Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Brown Streak (Page 1 of 3)


Warm ups:

all done 20ic

SSH, IP Walkers, Don Q, WWII, MN clubs

Moseyed to gazebo

The Vern

10 pull ups
200 yd run
20 Dips
200 yd run
25 mericans
200 yd run
30 LBC’s
200 yrd run

repeated 3x

next up was:

Triple Nickel

lunges at bottom, squats at top



2.5 miles covered this am- FYI

tuna run training at Coconut Horse


tesla has Goatisland next Thursday and Freight the next. Aug. is full of Q’s. Don’t miss out on your chance to lead next month. Reserve your spot now!!


Brownstreak out!!

4 Corner Escalade

All done 20ic
IP Walkers
Mt. Climbers
MN Clubs

Mosey to the island stopped at split rail fence for some DEEP SEA DIVERS

Moseyed to neighborhood side of island at parking lot for:

4 Corners Escalade:
Moseyed and lunged between each corner.
Corner 1= 10 burpees
Corner 2= 10 burpees, 20 mericans
Corner 3= 10 burpees, 20 mericans ,
30 LBC
Corner 4= 10 burpees, 20 mericans,
30 LBC, 40 mt. climbers
Back to corner 1
Corner 1= 40 mt. climbers, 30 LBC,
20 mericans, 10 burpees
Corner 2= 30 LBC, 20 mericans,
10 burpees
Corner 3= 20 mericans, 10 burpees
Corner 4= 10 burpees

One train came through the island for 5 burpees.

Moseyed to the gazebo

Follow the Leader:

Plank in line, first guy does the 5 reps of exercise then runs to sidewalk does 5 reps of exercise, next guy follows starting his 5 after the first guy finishes his first 5, creating a staggered succession. Plank and wait for all to finish.

Toes to Bar at gazebo
Squats at sidewalk
Run back to gazebo plank in line
Repeato 3x


Mosey to start:



Drinks with Tiny Tank tonight at Glenway Pub.
Burpeethon: flyers are out. Get signed up its for a great foundation.
Mt Bikers gaining momentum if interested ask somebody about it.

School kids
Tiny Tanks move and Family
Those sick

Great Morning. Thanks for the chance to lead.

Brownstreak Out!


Sprints and Stuff

All done 20ic each:

Moseyed from town side to the neighborhood side. Once in the parking lot:

The Thang:

Sprintervals (distance = 40+ yards):
sprint and jog back. repeato x 6

6 jump squats, sprint and recover jog back. repeato x 3

6 mericans, sprint and recover jog back. repeato x 3

6 apollo ohno, sprint and recover jog back. repeato x 3

6 LBC, sprint and recover jog back. repeato x 3

6 Wide mericans, sprint and recover jog back. repeato x 3

6 CCD, sprint and recover walk jog. repeato x 3


Triple Nickle




brownstreak out!

Dirty 30

The morning was cold and I was hoping for a Brownstreak party of one at the coffee shop. Dolph and Mayor was already there waiting, so there goes that. The others started rolling in one by one. Mumble Chatter started when I realized the workout was gonna happen. So with 6 of the islands finest we started…..

SSH 20ic
A couple more ic then we moseyed to the cage.

Dirty 30:

30 Squats
30 Push-up (Mexicans)
30 Jump Squats
30 CDD
30 lunges (each leg)
30 burpees
30 LBC
30 Mt. Climbers (each leg)
30 WWII Sit ups
30 High Knees (each leg)

Moseyed to the upper deck

Dirty 30:

30 Squats
30 Push-up (Mexicans)
30 Jump Squats
30 CDD
30 lunges (each leg)
30 burpees
30 LBC
30 Mt. Climbers (each leg)
30 WWII Sit ups
30 High Knees (each leg)
Moseyed back to the start for the pledge and Mary.

Russian twist, v ups, crunchy frogs, flutter kicks, 2 more.

Sorry for the delay. Sorry I forgot some of the exercises completed.


Mud run: may 20th
Burpeethon: April 29


TSquare and his family
TopHat and his father and family
All the p200 runners and drivers.

Brownstreak out!

Courts in Session

7 STORM chasers finest showed up in the gloom to over come the fartsack. Mumble chatter was light as pax started to arrive. Tiny Tank wanting to do some burpees before time. I let them know there was plenty to come. Time to start so here’s what happened.

