Werk was done, SA wasnt there, Stogie left early, Gearwrench took his shirt off.
Ball Joint
Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
Werk was done, SA wasnt there, Stogie left early, Gearwrench took his shirt off.
Ball Joint
“If you dont Behave as you Believe or you will end up Believing as you behave. ”
Fulton J. Sheen
Someone said (Gearwrench) if you don’t like the workouts then signup and Q one your self. OK Cool sign me up!
5:30 lets go!
Warm up: SSH, Gravel pickers, right over left stretchy things, ok let’s go!
Thang 1: Every light pole 5 Mike Tysons, 25 mtn climbers, 25 hammers. Pledge at the flag.
Thang 2: We preformed the Famous Sheldon Cooper. 10 burpees, 10 squats, 10 merkins, 10 big boys. Run a lap around the parking lot. 9 burpees, 9 squats, 9 merkins, 9 bigboys etc…. Just enough time to mosey back to shovel flag, stopping to do 5 Mike Tysons at each pole on the way back down.
2nd F lunch April 19th Papas and Beer in Dallas
HC for the White Water Center Trail Relay Run (May 19/20) see Balljoint/Bos/Flintstone
June 3rd is Family Bike ride/lunch/arcade musuem in Forest City. more details to come
Rachets 2.0
Kelly Byrd
always a pleasure to lead you HIM!
Ball Joint
Good Moring Folsom! For those of you that didn’t want to see the Douche vs Q show , I got you covered ! Lets get to it.
Short disclaimer as we did have a FNG, good job Gearwrench, normal warm up stuff, ok lets go!
Simple Folsom stuff today, at every light pole 5 perfect form Merkins, 20 MTN climbers, 20 American Hammers. we made our way up to the gravel road on the right that goes to the riding ring. There is a nice unfinished fence perfect for some pull ups! Dirty 11s! Pullups and bigboys….stop in the middle and do 5 jungle boy squats. This very simple set of exercises was a smoker. everyone pushed and got it done. we lined up and did a burpee Indian run back down to the flag. We even and a little marching song thinks to Spakle!
At the flag we circled up and counted off for some ultimate Frisbee! I bought jerseys and everything. the last 25 minutes we tossed the disc around. burpees and squats every time there were a possession change. my team sucked we lost like 9 to 1.
2nd F lunch Wednesday 22nd at JR Cash
April 1st Community Foundation run
HC for White water center relay to Flintstone by end of the month
Rachet 2.0
Hayes Family
Barnett Family
Arrowood Family
Volt 2.0
Clavins M
Pilgrams Progress/family
Ez Rider 2.0
You don’t have to have elaborate wienkes and flashy stuff all the time. KISS — keep it simple stupid! Sometimes that’s the way to go!
Ball Joint
Welcome Shoe Laces! Heck a defensive frisbiee player! hope you come back out!
For some reason 2 Dallas boys got thrown together to fight it out at the 1st round of Q vs Q in Dallas! Wirenut had home field advantage, but I was seeded higher (just barley 7 vs 8) so I figured I’d let him go first! Wirenut always has tough workouts, usually with block or sandbags or something so I figured I would do something not the same as that. I actually had 2 things planed depending on the amount of pax and the weather conditions. I also know this was a game and I was going to use everything at my disposal to win…everything is fair and love and war!
Flintstone gives us instructions and off we go! Wirenut does the normal warm up stuff and then pops open the back of the f150 and everyone grabs a coupon. most are cinder blocks but there are a few sandbags too . The Punisher!. everyone started at one end of the narrow parking lot and did 5 burpees to start, Lunge walk to next station 5 burpees and rows, then mosey to next station and 5 burpees 10handrelease merkins, mosey to next station 5 burpees and 10 jump squats. then make a lap around the parking lot back to the start and do it again. This went on till Omaha was called then we switch to Dora 2 rounds of each Thrusters, Curls, and Triceps extensions while partner 2 ran. at 730 the bell rang!
