Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Bandit (Page 7 of 12)

GasHouse Delight

3 PAX posted early (for a Saturday) at The Gashouse for Monk’s 3F lesson from John 21 on some very #HIM for sure. As we wrapped up our lesson, four more joined to make us an even 7 (again – math hard for Bandit). Numbers today were certainly down as most of the regulars were running the Community Foundation Run in downtown Gastonia. According to Stroganoff’s BB, they had about 20 guys there participating or helping in some way.

Ok… it’s 0700. Here we go!


  • I am not a professional
  • You are participating at your own risk
  • You are responsible for your own well-being
  • You are here voluntarily, and you are not paying to be here
  • Know your limits and do the best you can


  • SSH x20 IC
  • Mericans x10 IC
  • Low Slow Squat x20 IC
  • Toy Soldier x10 IC
  • Body Builders x10 IC (8 count)
  • Stretch.
  • Rinse and Repeat 3 times.

Mosey to the flag for the Pledge.

Mosey to school and 1 lap around the track.

Next exercise is the Merican Suicide Ladder. Starting at goal line, run to 25 yard line area and back then complete 5 Mericans. Do this 6 times. Rinse and repeat 3 times, increasing reps by 5.

Mosey to courtyard for some Dora 1,2,3. with Mericans, LBC, and Squats. PAX partner up. P1 does AMRAP while P2 runs up stairs and back. Flapjack until team reaches combined number of reps.

Mosey to bottom of hill by baseball field. Elevens up and down hill. Start at bottom. 1 LBC. Sprint to top. 10 Burpees Burps. Bear Crawl hands first feet first to bottom. 2/9,3/8,…

Next we mosey back to the parking lot for a little Mary. My clock says only 1 minute left. Most are waiting for the church bells to ring. But with time on the clock, we must press on! First is the dying cockroach IC x 20. Still waiting for the bells, YHC calls the final excercise… BURPEES… AMRAP until the bells ring. OK… something must be wrong with my watch, the bells, something…. still doing burpees. FINALLY… the bells ring! STRONG WORK PAX!!!

Stormy Weather, The Sequel

Of course, since YHC has the Q at the TheStorm, the forecast calls for 65% chance of rain at 0500. Last time I Q’d TheStorm we had another downpour and I tried to keep the PAX somewhat dry.  Since the temperature was expected to be about 58 deg, we are going to just ignore the rain and plan a regular workout. #NoCantores.

Ok… 0530.  No FNGs.  Start with full disclaimer (because we should).


  • I am not a professional
  • You are participating at your own risk
  • You are responsible for your own well-being
  • You are here voluntarily, and you are not paying to be here
  • Know your limits and do the best you can


Warm Up

Regardless of the rain, since Jobu was gracious enough to unlock the gates to the “playground” early, we hit the track for a warm up lap.  Finish at 50 yard line and circle up.

Next we continue our warm up with the following exercises…

  • Mericans x10 IC
  • Low Slow Squat x10 IC
  • Toy Soldier x10 IC
  • Body Builders x10 IC (8 count)

Stretch. Rinse and Repeat 5 times.  Thanks to the PAX for keeping me straight and not skipping the Toy Soldiers.  After the first round, YHC figured out how to count Body Builders.  I got this!

The Thang

Next exercise is the Merican Suicide Ladder.  Starting at goal line, run to 25 yard line and back then complete 5 Mericans.  Do this 6 times.  Rinse and repeat 3 times, increasing reps by 5.  Third time we modified and replaced Mericans with CDDs.

Mosey to bleachers.  Run up and down stairways.  Finish at top center of bleachers.

Next exercise is the Modified Lazy Dora 1,2,3.  Partner up. P1 does AMRAP while P2 planks. Flapjack until team reaches combined number of reps.

  • Mericans x50
  • LBC x100
  • Squats x1500


Wrap Up

We finished the last set at 0615.  So we skipped the “Mosey back to the parking lot” and hit Namorama, COT, BOM right there.

Enjoyed the fellowship of the small group today.  Glad to be here!


Has Anybody Got A Dime?

Had YHC known today was going to movie quote day, I would have studied up. Instead, coming off the short term DL, I was focused on creating a non-running workout for the #Downtown PAX. Wanted to make sure E4 could get out here with that bum knee. But what’s that you say? Bandit…, non-running…, most would argue impossible, read more and find out for yourself.

