunge forward and back on left for a single count ….. so this yes …. 10 times (not that mean as to make it 15,,, this time)
15 Freddy Mercs IC
25 lbcs
15 box cutters IC
Now the bigger weight
Colt 45, upright row, press, kettlebell swing , squat, AMerican Hammers, skull crushers, and lastly from Sledge … set object in front of you and tap x10 …. all the other exercises were once again 15
Intermission : same as before and now add Rise Of Skywalker x10
Grab lighter weight again for more curls arm crosses ,press, fly x20 and colt 45

Moroccan night club IC x15

toes in , heels out calf raises x10 and again with heels in, toes out

heavy object:upright row overhead press kettlebell swing , squats and squat thrusters all x20

intermission same as previous and add 10 Rise of Skywalker

complete WO with small weight this time colt 45 , fly, boxing, curls and overhead press and side lunges all x 20

Change of music to disturbed and the sound of silence and some yoga

begin with right arm tucked behind head hold with left …. few seconds breathe out and back

inhale and bring left arm to same …. hold….


Luck fingers in front of chest facing palm inward 1 to 3… Now reverse one  two three….. arms still locked hold overhead….. sway gently left 1,2,3….. now right …. 1,2,3 …. back to center and bend back ….1,2,3…

exhale and return


Move into cobra pose dropping head almost to ground and hold for about 5-6 seconds

exhale returning to plank , now into downward facing and hold …. return to plank , drop knees and move into child pose … hold for 8 seconds back to plank … move back into downward facing dog hold 3-4 seconds

move up to relaxed pose and inhale as you drive one leg forward one back pivot back leg and move into warrior 1, hold …..5-6 seconds And next warrior 2 and hold

exhale as you return

do same for other side with warrior 1 and 2 poses

music fades …. we finish one minute early

we’ll done


prayers for Hipaa upcoming surgery

all medic, police and doctor ( medical)

one final note : when I would perform this and my other routines by myself pushing the envelope a little harder each time , my M would ask if anyone was there with me ( much as she does when F3 is in full gear)…. to which I’d respond that I’m probably gonna quit posting if that crazy man named Clavin has the Q again!!


Very brief disclaimer ( we are professional F3 brothers after all)
A SSH IC ( too bad for Gastone and Whoopee who keep on going ( EC?)
10 man makers

Mosey to Walgreens to read Joshua 6
Walls of Jericho
( took a moment to remember the 7 exercises I had in mind )
7 Imp Walkers
7 Monkey Humpers
7 Merkins
7 Plank Jacks
7 Mountain Climbers
7 Flutters
This way we would work down our body and perform at each wall going around 7 times but this was not to be an attack on Walmart Walgreens Wally World or any other institution … just an exercise
At second wall employee was coming in so on the fourth wall there is no parking and a very slim driveway plus  their loading/ unloading area … so in the interest of safety we forgo that wall and only perform on 3 walls but do so 7 times
Much mumble chatter ….. from the birds ( this group today was all business!)
Mosey back to start , once again Whoopee starts going another direction ….
I pick up speaker from tailgate and head to grass near Snoballs and we circle up in kneeling position for Jack Webb’s but we are to wait until the lyrics cut in …… We the Kingdom and Holy Water …… if you know the song …. play it again today …. if you don’t know it , find it and play it !
Opening line, “ God I’m on my knees again….”
Amazing song
If you REALLY love the song find and play the 7 minute version recorded in a church with Tasha Cobbs Leonard ….. woah!

anyway … plan was to keep building and stacking ( I was at 13 ) Whoopee begged for relief so I allowed the numbers to decrease until end of song

3 minutes of abs ( EZ rider tried to eat it all)

50 IC flutters

Whoopee with Jane Fondles

30 Squats from Captain Stubing

prayers for nation

Clavins M

Gastones Father in Law ( diagnosed late term dementia)

Done In Remembrance

We were not to gather together for a Murph this Memorial Day …. so I modified my weinke for today’s beat down …..