Based on Pax count and condition of the field I choose wenkie #2…Ok let get outta here mosey this way. We had a big crowd so at every major intersection we stopped and did plank jacks till the 6 showed up. Remember leave on man behind! We moseyed in this manner until we got to the big church parking lot across Trade street. Now we got some room to spread out and get some work done! First exercise called was 11s Booyah Merkins w/ your partner and big boy sit-ups on either end of the lot. Everyone pushed through this and the FNG was digging hard we all helped him finish. Next up was to in honor of my buddy SA who did even bother to show up. Route 66 Mike Tysons Bear Crawl between the parking spaces. The lot was a little short so it ended up being route 36 instead. Time was running down so we did some Mary. Circled up and I let the pax with the most post call the exercise. Dr. Suess called Flutters, next was Def Leopard w/ LBCs. Time to get back to the start, we moseyed back across Trade St. (that was sketchy) and made it back in time for Slaw to call kraken burpees. Thanks Slaw you bat flipper.
Flintstone started passing out the voting papers, I ran to the Station Wagon ..yes I drove my 1984 mercury woodgrain wagon race/street car .. I figured a cool car couldn’t hurt . I had refreshments for the pax as they did there voting witch I’m sure had no effect on the actual voting. Maybe. When it was all said and done it was close,
Ball Joint 15
Wirenut 12
Freight and Stogie both got some votes and i think mickey mouse did too.
2nd F lunch Wednesday 22nd at JR Cash
April 1st Community Foundation run
HC for White water center relay to Flintstone by end of the month
Rachet 2.0
Hayes Family
Barnett Family
Arrowood Family
Volt 2.0
Clavins M
Pilgrams Progress/family
Ez Rider 2.0
Thank you Flintstone for setting this up! All 8 HIM in this challenge bring the heat and do it in there own kind of way, If you see these guys names on the Q schedule. Show up! Thank you Men for thinking enough of me to put my name on that list. Yall come out to Downtown Friday me and Shortsale are gonna play beer pong and do keg stands!
Ball Joint
Welcome Little Trees! Way to hang in there…I hope you come back!
I really like to take Mondays off, but I’m trying to do better with #nevermissamonday as Flintstone so often reminds us, so I held up my hand to lead the Sword.
We had a few ruckers and some runners on a pretty nice morning to get some miles in.
we all circled up at 6 to hear the word.
Start off with little Song Triva. What song by Kansas made it up to 6th on the billboard charts in the spring of 1977? Dust in the Wind….and why is this relevant? Well, this week starts Lent, which is kicked off on Ash Wednesday. God reminds us that we are Dust and to Dust you shall return. Genesis 3:19 During the 40 days of Lent we are to adorn our sack cloths and sit in ashes to repent of our sins and be ready for the glorious Sunday Morning when we run to the tomb and see that he as truly risen, and all our sins are forgiven!
Ball Joint
Pushing rocks, yeah thats cool, I guess. Concrete blocks for coupons, ahh, kinda boring. But here at the Folsom Raceway we push Trucks and Sling Brake Rotors son!
Ok with Flintstone’s Rock Pushing Challange in full effect, we are having record turnouts ! People are Posting, going to Q source, losing weight, and just getting better! To tie in to that at the 2nd Annual Winter Nationals we decided to have every Rockpushing team to come and see who was really pushing the hardest!
6:30 hits and we have 60!!! I said 60 HIM on the property ready to do battle! It was kind of like herding cats, but Flintstone got all the teams sorted out, at that point I turned it over to the Nantan to warm us up! Normal stuff SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbillys, Merkins, etc.. Ok time for the good Stuff!
We mosey across the park to the now Famous Folsom Raceway!
I had a awesome crew running the staging lanes. Rachet, Montross, Huck, and Big Pappy we all responsible for Race Operations. The Idea here is simple, two teams, two trucks one winner! Each 5 man team picked a driver the other 4 pushed. It was a Flashlight start by Montross and Big Pappy calling the finish line.
It was a double elimination bracket, so there was a lot of racing the whole hour. While the teams waited on their turn to race we had some work set up to keep everyone warmed up and ready to go. We had Super Dora! Exercise, static hold, and a lap. Burpees, plank, run. other exercises merkins, squats, MNC, Flutters, and others. But the big hit was the Rotors! 20 curls, triceps, rows, overhead press, chest press, then run a lap. Come back and do 19, then 18, etc.. All the groups had a turn at each!
In the Final round it was Team Bedpan vs Team Doodles with Team Bed Pan taking the win!
Good Work MEN! I don’t know if 60 is a record but that’s the most I have ever seen at a Convergence in my short time here!