After our brief disclaimer (not a professional, you are here on your own choosing, its probably smarter for you to just go home know, but if you are staying…do what you can do), and some real-world advice from Whoopee, we start with our warm up…

  • Side Straddle Hop x20 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x20 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x40 IC
  • Peter Parkers x20 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x20 IC

The Thang
To be totally transparent, today’s workout was a copy of a running-focused workout I stole from Whoopee a few months ago. So instead of running between a bunch of banks and doing ATMS… the running was switched out today with lunge walks and bear crawls.

  • Lunge-walk around the Pavilion…LBC x30, x20, x10
  • Lunge-walk around the Pavilion (switch to Bear Crawl if needed)… Peter Parkers x20, x15, x10
  • Alternate Lunge-walk/Bear Crawl around the Pavilion x2…Plank-O-Rama
  • At this point mumble chatter was almost at zero.  Roscoe, YHC and and others helped to energize the PAX with some favorite movie quotes.  Blazing Saddles, Raising Arizona, others???
  • Alternate Lunge-walk/Bear Crawl around the Pavilion x2… Russia Twists x20, x15. Dying Cockroach (of course) x20, x10
  • So if your money was not on YHC to lead a running-free workout, congratulations.. you win. Our last excercise was a 4 lap mosey around the Pavilion until time ran out.

Finished up with Pledge of Allegiance, COT/Namorama & BOM

Enjoyed cofferama at Starbucks with Hush Puppy, Monk, E4 and Whoopee.  Looking forward to spending more time with these guys… talk about some 2F activities like baseball games (Knights, Grizzlies), movie time and planetarium (F3 Dads), and some sport shooting.

Please keep the following in your prayers…

  • Monk… as their family travels to Florida for spring break
  • DaVinci’s mother in law… will be having surgery to remove a tumor from her arm.
  • Stroganoff and family with the news of Janet’s father’s cancer diagnosis.
  • Outhouse’s family… as they move forward after the loss of his mother.


Oh, How We Rationalize!

14 PAX posted early Saturday as we kicked off our GasHouse bible study with “the beginning.” The creation story instructs us to become wise by doing what Adam does: “tilling, naming, and cleaving,” that is, by working, speaking honestly, and building relationships.

Genesis 2:5 says there were no plants or herbs in the field, which sounds strange because God had already created everything. But Genesis 2:5 continues by explaining that there were no plants or herbs in the field because God had not sent rain and there was no man to till the ground. So perhaps verse 5 is telling us that there was nothing yet in existence that God and man created together.

What does Adam do in Genesis 2? Till the soil, name the animals, cleave to Eve in marriage.

Tilling: God provides rain, man provides labor, and there is food. “Tilling” might also represent all the other work people do: manufacturing, service, and so on … with all that God provides.

Naming: God creates the animals, man recognizes their “goodness” (Genesis 1), they are “named” as good for plowing, for food, and so on. “Naming” might also represent all the other things we discover: raw materials to make things, scientific research to learn how to heal the body, the moral law to live wisely, and the ability to speak truly and honestly.

Cleaving: God creates masculinity and femininity, men and women marry, a new family exists. “Cleaving” might also represent other kinds of relationships: business, social, and so on.

We become wise when we work, speak honestly, and build relationships according to God’s wisdom. Watch how it falls apart when Adam and Eve do not! “Naming” is the first to go: Serpent speaks dishonestly and Eve thinks unclearly (Gain wisdom from eating? really?). Adam incriminates himself (“I was naked”) and blames Eve. Eve claims she heard it from a talking snake (God: Sorry, didn’t make one of those.) Then “cleaving” becomes complicated. Adam’s “tilling” becomes unproductive, and Eve’s “labor” painful and dangerous.

God has mercy in the end: leather clothes to replace the leaves. They continue to live, work, discover the goodness of God’s world, build relationships, and seek God’s wisdom.

PAX continued the discussion: Interesting to read Genesis 1-3 as a story about seeking wisdom. Oh how we rationalize!

Thanks for your attention men! Looking forward to our sharing more of God’s wisdom.

– Monk

Accelerate For Impact

Since YHC picked up the Q for today at 2200 the night before, I was winging it all the way this morning.  This group of 8 die hards hit the pavement for an early morning down painment!

Warm Up

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Don Quioxte x 20 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 20 IC
  • But Kickers OYO for a while

The Running

First run was about 1.5 miles, mostly through the parking lot and eventually out the lower entrance and up the hill to the Eye Of The Storm (aka “Artwork”).