Pledge very short disclaimer ( we re  F3 vets here )

5 burpees
10 merkins
20 American Hammers
30 squats

We ran 1 mile by Strava around park and gather at picnic shelter area

Here I announce the WO

To honor Murph ( and those who’ve served and sacrificed):
A modified Murph ( no pull-ups)

50 burpees
100 merkins
200 American Hammers
300 squats

Either follow warm up and do it 10 times or modify however to reach goal

We would end with 1 more mile run around park ending 3 minutes late ( but since there was no JK 2 …. no one was harmed )

Announcements for Stateville to Asheville or was it Cherryville to Fayetteville, Arkansas or some other similar distance
Uber WO in the works for our area …. info to come

Prayers for EZ riders son, Gastones father and God daughter ( hydroencephalitis), Clavins M

Prayers also for Whoopee 2.0


check our Twitter for Gastone post about lady at Arlington this Monday who posted that she’d place flowers at graveside for anyone who asked ….. very moving

Never forget those who gave all or even some so that we can enjoy all that we do!

Air hug

As we all know …. time to get back to it !


New improved disclaimer … extend arms …. you are to try to stay approx two arms length ( yours and neighbors) or 6 feet apart at all times. There will be NO partner work or coupons and I also advise all that in coming weeks plan to possibly be called forward to take a group of HIMS to lead as we will maintain groups of less than 10

Side straddle hops IC x20
20 IC merkins
10 mountain climbers
20 IC plank jacks ( we never moved from plank until completion …. well …. Gastone kept kneeling and wheezing and then moved under cover of Snoballs since it was barely drizzling)

Mosey to park entrance for 10 ( YEP …. 5 isn’t worth getting up for !) burpees!!

Now into park and at every island
20 merkins
20 Flutters
10 copperhead or low slow squats

And…. as we progress through park every light on left … 1 burpee

Assemble on other side of islands near play area

Now in interest of time at each island
10 dips
10 lbcs
And I burpee for lights

Finish with 20 Mike Tyson’s
10 crunchy frogs
10 Bobby Hurleys

10 more burpees

Mosey to park entrance and hightail back to start where we have 4 minutes but I inform all that since we pushed hard … it’s now time to touch base and see how each of us has been since last we met ….
Some job struggles ( Stinky Bird and Tube)
Gastones business doing well due to 2 big new orders coming in!
EZ rider thankful his employer not needing to lay-off or make changes

at this time Stroganoff comes in out of gloom from rucking

Now onto self

In the past 20 years our world , indeed our country has faced 2 extreme challenges that have brought new tough challenges esp for my M each time

Prior to 9/11/2001 my M and I went on a journey to discover whether or not we could have children culminating in a 4:00 appt at Pineville on …. you guessed it THE 9/11!
As she was wheeled back for testing I watched some of the most horrific imagery imaginable on the TVs and contemplated WHY THE F&@$ I and she should want to bring a child into this world!! She would need minor surgery

Late March of this year as covid began to wreak havoc here my M had her mammogram and was called to get a diagnostic …. wheels begin turning and we get the call … yes, breast cancer!

Now she faces the choice of scheduling surgery at such a dangerous time , or delay , which could mean 4-6 months ( yes you read that right) I firmly believe in facing something head on and plan to face new challenges as they come … but this was her choice and I gave my thoughts ….. thankfully she chose the surgery and it turned out to be 2 points , margin free stage 1 and then yesterday received news that she is NOW cancer free ( needing radiation therapy) but not needing chemo !!!

Prayers for my M and family
Friend of Tube suffering depression ( and indeed all who struggle with this whether brought on by Covid or other)
Family friend who is struggling with older daughter whose relationship has disintegrated and become an uncomfortable gulf … prayers that they reconcile soon

I also advise all to please please please be understanding with any pax you may see that are unwilling right now to come out in the gloom …. understand they may have compromised family or even self that they are protecting