Moseyed arounded the islands doing:
High Knees, Butt Kicks, L Sidesteps, R Sidesteps


S: SSH 20ic
T: Tomahawks 10ic
O: Overhead Squats 15 oyo
R: Russian Twist 15ic
M: MNC 25ic

Mosey to the tennis courts.

4 courts, 8 exercises.
Lunge kickbacks across court 1
10 Mericans
Squat walks across court 2
10 CDD
Plank walk Left across court 3
10 Squats
Plank walk Right across court 4
10 Burpees
Repeato 5x

Mosey to the loading docks:

4 troopers ran up steps, around the wall, down ramp, jump up onto dock, back down ramp
3 troopers did LBC til runners returned.
Flip Flop 3x

Repeato but switched LBC’s with Side Plank with leg up…… thanks Dolph! (Bad idea)

Mosey back to the start.

3 Brownstreak Express came by with horns blaring. So 3 sets of 5 burpees were completed.

Disc golf
Burpeethon (get teams ready)
Mudrun (get teams ready)

TopHat father
Thanks to all the pax for their prayers for TooHat’s Dad for health and Shirpboat on school decisions.

All in all it was a Good Morning with my brothers in the gloom. It is a honor to sweat beside you all. I appreciate the chance to lead. Brownstreak out!!

Shield Lock


7 manly goats found their way out of the fartsack to see what would be in the BB before it came out. I’ve had the STORM Shovel Flag for a week or so now and finally brought it back to Tiny Tank. I am still missing Goatisland Shovel Flag so I will be making another. The pax started rolling in and time drew near. Here’s what happened….


SSH 20ic
G: Grass Pickers 10ic
O: Overhead Squats 10ic
A: American Hammers 10ic
T: Tomahawks 10ic
(now let me explain what this is. I needed
a stretch exercise that started with a “T”
Mayor yells out Tomahawk. Dolph quickly
does a wind mill motion with arms above
head and hands together. So that’s the

With the gates to the island opened we moseyed across the bridge and pass the split rail fencing where I hear Mayor ask Dolph where is he going? Hybrid (first of his kind) aka Mayor had a case of the mumble chatters this AM. We moseyed to the back parking lot for some Dora. Starting at the edge of the parking lot we partnered up. I explained the theme this morning was Shield Lock. TopHat lost his brother this week and needs his F3 Brothers to stand with him. Help Him. Be an Armor Bearer. So I told the guys Shield Lock with your partner. Work with him to complete the goals this AM.

Dora 123:
Partner 1 exercise
Partner 2 ran up the hill path to bridge gates and back
100 mericans
200 Squats
300 LBC

We then moseyed back across bridge and stopped at the split rail fence. Keeping same partners we did…

Deep Sea Divers:
Partner 1 Deep Sea Divers up and down split rail fence til Partner 2 ran across bridge to center and back. Flip flop 3 sets.

TRAIN!!!! 5 burpees.

We moseyed to gazebo where we lined up in plank position.

5 pull ups/ sprint up hill to side walk and back. Get back in plank line. The lines works itself down where next guys does exercise as man before.
5 Toes to Bar/ sprint as before
5 pull ups/ sprints as before.

With minutes left we moseyed back to the start for Mary.


Crunch frogs 10ic ( now let me go ahead and put this out here so Mayor can’t take jabs. I completely messed up counting this one due to me not being able to catch my balance to do exercise)
WWI sit ups 10 oyo


TRAIN!!! 5 burpees

Announcements: TopHat and family. Visitation tomorrow at Woodlawn in Mt. Holly.
Mud Run registration (get your teams up)
Burpeethon get teams up. Need team for each AO.


TRAIN!!! 5 burpees


Always a honor to lead. Great work men. Brownstreak out!!

Triple Nickel/360

3 manly men showed up at 6:15 for a lil rucking. We rucked as long a time allowed 1.5 miles but we fellowshipped a lot more. We talked about life, rucking, sports. Found out Mayor was recruited to play football for NC State due to him being the “First Hybrid” of his kind. As we made it back to start the pax started rolling in. 12 pax strong including FNG (came out due to Sargento yelling “come join us” last week) it was time to start. Here’s what I remember.

SSH 20ic
Windmills 10ic
Cotton Pickers 10ic
Moroccan Night Clubs 25ic
Imperial Walkers 10ic

Mosey to Hawthorne Park.

Triple Nickel: up the hill (BIG LONG HILL)

Mosey to the track behind school.