We stopped for a little Mary around the circle…  PAX on their six, shoulder to shoulder, for some LBCs while #AcceleratingMan on the right made lap around the art.  Then next man, etc… until everyone made one lap.  Probably about 150 LBCs.

Next we took a little breather and talked about #Acceleration, often conjuring the image of high speed. However, acceleration is simply #Movement that is marginally faster today than it was yesterday.  It means each day we can do something to be faster (or better) than we were yesterday. Acceleration is movement towards achieving a goal.

We also talked about #Impact, or forcible contact to strong effect.  Where can you make an impact? Are you accelerating? After pondering these deep thoughts for a few minutes, it was back to the grind.  It’s a running workout, right?  Let’s accelerate.

For the next segment we head down hill back towards the lower entrance.  To keep things in sync with the 6, we began to loop back every other light post to keep the PAX close.  We then headed up to the top of the parking lot and around for the final loop.

Total distance today was 2.56 miles.

With 8 minutes left, we attempt to finish up with some Mary (People’s Choice)…

  • Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
  • Freddie Mercuries x 15 IC
  • Side Crunches, Left x 10, Right x10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
  • Hello Dollies x 15 IC
  • ‘Mericans x 15 IC
  • LBC x 15 IC
  • Dying Cockroaches x 15 IC

OK… still just under a minute, so 10 BOYO.

JK2 with the reminder to get the Pledge of Allegiance.

And, uh….Disclaimer? (yes… a bit late I know).


  • Prayers for Outhouse and his family with the loss of his mother yesterday.
  • Check email blast for upcoming events.
  • Finished with a COT.

Hey Spiderman…Where’s The Hat?

Warm up:
Side Straddle Hops: 20
Muroccan Night Clubs: 40
PeterParker: 10
LBCs: 10
Merkins: 10

4 corners:   Lunge straights,  Burpie corners
4 corners:   WallCrawler (bear crawl switching directions) straights, 10 dying cockroach (spiderman falling) corners

Parking Garage: (Grab the loot, Bricks)
Deck Runs  x 2
1st Floor – 10 Burpies
2nd Floor – 20 Merkins
3rd Floor – 30 Squat & Shoulder Press
4th Floor – 40 Flutter Kicks

Elevens – Merkins and Squat Brick Press between Pavilion and Main Ave


Run For Cover

Weather report called for rain.  So pulling from one of Whoopee’s recent backblasts, YHC attempted to orchestrate a semi-dry WO by keeping the PAX mostly under cover.  Turns out, the deluge held off so we didn’t really need the cover so much.  Regardless… we pushed on as planned (well, mostly).

Warm Up

  • Side Straddle Hop x30 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x20 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x40 IC
  • Peter Parkers x20 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x20 IC

Mosey to the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance

The Thang

  • Mosey to and 4x around Park Sterling Bank lot to cover…LBC x30, x20, x10
  • Mosey to and 4x around Bank of America lot… Peter Parkers x20, x15, x10
  • Mosey to and 4x around Fidelity Bank lot…Plank-O-Rama
  • Mosey to the parking lot formerly known as Harris Teeter under cover… Russia Twists x20, x15, x10
  • Mosey to cover…Dying Cockroach (What do you call Omaha when know one knows you Omaha’d?)

Baby Dora 1-2-3… 50 ‘Mericans, 100 LBC, 150 Squats (Another one of those silent Omaha’s)

Mosey back to Park sterling Bank and around lot to cover.

People’s Choice (as best I can recall)

  • Bandit – Dying Cockroach x15 IC
  • Monk – “ugh… you’ll need to come back to me”
  • Stroganoff – Flutter Kicks x1,000,000 IC or something like that (was probably 40)
  • Monk – YHC has no clue what we did here. But it didn’t suck as much as the Flutter Kicks.
  • Whoopee – Gorilla Humpers x20 IC
  • JK2 – Merkins x15 IC
  • Spiderman – 10 Burpees OYO (although Whoopee challenge’s this – might have been JK2)
  • Squeeker – Imperial Walkers x20 IC

COT, BOM & NamoramaOnTheRun

Announcements & Prayer Requests

  • Word of the week is “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” Matthew 5:7.  In other words… if someone is struggling, carry their cross for them.  Reach out and help someone in need.
  • Keep Outhouse’s mom and their family in our prayers.  Also one of Monk’s students that had to leave school.
  • Sorry if I left anything out.