> 10

There’s been a directive sent down from the sheriffs dept endorsed by city leadership and even picked up by other leaders and organizations that gatherings should be fewer than 10 for the present situation. That being said I was today’s Q and I say I was doing it ‘virtual’ And Roscoe claimed to be running solo and NOT part of our group ( see Namearama video).
Today was my day off and yet I felt like still ‘going by’ work and with that in mind the path was to be the old reverse Redbud/New Hope/Armstrong path and for those Wishing more …. go down on Pamela and go down on Andrea.
All returned safely, much social distancing as almost all chose to complete slightly different circuits giving each of us differing distances.
Notably, I appreciate spending time with Breaker Breaker who gave me much behind the scenes/ curtain of the Mortimer …. sounded fun …. esp part about dogs in the complete dark that could’ve attacked from ANY direction and the early morning shotgun blasts!!
We prayed for the nation and the world, all affected esp service personnel and the medical community . Prayers for this to end and end well.
Talk about possibly going path of DC area, our brothers in SC and many other areas doing virtual Qs and wait out the storm. Blood shortage …. huge demand …. think about it ….Breaker Breaker will send info about drive on Monday nearby church, next Thursday City Church has one scheduled at their Separk Drive ( North) Campus. Also many are organizing Food drives To help those hardest hit!

Lastly, I want to take a moment …. there are a few who either doubt timeliness and strength of the virus… something like this, while it sounds like science fiction or even Stephen Kings THE STAND ( Captain Trips …. the Super Flu) I want to take a moment to tell you of a harrowing Experience my family had in September 2006… the week before our 2.0 was to turn 3 we were on vacation at Daytona Beach and a Hurricane was just south of us creating trouble , and bad weather…. it was a disappointing trip having to stay indoors the whole time. And then the storm turned out to sea and late Thursday the sky cleared… the waters remained choppy….. my 2.0 and I were So excited and swiftly ran outside running up and down the surf staying just to the edge of the sea. We left a day or two later carrying unwanted baggage!!! Unbeknownst to us…. we had contracted MRSA ( if you don’t know what this is, google it …. and you will find it CAN and DOES live on most surfaces ) it becomes deadly if it finds an open cut or abrasion of the skin. By Monday I had a small bump on the back of my leg that when I tried to squeeze it and remove the Blackened ( yes you read that right …. Blackened skin …. you see it kills whatever indiscriminately and quickly …. I had to schedule the next day for it’s removal and the doctor after deadening the area used a scalpel to excise a CHUNK of skin that looked like a pencil eraser , it was about 4 centimeters wide and 7-8 long …. this was only in 3-4 days! The worst was yet to come as my 2.0 had the same but his took longer to show and looked z little different than mine …. he had under an arm and in the crook of an elbow plus one other location ( can’t remember). All I remember is that for his Third birthday he lay on an operating table restrained by several nurses as the doctor tried to squeeze mess out !! There’s almost nothing more frightening …. then came the news that he was to go upstairs and we would be scheduling a surgical procedure to cut out what would turn out to be the material plus a large amount of lymph nodes as well!!!
In today’s society we have used up too many resources indiscriminately like antibiotics and helped create problems like this and even others! If following these measures and protocols now saves even ONE life, won’t that be worth it.? What if it was you? What if it was one of yours?
I’m saying all this because I care.

be safe


At one point this morning I told all of one of my favorite statements, “I thought I made a mistake once but it turns out I was wrong!”
Gump sits down to watch our form during warm up and not offer advice as we perform toy soldiers, MN C , and merkins all IC x11 ( except merkins we’re really 12 mosey to Sara’s road to nowhere and Gump decides to come join in as we Diamond merkin x10 …. oh well the balance against the other leaves us at 11 ….
mosey to pool for 11 OYO squats ….. keep to mosey expectations are high at Gastone’s hill and yet I continued moving until the wailing and sobbing from Gastone has to be quelled so I submit to 11 OYO monkey humpers back to the hill ( Gastone was elated!)
Continue all the way to covered area at Robinson for 11’s ( is there a theme in this somewhere?)
Single dip at this side t’other flying squirrels and back to reverse Gump was even sighted as in the six , or maybe it was his misuse of math by decreasing and increasing only by 2’s
Mosey to back of school for modified 11 …. start with 10 merkins top of stairs and decrease by one until finish but at bottom of stairs do only 1 burpee …. got to 4 or 5 merkins before halting due to time constraints , but it should be noted that even after my careful instructions there was still one person who HAD to screw up and only perform 1 merkin before realizing his bad form ( oddly, this persons name has the same letters just assembled differently as Calvin!)
Arrive back at start 1 minute late to find Stinky Bird fresh off his nap in back of his truck ( claimed he ran 14 miles….. pshaw !!
I now perform 10 ( or maybe it was 70 ) penalty burpees all while waiting on JK2 whom I knew would ask for them anyway for running late
Interestingly with all these runners preparing for p200 and other events ( Madoff was a blur of motion at one point) we still put in almost 3 miles, or by JK 2’s figit spinner ( it cant be a Fitbit) he claimed we traveled   nearly 4 miles !
Read passage from Revelations 5 …. powerful