Rachet’s 2.0
Tooth Fariy 2.0
Breaker Breaker/family
Boudians 2.0
Roundups new 2.0
Tirmites brother
Calvins M
I think there were more. Everyone has something going on Reach out to your Brothers and just asking them how they are doing, it can mean a lot!
2nd F Lunch Fat Tuesday 21st @ Venenica (old Shoguns on Garrison)
Viking Dash Feb 25th At Poston
Extinction Run Primal Brewery March 4th 9am
Q vs Q Challange coming up in March
Please standby for a word from our sponsor —–
If you need some extra zing in the morning, try Woke AF…because if your going to be Woke..might as well be AF! The Official Pre-Workout of the Folsom Winter Nationals!
Moleskin: Thank you to the SLT for letting me run with this! I did this last year on my 1 year anniversary Q and 20 men showed up! I was worried how it was going to go with so many but I feel like it was a success! Thanks again to Montross, Huck, Rachet, and Big Pappy for running the show! I cannot wait till the Next event at Folsom Raceway Park! Stay tuned…
And Welcome Cheeze Wiz!!
Thank for letting me lead!
Ball Joint
When I first heard about the ghost flag I was intrigued! I heard tales of frozen Shelby convergences and trans regional rivalry’s! Apparently this used to be a big deal! So I started doing some Twitter research to figure out where this thing was. I tracked it down to the Statesville region back in April 2022, things happened and my plan to get the Flag never really got off the ground. Fast forward to January ’23, with my newfound position as 2nd F Q I thought now was the time to go get this thing! I reached out to KnarlyGoat and he said it was still in his garage! We made it to Downtown Statesville with about 15 minutes to spare and quickly found out that we were 1 hour late to a local Army vs Navy 2 hour CASUP. No worries we jumped right in! The order to grab the shovel Flags and let’s mosey was given I grabbed the Ghost Flag and We were off! I was a pretty good work out, we did some sandbag work, we marched in Caidance, ran up a big hill and finally at the end did a couple merkins and maybe a Burpee or 2. The Navy won the Casup , but the real winners were The Gashouse Clowncar as we came home with the Ghost Flag. Thank you, HIM for coming with me! Special shout out to F3 Goodwrench (Danny Barker) for coming across the lake to hang out with us as well. Now lets see how long we keep it this time!
Ball Joint
Saturday! Saturday! Saturday! well not this Saturday BUT THE NEXT! FEBURARY 11TH! The return of the Folsom Winter Nationals! Our 1st Quarter Convergence will be held at the now Famous Folsom Raceway! All other AOs will be closed for this spectacular event! Gather up you rock pushing teams (not on a rock pushing team no worries! We will assign you to one for the day) and lets see who can out run who in a winner take all no prep street race. 2 identically prepared trucks will be on hand for the teams to push as fast as they can across the finish line! 6:30 start time! we will run until the final pair runs and champion decided! (shouldn’t be any later then 8) Coffeterria to follow. BE THERE!!!!!!
GearWrench, still on IR from the 50miler, sent out a text for someone to grab the shovel flag for Today, and he needed a Q too. So I figured I’d just handle both. I had mentioned to SA that we could Co Q it, and he quickly found himself a headache and said he probably wouldn’t be there, and I would have to do it myself. Ok Dbag whatever. So sitting on my porcelain throne this Mourning trying to figure out what we are going to do…I thought what would SA do??? Mike Tysons, Imperial walker squats, some burpees…I’m sure yall have seen the lackluster display of new thoughts in his brain. So, In honor of The Canoe I interduce to you the Douchebag Hwy!
Warmup: SSH, GravelPickers, Rightoverleft streachy things, Toysoldiers.
Thang: The Douchebag HWY: Basically just 4 different route 66s with different modes of transportation. Up First Burpees and Broad Jumps, when everyone was done picking up the 6 we fellowship moseyed back to the start. Next Mike Tysons and Bear Crawls. Next Imperial Walker Squats and Lunge walk. Lastly Crunchy Frogs(4 count) and Crab walks.
Thang 2: We finished up with some Dora w/blocks. 150 curls, 250 chest press, 300lbc. Most everyone got through the chest press and it was time.
2nd F lunch next Wednesday 25TH Hillbillys in Lowell
Ozark neice
Montross Friends Mom
F3 Cardinal/family
Dale Mortons family
Awesome crowd today at Folsom! Everyone pushed hard, and mumblechatter was excelent
and we all got a little better! AYE!!
Ball Joint
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