Gastonia Leadership Team

F3Gastonia region holds an advisory board meeting each month which is open to anyone.  Watch Twitter and weekly email blasts for dates.  The following leadership structure was revised on April 18, 2016.

Leadership Team

  • Nantan (Whoopee) – The is the cultural and spiritual leader of the region.  He is the CEO.
  • Weasel Shaker/COMZ Q (Bandit) – This is the spreadsheeting guy who ensures details are not overlooked.  He is the COO.  As COMZ Q is also responsible for weekly email blast and other things technical related.
  • FirstF Q (Dolph/Freight) – Responsible for leading and coordinating the overall Fitness program
  • SecondF Q (Godfather) – Responsible for leading and coordinating the overall Fellowship program
  • ThirdF Q (Monk) – Responsible for leading and coordinating the overall Faith program
  • Community Outreach Q (Stroganoff) – Responsible for leading and coordinating community service and outreach activities.
  • F3Dads Q (JK2) – Responsible for leading and coordinating activities for Dads and 2.0s for our region.
  • Twitter Q (Godfather/BA) – Posts weekly schedule and pre-blasts on the Twitter machine.
  • Facebook Q (Spiderman) – We are not doing this yet, but basically want to post the same Twitter stuff on Facebook
  • ShovelFlag Maker (Brownstreak/Bandit) – Makes/engraves our shovel flags.
  • Facilities (Stroganoff) – Will reserve/coordinate facilities for events as needed.

Site Qs

Site Qs have the overall responsibility for each of our AOs. Ready to Q a workout?  Please contact the site Q for that AO and they will get you on the Q schedule. Our site Qs are listed on the Gastonia region schedule.

If you have input of questions in any of these areas feel free to contact the Q directly or join our monthly meeting.


2016 Blue Ridge Relay – Gastonia Preblast

2016 Blue Ridge Relay Information Session
If you are interested in running in the 2016 Blue Ridge Relay (BRR), we need to get a list of seriously interested PAX. I’d like to get a team of 9-12 solid commitments before we register for the race. This preblast should answer any questions or give you info on where to get answers. Mayor has secured a van (possibly 2) so that should reduce the cost significantly. Basically, the cost is registration plus gas, food, and various supplies (see below) and should be around $200 per person if you are careful.

Your solid commitment consists of emailing Whoopee and promising to bring $100 to a workout sometime in the next 4 weeks.

WHOOPEE CAN HELP WITH THE COST IF THAT IS AN ISSUE. I would really like to have Gastonia represented so it is worth it to me to put in a little extra $$.

Blue Ridge Relay – Event Info
Who: YOU. Can I do this? Yes. Anyone who posts to regular F3 workouts & can run a 10k can be comfortable on a 12 man team. If you’re not confident that you’re ready now, keep posting and you will be by September.

What: The Blue Ridge Relay (BRR) is a 209-mile relay race along the Blue Ridge mountains that offers a near-perfect combination of 1st F, 2nd F, & CSAUP. The race is split into 36 predetermined legs of varying distances (2 to 10 miles) and difficulty levels (Easy to Mountain Goat Hard). For a 12-person team, the average total distance is 16.6 miles spread over 3 legs (it’s like running three 10k’s in a day). Average is just average though – some legs are longer and some are shorter. Teams travel along the race course in vans, picking up and dropping off runners at the beginning and end of each leg.

When: September 9 – 10, 2016
Race starts on a Friday morning (starting times are staggered and vary from 7am-11am) and ends on Saturday afternoon.

Where: Begins in Grayson Highlands State Park in southwestern VA and ending in downtown Asheville, NC

How Much?: $1300 per team entry fee (roughly $110 per person)
Additional per person cost for van rental, gas, food, and supplies TBD

Why: CSAUP… enough said!

Additional Info
What if I hard commit now and need to bail later? Team rosters have to be finalized prior to August 1st. So…If it’s prior to August 1st: No problem. Just find a replacement, have him reimburse you your entry fee & let your team captain know ASAP. If it’s after August 1st: Still no problem. Find a replacement, have him reimburse you your $100 entry fee & let your team captain know asap. Note that a $10 roster change fee will apply.

Who’s Q’ing this event? Whoopee is Qing this event for F3 GasHouse.