Check events calendar for upcoming ( too many

Prayers for Dry Rubs M
Mathew Smith ( patient of Voodoo who is 23 but after much effort by many doctors Is being placed in hospice care
Owner of Schneider Tree to receive / accept blessing from God to help in this time of change and crisis
Prayers for the 2 soldiers whose names were released yesterday protecting this world
I believe there Was one more ……

NEXT UP …… WATTS UP POWER CHARGED 50 th birthday bonanza complete with parade, cake dancing women …. or maybe it might be a little more low key ….. either way …. look for your invite ….. it’s bound to be lost in the mail stream …. or check your spam folder!

Outlaws and outsiders

Whoopee coming in hot ….. HOT DAMN!!!!
Race to my truck, wrestle Bose speaker out freshly charged, set up track …. then Whoopee calls that he’ll be running for Mortimer training , but I convince him that my Travis Tritt song will be the perfect start to his day …. in fact also Cory Marks also is on this track ….
pledge …. very quick disclaimer and…..
start with SSH while Outlaws and outsiders begins ….. the excitement builds and hardly is contained as I announce that yes you know me , there’s ALWAYS a twist …. as Ivan Moody comes in I announce his distinctive voice and call out the way super Ass cool band name Five Finger Death Punch! And we change over to ski jacks ( discussion of whether or not an exercise … all I can say is do it for one minute and call me ) switch to plank jacks and before the guitar solo I announce that one more artist is on this track …. Mick Mars of Motley Crue! So we change over to Seal Jacks until the song is over …..
As I replace the speaker and get ready to mosey to main event …. Whoopee starts crying that the song wasn’t long enough, JK 2 had watched the video while it played on my phone so he gets no credit for the warm up ,,, discussion about when Whoopee will watch said video to which he made some comment about watching it while cutting people open ,,,, he just NEEDED to see this video …. in fact he started casting aspersions on Country music in general Saying that he now loves Dierks Bentley and Jason Aldean and how revolutionary they’ve been …..   we had to tell him to go away !!! We needed to get to our workout …. he went off to cry in a nearby ditch not to be seen again until just before the COT
Then another member of our group started bitching as Stinky Bird notices he never set his watch  up for measuring progress and wanted a redo ! NOPE NOT ON MY WATCH!!

away we go

arrive in front of Soon to be Planet Fitness for HIIT ( high intensity interval training ) I tell all to modify but to push as hard as possible for they will be rewarded with a 15 second  break after every 30 second called exercise …..

pax tried to figure out a way to convince me of easier exercises but I wouldn’t shake unless I followed MNC with burpees, Flying Squirrels followed squats I think but mostly I called on merkins, wide arm merkins, flutters, Freddie Merck’s and diamond merkins and a couple of these …. the best way to figure was that if the pax were standing …. I called an exercise on their six ….JK2 tried just to lay on ground for his recoveries … so I called SSh or plank …. just for the twist of it!

and  we must not forget JK2 showing off ( as he put it) his best feature …. his calves ….. insert much admiration / drooling ….

