• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 06/18/2024
  • AO: Folsom
  • QIC: Bed Pan
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Wire nut, Pony boy, Gear Wrench, Tippman, Ball joint, West side, Sarlacc, Kapowski, Clutch, Radar, Stogie, Dr. Suess, Volt,

Warm Up,

Merkins, some stretches Oh is that Stogie rollin in a few minutes late? Turn and lets get some Monkey Humpers in Cadence.

I even heard from one the Pax say we all gave him the Brown Eye Stare.

Either way as always in Fun and a great way to get the mumble chatter going.

The ThanG:

Stadium Paladium: 5 Australian Mountain Climbers, 10 Big Boys , 20 Dips,

Repeat 5 times

Shelter : 10 Mike Tysons, 20 Step Ups, 30 HillBillys, sprint to the closest Fence for 50 Seal Jacks.

X5 on the last round we bear crawled vs Sprint.

Total Recall: Triple Nipple:

Peter Parkers then Parker Peters or was it the other way around.

We ran we pledged we werked.

Prayer request

Hall family, Wire Nuts Family, Turtel Man’s Family, my Friend Jason Black is Having Surgery today.

The Bed Pan is Full!