I’ve heard from many F3 PAX this is THE BEST CSAUP EVENT EVER!!!!!

Links to Even More Info
2015 F3 Nation CSAUP Website:
BRR Event Website:


The Machine

Six faithful posted Downtown.  Here is what happened.

Warm up

  • SSH
  • Toy Soldier
  • Don Quioxte
  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers

The Thang

Mosey to outside parking lot at the Gastonia Conference Center garage.

Elevens w/ Merkins and LBCs with 40 yard sprints across parking lot.

Mosey to find Spiderman and Whoopee (who had an uncontrollable uneasy feeling that someone was bird-dogging our unprotected cars awaiting an opportunity to take advantage).

Eleven’s w/ Burpee’s and LBC’s with 75 yard sprints from Pavilion to W.Main Ave.

Pledge (thanks for the reminder Whoopee)

Seven Minutes of Mary (well kind of) – People’s Choice

  • Dying Cockroach (Bandit)
  • Flutter kicks (Stroganoff)
  • Sprint to top fire escape (Outhouse)
  • Mountain Climbers (Spiderman)
  • LBC (Linus)
  • Merkins (Whoopee)

Don’t recall all the details, but we started another round and definitely hit the fire escape one last time.

We wrapped up with Name-O-Rama, COT and BOM.


  • YETI is February 20.  Come route on Defib, Brownstreak, Whoopee and Dolph!
  • Lincolnton launching in spring. Gastonia has offered to help lead workouts and post to support.
  • Happy Hour is February 23.  Last Tuesday at Mayworth’s
  • Spiderman’s hat is the hot new fashion!  Not yet available at, but maybe one day.


  • Dustin’s test results came back again – all clean!
  • Outhouse’s mom for her cancer treatments.


As we circled up for 7MOM Friday morning, I mentioned that the logo we surrounded reminds us that we are all cogs in the gears that drive the Big Ball.  I am not a Rotarian (nor a mechanical engineer) and must admit I was unaware of the history or meaning of the Rotary Wheel emblem which is the centerpiece of the Rotary Centennial Pavilion where we workout in downtown Gastonia each Friday.  Stroganoff (an actual Rotarian) suggested I should write that idea down.  So with a little more thought and research, here it is…

First, a little history… A quick search on the Google machine revealed that a wheel has been the symbol of Rotary since their earliest days, early on as a simple wagon wheel.  The Rotary Wheel is said to illustrate “Civilization and Movement”.  In 1922, it was decided that all Rotary clubs should adopt a single design. So in the early 1920s, the present gear wheel, with 24 cogs and six spokes was adopted.  However, a group of engineers advised that the geared wheel was mechanically unsound and would not work without a “keyway” in the center of the gear to attach it to a power shaft. So, in 1923 the keyway was added and was formally adopted as the official Rotary International emblem.

In mechanical engineering, a gear is a rotating machine part having cogs which mesh with another toothed part (often other gears) to transmit torque. Like a clock or other complex machine, many gears may work together to produce some desired outcome (maybe to invigorate male leadership is our communities). If the cogs are worn or broken, the machine may run poorly or perhaps stop altogether, sometimes damaging other cogs.

But by itself, a gear does nothing. It requires Movement. In our lives, Movement occurs through Individual Initiative. It takes a man saying, “today I am going to do something to be better” and then to follow through and actually do that thing.  It might be posting to a workout to physically challenge yourself.  It might be volunteering to serve others in your community.  It might be making a hard decision at work.  It might be reaching out to someone in trouble or in need, or holding others accountable.  It might be putting work aside to spend time with your family.

Now just as the engineers noted with the Rotary Wheel, the gear which has no keyway to lock it to the shaft will not spin. This gear cannot be transfer the torque to other areas of the machine and provides no benefit to the machine.  F3 provides us with a key to lock our individual initiative together with other men for a common purpose.

The interactions we have with others in our daily lives resemble how the cogs come together between the gears and drive the machine.  If we are worn or broken cogs, we have limited or no capacity to impact others around us. In severe cases, we can break other parts of the machine. By surrounding ourselves with other HIM, we continuously sharpen and hone ourselves (and our brothers) to keep the cogs in good working order.  Only then can we use the machine to invigorate male leadership in our community.

As always, I appreciate the opportunity to lead and be led by my brothers… to sharpen my skills… to help one small gear drive The Machine.




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