Stinky Bird started crying and jumping up and down because he messed his pants or something and needed a diaper change so I slapped him and told him to man up! Wait until 6:00 at least! We mosey to 7/11  to pump a little ass … or should it be gas?
monkey humpers 7 in cadence at first set of pumps and 11 IC at second set …. then move to other side for  crab thrusters ….it was at this point that not only is it noted that we are not following the flow of pumps 1/2/3 …etc …. instead we started at 7 then 2 and so on to which I reminded all that this is Gastonia …. we are challenged ! …. there were pickle pounders and other things …. suffice it to say …… NOT PG!!!! Finished with diamond merkins of 11 IC  ( Gastone was pleased to have been able to accomplish these …. so kudos ….he’s still recovering from illness and returning back to form!)

Stinky Bird flies away

we mosey to steps near Food Puppy for some Clavins err ….. calf raises regular/ toes out / toes in all 25 oyo

mosey behind Planet Fitness ….still 2 vehicles protecting their back door ramp …. keep moving …. oh wait ….. 5 burpees for the train….. JK2 says it’s the air horn from a passing plane ….. oh boy … what a crowd we gave today !!

to the wall for 10 IC derkins  ( yep)

10 step ups each leg

Gastone asks about what Postal Division uses tanks snipers mortars and various other weapons …. I tell him must be the Inspection Service

distractions distractions …

10 IC dips

15 step ups each leg

dip position …. wait for it ….. wait some more …. and IC

10 dips with right leg up …. next 10 IC both legs up ( no takers ) so left leg up ….

recover and mosey back to start and here comes Whoopee  consoled by Stroganoff !!

praise for JK2 on new job and new car ( don’t get him started …. should go into auto sales!!) but seriously …. glad to hear of this new change and wish him and the family all the best as this will be a big change for him!

now with all that happened today … my favorite moment came when Whoopee remarked that he was training for the Mortimer which is in 2 Weeks!! And I say, “ wow, I had no idea it was so close!” And Whoopee without missing a beat delivers a perfect line ….. the best line this week maybe “ I had no idea either!”

unfortunately I forget to give a bible message for today ( yes I had one prepped,,,, but will save for next week since  I’ll probably have the Q again next week )


Gone Walkabout

  1. I’ve always had this idea in mind and felt no time like the present …. simple …. all we did was mosey and intermittently Stopped for an exercise usu of 20 with very few in cadence ( notably my dips under the shelter wound up being 21 as I realized I over shot increase in voice at 19,,, ironically some  of pax seemed to have expected a stop …. but you can’t shake Defib!!) I originally planned on traveling full course 2 times but worried about poor lighting, fog and damp conditions ….. so we kept to more safe areas ( thankfully Whoopee wasn’t present or we’d have had to change). There were monkey humpers, squats sumo squats and merkins at the pull up bar ,, oh and wide arm merkins Australian mountain climbers ( yes… we had too) , regular mountain climbers and even a little nur or two and brief lunge work. Finished up with Indian run which the boys seemed to really love as leaders kept changing directions at the end! Not much mumble , but as was pointed out hard to catch your breath when you’re constantly in motion ! Yes I felt it too!! Great job by all as they pushed me!
    Stroganoff joined us at COT as he was out running solo ( his own Walkabout)
    This workout was inspired by one by Gastone about 2 years ago where he had us nur the entire park but I also used inspiration from a coworker of mine who we many times remark as he leaves his work area to ( socialize) GO WALKABOUT as a former coworker called it. This is taken from Crocodile Dundee if you don’t know
    Lots of upcoming events … get some
    Earlier today modification of the Fellowshoot … cancelled …. to be rescheduled, all monies to be repaid by Whoopee

Read from Daniel 3: 26-30 powerful message about what an Awesome God we serve …. he can bend the evil heart of a strong willed king Nebuchadnezzar!