360 Rep Workout:

Round 1:  20 mericans, 20 squats, 20 Freddie Merc, 20 burpees, run a lap

(After first round we Omaha to 10 burpees)

Round 2:  20 wide arm, 20 monkey humpers, 20 Russian twists, 10 burpees, run a lap

Round 3:  20 diamond, 20 lunges, 20 flutters, 10 burpees, run lap

Round 4: 20 offset hand Mericans, 20 jump Squats, 20 Chrunchy Frogs, 10 burpees, run a lap

Mosey back to the start.


Tiny Tank hears a train…… 5 BURPEES


Welcome FNG Dr. Seuss (respect)

Prayers: TopHat for his loss of his brother and prayer for comfort for the family.

Announcements: still need driver for runners of the Palomino 200.
Shirts for the YANK are ready for order.

Thank you for allowing me to lead this group. Strong work and great mumble chatter. Allows a pleasure guys. Brownstreak Out!


14 Storm Chasers posted in the gloom to feel and see what a STREAKNADO was all about. One by one the piled in. Here’s what happen:


25x SSH

20x Toy Soldiers

And a couple more warm ups I can’t remember. Sorry for the delay

After the warm up we took a mosey around the school and ended up at the side entrance where I had something’s set out. Here is what we did:

UBRR:7 stations of continuous exercise for the time of runner’s lap:

Bench Press (45lb plate)


WWII sit ups

Triceps curls


Shuttle Run

Run Lap (1/10 of mile)We all hit all 7 exercises then repeato

We finished off with a mosey back to the start and said the pledge.

Thanks everyone for coming out. I apologies for the untimely post of this BB. I encourage all pax to be quick about the BB before you forget the good stuff that happened. There was a lot of mumble chatter that has be forgotten.

Prayers:tophats dad and all pax on IR

Brownstreak out!!!

At A Crossroads

SSH 25i
Moroccan night clubs 30ic
LBC 20ic
CDD 10ic

Mosey to the roundabout

Road1- nur to (said distance about 100yards) do 10 man makers and nur back to roundabout.

Each time back at roundabout do 5 burpees

Road2- side step to (100yrds) do 20
Mericans and side step back

Road3- karaoke to (100yrds) do 40 LBC and karaoke back.

Road4- sprint to (100yrds) do 50 Sqauts and sprint back.

We only did one round then we moseyed to lower field house.


Set1: 12 jump squats
12 burpees
Take a lap (extra small track)

Set2: 12 jump Sqauts
12 burpees
100 high knees
Take a lap

Set3: 12 jump sqauts
12 burpees
100 high knees
100 mt. climbers
Take a lap

Moseyed back to the flag


American Hammer 10ic
Sandy V’s 10ic
Flutter kicks 20ic
Jacob’s ladders 10ic
V ups 10 oyo
3 more but sorry fellas I can’t remember them. They were great though…. I’m sure of it.


Be on the look out for weekly news letter email with advisory board meeting bullet talking points.

Remember all Pax and family during this time of the year.

Thanks for allowing me to lead such a great group of guys. Brownstreak out!!

Field of Dreams

One by one the pax started rolling in except Tiny Tank, who got some EC with a 5+ mile run to the Yank. T Claps sir! We had a new face so disclaimer was a must. Disclaimer giving and here’s what I remember….

It’s October and it’s Playoff time for baseball so…….. Why not do some work on the field. Let’s Go…..

SSH 20ic
LBC 15ic
Toy Soldier 15ic
Cotton Pickers 15ic

Let’s mosey….. We went to the ball field across the way about a 1/2 mile. Boudin hung with the 6 (t claps sir). Planking up waiting for all the players to get there we was surprised to see a gravel infield. What??? Why??? Here is where we played some ball…… Not really!

– Pax are divided into four teams. Each team starts at its own base.
– Teams must complete a cumulative number of reps of different exercise at each base.

150 reps of each:

1st: Mericans
2nd: Squats
3rd: Crab Cakes
Home: Plank Jacks

We started with Bear Crawls between bases but quickly called Omaha due to the gravel infield(still don’t get it) to lunges.

20min time limit on game and we declared a winner. I already pre-named the teams without player knowing. Here’s how teams finished….

Dookie wins
SSS 2nd place
Homer 3rd place
Pee pee last place
Had to show to understand!

With time flying by we moseyed back to where we started at the hill for a triple nickel…

Triple Nickel
5 Burpees
5 Squats
Repeato 5x
Moseyed back to start at the step for the pledge and COT



Shrimpboat (Europe trip)
Our Nation

Top Hat took us out!

Thanks for the chance to lead. Great group. Brownstreak out!!

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