Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Bed Pan (Page 2 of 22)

Running with the Devils Lettuce

Foggy morning and YHC had a great play list and ready to put a beatdown on the PAX.

Close to start and the fellows came in and ready. We even had a special appearance from Gear Wrench and Montross.

You can always count on T to make it out for special events.

Warm Up!

The Thang:


4 exercises 20x times each  then a lap and we did this 4 times.

Various locations throughout Folsom as to not get caught by the Man.

We did this a total of 4 times each time different exercises and different distances.

Fun was had by all.

Keeping it professional

Short sale needed a Q this weekend while he pulled for the wolf pack, so what the heck.

Warm Up Disclaimer, Pledge

Mosey to the Garrison Professional Park quick stop at some benches near the museum for some step ups.

11’s up the hill Merkins and lunges

triple nickel on a short steep hill big boys and burpees.

library book drop circle, varius exercises 10,20,30,40,50, each time taking a lap.

route 66 up another hill near the pharmacy. Bobby Hurleys and bear crawls.

Finish with some burpees and running.

Back to the Flag but first one of the dumbest exercises Ive ever thought of. Instead of cherry pickers we did some made up on the fly Wolfees.

The Bed Pan is full.


Pax Wisdom

When I arrived this morning, at Folsom I thought it may just be me and Sarlacc today.

the cold Weather change can cause a sudden onset of the Fartsacc.

Luckily other HIMs showed up 530 time to clock in.

Per Union guidelines Wire Nut came in at about 531 but, could have been on time had it not been for our local Pokemon Hunter aka Pikachu not with F3 just a guy who plays pokemon in park each morning before work.

Warm up with some Monkey humpers to welcome Wirenut.

The Thang:

Blocks 10-1 Curls, tricep extensions, Block swings.

Triple nickel (or triple Nipple) overhead  press with block, climb the hill with the block and do block squats.

Courts shoulder taps bearcrawl next court Big Boys, Lunge walk, Merkins, bear crawl, LBCs, Lunge, Hillbillys, bearcrawl, Burpees. up ones side and back the same way to the beginning.

Tabata, 40work 20 rest with several exercises.

During the workout I asked the pax some Dad questions about big decisions in their children’s lives.

I appreciate all the great info this morning. Very Wise answers were given.

Thank you.

The Bed Pan is Full!

Just in tiime

I hope everyone had a great Easter!

10 pax with an FNG came to Old school Saturday. Mumble chatter was good.

11s at the courthouse

route 66 bobby hurleys

route 66 back mike tysons and lunges.

four corners at the court house then some squats in various areas.

Mini Dora was a dumb idea so we changed it to regular dora

Time to name the FNG.

Banker named Matt joking about the wells fargo heist and Frieght popped out Velvet Elvis and well how do you move on from such a great name.

So welcome Velvet Elvis he even has his own VElvis moves.  E.H.’d by Sargento

Prayers for those in need

The Bed Pan is Full.

New Guy

It was great to See Gearwrench EH an FNG. Even Better when I found out he was from Ranlo.

disclaimer, warm up explained the three Fs.


5bigboys per light.

triangle, 20, shoulder taps, 20 squats, 20 LBC’s. repeated this a few times to make sure we got it right.

To the flag, Pledge and then 5 core principles of F3.

More work,

back to the tennis courts for some Dora 1, 2, 3,

Hillbillys, Mtn climbers, Calf raises which recieved a unique hand gesture later that evening on Group Me by a certain Pax.

Finished with some Mary and naming of the new Pax.

Welcome Boondock.

Announcements 2nd F lunch today at Bad Daddys.

The BedPan is Full!


Subbing for Sarlacc

Leap year has come again. Seems like it was only a few years ago.

Made some comments about this day during the warm up.

Then we took a mosey down to the back side of folsom via the trail

Bear crawls and Pony boy came by like a wild Cheeta who knew he could move like that.

onto some dips Derkins and step ups. way up at the top Ball field I believe Life Alert asked how many ball fields were at Folsom and Pony Boy quickly says “seven ” then laughs cause it is only two.

Route 66 with some Latners or what is the name oh yeah Bobby Hurleys.

Next we did some (Total recall) Triple Nipple/Nickle the debate was as always how many do we do here?..

If you have not seen the movie it’s worth it just for the three boobs seen.

CDD’s  and Burpees at the top.

we finished with some Flutters and Mary. I added a few high knees and butt kickers for the heck of it.

Oh and Yes Sarlacc for you We Picked some Cherries!

The Bed Pan is Full!


Head on a swivel

Weather today was nice windy but nice.

Purple Haze, Slaw , and Broke were almost taken out by Ann while she was rollin down the road this morning.

I guess some people find it hard to see Neon Lights  and head lamps.


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