Praise for doctors finding a treatment for Dry Rubs M
Prayers for pax in IR like Pedal and Lil Sweet ( reach out and check on these men and others in similar situations)

Thank you for the ability to lead … until next ……


So, instead of my usual breakdown of the beat down and eventually getting to the meat and potatoes of what I wish to present …. I’ll skip ahead for those that may feel I prattle on or choose to snooze while reading my BB …. lately I’ve  Noticed a great many individuals who’ve ‘disappeared ‘ like so much vapor many of which had come for some time whether short or long , but now they’re missing …. hopefully those whose information we are now collecting to better reach out won’t slip through and be lost. I challenged those present This morning at one point ( instead of asking for a 10 count) and announced that I’d present this challenge in the back blast …. any of you who happen to look over in the grocery check out line or at the movies, Lowe’s, gas station where the &@$$ ever and you happen to notice a previously named pax member whose been on hiatus … here’s just a few examples that I gave then as I do now Squirt ( yes, I know he appeared at Diablo once but then went off to hibernate again) speaking of hibernating,,, Turtleman , who only posts when the temperature is between 61 and 61.5 degrees, Brown Streak, and Captain Stubing….. it’s a regular “Where are they Now “ ….ask them 2 questions: 1) what happened ? 2) is there something different we could do to encourage you to come back ? It was at this point this morning that JK2 said,  “Give them Midol!”

now on with the show …

pledge , disclaimer ….

warmup in a rapid fire fashion  all in cadence ( except burpees)

MNC x15

Don Q x 12

SSH x 15

merkins x 16

5 burpees for the train ( no one claimed to have heard it … in fact there was a discussion on the subject …)

mosey far away …. to the side wall of Pelicans for Australian Mountain Climbers IC x12

now we mosey for real real … at Sara Palin’s road to Nowhere we do 10 merkins ( JK 2 said he already did these to which I reminded him …. you v you and modify as you see fit)

mosey to Across from Dr office for 10 squats

Riverwood Drive for something else and at next street stopped for another something something and on to the BIG TOP!

Gastones Hill!! Much discussion on trademarks and liability and whether the G man was rolling uncomfortably in the fart sack realizing someone was walking all over his stomping grounds …. ah well

first time up a burpee again each mail box ( hell box for Whoopee)

await pax at top and return

this time up,,,, nur up and perform 2 merkins ( yes! In the direction you are going .. facing downhill!) each hell box … wait for pax and return to..

third time run up and 3 plank jacks … along the way I was accosted by a viscous dog that was barely restrained ( it smelled my mailman blood!)

followed Watts Up’s example and stood like Al Gore for the six … and return back down …

fourth time up we squatty pottied ( 4 squats) each box up and back

lastly we side lunged up to dumpster and side lunged back …. 3 minutes to get us back …. well ,,, we took a little longer and went a tad over  ….  but it’s all good!

todays bible verse was Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. – Romans 12:2

we also had great news from JK2 in his job hunt he will be accepting the job offer from Dry Pro…. his M is understandably nervous with this new chapter in their lives and he also shared an amazing story of how God touches us in our lives and that he is a very REAL and loving God … recently someone came into his work ,,,, this individual looked a little rough around the edges but went up to the president of his company and told him of Gods great love and that he is very real and not to worry , he has THIS!

announcements for Ruck at Folsom Saturday 5:30

3/21 ruck/ run / fun all day F3 5 year anniversary ? Haven’t heard about it? Get out from under that rock !! Push that rock!!

training for Rooster, ruck, p200 various 5k’s etc. come get some !

great group this morning ,,, yeah it was a smaller group , but damn they did great work , plus it’s always a pleasure to lead and with a smaller crowd you get to commune together a little better … we had many great conversations as the previous paragraphs are devoted to but we also spoke of Linus and Bandits upcoming new Walking AO starting early March on Saturday’s , I was asked about the meaning of my Tweet about how The Labyrinth may or may not have an actual script …. this owing to the fact that several weeks ago Stinky Bird and I swapped days but each site q maintained the warm up to add confusion and most recently giving the q over to Outhouse since he knew he’d be Out if town for 6 weeks. This caused a lot of talk about how we should encourage our pax to step up and that all should plan on having a weinke at the ready or should be capable of pulling off a last minute q ( just like Outhouse did other week).

until the next one …

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