Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 20, 2024

The Coliseum is Back in Action

Another glorious Carolina morning, and on the longest day of the year the sun was near to rising even as the Brothers of the Gloom assembled at The Goat. Warmups began, as required per F3 Core Principles, with side-straddle hops followed by Abe Vigoda’s (with enhanced audio by the over-50 pax). Grass-grabbers, those elbow-stretchy things, and the Arm Circle Circuit (LBAC forward, LBAC back, Seal claps and Ray Lewis Overhead claps). Finally right and left hand-high yoga stretches.

Mosey up the hill to the Stop sign with10 Merkins and 10 LBCs at each power pole. Do you know how many power poles there are to the Stop sign? More than Goose expected. :-).

Beyond the Stop sign lay The Coliseum. Steps Ups, Tricep Dips, Calf Raises and then the Bleacher Burn Relay for 15 reps. Cheesesteak was fresh off a 50# ruck up Crowder Mountain and Baywatch is too young and athletic for his body to produce any lactic acid at all so they were skipping their way up the bleachers, but I know I felt the burn.

And then we were done. Mosey back to the lot and close out. Thanks for the privilege of leading.

Fourth of July festivities and a race in Belmont on the Fourth.
Second F at The Station in Belmont Friday night 530pm
Today is World FSHD Awareness Day
Virus’ 36th Wedding Anniversary.

Farming At Folsom

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, Hillbillys, Moroccan Nigh Clubs, and Overhead claps
THE THANG: This was another variation of my Farmers Workout:  Each PAX took a turn to run the the “course of chores” which included the Chain Drag, Farmers Carry, Block Loading, and Tire Hammering. While the man was in the course the remaining PAX were back home doing work that was drawn out of the hat, SOME of that work included: Squats, Merkins, LBC’s, Jungle Boy Squats, Shoulder Taps and there were others! Oh yeah I forgot to mention that we also had “The Rock” (no not Duane) but our friend who weighs somewhere above the 50 lb range, the deal was that once the work started the rock couldn’t touch the ground or a 5 burpee penalty would be incurred. The Rock must be shared by all PAX! Did it hit the ground…? YES 2 times that MAY have been intentional (thanks @Pony Boy and @Bed Pan) As always I saw some areas for improvement and look forward to bringing another version of this out soon!
MARY: none
COT: Jason (BP’s friend), Gumby’s mother

Dry pub on the summer solstice

No alcohol served on the Sargento route.

Just sweat.
Beautiful sunrise though.

Unlike Star Trek all the red shirts returned safely.

Lightning workout July
Annihilation workouts coming up
Slaw and Gold Digger led respectively

Maybelline M
Maybelline coworker’s M
Barnes family
Others not mentioned

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